test_description='pack index with 64-bit offsets and object CRC'
. ./test-lib.sh
-test_expect_success \
- 'setup' \
- 'rm -rf .git &&
+test_expect_success 'setup' '
+ test_oid_init &&
+ rawsz=$(test_oid rawsz) &&
+ rm -rf .git &&
git init &&
git config pack.threads 1 &&
i=1 &&
echo $tree &&
git ls-tree $tree | sed -e "s/.* \\([0-9a-f]*\\) .*/\\1/"
} >obj-list &&
- git update-ref HEAD $commit'
+ git update-ref HEAD $commit
test_expect_success \
'pack-objects with index version 1' \
offs_101=$(index_obj_offset 1.idx $sha1_101) &&
nr_099=$(index_obj_nr 1.idx $sha1_099) &&
chmod +w ".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.pack" &&
+ recordsz=$((rawsz + 4)) &&
dd of=".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.pack" seek=$(($offs_101 + 1)) \
if=".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.idx" \
- skip=$((4 + 256 * 4 + $nr_099 * 24)) \
- bs=1 count=20 conv=notrunc &&
+ skip=$((4 + 256 * 4 + $nr_099 * recordsz)) \
+ bs=1 count=$rawsz conv=notrunc &&
git cat-file blob $sha1_101 > file_101_foo1'
test_expect_success \
chmod +w ".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.pack" &&
dd of=".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.pack" seek=$(($offs_101 + 1)) \
if=".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.idx" \
- skip=$((8 + 256 * 4 + $nr_099 * 20)) \
- bs=1 count=20 conv=notrunc &&
+ skip=$((8 + 256 * 4 + $nr_099 * rawsz)) \
+ bs=1 count=$rawsz conv=notrunc &&
git cat-file blob $sha1_101 > file_101_foo2'
test_expect_success \
nr=$(index_obj_nr ".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.idx" $obj) &&
chmod +w ".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.idx" &&
printf xxxx | dd of=".git/objects/pack/pack-${pack1}.idx" conv=notrunc \
- bs=1 count=4 seek=$((8 + 256 * 4 + $(wc -l <obj-list) * 20 + $nr * 4)) &&
+ bs=1 count=4 seek=$((8 + 256 * 4 + $(wc -l <obj-list) * rawsz + $nr * 4)) &&
( while read obj
do git cat-file -p $obj >/dev/null || exit 1
done <obj-list ) &&