[[tag wishlist]] # Context I may have missed a simple way to achieve what I need without modifying ikiwiki, so here is the context. I have a first-level directory (called `bricks`) containing a bunch of wiki pages : /bricks | |- bla.mdwn | |- bli.mdwn | `- ... I have two groups of tags called `direction` and `usage`, stored in two sub-directories of `$tagbase` : /tag | |- direction | |- d1.mdwn | |- d2.mdwn | |- ... | |- usage | |- u1.mdwn | |- u2.mdwn | |- ... Any page in `/brick` can be tagged with one or more tags from any of these tags-groups. I need to present different views for these wiki pages, so a `/view` tree is dedicated to this mission : /view | |- dev | |- d1.mdwn | |- d2.mdwn | |-... | |- howto |- u1.mdwn |- u2.mdwn |- ... ... where e.g. `/view/dev/d1` lists a subset (depending on other tags) of the pages tagged d1. My current plan is : - thanks to the pagetemplate plugin, `/view/dev/*` and `/view/howto/*` would be assigned two custom templates, containing respectively `\[[template id=dev_direction]]` and `\[[template id=howto_usage]]` - `/templates/dev_direction.mdwn` and `/templates/howto_usage.mdwn` would use `\[[!map ...]]` directives to build their views # My issue Such map directives would look something like the following (more complicated, actually, but let's focus on my current issue) : \[[!map pages="bricks/* and link(tag/usage/)"]] Where `BASENAME` value would be, e.g., `u1` or `d2`, depending on the page inserting the template. But `BASENAME` does not exist. I found that `` is replaced with the full path to the page, but I did not found how to get the page's basename in a template included with a `\[[template id=...]]` directive. Any idea ? I guess it would be possible to provide the templates inserted by the template plugin with more `TMPL_VAR` variables, but I don't know ikiwiki codebase well, so I don't know how hard it would be. I sure could write a ad-hoc plugin that would use the pagetemplate hook to add a custom `` selector I could use in my templates, or another one that would use the filter hook to add the needed `\[[!map ...]]` where it belongs to, but since ikiwiki's preprocessor directives already *almost* do what I need, I'd like to avoid the ad-hoc plugin solution. (Adding a parameter such as `name=d1` in every `/view/dev/d*.mdwn` and `/view/howto/u*.mdwn` page is not an option : there may be quite a few, that's why I intend to use the pagetemplate plugin in the first place to assign them a common template.) More or less OT: I've not checked the compatibility of pagetemplate and template plugins yet; can a template (`*.tmpl`), assigned by pagetemplate, itself call a template (`*.mdwn`) managed by the template plugin ? The hooks call order tends to make me think it is not possible, which anyway would ruin my current plan.