merge.conflictstyle:: Specify the style in which conflicted hunks are written out to working tree files upon merge. The default is "merge", which shows a `<<<<<<<` conflict marker, changes made by one side, a `=======` marker, changes made by the other side, and then a `>>>>>>>` marker. An alternate style, "diff3", adds a `|||||||` marker and the original text before the `=======` marker. merge.log:: In addition to branch names, populate the log message with at most the specified number of one-line descriptions from the actual commits that are being merged. Defaults to false, and true is a synoym for 20. merge.renameLimit:: The number of files to consider when performing rename detection during a merge; if not specified, defaults to the value of diff.renameLimit. merge.stat:: Whether to print the diffstat between ORIG_HEAD and the merge result at the end of the merge. True by default. merge.tool:: Controls which merge resolution program is used by linkgit:git-mergetool[1]. Valid built-in values are: "kdiff3", "tkdiff", "meld", "xxdiff", "emerge", "vimdiff", "gvimdiff", "diffuse", "ecmerge", "tortoisemerge", "p4merge", "araxis" and "opendiff". Any other value is treated is custom merge tool and there must be a corresponding mergetool..cmd option. merge.verbosity:: Controls the amount of output shown by the recursive merge strategy. Level 0 outputs nothing except a final error message if conflicts were detected. Level 1 outputs only conflicts, 2 outputs conflicts and file changes. Level 5 and above outputs debugging information. The default is level 2. Can be overridden by the 'GIT_MERGE_VERBOSITY' environment variable. Defines a human-readable name for a custom low-level merge driver. See linkgit:gitattributes[5] for details. merge..driver:: Defines the command that implements a custom low-level merge driver. See linkgit:gitattributes[5] for details. merge..recursive:: Names a low-level merge driver to be used when performing an internal merge between common ancestors. See linkgit:gitattributes[5] for details.