Git v1.7.0.1 Release Notes ========================== Fixes since v1.7.0 ------------------ * In a freshly created repository "rev-parse HEAD^0" complained that it is dangling symref, even though "rev-parse HEAD" didn't. * Message from "git cherry-pick" was harder to read and use than necessary when it stopped due to conflicting changes. * "git diff --output=/path/that/cannot/be/written" did not correctly error out. * "git grep -e -pattern-that-begin-with-dash paths..." could not be spelled as "git grep -- -pattern-that-begin-with-dash paths..." which would be a GNU way to use "--" as "end of options". * "git grep" compiled with threading support tried to access an uninitialized mutex on boxes with a single CPU. * "git stash pop -q --index" failed because the unnecessary --index option was propagated to "git stash drop" that is internally run at the end. -- exec >/var/tmp/1 echo O=$(git describe) O=v1.7.0-11-g354d9f8 git shortlog $O..