require 'rake' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rbconfig' include Config NAME = 'ohcount' VERS = '2.0.0' EXT_DIR = "ext/ohcount_native" EXT_DL = "#{EXT_DIR}/ohcount_native.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}" ARCH_DIR = "lib/#{::Config::CONFIG['arch']}" ARCH_DL = "#{ARCH_DIR}/ohcount_native.#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}" RAGEL_DIR = File.join(EXT_DIR, 'ragel_parsers') CLEAN.include FileList["#{EXT_DIR}/*.{so,bundle,#{CONFIG['DLEXT']}}"], FileList["#{EXT_DIR}/*.o"], FileList["#{EXT_DIR}/Makefile"], FileList["#{RAGEL_DIR}/*.h"] FileList["#{RAGEL_DIR}/*.tmp"] RDOC_OPTS = ['--quiet', '--title', 'Ohcount Reference', '--main', 'README', '--inline-source'] do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc' rdoc.options += RDOC_OPTS rdoc.rdoc_files.add ['README' ,'COPYING', 'lib/**/*.rb', 'ext/**/*.rb', 'ext/**/*.c', 'test/test_helper.rb', 'test/unit/detector_test.rb'] end PKG_FILES = %w(README COPYING Rakefile lib/ohcount.rb) + Dir.glob("#{EXT_DIR}/*.{h,c,rb}") + Dir.glob("#{RAGEL_DIR}/*.h") + Dir.glob("#{RAGEL_DIR}/*.rl") + Dir.glob("lib/**/*.rb") + Dir.glob("bin/*") SPEC = do |s| = NAME s.version = VERS s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.has_rdoc = true s.rdoc_options = RDOC_OPTS s.extra_rdoc_files = ['README'] s.summary = "The Ohloh source code line counter" s.description = s.summary = "Ohloh Corporation" = "" s.homepage = "" s.files = PKG_FILES.to_a s.require_paths = ['lib'] s.extensions << 'ext/ohcount_native/extconf.rb' s.bindir = 'bin' s.executables = ['ohcount'] s.add_dependency 'diff-lcs' end do |p| p.need_tar = true p.gem_spec = SPEC end task :install => :package do `sudo gem install pkg/#{NAME}-#{VERS}` end file ARCH_DL => EXT_DL do mkdir_p ARCH_DIR cp EXT_DL, ARCH_DIR end rule ".h" => ".rl" do |t| if has_embedded_language?(t.source) construct_language(t.source) do |constructed_file| sh "ragel #{constructed_file} -o #{}" end else sh "ragel #{t.source} -o #{}" end end def has_embedded_language?(parser_file) return'#EMBED') end def construct_language(parser_file) parser_text =\([\w_]+\)/) do |elang| lang = elang.scan(/^#EMBED\(([\w_]+)\)/)[0][0] eparser_file = File.join(RAGEL_DIR, lang + '.rl') if File.exists?(eparser_file) eparser = ragel = eparser.scan(/%%\{(.+?)\}%%/m)[0][0] # eliminate machine definition, writes, and includes ragel.gsub!(/^\s*machine[^;]+;\s+write[^;]+;\s+include[^;]+;\s+/, '') "}%%\n%%{\n#{ragel}" else '' end end tmp = parser_file + '.tmp', 'w') { |f| f.write parser_text } yield tmp File.delete(tmp) end file EXT_DL => FileList["#{EXT_DIR}/Makefile", "#{EXT_DIR}/*.{c,h,rb}", "#{RAGEL_DIR}/*.h"] do cd EXT_DIR do sh 'make' end end file "#{EXT_DIR}/ragel_parser.c" => FileList["#{RAGEL_DIR}/*.rl"].gsub(/\.rl/,'.h') do # When any ragel parser changes, we need to rebuild ragel_parser.c. # We force this by deleting the existing object file. # We have no better option than this because C dependencies are controlled by mkmf, # outside of the control of this Rakefile. File.delete(File.join(EXT_DIR, 'ragel_parser.o')) if File.exist?(File.join(EXT_DIR, 'ragel_parser.o')) end file "#{EXT_DIR}/Makefile" => "#{EXT_DIR}/extconf.rb" do cd EXT_DIR do if ENV['DEBUG'] ruby 'extconf.rb', 'debug' else ruby 'extconf.rb' end end end :ohcount_unit_tests => ARCH_DL do |t| # puts File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test/unit/*_test.rb' t.test_files = FileList[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test/unit/**/*_test.rb'] # t.verbose = true end task :default => :ohcount_unit_tests