From 477114b6628541f558edc09014b2d550ada291b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Robin Luckey Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 10:22:54 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] [FIX] Clean up/minimize VisualBasic sample code for parser test; remove IBM licensing --- test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/blanks | 2 +- test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/code | 1693 -------------- .../expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/comment | 186 -- test/src_dir/frx1.frx | 2008 ----------------- test/test_helper.rb | 8 +- 5 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 3892 deletions(-) diff --git a/test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/blanks b/test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/blanks index d55f9f7..c793025 100644 --- a/test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/blanks +++ b/test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/blanks @@ -1 +1 @@ -136 \ No newline at end of file +7 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/code b/test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/code index 05dfafa..d0fa5b8 100644 --- a/test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/code +++ b/test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/code @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Object = "{0ECD9B60-23AA-11D0-B351-00A0C9055D8E}#6.0#0"; "MSHFLXGD.OCX" Object = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "MSCOMCTL.OCX" Begin VB.Form frmMain BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single -Caption = "DB2 Visual Basic Samples" ClientHeight = 6555 ClientLeft = 150 ClientTop = 435 @@ -17,990 +16,6 @@ MinButton = 0 'False ScaleHeight = 6555 ScaleWidth = 10620 StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows Default -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSample -Caption = "Create Sample DB" -Height = 495 -Left = 8760 -TabIndex = 21 -TabStop = 0 'False -Top = 240 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin TabDlg.SSTab tabMain -Height = 6015 -Left = 0 -TabIndex = 6 -Top = 120 -Width = 8565 -_ExtentX = 15108 -_ExtentY = 10610 -_Version = 393216 -Tabs = 5 -TabsPerRow = 5 -TabHeight = 520 -TabCaption(0) = "Execute SQL" -TabPicture(0) = "Demo.frx":0000 -Tab(0).ControlEnabled= -1 'True -Tab(0).Control(0)= "flxRecords" -Tab(0).Control(0).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(1)= "txtSQL" -Tab(0).Control(1).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(2)= "frmAutoCommit" -Tab(0).Control(2).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(3)= "cmdCommit" -Tab(0).Control(3).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(4)= "cmdRollback" -Tab(0).Control(4).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(5)= "chkAutoCommit" -Tab(0).Control(5).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(6)= "DataGridSQL" -Tab(0).Control(6).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(7)= "frmSamples" -Tab(0).Control(7).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(8)= "frmExecuteSQL" -Tab(0).Control(8).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(9)= "cmdSQLConnection" -Tab(0).Control(9).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(10)= "cmdSQLRecordset" -Tab(0).Control(10).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(11)= "cmdSQLCommand" -Tab(0).Control(11).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(12)= "cmdSQLSamples(0)" -Tab(0).Control(12).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(13)= "cmdSQLSamples(1)" -Tab(0).Control(13).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(14)= "cmdSQLSamples(2)" -Tab(0).Control(14).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).Control(15)= "cmdSQLSamples(3)" -Tab(0).Control(15).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(0).ControlCount= 16 -TabCaption(1) = "Hierarchical Data" -TabPicture(1) = "Demo.frx":001C -Tab(1).ControlEnabled= 0 'False -Tab(1).Control(0)= "cmdHierarchy" -Tab(1).Control(1)= "hflxRecords" -Tab(1).Control(2)= "lblHierScript" -Tab(1).ControlCount= 3 -TabCaption(2) = "LOBs" -TabPicture(2) = "Demo.frx":0038 -Tab(2).ControlEnabled= 0 'False -Tab(2).Control(0)= "lblEmpno" -Tab(2).Control(1)= "lblLastname" -Tab(2).Control(2)= "lblFirstname" -Tab(2).Control(3)= "AdodcLob" -Tab(2).Control(4)= "cmdCLOB" -Tab(2).Control(5)= "cmdBLOB" -Tab(2).Control(6)= "cmdRefresh" -Tab(2).Control(7)= "txtEmpno" -Tab(2).Control(7).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(2).Control(8)= "txtLastname" -Tab(2).Control(8).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(2).Control(9)= "txtFirstname" -Tab(2).Control(9).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(2).Control(10)= "txtClob" -Tab(2).Control(10).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(2).Control(11)= "picBlob" -Tab(2).ControlCount= 12 -TabCaption(3) = "Store Procedures" -TabPicture(3) = "Demo.frx":0054 -Tab(3).ControlEnabled= 0 'False -Tab(3).Control(0)= "optStoredProcedures(11)" -Tab(3).Control(1)= "cmdShowSecondRS" -Tab(3).Control(2)= "DataGridSP" -Tab(3).Control(3)= "txtSPResult" -Tab(3).Control(4)= "cmdSPCall" -Tab(3).Control(5)= "optStoredProcedures(10)" -Tab(3).Control(6)= "optStoredProcedures(9)" -Tab(3).Control(7)= "optStoredProcedures(8)" -Tab(3).Control(8)= "optStoredProcedures(7)" -Tab(3).Control(9)= "optStoredProcedures(6)" -Tab(3).Control(10)= "optStoredProcedures(5)" -Tab(3).Control(11)= "optStoredProcedures(4)" -Tab(3).Control(12)= "optStoredProcedures(3)" -Tab(3).Control(13)= "optStoredProcedures(2)" -Tab(3).Control(14)= "optStoredProcedures(1)" -Tab(3).Control(15)= "optStoredProcedures(0)" -Tab(3).Control(16)= "frmStoredProcedures" -Tab(3).ControlCount= 17 -TabCaption(4) = "UDFs" -TabPicture(4) = "Demo.frx":0070 -Tab(4).ControlEnabled= 0 'False -Tab(4).Control(0)= "cmdUDFs(5)" -Tab(4).Control(1)= "cmdUDFs(4)" -Tab(4).Control(2)= "cmdUDFs(3)" -Tab(4).Control(3)= "cmdUDFs(2)" -Tab(4).Control(4)= "cmdUDFs(1)" -Tab(4).Control(5)= "cmdUDFs(0)" -Tab(4).Control(6)= "hflxGridUDF" -Tab(4).Control(7)= "txtUDF" -Tab(4).Control(7).Enabled= 0 'False -Tab(4).Control(8)= "Frame1" -Tab(4).ControlCount= 9 -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLSamples -Caption = "Sample 4" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 375 -Index = 3 -Left = 7440 -TabIndex = 67 -Top = 2880 -Width = 855 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLSamples -Caption = "Sample 3" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 375 -Index = 2 -Left = 6600 -TabIndex = 66 -Top = 2880 -Width = 855 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLSamples -Caption = "Sample 2" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 375 -Index = 1 -Left = 7440 -TabIndex = 65 -Top = 2520 -Width = 855 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLSamples -Caption = "Sample 1" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 375 -Index = 0 -Left = 6600 -TabIndex = 64 -Top = 2520 -Width = 855 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUDFs -Caption = "TableUDF" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 5 -Left = -68400 -TabIndex = 63 -Top = 3600 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUDFs -Caption = "SourcedColumnUDF" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 4 -Left = -68400 -TabIndex = 62 -Top = 3000 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUDFs -Caption = "ScUDFReturningErr" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 3 -Left = -68400 -TabIndex = 61 -Top = 2400 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUDFs -Caption = "ScratchpadScUDF" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 2 -Left = -68400 -TabIndex = 60 -Top = 1800 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUDFs -Caption = "ClobScalarUDF" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 1 -Left = -68400 -TabIndex = 59 -Top = 1200 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUDFs -Caption = "ScalarUDF" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 0 -Left = -68400 -TabIndex = 58 -Top = 600 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin MSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.MSHFlexGrid hflxGridUDF -Height = 1575 -Left = -74880 -TabIndex = 57 -TabStop = 0 'False -Top = 4320 -Width = 6255 -_ExtentX = 11033 -_ExtentY = 2778 -_Version = 393216 -FixedCols = 0 -WordWrap = -1 'True -AllowUserResizing= 1 -_NumberOfBands = 1 -_Band(0).Cols = 2 -End -Begin VB.TextBox txtUDF -BeginProperty Font -Name = "Courier New" -Size = 9 -Charset = 0 -Weight = 400 -Underline = 0 'False -Italic = 0 'False -Strikethrough = 0 'False -EndProperty -Height = 3735 -Left = -74880 -Locked = -1 'True -MultiLine = -1 'True -ScrollBars = 2 'Vertical -TabIndex = 56 -TabStop = 0 'False -Top = 480 -Width = 6255 -End -Begin VB.Frame Frame1 -Caption = "Work with UDF:" -Height = 5535 -Left = -68520 -TabIndex = 55 -Top = 360 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures -Caption = "MAIN_EXAMPLE" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 11 -Left = -69000 -TabIndex = 54 -Top = 1320 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdShowSecondRS -Caption = "Show Next RS" -Height = 495 -Left = -68280 -TabIndex = 53 -Top = 2640 -Visible = 0 'False -Width = 1695 -End -Begin MSDataGridLib.DataGrid DataGridSP -Height = 3788 -Left = -74850 -TabIndex = 37 -Top = 2070 -Visible = 0 'False -Width = 6428 -_ExtentX = 11351 -_ExtentY = 6694 -_Version = 393216 -BorderStyle = 0 -Enabled = -1 'True -HeadLines = 1 -RowHeight = 15 -RowDividerStyle = 1 -AllowAddNew = -1 'True -AllowDelete = -1 'True -BeginProperty HeadFont {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} -Name = "MS Sans Serif" -Size = 8.25 -Charset = 0 -Weight = 400 -Underline = 0 'False -Italic = 0 'False -Strikethrough = 0 'False -EndProperty -BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} -Name = "MS Sans Serif" -Size = 8.25 -Charset = 0 -Weight = 400 -Underline = 0 'False -Italic = 0 'False -Strikethrough = 0 'False -EndProperty -ColumnCount = 2 -BeginProperty Column00 -DataField = "" -Caption = "" -BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED} -Type = 0 -Format = "" -HaveTrueFalseNull= 0 -FirstDayOfWeek = 0 -FirstWeekOfYear = 0 -LCID = 1033 -SubFormatType = 0 -EndProperty -EndProperty -BeginProperty Column01 -DataField = "" -Caption = "" -BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED} -Type = 0 -Format = "" -HaveTrueFalseNull= 0 -FirstDayOfWeek = 0 -FirstWeekOfYear = 0 -LCID = 1033 -SubFormatType = 0 -EndProperty -EndProperty -SplitCount = 1 -BeginProperty Split0 -BeginProperty Column00 -EndProperty -BeginProperty Column01 -EndProperty -EndProperty -End -Begin VB.TextBox txtSPResult -BeginProperty Font -Name = "Courier New" -Size = 9 -Charset = 0 -Weight = 400 -Underline = 0 'False -Italic = 0 'False -Strikethrough = 0 'False -EndProperty -Height = 3855 -Left = -74880 -MultiLine = -1 'True -TabIndex = 52 -Top = 2040 -Width = 6495 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSPCall -Caption = "Call" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Left = -68280 -TabIndex = 51 -Top = 2040 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures -Caption = "DBINFO_EXAMPLE" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 10 -Left = -70920 -TabIndex = 50 -Top = 1320 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures -Caption = "DB2SQL_EXAMPLE" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 9 -Left = -72840 -TabIndex = 49 -Top = 1320 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures -Caption = "CLOB_EXTRACT" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 8 -Left = -74760 -TabIndex = 48 -Top = 1320 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures -Caption = "TWO_RESULT_SETS" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 7 -Left = -69000 -TabIndex = 47 -Top = 960 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures -Caption = "ONE_RESULT_SET" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 6 -Left = -70920 -TabIndex = 46 -Top = 960 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures -Caption = "DECIMAL_TYPE" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 5 -Left = -72840 -TabIndex = 45 -Top = 960 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures -Caption = "ALL_DATA_TYPES" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 4 -Left = -74760 -TabIndex = 44 -Top = 960 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures -Caption = "INOUT_PARAM" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 3 -Left = -69000 -TabIndex = 43 -Top = 600 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures -Caption = "OUT_PARAM" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 2 -Left = -70920 -TabIndex = 42 -Top = 600 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures -Caption = "IN_PARAMS" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 1 -Left = -72840 -TabIndex = 41 -Top = 600 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures -Caption = "OUT_LANGUAGE" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Index = 0 -Left = -74760 -TabIndex = 40 -Top = 600 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.Frame frmStoredProcedures -Caption = "Stored Procedure:" -Height = 1575 -Left = -74880 -TabIndex = 39 -Top = 360 -Width = 8295 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLCommand -Caption = "on Command" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Left = 6600 -TabIndex = 35 -Top = 1200 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLRecordset -Caption = "on Recordset" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Left = 6600 -TabIndex = 34 -Top = 1800 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLConnection -Caption = "on Connection" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Left = 6600 -TabIndex = 8 -Top = 600 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.Frame frmExecuteSQL -Caption = "Execute SQL" -Height = 2055 -Left = 6480 -TabIndex = 32 -Top = 360 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.Frame frmSamples -Height = 1095 -Left = 6480 -TabIndex = 38 -Top = 2280 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin MSDataGridLib.DataGrid DataGridSQL -Height = 3690 -Left = 150 -TabIndex = 36 -Top = 2190 -Width = 6200 -_ExtentX = 10927 -_ExtentY = 6509 -_Version = 393216 -BorderStyle = 0 -HeadLines = 1 -RowHeight = 15 -RowDividerStyle = 1 -AllowAddNew = -1 'True -AllowDelete = -1 'True -BeginProperty HeadFont {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} -Name = "MS Sans Serif" -Size = 8.25 -Charset = 0 -Weight = 400 -Underline = 0 'False -Italic = 0 'False -Strikethrough = 0 'False -EndProperty -BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} -Name = "MS Sans Serif" -Size = 8.25 -Charset = 0 -Weight = 400 -Underline = 0 'False -Italic = 0 'False -Strikethrough = 0 'False -EndProperty -ColumnCount = 2 -BeginProperty Column00 -DataField = "" -Caption = "" -BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED} -Type = 0 -Format = "" -HaveTrueFalseNull= 0 -FirstDayOfWeek = 0 -FirstWeekOfYear = 0 -LCID = 1033 -SubFormatType = 0 -EndProperty -EndProperty -BeginProperty Column01 -DataField = "" -Caption = "" -BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED} -Type = 0 -Format = "" -HaveTrueFalseNull= 0 -FirstDayOfWeek = 0 -FirstWeekOfYear = 0 -LCID = 1033 -SubFormatType = 0 -EndProperty -EndProperty -SplitCount = 1 -BeginProperty Split0 -BeginProperty Column00 -EndProperty -BeginProperty Column01 -EndProperty -EndProperty -End -Begin VB.CheckBox chkAutoCommit -Caption = " AutoCommit" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 255 -Left = 6840 -TabIndex = 31 -Top = 4320 -Value = 1 'Checked -Width = 1215 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRollback -Caption = "Rollback" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Left = 6600 -TabIndex = 10 -Top = 5280 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdCommit -Caption = "Commit" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Left = 6600 -TabIndex = 9 -Top = 4680 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.Frame frmAutoCommit -Height = 1575 -Left = 6480 -TabIndex = 33 -Top = 4320 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.PictureBox picBlob -BackColor = &H80000005& -Height = 5405 -Left = -74870 -ScaleHeight = 5340 -ScaleWidth = 6420 -TabIndex = 30 -Top = 490 -Visible = 0 'False -Width = 6480 -End -Begin VB.TextBox txtClob -BeginProperty Font -Name = "Courier New" -Size = 8.25 -Charset = 0 -Weight = 400 -Underline = 0 'False -Italic = 0 'False -Strikethrough = 0 'False -EndProperty -Height = 5415 -Left = -74880 -Locked = -1 'True -MultiLine = -1 'True -ScrollBars = 3 'Both -TabIndex = 23 -TabStop = 0 'False -Top = 480 -Width = 6495 -End -Begin VB.TextBox txtFirstname -Appearance = 0 'Flat -BackColor = &H80000013& -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 285 -Left = -68280 -Locked = -1 'True -TabIndex = 26 -TabStop = 0 'False -Top = 5040 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.TextBox txtLastname -Appearance = 0 'Flat -BackColor = &H80000013& -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 285 -Left = -68280 -Locked = -1 'True -TabIndex = 25 -TabStop = 0 'False -Top = 4440 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.TextBox txtEmpno -Appearance = 0 'Flat -BackColor = &H80000013& -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 285 -Left = -68280 -Locked = -1 'True -TabIndex = 24 -TabStop = 0 'False -Top = 3840 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRefresh -Caption = "Refresh Data" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Left = -68280 -TabIndex = 12 -Top = 480 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdBLOB -Caption = "Show Picture" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Left = -68280 -TabIndex = 14 -Top = 1680 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdCLOB -Caption = "Show Resume" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Left = -68280 -TabIndex = 13 -Top = 1080 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdHierarchy -Caption = "Display" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Left = -68280 -TabIndex = 11 -Top = 480 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.TextBox txtSQL -BeginProperty Font -Name = "Courier New" -Size = 9 -Charset = 0 -Weight = 400 -Underline = 0 'False -Italic = 0 'False -Strikethrough = 0 'False -EndProperty -Height = 1575 -Left = 120 -MultiLine = -1 'True -ScrollBars = 2 'Vertical -TabIndex = 7 -Top = 480 -Width = 6255 -End -Begin MSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.MSHFlexGrid hflxRecords -Height = 4815 -Left = -74880 -TabIndex = 17 -TabStop = 0 'False -Top = 1080 -Width = 8295 -_ExtentX = 14631 -_ExtentY = 8493 -_Version = 393216 -FixedCols = 0 -WordWrap = -1 'True -AllowUserResizing= 1 -_NumberOfBands = 1 -_Band(0).Cols = 2 -End -Begin MSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.MSHFlexGrid flxRecords -Height = 3735 -Left = 120 -TabIndex = 16 -TabStop = 0 'False -Top = 2160 -Width = 6255 -_ExtentX = 11033 -_ExtentY = 6588 -_Version = 393216 -FixedCols = 0 -WordWrap = -1 'True -AllowUserResizing= 1 -_NumberOfBands = 1 -_Band(0).Cols = 2 -End -Begin MSAdodcLib.Adodc AdodcLob -Height = 330 -Left = -68280 -Top = 5520 -Width = 1695 -_ExtentX = 2990 -_ExtentY = 582 -ConnectMode = 1 -CursorLocation = 3 -IsolationLevel = -1 -ConnectionTimeout= 15 -CommandTimeout = 30 -CursorType = 3 -LockType = 3 -CommandType = 8 -CursorOptions = 0 -CacheSize = 50 -MaxRecords = 0 -BOFAction = 0 -EOFAction = 0 -ConnectStringType= 1 -Appearance = 1 -BackColor = -2147483643 -ForeColor = -2147483640 -Orientation = 0 -Enabled = 0 -Connect = "" -OLEDBString = "" -OLEDBFile = "" -DataSourceName = "" -OtherAttributes = "" -UserName = "" -Password = "" -RecordSource = "" -Caption = "" -BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} -Name = "MS Sans Serif" -Size = 8.25 -Charset = 0 -Weight = 400 -Underline = 0 'False -Italic = 0 'False -Strikethrough = 0 'False -EndProperty -_Version = 393216 -End -Begin VB.Label lblHierScript -Caption = $"Demo.frx":008C -ForeColor = &H80000011& -Height = 495 -Left = -74760 -TabIndex = 68 -Top = 540 -Width = 6135 -End -Begin VB.Label lblFirstname -Caption = "First Name:" -Height = 255 -Left = -68280 -TabIndex = 29 -Top = 4800 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.Label lblLastname -Caption = "Last Name:" -Height = 255 -Left = -68280 -TabIndex = 28 -Top = 4200 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.Label lblEmpno -Caption = "Employee No.:" -Height = 255 -Left = -68280 -TabIndex = 27 -Top = 3600 -Width = 1695 -End -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdVersionInfo -Caption = "Get Environment Info" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Left = 8760 -TabIndex = 3 -Top = 840 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdConnectInfo -Caption = "Get Connection Info" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Left = 8760 -TabIndex = 4 -Top = 4200 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdConnectDataShape -Caption = "Connect DataShape" -Height = 495 -Left = 8760 -TabIndex = 2 -Top = 3600 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdConnectODBC -Caption = "Connect ODBC" -Height = 495 -Left = 8760 -TabIndex = 1 -Top = 3000 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdDisconnect -Caption = "Disconnect" -Enabled = 0 'False -Height = 495 -Left = 8760 -TabIndex = 5 -Top = 4800 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdConnectOLEDB -Caption = "Connect OLE DB" -Height = 495 -Left = 8760 -TabIndex = 0 -Top = 2400 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.Frame frmConnection -Caption = "Connection:" -Height = 3255 -Left = 8640 -TabIndex = 18 -Top = 2160 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin VB.CommandButton cmdExit -Caption = "Exit" -Height = 495 -Left = 8760 -TabIndex = 15 -Top = 5520 -Width = 1695 -End -Begin VB.Frame fmExit -Height = 855 -Left = 8640 -TabIndex = 19 -Top = 5280 -Width = 1935 -End -Begin MSComctlLib.StatusBar sbrStatus -Align = 2 'Align Bottom -Height = 375 -Left = 0 -TabIndex = 20 -Top = 6180 -Width = 10620 -_ExtentX = 18733 -_ExtentY = 661 -_Version = 393216 -BeginProperty Panels {8E3867A5-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} -NumPanels = 1 -BeginProperty Panel1 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} -AutoSize = 1 -Object.Width = 18680 -EndProperty -EndProperty -BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} -Name = "MS Sans Serif" -Size = 9.75 -Charset = 0 -Weight = 400 -Underline = 0 'False -Italic = 0 'False -Strikethrough = 0 'False -EndProperty -End -Begin VB.Frame frmEnvironment -Caption = "Environment:" -Height = 1455 -Left = 8640 -TabIndex = 22 -Top = 0 -Width = 1935 -End -End Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False @@ -1018,712 +33,4 @@ EnableButtons If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then ShowConnectionInstruction End If -cmdConnectOLEDB_Exit: -Exit Sub -cmdConnectOLEDB_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then -MsgBox "Connect to sample database failed!" & vbCr & _ -Err.Description & vbCr & _ -"Please correct the problem and try again.", _ -vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Instruction" -End If -Resume cmdConnectOLEDB_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub cmdConnectODBC_Click() -On Error GoTo cmdConnectODBC_Error -Set con = ConnectODBC() -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Connect to sample database succeeded!" -EnableButtons -If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then -ShowConnectionInstruction -End If -cmdConnectODBC_Exit: -Exit Sub -cmdConnectODBC_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then -MsgBox "Connect to sample database failed!" & vbCr & _ -Err.Description & vbCr & _ -"Please correct the problem and try again.", _ -vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Instruction" -End If -Resume cmdConnectODBC_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub cmdConnectDataShape_Click() -On Error GoTo cmdConnectDataShape_Error -Set con = ConnectDataShape() -con.Attributes = adXactCommitRetaining + adXactAbortRetaining -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Connect to sample database succeeded!" -EnableButtons -cmdHierarchy.Enabled = True -lblHierScript.ForeColor = vbButtonText -If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then -ShowConnectionInstruction -End If -cmdConnectDataShape_Exit: -Exit Sub -cmdConnectDataShape_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then -MsgBox "Connect to sample database failed!" & vbCr & _ -Err.Description & vbCr & _ -"Please correct the problem and try again.", _ -vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Instruction" -End If -Resume cmdConnectDataShape_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub EnableButtons() -Dim tmpButton As CommandButton -cmdConnectOLEDB.Enabled = False -cmdConnectODBC.Enabled = False -cmdConnectDataShape.Enabled = False -cmdHierarchy.Enabled = False -lblHierScript.ForeColor = vbGrayText -cmdSample.Enabled = False -cmdConnectInfo.Enabled = True -cmdVersionInfo.Enabled = True -cmdDisconnect.Enabled = True -cmdRefresh.Enabled = True -cmdSQLConnection.Enabled = True -cmdSQLRecordset.Enabled = True -cmdSQLCommand.Enabled = True -For Each tmpButton In cmdSQLSamples -tmpButton.Enabled = True -Next -cmdCommit.Enabled = False -cmdRollback.Enabled = False -chkAutoCommit.Enabled = True -CheckAvailableStoredProcedures -For Each tmpButton In cmdUDFs -tmpButton.Enabled = True -Next -End Sub -Private Sub ShowConnectionInstruction() -MsgBox "Connect to sample database succeeded!" & vbCr & _ -"You may choose a Tab for specific functional demonstration," & vbCr & _ -"or press one of the info buttons for more information.", _ -vbOKOnly, "Instruction" -End Sub -Private Sub cmdDisconnect_Click() -On Error GoTo cmdDisconnect_Error -Set rst = Nothing -Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = Nothing -Set hflxRecords.DataSource = Nothing -DataGridSQL.ClearFields -hflxRecords.Clear -picBlob.Visible = False -txtClob.Text = "" -txtEmpno.Text = "" -txtLastname.Text = "" -txtFirstname.Text = "" -AdodcLob.Caption = "" -chkAutoCommit.Value = 1 -DataGridSP.Visible = False -txtSPResult.Text = "" -txtUDF.Text = "" -hflxGridUDF.Clear -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = Disconnect(con) -Dim tmpButton As CommandButton -cmdConnectOLEDB.Enabled = True -cmdConnectODBC.Enabled = True -cmdConnectDataShape.Enabled = True -cmdSample.Enabled = True -cmdDisconnect.Enabled = False -cmdHierarchy.Enabled = False -lblHierScript.ForeColor = vbGrayText -cmdConnectInfo.Enabled = False -cmdVersionInfo.Enabled = False -cmdSQLConnection.Enabled = False -cmdSQLRecordset.Enabled = False -cmdSQLCommand.Enabled = False -For Each tmpButton In cmdSQLSamples -tmpButton.Enabled = False -Next -cmdCommit.Enabled = False -cmdRollback.Enabled = False -chkAutoCommit.Enabled = False -cmdRefresh.Enabled = False -cmdBLOB.Enabled = False -cmdCLOB.Enabled = False -AdodcLob.Enabled = False -cmdSPCall.Enabled = False -CheckAvailableStoredProcedures -For Each tmpButton In cmdUDFs -tmpButton.Enabled = False -Next -If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then -MsgBox "Sample Database is disconnected!" & vbCr & _ -"You may now choose one of the connections again.", _ -vbOKOnly, "Instruction" -End If -cmdDisconnect_Exit: -Set rst = Nothing -Set con = Nothing -Exit Sub -cmdDisconnect_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then -MsgBox "Disconnect from sample database failed!" & vbCr & _ -Err.Description & vbCr & _ -"Please correct the problem and try again.", _ -vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Instruction" -End If -Resume cmdDisconnect_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub cmdConnectInfo_Click() -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" -MsgBox ConnectInfo(con), vbOKOnly, "Connection Information" -End Sub -Private Sub cmdVersionInfo_Click() -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" -MsgBox VersionInfo(con), vbOKOnly, "Versions Information" -End Sub -Private Sub cmdExit_Click() -chkAutoCommit.Value = 1 -Set hflxRecords.DataSource = Nothing -Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = Nothing -Set rst = Nothing -Set con = Nothing -Unload Me -End Sub -Private Sub cmdSample_Click() -On Error GoTo cmdSample_Error -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Creating the sample database, please wait..." -CreateSample -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Create the sample database is done." -If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then -MsgBox "The sample database has been created!" & vbCr & _ -"You may now choose one of the connections.", _ -vbOKOnly, "Instruction" -End If -cmdSample_Exit: -Exit Sub -cmdSample_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then -MsgBox "Create sample database failed!" & vbCr & _ -Err.Description & vbCr & _ -"Please correct the problem and try again.", _ -vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Instruction" -End If -Resume cmdSample_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub cmdSQLConnection_Click() -On Error GoTo cmdSQLConnection_Error -DataGridSQL.ClearFields -Set rst = ExecuteSQLConnect(txtSQL, strMsgText, con) -Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = rst -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = strMsgText -cmdSQLConnection_Exit: -Exit Sub -cmdSQLConnection_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -Resume cmdSQLConnection_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub cmdSQLCommand_Click() -On Error GoTo cmdSQLCommand_Error -DataGridSQL.ClearFields -Set rst = ExecuteSQLCommand(txtSQL, strMsgText, con) -Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = rst -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = strMsgText -cmdSQLCommand_Exit: -Exit Sub -cmdSQLCommand_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -Resume cmdSQLCommand_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub cmdSQLRecordset_Click() -On Error GoTo cmdSQLRecordset_Error -DataGridSQL.ClearFields -Set rst = ExecuteSQLRecordset(txtSQL, strMsgText, con) -Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = rst -DataGridSQL.SetFocus -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = strMsgText -cmdSQLRecordset_Exit: -Exit Sub -cmdSQLRecordset_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -Resume cmdSQLRecordset_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub DataGridSQL_Error(ByVal DataError As Integer, Response As Integer) -If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then -MsgBox _ -"If errors keep happening," & vbCr & _ -"You may press [Disconnect] to clear errors.", _ -vbOKOnly, "Instruction" -End If -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Press [Disconnect] to clear continuous errors." -End Sub -Private Sub cmdSQLSamples_Click(Index As Integer) -Select Case Index -Case 0 -txtSQL.Text = "SELECT * FROM employee" -Case 1 -txtSQL.Text = "SELECT firstnme, job, hiredate" & vbCrLf & _ -"FROM employee" & vbCrLf & _ -"WHERE workdept = 'D11'" & vbCrLf & _ -"ORDER BY hiredate" -Case 2 -txtSQL.Text = "SELECT firstnme, job, salary + comm AS pay" & vbCrLf & _ -"FROM employee" & vbCrLf & _ -"WHERE (salary + comm) < 25000" & vbCrLf & _ -"ORDER BY pay DESC" -Case 3 -txtSQL.Text = "SELECT workdept," & vbCrLf & _ -" MAX(salary) AS maximum," & vbCrLf & _ -" MIN(salary) As minimum" & vbCrLf & _ -"FROM employee GROUP BY workdept ORDER BY workdept" -Case Else -End Select -End Sub -Private Sub cmdSQLSamples_GotFocus(Index As Integer) -Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = Nothing -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" -End Sub -Private Sub chkAutoCommit_Click() -On Error GoTo chkAutoCommit_Error -If chkAutoCommit.Value = 0 Then -AutoCommitOff con -cmdCommit.Enabled = True -cmdRollback.Enabled = True -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "AutoCommit mode is OFF." -Else -strMsgText = "Commit all previous changes (if any)?" -If MsgBox(strMsgText, vbYesNo, "Turn Autocommit ON") = vbYes Then -Commit con -Else -Rollback con -End If -cmdCommit.Enabled = False -cmdRollback.Enabled = False -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "AutoCommit mode is ON." -End If -chkAutoCommit_Exit: -RefreshDataGridSQL -Exit Sub -chkAutoCommit_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -Resume chkAutoCommit_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub cmdCommit_Click() -On Error GoTo cmdCommit_Error -If chkAutoCommit.Value = 0 Then -Commit con -AutoCommitOff con -End If -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Commit transactions succeeded." -cmdCommit_Exit: -RefreshDataGridSQL -Exit Sub -cmdCommit_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -Resume cmdCommit_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub cmdRollback_Click() -On Error GoTo cmdRollback_Error -If chkAutoCommit.Value = 0 Then -Rollback con -AutoCommitOff con -End If -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Rollback transactions succeeded." -cmdRollback_Exit: -RefreshDataGridSQL -Exit Sub -cmdRollback_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -Resume cmdRollback_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub RefreshDataGridSQL() -If Not DataGridSQL.DataSource Is Nothing Then -Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = Nothing -rst.Requery -Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = rst -End If -End Sub -Private Sub cmdHierarchy_Click() -hflxRecords.Clear -Set hflxRecords.DataSource = ExecuteHSQL(strMsgText, con) -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = strMsgText -End Sub -Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click() -On Error GoTo cmdRefresh_Error -GetLOB con, AdodcLob -AdodcLob.Refresh -txtClob.DataField = "RESUME" -Set txtClob.DataSource = AdodcLob -picBlob.DataField = "PICTURE" -Set picBlob.DataSource = AdodcLob -txtEmpno.DataField = "EMPNO" -Set txtEmpno.DataSource = AdodcLob -txtLastname.DataField = "LASTNAME" -Set txtLastname.DataSource = AdodcLob -txtFirstname.DataField = "FIRSTNME" -Set txtFirstname.DataSource = AdodcLob -cmdBLOB.Enabled = True -cmdCLOB.Enabled = True -AdodcLob.Enabled = True -cmdRefresh_Exit: -Exit Sub -cmdRefresh_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -AdodcLob.Enabled = False -cmdBLOB.Enabled = False -cmdCLOB.Enabled = False -Resume cmdRefresh_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub cmdBLOB_Click() -picBlob.Visible = True -End Sub -Private Sub cmdCLOB_Click() -picBlob.Visible = False -End Sub -Private Sub AdodcLob_MoveComplete(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset) -AdodcLob.Caption = AdodcLob.Recordset.AbsolutePosition -End Sub -Private Sub CheckAvailableStoredProcedures() -Dim optStoredProcedure As Variant -Dim proToken As ADOX.Procedure -Dim pros As ADOX.Procedures -Set pros = GetProcedures(con) -For Each optStoredProcedure In optStoredProcedures -optStoredProcedure.Enabled = False -optStoredProcedure.Value = False -cmdShowSecondRS.Visible = False -cmdSPCall.Enabled = False -Next -For Each proToken In pros -Select Case proToken.Name -Case "OUT_LANGUAGE" -optStoredProcedures(0).Enabled = True -Case "IN_PARAMS" -optStoredProcedures(1).Enabled = True -Case "OUT_PARAM" -optStoredProcedures(2).Enabled = True -Case "INOUT_PARAM" -optStoredProcedures(3).Enabled = True -Case "ALL_DATA_TYPES" -optStoredProcedures(4).Enabled = True -Case "DECIMAL_TYPE" -optStoredProcedures(5).Enabled = True -Case "ONE_RESULT_SET" -optStoredProcedures(6).Enabled = True -Case "TWO_RESULT_SETS" -optStoredProcedures(7).Enabled = True -Case "CLOB_EXTRACT" -optStoredProcedures(8).Enabled = True -Case "DB2SQL_EXAMPLE" -optStoredProcedures(9).Enabled = True -Case "DBINFO_EXAMPLE" -optStoredProcedures(10).Enabled = True -Case "MAIN_EXAMPLE" -optStoredProcedures(11).Enabled = True -Case Else -End Select -Next proToken -For Each optStoredProcedure In optStoredProcedures -If optStoredProcedure.Enabled Then -cmdSPCall.Enabled = True -Exit For -End If -Next -Set pros = Nothing -Set proToken = Nothing -End Sub -Private Sub optStoredProcedures_Click(Index As Integer) -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" -txtSPResult.Text = "" -If DataGridSP.Visible Then -DataGridSP.Visible = False -Set DataGridSP.DataSource = Nothing -DataGridSP.ClearFields -cmdShowSecondRS.Visible = False -End If -cmdSPCall.SetFocus -End Sub -Private Sub cmdSPCall_Click() -Dim optStoredProcedure As Variant -Dim strParam As String -On Error GoTo cmdSPCall_Error -For