#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Copyright (c) 2006 Junio C Hamano # use strict; use Getopt::Long; my $topic_pattern = '??*/*'; my $base = 'next'; my @stage = qw(next pu); my @mark = ('.', '?', '-', '+'); my $all = 0; my $merges = 0; my @custom_stage; my @custom_mark; GetOptions("topic=s" => \$topic_pattern, "base=s" => \$base, "stage=s" => \@custom_stage, "mark=s" => \@custom_mark, "merges!" => \$merges, "all!" => \$all) or die; if (@custom_stage) { @stage = @custom_stage; } if (@custom_mark) { @mark = @custom_mark; } my @nomerges = $merges ? qw(--no-merges) : (); sub read_revs_short { my (@args) = @_; my @revs; open(REVS, '-|', qw(git rev-list), @nomerges, @args) or die; while () { chomp; push @revs, $_; } close(REVS); return @revs; } sub read_revs { my ($bottom, $top, $mask) = @_; my @revs; open(REVS, '-|', qw(git rev-list --pretty=oneline), @nomerges, "$bottom..$top") or die; while () { chomp; my ($sha1, $topic) = /^([0-9a-f]{40}) (.*)$/; push @revs, [$sha1, $topic, $mask]; } close(REVS); return @revs; } sub rebase_marker { my ($topic, $stage, $in_next) = @_; my @not_in_topic = read_revs_short('^master', "^$topic", "$stage"); # @$in_next is what is in $stage but not in $base. # @not_in_topic excludes what came from $topic from @$in_next. # $topic can be rebased if these two set matches, because # no commits in $topic has been merged to $stage yet. if (@not_in_topic != @$in_next) { # we cannot rebase it anymore return ' '; } if (read_revs_short('master', "^$topic")) { # there is something that is in master but not in topic. return '^'; } # topic is up to date. return '*'; } sub describe_topic { my ($topic) = @_; open(CONF, '-|', qw(git repo-config --get), "branch.$topic.description") or die; my $it = join('',); close(CONF); chomp($it); if ($it) { wrap_print(" $it"); } } my @in_next = read_revs_short('^master', $stage[0]); open(TOPIC, '-|', qw(git for-each-ref), '--sort=-authordate', '--format=%(objectname) %(authordate) %(refname)', "refs/heads/$topic_pattern") or die; my @topic = (); while () { chomp; my ($sha1, $date, $topic) = m|^([0-9a-f]{40})\s(.*?)\srefs/heads/(.+)$| or next; push @topic, [$sha1, $date, $topic]; } my @last_merge_to_next = (); for (@topic) { my ($sha1, $date, $topic) = @$_; my @revs = read_revs($base, $sha1, (1<<@stage)-1); next unless (@revs || $all); my %revs = map { $_->[0] => $_ } @revs; # fast index for (my $i = 0; $i < @stage; $i++) { for my $item (read_revs_short("^$stage[$i]", $sha1)) { if (exists $revs{$item}) { $revs{$item}[2] &= ~(1 << $i); } } } print '*' . rebase_marker($sha1, $stage[0], \@in_next); my $count = ""; if (1 < @revs) { $count = " " . (scalar @revs) . " commits"; } elsif (@revs) { $count = " 1 commit"; } print " $topic ($date)$count\n"; describe_topic($topic); for my $item (@revs) { my $mark = $item->[2]; if ($mark < @mark) { $mark = $mark[$mark]; } wrap_print("$mark $item->[1]"); } } sub wrap_print { my ($string) = @_; format STDOUT = ~^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $string ~~^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< $string . write; }