# Stage one of module building created the following:
# a) The individual .o files used for the module
-# b) A <module>.o file wich is the .o files above linked together
+# b) A <module>.o file which is the .o files above linked together
# c) A <module>.mod file in $(MODVERDIR)/, listing the name of the
# the preliminary <module>.o file, plus all .o files
# Step 4 is solely used to allow module versioning in external modules,
# where the CRC of each module is retrieved from the Module.symers file.
-.PHONY: _modpost
+PHONY := _modpost
_modpost: __modpost
include .config
include scripts/Kbuild.include
include scripts/Makefile.lib
-symverfile := $(objtree)/Module.symvers
+kernelsymfile := $(objtree)/Module.symvers
+modulesymfile := $(KBUILD_EXTMOD)/Modules.symvers
# Step 1), find all modules listed in $(MODVERDIR)/
__modules := $(sort $(shell grep -h '\.ko' /dev/null $(wildcard $(MODVERDIR)/*.mod)))
cmd_modpost = scripts/mod/modpost \
- $(if $(KBUILD_EXTMOD),-i,-o) $(symverfile) \
+ $(if $(KBUILD_EXTMOD),-i,-o) $(kernelsymfile) \
+ $(if $(KBUILD_EXTMOD),-I $(modulesymfile)) \
+ $(if $(KBUILD_EXTMOD),-o $(modulesymfile)) \
$(filter-out FORCE,$^)
-.PHONY: __modpost
+PHONY += __modpost
__modpost: $(wildcard vmlinux) $(modules:.ko=.o) FORCE
$(call cmd,modpost)
# Add FORCE to the prequisites of a target to force it to be always rebuilt.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ifneq ($(cmd_files),)
include $(cmd_files)
+# Declare the contents of the .PHONY variable as phony. We keep that
+# information in a variable se we can use it in if_changed and friends.