omit recentchanges from various metadata pages
[ikiwiki] / doc / plugins / mdwn.mdwn
2007-12-08  Joey HessMAJOR basewiki reorg
2007-02-14  joey* Allow multiple tag settings to appear in a single...
2007-02-14  joeyweb commit by JoshTriplett: Restore type/core tag;...
2007-02-14  joeyweb commit by JoshTriplett: The plugin template supplie...
2007-02-13  joeysimplified plugin definitions
2006-08-23  joeyno longer need triple quotes
2006-08-23  joey* Allow preprocessor directives to contain python-like...
2006-07-29  joeyupdats
2006-07-29  joey* Tag plugins according to type.
2006-07-03  joeymisc updated
2006-07-03  joey* Support htmlize plugins and make mdwn one such plugin...