__be64 no_addr;
-static inline int gfs2_inum_equal(const struct gfs2_inum *ino1,
- const struct gfs2_inum *ino2)
- return ino1->no_formal_ino == ino2->no_formal_ino &&
- ino1->no_addr == ino2->no_addr;
* Generic metadata head structure
* Every inplace buffer logged in the journal must start with this.
__u8 rg_reserved[80]; /* Several fields from gfs1 now reserved */
+ * quota linked list: user quotas and group quotas form two separate
+ * singly linked lists. ll_next stores uids or gids of next quotas in the
+ * linked list.
+Given the uid/gid, how to calculate the quota file offsets for the corresponding
+gfs2_quota structures on disk:
+for user quotas, given uid,
+offset = uid * sizeof(struct gfs2_quota);
+for group quotas, given gid,
+offset = (gid * sizeof(struct gfs2_quota)) + sizeof(struct gfs2_quota);
+ uid:0 gid:0 uid:12 gid:12 uid:17 gid:17 uid:5142 gid:5142
++-------+-------+ +-------+-------+ +-------+- - - -+ +- - - -+-------+
+| valid | valid | :: | valid | valid | :: | valid | inval | :: | inval | valid |
++-------+-------+ +-------+-------+ +-------+- - - -+ +- - - -+-------+
+next:12 next:12 next:17 next:5142 next:NULL next:NULL
+ | | | | |<-- user quota list |
+ \______|___________/ \______|___________/ group quota list -->|
+ | | |
+ \__________________/ \_______________________________________/
* quota structure
__be64 qu_limit;
__be64 qu_warn;
__be64 qu_value;
- __u8 qu_reserved[64];
+ __be32 qu_ll_next; /* location of next quota in list */
+ __u8 qu_reserved[60];
struct gfs2_inum __pad4; /* Unused even in current gfs1 */
__be64 di_eattr; /* extended attribute block number */
+ __be32 di_atime_nsec; /* nsec portion of atime */
+ __be32 di_mtime_nsec; /* nsec portion of mtime */
+ __be32 di_ctime_nsec; /* nsec portion of ctime */
- __u8 di_reserved[56];
+ __u8 di_reserved[44];
__be32 qc_id;
-#ifdef __KERNEL__
-/* Translation functions */
-extern void gfs2_inum_in(struct gfs2_inum *no, const void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_inum_out(const struct gfs2_inum *no, void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_sb_in(struct gfs2_sb *sb, const void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_rindex_in(struct gfs2_rindex *ri, const void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_rindex_out(const struct gfs2_rindex *ri, void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_rgrp_in(struct gfs2_rgrp *rg, const void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_rgrp_out(const struct gfs2_rgrp *rg, void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_quota_in(struct gfs2_quota *qu, const void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_quota_out(const struct gfs2_quota *qu, void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_dinode_in(struct gfs2_dinode *di, const void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_dinode_out(const struct gfs2_dinode *di, void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_ea_header_in(struct gfs2_ea_header *ea, const void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_ea_header_out(const struct gfs2_ea_header *ea, void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_log_header_in(struct gfs2_log_header *lh, const void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_inum_range_in(struct gfs2_inum_range *ir, const void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_inum_range_out(const struct gfs2_inum_range *ir, void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_statfs_change_in(struct gfs2_statfs_change *sc, const void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_statfs_change_out(const struct gfs2_statfs_change *sc, void *buf);
-extern void gfs2_quota_change_in(struct gfs2_quota_change *qc, const void *buf);
-/* Printing functions */
-extern void gfs2_rindex_print(const struct gfs2_rindex *ri);
-extern void gfs2_dinode_print(const struct gfs2_dinode *di);
-#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
+struct gfs2_quota_lvb {
+ __be32 qb_magic;
+ __u32 __pad;
+ __be64 qb_limit; /* Hard limit of # blocks to alloc */
+ __be64 qb_warn; /* Warn user when alloc is above this # */
+ __be64 qb_value; /* Current # blocks allocated */
#endif /* __GFS2_ONDISK_DOT_H__ */