Each optStoredProcedure In optStoredProcedures -If optStoredProcedure.Value = True Then -Exit For -End If -Next -If IsObject(optStoredProcedure) Then -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" -txtSPResult.Text = "" -DataGridSP.Visible = False -Else -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: No stored procedure selected." -Exit Sub -End If -Select Case optStoredProcedure.Caption -Case "OUT_LANGUAGE" -txtSPResult.Text = _ -"Stored procedures are implemented in LANGUAGE " & _ -CallSP_OUT_LANGUAGE(con) -Case "IN_PARAMS" -con.BeginTrans -CallInParameters -con.RollbackTrans -Case "OUT_PARAM" -txtSPResult.Text = _ -"Stored Procedure OUT_PARAM calculated median was " & _ -CallSP_OUT_PARAM(con) -Case "INOUT_PARAM" -CallInOutParameter -Case "ALL_DATA_TYPES" -CallAllDataTypes -Case "DECIMAL_TYPE" -txtSPResult.Text = _ -"Stored Procedure DECIMAL_TYPE returned value was " & _ -CallSP_DECIMAL_TYPE(con) -Case "CLOB_EXTRACT" -txtSPResult.Text = _ -"Resume section returned from calling CLOB_EXTRACT:" & _ -vbCrLf & vbCrLf & CallSP_CLOB_EXTRACT(con) -Case "ONE_RESULT_SET" -Set DataGridSP.DataSource = CallSP_ONE_RESULT_SET(con) -DataGridSP.Visible = True -Case "TWO_RESULT_SETS" -Set rst = CallSP_TWO_RESULT_SETS(con) -Set DataGridSP.DataSource = rst -DataGridSP.Visible = True -cmdShowSecondRS.Visible = True -cmdShowSecondRS.Enabled = True -cmdShowSecondRS.SetFocus -Case "DB2SQL_EXAMPLE" -strParam = "CLERK" -txtSPResult.Text = _ -"Stored Procedure DB2SQL_EXAMPLE returned value was " & _ -CallSP_DB2SQL_EXAMPLE(con, strParam) & _ -vbCrLf & "for the job of " & strParam & "." -Case "DBINFO_EXAMPLE" -CallDbInfo -Case "MAIN_EXAMPLE" -strParam = "DESIGNER" -txtSPResult.Text = _ -"Stored Procedure MAIN_EXAMPLE returned value was " & _ -CallSP_DB2SQL_EXAMPLE(con, strParam) & _ -vbCrLf & "for the job of " & strParam & "." -End Select -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = _ -"Stored Procedure " & optStoredProcedure.Caption & _ -" was called successfully." -cmdSPCall_Exit: -Exit Sub -cmdSPCall_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -Resume cmdSPCall_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub cmdShowSecondRS_Click() -Set DataGridSP.DataSource = rst.NextRecordset -cmdShowSecondRS.Enabled = False -cmdSPCall.SetFocus -End Sub -Private Sub CallInParameters() -Dim strSQL As String -strSQL = "SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employee WHERE workdept = 'E11'" -Set rst = ExecuteSQLCommand(strSQL, strMsgText, con) -txtSPResult.Text = "Before calling IN_PARAMS, " & vbCrLf & _ -"Sum of salaries for dept. E11 = " & _ -rst.Fields(0).Value & vbCrLf & vbCrLf -CallSP_IN_PARAMS con -txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & _ -"SAMPLE Stored Procedure IN_PARAMS was called." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf -Set rst = ExecuteSQLCommand(strSQL, strMsgText, con) -txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & _ -"After calling IN_PARAMS, " & vbCrLf & _ -"Sum of salaries for dept. E11 = " & _ -rst.Fields(0).Value & vbCrLf -Set rst = Nothing -strMsgText = "" -End Sub -Private Sub CallInOutParameter() -Dim dblMedian As Double -txtSPResult.Text = "Call OUT_PARAM to get the median." -dblMedian = CallSP_OUT_PARAM(con) -txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ -"Stored procedure returned successfully." & vbCrLf -txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ -"Call INOUT_PARAM with the result just got." -txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ -"New median returned from INOUT_PARAM = " & _ -CallSP_INOUT_PARAM(con, dblMedian) -End Sub -Private Sub CallAllDataTypes() -Dim pms As ADODB.Parameters -With txtSPResult -.Text = "Call ALL_DATA_TYPES to get all types of data." -Set pms = CallSP_ALL_DATA_TYPES(con) -.Text = .Text & vbCrLf & "Stored procedure returned successfully." -.Text = .Text & vbCrLf & _ -vbCrLf & "Value of SMALLINT = " & pms("SMALL").Value & _ -vbCrLf & "Value of INTEGER = " & pms("INTIN").Value & _ -vbCrLf & "Value of BIGINT = " & pms("BIGIN").Value & _ -vbCrLf & "Value of REAL = " & pms("REALIN").Value & _ -vbCrLf & "Value of DOUBLE = " & pms("DOUBLEIN").Value & _ -vbCrLf & "Value of CHAR(1) = " & pms("CHAROUT").Value & _ -vbCrLf & "Value of CHAR(15) = " & pms("CHARSOUT").Value & _ -vbCrLf & "Value of VARCHAR(12) = " & pms("VARCHAROUT").Value & _ -vbCrLf & "Value of DATE = " & pms("DATEOUT").Value & _ -vbCrLf & "Value of TIME = " & TimeValue(pms("TIMEOUT").Value) -End With -Set pms = Nothing -End Sub -Private Sub CallDbInfo() -Dim pms As ADODB.Parameters -Dim strJob As String -txtSPResult.Text = "CALL stored procedure named DBINFO_EXAMPLE." -strJob = "MANAGER" -Set pms = CallSP_DBINFO_EXAMPLE(con, strJob) -txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ -"Stored procedure returned successfully with SQLCODE = " & _ -pms("ERRORCODE").Value -txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ -"Average salary for job " & strJob & " = " & pms("SALARY").Value -txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ -"Database name from OUT parameter = " & Trim$(pms("DBNAME").Value) -txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ -"Database version from OUT parameter = " & pms("DBVERSION").Value -Set pms = Nothing -End Sub -Private Sub cmdUDFs_Click(Index As Integer) -On Error GoTo cmdUDFs_Error -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" -txtUDF.Text = "" -hflxGridUDF.ClearStructure -Select Case cmdUDFs(Index).Caption -Case "ScalarUDF" -hflxGridUDF.ColWidth(3) = 2000 -Set hflxGridUDF.DataSource = CallUDFScalarUDF(strMsgText, con) -Case "ClobScalarUDF" -Set hflxGridUDF.DataSource = CallUDFClobScalarUDF(strMsgText, con) -Case "ScratchpadScUDF" -Set hflxGridUDF.DataSource = CallUDFScratchpadScUDF(strMsgText, con) -Case "ScUDFReturningErr" -Set hflxGridUDF.DataSource = CallUDFScUDFReturningErr(strMsgText, con) -txtUDF.Text = strMsgText -Err.Raise vbObjectError, , "See display area for detail." -Case "SourcedColumnUDF" -Set hflxGridUDF.DataSource = CallUDFSourcedColUDF(strMsgText, con) -Case "TableUDF" -Set hflxGridUDF.DataSource = CallUDFTableUDF(strMsgText, con) -Case Else -End Select -txtUDF.Text = strMsgText -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = _ -"Calling UDF " & cmdUDFs(Index).Caption & " was done." -cmdUDFs_Exit: -Exit Sub -cmdUDFs_Error: -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description -Resume cmdUDFs_Exit -End Sub -Private Sub Form_Load() -tabMain.Tab = 0 -wShowInstructions = vbYes -wShowInstructions = MsgBox("Would you like to have instructions?", _ -vbYesNo, "Welcome to the DB2 Visual Basic samples") -End Sub -Private Sub Form_Activate() -If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then -MsgBox _ -"Thank you for using instructions in this demonstration program!" & vbCr & vbCr & _ -"- Status messages are shown at the bottom of the working window;" & vbCr & _ -"- Buttons unavailable are being grayed out;" & vbCr & _ -"- SAMPLE database must be created if it doesn't exist;" & vbCr & _ -"- [Exit] button can be pressed at anytime to quit the program." & vbCr & vbCr & _ -"You may now choose one of the connections to begin the demonstraton.", _ -vbOKOnly, "Instruction" -End If -End Sub -Private Sub tabMain_Click(intPreviousTab As Integer) -Select Case tabMain.TabCaption(intPreviousTab) -Case "Execute SQL" -chkAutoCommit.Value = 1 -Set rst = Nothing -Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = Nothing -DataGridSQL.ClearFields -Case "Hierarchical Data" -Set hflxRecords.DataSource = Nothing -hflxRecords.Clear -Case "LOBs" -txtClob.Text = "" -txtEmpno.Text = "" -txtLastname.Text = "" -txtFirstname.Text = "" -AdodcLob.Caption = "" -AdodcLob.Enabled = False -cmdBLOB.Enabled = False -cmdCLOB.Enabled = False -picBlob.Visible = False -Case "Store Procedures" -Set rst = Nothing -Set DataGridSP.DataSource = Nothing -DataGridSP.Visible = False -DataGridSP.ClearFields -cmdShowSecondRS.Visible = False -txtSPResult.Text = "" -Case "UDFs" -txtUDF.Text = "" -hflxGridUDF.Clear -Case Else -End Select -sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" -End Sub -Private Sub tabMain_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) -If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then -If con Is Nothing Then 'no connection established -MsgBox _ -"All funcitonal features require a valid connection.", _ -vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Instruction" -Else -Select Case tabMain.Caption -Case "Execute SQL" -MsgBox _ -"Please type a SQL statement into the text box, or," & vbCr & _ -"choose a preset one from the small Sample buttons, then," & vbCr & _ -"press one of the [Execute SQL] buttons to get the results." & vbCr & _ -"AutoCommit checkbox can be used to change the autocommit mode." & vbCr & vbCr & _ -"For more about the connection, command, and recordset objects," & vbCr & _ -"see the source code in the apExeSQL.bas module." & vbCr & vbCr & _ -"Note:" & vbCr & _ -"- The sample SQL statements can be edited." & vbCr & _ -"- Recordset results may be editable depending on the SQL statement issued.", _ -vbOKOnly, "Instruction" -Case "Hierarchical Data" -If InStr(con.Provider, "MSDataShape") Then -MsgBox _ -"Please