#include "phy.h"
+/* The unique identifier of the firmware that's officially supported by this
+ * driver version. */
+#define B43legacy_SUPPORTED_FIRMWARE_ID "FW10"
#define B43legacy_IRQWAIT_MAX_RETRIES 20
#define B43legacy_RX_MAX_SSI 60 /* best guess at max ssi */
#define B43legacy_MMIO_RADIO_HWENABLED_LO 0x49A
#define B43legacy_MMIO_GPIO_CONTROL 0x49C
#define B43legacy_MMIO_GPIO_MASK 0x49E
+#define B43legacy_MMIO_TSF_CFP_PRETBTT 0x612
#define B43legacy_MMIO_TSF_0 0x632 /* core rev < 3 only */
#define B43legacy_MMIO_TSF_1 0x634 /* core rev < 3 only */
#define B43legacy_MMIO_TSF_2 0x636 /* core rev < 3 only */
#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_HOSTFHI 0x0060 /* Hostflags ucode opts (high) */
/* SHM_SHARED crypto engine */
#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_KEYIDXBLOCK 0x05D4 /* Key index/algorithm block */
-/* SHM_SHARED beacon variables */
+/* SHM_SHARED beacon/AP variables */
+#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_DTIMP 0x0012 /* DTIM period */
+#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_BTL0 0x0018 /* Beacon template length 0 */
+#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_BTL1 0x001A /* Beacon template length 1 */
+#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_BTSFOFF 0x001C /* Beacon TSF offset */
+#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_TIMPOS 0x001E /* TIM position in beacon */
#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_BEACPHYCTL 0x0054 /* Beacon PHY TX control word */
/* SHM_SHARED ACK/CTS control */
#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_ACKCTSPHYCTL 0x0022 /* ACK/CTS PHY control word */
/* SHM_SHARED probe response variables */
-#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_PRPHYCTL 0x0188 /* Probe Resp PHY TX control */
+#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_PRTLEN 0x004A /* Probe Response template length */
#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_PRMAXTIME 0x0074 /* Probe Response max time */
+#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_PRPHYCTL 0x0188 /* Probe Resp PHY TX control */
/* SHM_SHARED rate tables */
/* SHM_SHARED microcode soft registers */
#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_UCODEREV 0x0000 /* Microcode revision */
#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_UCODEPATCH 0x0002 /* Microcode patchlevel */
#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_UCODEDATE 0x0004 /* Microcode date */
#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_UCODETIME 0x0006 /* Microcode time */
+#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_SPUWKUP 0x0094 /* pre-wakeup for synth PU in us */
+#define B43legacy_SHM_SH_PRETBTT 0x0096 /* pre-TBTT in us */
#define B43legacy_UCODEFLAGS_OFFSET 0x005E
#define B43legacy_MACCTL_TBTTHOLD 0x10000000 /* TBTT Hold */
#define B43legacy_MACCTL_GMODE 0x80000000 /* G Mode */
+/* MAC Command bitfield */
+#define B43legacy_MACCMD_BEACON0_VALID 0x00000001 /* Beacon 0 in template RAM is busy/valid */
+#define B43legacy_MACCMD_BEACON1_VALID 0x00000002 /* Beacon 1 in template RAM is busy/valid */
+#define B43legacy_MACCMD_DFQ_VALID 0x00000004 /* Directed frame queue valid (IBSS PS mode, ATIM) */
+#define B43legacy_MACCMD_CCA 0x00000008 /* Clear channel assessment */
+#define B43legacy_MACCMD_BGNOISE 0x00000010 /* Background noise */
/* 802.11 core specific TM State Low flags */
#define B43legacy_TMSLOW_GMODE 0x20000000 /* G Mode Enable */
#define B43legacy_TMSLOW_PLLREFSEL 0x00200000 /* PLL Freq Ref Select */
# undef assert
-# define B43legacy_WARN_ON(expr) \
- do { \
- if (unlikely((expr))) { \
- printk(KERN_INFO PFX "Test (%s) failed at:" \
- " %s:%d:%s()\n", \
- #expr, __FILE__, \
- __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
- } \
- } while (0)
+# define B43legacy_WARN_ON(x) WARN_ON(x)
# define B43legacy_BUG_ON(expr) \
do { \
if (unlikely((expr))) { \
} while (0)
# define B43legacy_DEBUG 1
-# define B43legacy_WARN_ON(x) do { /* nothing */ } while (0)
+/* This will evaluate the argument even if debugging is disabled. */
+static inline bool __b43legacy_warn_on_dummy(bool x) { return x; }
+# define B43legacy_WARN_ON(x) __b43legacy_warn_on_dummy(unlikely(!!(x)))
# define B43legacy_BUG_ON(x) do { /* nothing */ } while (0)
# define B43legacy_DEBUG 0
u8 possible_phymodes;
/* GMODE bit enabled in MACCTL? */
bool gmode;
- /* Possible ieee80211 subsystem hwmodes for this PHY.
- * Which mode is selected, depends on thr GMODE enabled bit */
-#define B43legacy_MAX_PHYHWMODES 2
- struct ieee80211_hw_mode hwmodes[B43legacy_MAX_PHYHWMODES];
/* Analog Type */
u8 analog;
u8 nr_devs;
bool radiotap_enabled;
+ /* The beacon we are currently using (AP or IBSS mode).
+ * This beacon stuff is protected by the irq_lock. */
+ struct sk_buff *current_beacon;
+ bool beacon0_uploaded;
+ bool beacon1_uploaded;
/* Pointers to the firmware data and meta information about it. */
bool __using_pio; /* Using pio rather than dma. */
bool bad_frames_preempt;/* Use "Bad Frames Preemption". */
- bool reg124_set_0x4; /* Variable to keep track of IRQ. */
+ bool dfq_valid; /* Directed frame queue valid (IBSS PS mode, ATIM). */
bool short_preamble; /* TRUE if using short preamble. */
bool short_slot; /* TRUE if using short slot timing. */
bool radio_hw_enable; /* State of radio hardware enable bit. */
u8 max_nr_keys;
struct b43legacy_key key[58];
- /* Cached beacon template while uploading the template. */
- struct sk_buff *cached_beacon;
/* Firmware data */
struct b43legacy_firmware fw;