Your email address to be recorded in any newly created commits. Can be overridden by the `GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL`, `GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL`, and `EMAIL` environment variables. See linkgit:git-commit-tree[1]. Your full name to be recorded in any newly created commits. Can be overridden by the `GIT_AUTHOR_NAME` and `GIT_COMMITTER_NAME` environment variables. See linkgit:git-commit-tree[1]. user.useConfigOnly:: Instruct Git to avoid trying to guess defaults for `` and ``, and instead retrieve the values only from the configuration. For example, if you have multiple email addresses and would like to use a different one for each repository, then with this configuration option set to `true` in the global config along with a name, Git will prompt you to set up an email before making new commits in a newly cloned repository. Defaults to `false`. user.signingKey:: If linkgit:git-tag[1] or linkgit:git-commit[1] is not selecting the key you want it to automatically when creating a signed tag or commit, you can override the default selection with this variable. This option is passed unchanged to gpg's --local-user parameter, so you may specify a key using any method that gpg supports.