/* Found in switcher.S */
extern unsigned long default_idt_entries[];
-struct lguest_regs
+/* Declarations for definitions in lguest_guest.S */
+extern char lguest_noirq_start[], lguest_noirq_end[];
+extern const char lgstart_cli[], lgend_cli[];
+extern const char lgstart_sti[], lgend_sti[];
+extern const char lgstart_popf[], lgend_popf[];
+extern const char lgstart_pushf[], lgend_pushf[];
+extern const char lgstart_iret[], lgend_iret[];
+extern void lguest_iret(void);
+extern void lguest_init(void);
+struct lguest_regs {
/* Manually saved part. */
unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx;
unsigned long esi, edi, ebp;
/* This is a guest-specific page (mapped ro) into the guest. */
-struct lguest_ro_state
+struct lguest_ro_state {
/* Host information we need to restore when we switch back. */
u32 host_cr3;
- struct Xgt_desc_struct host_idt_desc;
- struct Xgt_desc_struct host_gdt_desc;
+ struct desc_ptr host_idt_desc;
+ struct desc_ptr host_gdt_desc;
u32 host_sp;
/* Fields which are used when guest is running. */
- struct Xgt_desc_struct guest_idt_desc;
- struct Xgt_desc_struct guest_gdt_desc;
- struct i386_hw_tss guest_tss;
+ struct desc_ptr guest_idt_desc;
+ struct desc_ptr guest_gdt_desc;
+ struct x86_hw_tss guest_tss;
struct desc_struct guest_idt[IDT_ENTRIES];
struct desc_struct guest_gdt[GDT_ENTRIES];
-struct lguest_arch
+struct lg_cpu_arch {
/* The GDT entries copied into lguest_ro_state when running. */
struct desc_struct gdt[GDT_ENTRIES];
cr0 = read_cr0();
if (!(cr0 & 8))
- write_cr0(cr0|8);
+ write_cr0(cr0 | 8);
/* Full 4G segment descriptors, suitable for CS and DS. */
-#define FULL_EXEC_SEGMENT ((struct desc_struct){0x0000ffff, 0x00cf9b00})
-#define FULL_SEGMENT ((struct desc_struct){0x0000ffff, 0x00cf9300})
+#define FULL_EXEC_SEGMENT ((struct desc_struct){ { {0x0000ffff, 0x00cf9b00} } })
+#define FULL_SEGMENT ((struct desc_struct){ { {0x0000ffff, 0x00cf9300} } })
#endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */