HV7131R Hynix Semiconductor | No Yes Yes Yes
MI-0343 Micron Technology | Yes No No No
MI-0360 Micron Technology | No Yes Yes Yes
-OV7630 OmniVision Technologies | Yes Yes No No
+OV7630 OmniVision Technologies | Yes Yes Yes Yes
OV7660 OmniVision Technologies | No No Yes Yes
PAS106B PixArt Imaging | Yes No No No
PAS202B PixArt Imaging | Yes Yes No No
Many thanks to following persons for their contribute (listed in alphabetical
+- David Anderson for the donation of a webcam;
- Luca Capello for the donation of a webcam;
- Philippe Coval for having helped testing the PAS202BCA image sensor;
- Joao Rodrigo Fuzaro, Joao Limirio, Claudio Filho and Caio Begotti for the
- Bertrik Sikken, who reverse-engineered and documented the Huffman compression
algorithm used in the SN9C101, SN9C102 and SN9C103 controllers and
implemented the first decoder;
+- Ronny Standke for the donation of a webcam;
- Mizuno Takafumi for the donation of a webcam;
- an "anonymous" donator (who didn't want his name to be revealed) for the
donation of a webcam.