press the [Display] button to display hierarchical result.", _ -vbOKOnly, "Instruction" -Else -MsgBox _ -"Hierarchical Data is only available for a" & vbCr & _ -"valid connection with DataShape.", _ -vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Instruction" -End If -Case "LOBs" -MsgBox _ -"After pressing the [Refresh Data] button;" & vbCr & _ -"Use arrow keys to manipulate results;" & vbCr & _ -"Press [Show Resume] button to display CLOBs;" & vbCr & _ -"Press [Show Picture] button to display BLOBs.", _ -vbOKOnly, "Instruction" -Case "Store Procedures" -MsgBox _ -"Choose an available stored procedure, then," & vbCr & _ -"press the [Call] button to get the results." & vbCr & vbCr & _ -"Note: To make them available, you first have to create and catalog" & vbCr & _ -"the stored procedures in the spserver stored procedure library.", _ -vbOKOnly, "Instruction" -Case "UDFs" -MsgBox _ -"Please choose one of the UDF buttons to show the usage.", _ -vbOKOnly, "Instruction" -Case Else -End Select -End If -End If End Sub diff --git a/test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/comment b/test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/comment index b1345c7..fc9649a 100644 --- a/test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/comment +++ b/test/expected_dir/frx1.frx/visualbasic/comment @@ -1,38 +1,11 @@ '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -' Licensed Materials - Property of IBM -' Governed under the terms of the IBM Public License -' -' (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2002 -' All Rights Reserved. -' -' US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or -' disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. -'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -' ' SOURCE FILE NAME: Demo.frm ' ' SAMPLE: Visual Basic Demo with user interface for the sample modules ' -' MODULES USED: -' cli_Info.bas -' cliExeSQL.bas -' dbCommit.bas -' dbConn.bas -' dbInfo.bas -' dtHier.bas -' dtLob.bas -' spCall.bas -' udfUse.bas -' Util.bas -' ' For more information about samples, refer to the README file. ' -' For more information on the SQL language, refer to the SQL Reference. -' -' For the latest information on programming, compiling, and running DB2 -' applications, refer to the DB2 application development website at -' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'This procedure calls ConnectOLEDB() in the module dbConn to get 'a connection object. @@ -42,162 +15,3 @@ 'generate a message of success 'config status of the buttons 'show instructions -'generate an error message -'show instructions -'This procedure calls ConnectODBC() in the module dbConn to get -'a connection object. -'define the error handler -'connect to database -'generate a message of success -'config status of the buttons -'show instructions -'generate an error message -'show instructions -'This procedure calls ConnectDataShape() in the module dbConn to -'get a connection object. -'define the error handler -'connect to database -'generate a message of success -'config status of the buttons -'show instructions -'generate an error message -'show instructions -'This procedure enables buttons after a connection is created. -'This procedure shows the instruction message after creating a connection. -'This procedure calls Disconnect() in the module dbConn to close -'a connection object. -'define the error handler -'clear displays and release data sources -'disconnect from database -'configure status of the buttons -'show instructions -'generate an error message -'show instructions -'This procedure calls ConnectInfo in dbInfo to obtain information -'and displays the connection information on a message box. -'This procedure calls VersionInfo in apInfo to obtain information -'and displays the version information on a message box. -'This procedure close the main screen and quit the program. -'check if it is necessary to commit any changes -'release all the memory allocated -'exit -'This procedure calls CreateSample in Util to re-create the -'sample database. -'define the error handler -'create the sample database -'show instructions -'generate an error message -'show instructions -'This procedure calls ExecuteSQLConnect in apExeSQL to execute a -'SQL statement. -'define the error handler -'display results and/or message -'generate an error message and exit -'This procedure calls ExecuteSQLCommand in apExeSQL to execute a -'SQL statement. -'define the error handler -'display results and/or message -'generate an error message and exit -'This procedure calls ExecuteSQLRecordset in apExeSQL to execute a -'SQL statement. -'define the error handler -'display results and/or message -'generate an error message and exit -'This procedure displays instructions for exiting recursive errors while -'editing on the DataGird -'This procedure generates a sample SQL statement -'This procedure clears the results when choosing a predefined SQL -'statement sample -'This procedure toggles the autocommit mode on/off by calling -'procedures in the module dbCommit. -'define the error handler -'turn the autocommit mode OFF -'ask if the user wants to commit all the previous changes -'before turning the autocommit mode ON -'generate an error message and exit -'This procedure commits any previous changes by calling -'procedures in the module dbCommit. -'define the error handler -'commit the changes and start a new transaction -'generate an error message and exit -'This procedure rollbacks any previous changes by calling -'procedures in the module dbCommit. -'define the error handler -'rollback the changes and start a new transaction -'generate an error message and exit -'This is a helper procedure which refreshes the data displayed -'on the DataGridSQL. -'This procedure calls ExecuteHSQL() in the module dtHier to -'obtain a hierarchical recordset object. -'display in Grids -'display text information message -'This procedure calls GetLOB in dtLob to get an ADO Control for LOBs. -'define the error handler -'get an ADO Control for the LOBs -'set display objects -'enable buttons -'generate an error message and exit -'This procedure enables the display of employee pictures. -'This procedure enables the display of employee resumes. -'This is a helper procedure for Adodc caption display. -'This procedure checks and enables buttons for available stored -'procedures -'get information for all available procedures -'reset all selections -'enable buttons for available stored procedures -'enable Call button if any stored procedure available -'release objects -'This procedure clears the screen in switching the stored procedures -'This procedure calls various subroutines and subroutines in the -'module spCall to execute corresponding stored procedures and -'displays the results onto the screen. -'define the error handler -'check for the selected stored procedure by iteration -'clear the screen for result display -'call the corresponding selected stored procedure -'generate a message of success -'generate an error message and exit -'This procedure shows the second result set returned by calling -'the stored procedurd TWO_RESULT_SETS -'show next recordset -'This procedure calls CallSP_IN_PARAMS in the module spCall and -'compares information obtained from the same table before and -'after calling the stored procedure -'initialize variables -'get information before calling the stored procedure -'call the stored procedure -'get information after calling the stored procedure -'This procedure calls CallSP_INOUT_PARAM in the module spCall by -'using a parameter got form calling CallSP_OUT_PARAM and outputs -'a result message -'define variable -'get a parameter from OUT_PARAM -'call the stored procedure with the parameter -'This procedure calls CallSP_ALL_DATA_TYPES in the module spCall -'and displays the results -'initialize object and settings -'call the stored procedure -'output the results -'reset and release the object -'This procedure calls CallSP_DBINFO_EXAMPLE in the module spCall -'with a JOB as an IN parameter and displays the results obtained -'from the stored procedure containing information of the table and -'the database. -'define objects and variables -'call the stored procedure -'display the results -'This procedure calls various subroutines in the module udUse to -'execute corresponding user defined functions and displays the -'results onto the screen. -'define the error handler -'clear the screen for result display -'call the specific UDF procedure -'generate a message of success -'generate an error message and exit -'This procedure defines initial parameters. -'ask the user for displaying the instructions or not -'This procedure shows instructions at the begining of the program. -'This procedure maintains screen integrity for the Main Tabs. -'clear the the Tab screen before switching -'This procedure shows instructions for the Main Tabs. -'show instructions diff --git a/test/src_dir/frx1.frx b/test/src_dir/frx1.frx index 5e35ceb..eb80d4f 100644 --- a/test/src_dir/frx1.frx +++ b/test/src_dir/frx1.frx @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Object = "{0ECD9B60-23AA-11D0-B351-00A0C9055D8E}#6.0#0"; "MSHFLXGD.OCX" Object = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "MSCOMCTL.OCX" Begin VB.Form frmMain BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single - Caption = "DB2 Visual Basic Samples" ClientHeight = 6555 ClientLeft = 150 ClientTop = 435 @@ -17,990 +16,6 @@ Begin VB.Form frmMain ScaleHeight = 6555 ScaleWidth = 10620 StartUpPosition = 3 'Windows Default - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSample - Caption = "Create Sample DB" - Height = 495 - Left = 8760 - TabIndex = 21 - TabStop = 0 'False - Top = 240 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin TabDlg.SSTab tabMain - Height = 6015 - Left = 0 - TabIndex = 6 - Top = 120 - Width = 8565 - _ExtentX = 15108 - _ExtentY = 10610 - _Version = 393216 - Tabs = 5 - TabsPerRow = 5 - TabHeight = 520 - TabCaption(0) = "Execute SQL" - TabPicture(0) = "Demo.frx":0000 - Tab(0).ControlEnabled= -1 'True - Tab(0).Control(0)= "flxRecords" - Tab(0).Control(0).