procfs-guide.xml writing_usb_driver.xml \
kernel-api.xml filesystems.xml lsm.xml usb.xml \
gadget.xml libata.xml mtdnand.xml librs.xml rapidio.xml \
- genericirq.xml
+ genericirq.xml s390-drivers.xml
# The build process is as follows (targets):
-# (xmldocs)
-# file.tmpl --> file.xml +--> (psdocs)
-# +--> file.pdf (pdfdocs)
-# +--> DIR=file (htmldocs)
-# +--> man/ (mandocs)
+# (xmldocs) [by docproc]
+# file.tmpl --> file.xml +--> (psdocs) [by db2ps or xmlto]
+# +--> file.pdf (pdfdocs) [by db2pdf or xmlto]
+# +--> DIR=file (htmldocs) [by xmlto]
+# +--> man/ (mandocs) [by xmlto]
# for PDF and PS output you can choose between xmlto and docbook-utils tools
PDF := $(patsubst %.xml, %.pdf, $(BOOKS))
pdfdocs: $(PDF)
-HTML := $(patsubst %.xml, %.html, $(BOOKS))
+HTML := $(sort $(patsubst %.xml, %.html, $(BOOKS)))
htmldocs: $(HTML)
+ $(call build_main_index)
MAN := $(patsubst %.xml, %.9, $(BOOKS))
mandocs: $(MAN)
%.pdf : %.xml
$(call cmd,db2pdf)
+main_idx = Documentation/DocBook/index.html
+build_main_index = rm -rf $(main_idx) && \
+ echo '<h1>Linux Kernel HTML Documentation</h1>' >> $(main_idx) && \
+ echo '<h2>Kernel Version: $(KERNELVERSION)</h2>' >> $(main_idx) && \
+ cat $(HTML) >> $(main_idx)
quiet_cmd_db2html = HTML $@
cmd_db2html = xmlto xhtml $(XMLTOFLAGS) -o $(patsubst %.html,%,$@) $< && \
echo '<a HREF="$(patsubst %.html,%,$(notdir $@))/index.html"> \
- Goto $(patsubst %.html,%,$(notdir $@))</a><p>' > $@
+ $(patsubst %.html,%,$(notdir $@))</a><p>' > $@
%.html: %.xml
@(which xmlto > /dev/null 2>&1) || \
@(which xmlto > /dev/null 2>&1) || \
(echo "*** You need to install xmlto ***"; \
exit 1)
+ $(Q)mkdir -p $(obj)/man
$(call cmd,db2man)
@touch $@
$(patsubst %.xml, %.9, $(DOCBOOKS)) \
-clean-dirs := $(patsubst %.xml,%,$(DOCBOOKS))
-#man put files in man subdir - traverse down
-subdir- := man/
+clean-dirs := $(patsubst %.xml,%,$(DOCBOOKS)) man
# Declare the contents of the .PHONY variable as phony. We keep that
# information in a variable se we can use it in if_changed and friends.