{ "show-ref", cmd_show_ref, RUN_SETUP },
{ "sparse-checkout", cmd_sparse_checkout, RUN_SETUP | NEED_WORK_TREE },
{ "stage", cmd_add, RUN_SETUP | NEED_WORK_TREE },
- /*
- * NEEDSWORK: Until the builtin stash is thoroughly robust and no
- * longer needs redirection to the stash shell script this is kept as
- * is, then should be changed to RUN_SETUP | NEED_WORK_TREE
- */
- { "stash", cmd_stash },
+ { "stash", cmd_stash, RUN_SETUP | NEED_WORK_TREE },
{ "status", cmd_status, RUN_SETUP | NEED_WORK_TREE },
{ "stripspace", cmd_stripspace },
{ "submodule--helper", cmd_submodule__helper, RUN_SETUP | SUPPORT_SUPER_PREFIX | NO_PARSEOPT },