This is the SandBox, a page anyone can edit to try out ikiwiki. [[nu page]] hello testing 1..2..3!! [[한글페이지]] ---- Here's a paragraph. The following code block is pre-formatted: Testing what pre-formatted code blocks look like. Here's another one with *emphasised* text. # Header ## Subheader > This is a blockquote. > > This is the first level of quoting. > > > This is nested blockquote. > >> Without a space works too. >>> to three levels > > Back to the first level. Numbered list 1. First item. 1. Sub item. 1. Another. 1. And another.. 1. foo 2. bar 3. baz 4. qux 5. quux 6. wibble Bulleted list * item * *item* * item * one * two * three * four * five * a new list * with sub heads * like this ---- [[!template id=note text="this is generated by the [[plugins/haiku]] plugin"]] [[!haiku hint="sandbox play"]] ---- The haiku will change after every save, mind you. ## Different sorts of links: * [[Features]] * [[different_name_for_a_WikiLink|ikiwiki/WikiLink]] * * [GNU]( * [Email](mailto:noone@invalid) * [![ikiwiki logo](]( * plain old html link * [[foo]] * WikiLink ----- This SandBox is also a [[blog]]! [[!inline pages="sandbox/* and !*/Discussion" rootpage="sandbox" show="4" archive="yes"]] ----- [[한글]] -------- This gives an example of inline code: `tar | netcat` is a nice way to transfer bulk files over the net But, of course, rsync is better. ---- Let's see what happens...