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(1)= "txtSQL" - Tab(0).Control(1).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(2)= "frmAutoCommit" - Tab(0).Control(2).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(3)= "cmdCommit" - Tab(0).Control(3).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(4)= "cmdRollback" - Tab(0).Control(4).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(5)= "chkAutoCommit" - Tab(0).Control(5).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(6)= "DataGridSQL" - Tab(0).Control(6).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(7)= "frmSamples" - Tab(0).Control(7).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(8)= "frmExecuteSQL" - Tab(0).Control(8).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(9)= "cmdSQLConnection" - Tab(0).Control(9).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(10)= "cmdSQLRecordset" - Tab(0).Control(10).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(11)= "cmdSQLCommand" - Tab(0).Control(11).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(12)= "cmdSQLSamples(0)" - Tab(0).Control(12).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(13)= "cmdSQLSamples(1)" - Tab(0).Control(13).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(14)= "cmdSQLSamples(2)" - Tab(0).Control(14).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).Control(15)= "cmdSQLSamples(3)" - Tab(0).Control(15).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(0).ControlCount= 16 - TabCaption(1) = "Hierarchical Data" - TabPicture(1) = "Demo.frx":001C - Tab(1).ControlEnabled= 0 'False - Tab(1).Control(0)= "cmdHierarchy" - Tab(1).Control(1)= "hflxRecords" - Tab(1).Control(2)= "lblHierScript" - Tab(1).ControlCount= 3 - TabCaption(2) = "LOBs" - TabPicture(2) = "Demo.frx":0038 - Tab(2).ControlEnabled= 0 'False - Tab(2).Control(0)= "lblEmpno" - Tab(2).Control(1)= "lblLastname" - Tab(2).Control(2)= "lblFirstname" - Tab(2).Control(3)= "AdodcLob" - Tab(2).Control(4)= "cmdCLOB" - Tab(2).Control(5)= "cmdBLOB" - Tab(2).Control(6)= "cmdRefresh" - Tab(2).Control(7)= "txtEmpno" - Tab(2).Control(7).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(2).Control(8)= "txtLastname" - Tab(2).Control(8).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(2).Control(9)= "txtFirstname" - Tab(2).Control(9).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(2).Control(10)= "txtClob" - Tab(2).Control(10).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(2).Control(11)= "picBlob" - Tab(2).ControlCount= 12 - TabCaption(3) = "Store Procedures" - TabPicture(3) = "Demo.frx":0054 - Tab(3).ControlEnabled= 0 'False - Tab(3).Control(0)= "optStoredProcedures(11)" - Tab(3).Control(1)= "cmdShowSecondRS" - Tab(3).Control(2)= "DataGridSP" - Tab(3).Control(3)= "txtSPResult" - Tab(3).Control(4)= "cmdSPCall" - Tab(3).Control(5)= "optStoredProcedures(10)" - Tab(3).Control(6)= "optStoredProcedures(9)" - Tab(3).Control(7)= "optStoredProcedures(8)" - Tab(3).Control(8)= "optStoredProcedures(7)" - Tab(3).Control(9)= "optStoredProcedures(6)" - Tab(3).Control(10)= "optStoredProcedures(5)" - Tab(3).Control(11)= "optStoredProcedures(4)" - Tab(3).Control(12)= "optStoredProcedures(3)" - Tab(3).Control(13)= "optStoredProcedures(2)" - Tab(3).Control(14)= "optStoredProcedures(1)" - Tab(3).Control(15)= "optStoredProcedures(0)" - Tab(3).Control(16)= "frmStoredProcedures" - Tab(3).ControlCount= 17 - TabCaption(4) = "UDFs" - TabPicture(4) = "Demo.frx":0070 - Tab(4).ControlEnabled= 0 'False - Tab(4).Control(0)= "cmdUDFs(5)" - Tab(4).Control(1)= "cmdUDFs(4)" - Tab(4).Control(2)= "cmdUDFs(3)" - Tab(4).Control(3)= "cmdUDFs(2)" - Tab(4).Control(4)= "cmdUDFs(1)" - Tab(4).Control(5)= "cmdUDFs(0)" - Tab(4).Control(6)= "hflxGridUDF" - Tab(4).Control(7)= "txtUDF" - Tab(4).Control(7).Enabled= 0 'False - Tab(4).Control(8)= "Frame1" - Tab(4).ControlCount= 9 - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLSamples - Caption = "Sample 4" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 375 - Index = 3 - Left = 7440 - TabIndex = 67 - Top = 2880 - Width = 855 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLSamples - Caption = "Sample 3" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 375 - Index = 2 - Left = 6600 - TabIndex = 66 - Top = 2880 - Width = 855 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLSamples - Caption = "Sample 2" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 375 - Index = 1 - Left = 7440 - TabIndex = 65 - Top = 2520 - Width = 855 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLSamples - Caption = "Sample 1" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 375 - Index = 0 - Left = 6600 - TabIndex = 64 - Top = 2520 - Width = 855 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUDFs - Caption = "TableUDF" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 5 - Left = -68400 - TabIndex = 63 - Top = 3600 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUDFs - Caption = "SourcedColumnUDF" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 4 - Left = -68400 - TabIndex = 62 - Top = 3000 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUDFs - Caption = "ScUDFReturningErr" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 3 - Left = -68400 - TabIndex = 61 - Top = 2400 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUDFs - Caption = "ScratchpadScUDF" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 2 - Left = -68400 - TabIndex = 60 - Top = 1800 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUDFs - Caption = "ClobScalarUDF" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 1 - Left = -68400 - TabIndex = 59 - Top = 1200 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdUDFs - Caption = "ScalarUDF" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 0 - Left = -68400 - TabIndex = 58 - Top = 600 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin MSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.MSHFlexGrid hflxGridUDF - Height = 1575 - Left = -74880 - TabIndex = 57 - TabStop = 0 'False - Top = 4320 - Width = 6255 - _ExtentX = 11033 - _ExtentY = 2778 - _Version = 393216 - FixedCols = 0 - WordWrap = -1 'True - AllowUserResizing= 1 - _NumberOfBands = 1 - _Band(0).Cols = 2 - End - Begin VB.TextBox txtUDF - BeginProperty Font - Name = "Courier New" - Size = 9 - Charset = 0 - Weight = 400 - Underline = 0 'False - Italic = 0 'False - Strikethrough = 0 'False - EndProperty - Height = 3735 - Left = -74880 - Locked = -1 'True - MultiLine = -1 'True - ScrollBars = 2 'Vertical - TabIndex = 56 - TabStop = 0 'False - Top = 480 - Width = 6255 - End - Begin VB.Frame Frame1 - Caption = "Work with UDF:" - Height = 5535 - Left = -68520 - TabIndex = 55 - Top = 360 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures - Caption = "MAIN_EXAMPLE" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 11 - Left = -69000 - TabIndex = 54 - Top = 1320 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdShowSecondRS - Caption = "Show Next RS" - Height = 495 - Left = -68280 - TabIndex = 53 - Top = 2640 - Visible = 0 'False - Width = 1695 - End - Begin MSDataGridLib.DataGrid DataGridSP - Height = 3788 - Left = -74850 - TabIndex = 37 - Top = 2070 - Visible = 0 'False - Width = 6428 - _ExtentX = 11351 - _ExtentY = 6694 - _Version = 393216 - BorderStyle = 0 - Enabled = -1 'True - HeadLines = 1 - RowHeight = 15 - RowDividerStyle = 1 - AllowAddNew = -1 'True - AllowDelete = -1 'True - BeginProperty HeadFont {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} - Name = "MS Sans Serif" - Size = 8.25 - Charset = 0 - Weight = 400 - Underline = 0 'False - Italic = 0 'False - Strikethrough = 0 'False - EndProperty - BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} - Name = "MS Sans Serif" - Size = 8.25 - Charset = 0 - Weight = 400 - Underline = 0 'False - Italic = 0 'False - Strikethrough = 0 'False - EndProperty - ColumnCount = 2 - BeginProperty Column00 - DataField = "" - Caption = "" - BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED} - Type = 0 - Format = "" - HaveTrueFalseNull= 0 - FirstDayOfWeek = 0 - FirstWeekOfYear = 0 - LCID = 1033 - SubFormatType = 0 - EndProperty - EndProperty - BeginProperty Column01 - DataField = "" - Caption = "" - BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED} - Type = 0 - Format = "" - HaveTrueFalseNull= 0 - FirstDayOfWeek = 0 - FirstWeekOfYear = 0 - LCID = 1033 - SubFormatType = 0 - EndProperty - EndProperty - SplitCount = 1 - BeginProperty Split0 - BeginProperty Column00 - EndProperty - BeginProperty Column01 - EndProperty - EndProperty - End - Begin VB.TextBox txtSPResult - BeginProperty Font - Name = "Courier New" - Size = 9 - Charset = 0 - Weight = 400 - Underline = 0 'False - Italic = 0 'False - Strikethrough = 0 'False - EndProperty - Height = 3855 - Left = -74880 - MultiLine = -1 'True - TabIndex = 52 - Top = 2040 - Width = 6495 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSPCall - Caption = "Call" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Left = -68280 - TabIndex = 51 - Top = 2040 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures - Caption = "DBINFO_EXAMPLE" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 10 - Left = -70920 - TabIndex = 50 - Top = 1320 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures - Caption = "DB2SQL_EXAMPLE" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 9 - Left = -72840 - TabIndex = 49 - Top = 1320 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures - Caption = "CLOB_EXTRACT" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 8 - Left = -74760 - TabIndex = 48 - Top = 1320 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures - Caption = "TWO_RESULT_SETS" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 7 - Left = -69000 - TabIndex = 47 - Top = 960 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures - Caption = "ONE_RESULT_SET" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 6 - Left = -70920 - TabIndex = 46 - Top = 960 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures - Caption = "DECIMAL_TYPE" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 5 - Left = -72840 - TabIndex = 45 - Top = 960 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures - Caption = "ALL_DATA_TYPES" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 4 - Left = -74760 - TabIndex = 44 - Top = 960 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures - Caption = "INOUT_PARAM" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 3 - Left = -69000 - TabIndex = 43 - Top = 600 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures - Caption = "OUT_PARAM" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 2 - Left = -70920 - TabIndex = 42 - Top = 600 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures - Caption = "IN_PARAMS" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 1 - Left = -72840 - TabIndex = 41 - Top = 600 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.OptionButton optStoredProcedures - Caption = "OUT_LANGUAGE" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Index = 0 - Left = -74760 - TabIndex = 40 - Top = 600 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.Frame frmStoredProcedures - Caption = "Stored Procedure:" - Height = 1575 - Left = -74880 - TabIndex = 39 - Top = 360 - Width = 8295 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLCommand - Caption = "on Command" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Left = 6600 - TabIndex = 35 - Top = 1200 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLRecordset - Caption = "on Recordset" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Left = 6600 - TabIndex = 34 - Top = 1800 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdSQLConnection - Caption = "on Connection" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Left = 6600 - TabIndex = 8 - Top = 600 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.Frame frmExecuteSQL - Caption = "Execute SQL" - Height = 2055 - Left = 6480 - TabIndex = 32 - Top = 360 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.Frame frmSamples - Height = 1095 - Left = 6480 - TabIndex = 38 - Top = 2280 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin MSDataGridLib.DataGrid DataGridSQL - Height = 3690 - Left = 150 - TabIndex = 36 - Top = 2190 - Width = 6200 - _ExtentX = 10927 - _ExtentY = 6509 - _Version = 393216 - BorderStyle = 0 - HeadLines = 1 - RowHeight = 15 - RowDividerStyle = 1 - AllowAddNew = -1 'True - AllowDelete = -1 'True - BeginProperty HeadFont {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} - Name = "MS Sans Serif" - Size = 8.25 - Charset = 0 - Weight = 400 - Underline = 0 'False - Italic = 0 'False - Strikethrough = 0 'False - EndProperty - BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} - Name = "MS Sans Serif" - Size = 8.25 - Charset = 0 - Weight = 400 - Underline = 0 'False - Italic = 0 'False - Strikethrough = 0 'False - EndProperty - ColumnCount = 2 - BeginProperty Column00 - DataField = "" - Caption = "" - BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED} - Type = 0 - Format = "" - HaveTrueFalseNull= 0 - FirstDayOfWeek = 0 - FirstWeekOfYear = 0 - LCID = 1033 - SubFormatType = 0 - EndProperty - EndProperty - BeginProperty Column01 - DataField = "" - Caption = "" - BeginProperty DataFormat {6D835690-900B-11D0-9484-00A0C91110ED} - Type = 0 - Format = "" - HaveTrueFalseNull= 0 - FirstDayOfWeek = 0 - FirstWeekOfYear = 0 - LCID = 1033 - SubFormatType = 0 - EndProperty - EndProperty - SplitCount = 1 - BeginProperty Split0 - BeginProperty Column00 - EndProperty - BeginProperty Column01 - EndProperty - EndProperty - End - Begin VB.CheckBox chkAutoCommit - Caption = " AutoCommit" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 255 - Left = 6840 - TabIndex = 31 - Top = 4320 - Value = 1 'Checked - Width = 1215 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRollback - Caption = "Rollback" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Left = 6600 - TabIndex = 10 - Top = 5280 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdCommit - Caption = "Commit" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Left = 6600 - TabIndex = 9 - Top = 4680 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.Frame frmAutoCommit - Height = 1575 - Left = 6480 - TabIndex = 33 - Top = 4320 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.PictureBox picBlob - BackColor = &H80000005& - Height = 5405 - Left = -74870 - ScaleHeight = 5340 - ScaleWidth = 6420 - TabIndex = 30 - Top = 490 - Visible = 0 'False - Width = 6480 - End - Begin VB.TextBox txtClob - BeginProperty Font - Name = "Courier New" - Size = 8.25 - Charset = 0 - Weight = 400 - Underline = 0 'False - Italic = 0 'False - Strikethrough = 0 'False - EndProperty - Height = 5415 - Left = -74880 - Locked = -1 'True - MultiLine = -1 'True - ScrollBars = 3 'Both - TabIndex = 23 - TabStop = 0 'False - Top = 480 - Width = 6495 - End - Begin VB.TextBox txtFirstname - Appearance = 0 'Flat - BackColor = &H80000013& - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 285 - Left = -68280 - Locked = -1 'True - TabIndex = 26 - TabStop = 0 'False - Top = 5040 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.TextBox txtLastname - Appearance = 0 'Flat - BackColor = &H80000013& - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 285 - Left = -68280 - Locked = -1 'True - TabIndex = 25 - TabStop = 0 'False - Top = 4440 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.TextBox txtEmpno - Appearance = 0 'Flat - BackColor = &H80000013& - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 285 - Left = -68280 - Locked = -1 'True - TabIndex = 24 - TabStop = 0 'False - Top = 3840 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdRefresh - Caption = "Refresh Data" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Left = -68280 - TabIndex = 12 - Top = 480 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdBLOB - Caption = "Show Picture" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Left = -68280 - TabIndex = 14 - Top = 1680 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdCLOB - Caption = "Show Resume" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Left = -68280 - TabIndex = 13 - Top = 1080 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdHierarchy - Caption = "Display" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Left = -68280 - TabIndex = 11 - Top = 480 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.TextBox txtSQL - BeginProperty Font - Name = "Courier New" - Size = 9 - Charset = 0 - Weight = 400 - Underline = 0 'False - Italic = 0 'False - Strikethrough = 0 'False - EndProperty - Height = 1575 - Left = 120 - MultiLine = -1 'True - ScrollBars = 2 'Vertical - TabIndex = 7 - Top = 480 - Width = 6255 - End - Begin MSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.MSHFlexGrid hflxRecords - Height = 4815 - Left = -74880 - TabIndex = 17 - TabStop = 0 'False - Top = 1080 - Width = 8295 - _ExtentX = 14631 - _ExtentY = 8493 - _Version = 393216 - FixedCols = 0 - WordWrap = -1 'True - AllowUserResizing= 1 - _NumberOfBands = 1 - _Band(0).Cols = 2 - End - Begin MSHierarchicalFlexGridLib.MSHFlexGrid flxRecords - Height = 3735 - Left = 120 - TabIndex = 16 - TabStop = 0 'False - Top = 2160 - Width = 6255 - _ExtentX = 11033 - _ExtentY = 6588 - _Version = 393216 - FixedCols = 0 - WordWrap = -1 'True - AllowUserResizing= 1 - _NumberOfBands = 1 - _Band(0).Cols = 2 - End - Begin MSAdodcLib.Adodc AdodcLob - Height = 330 - Left = -68280 - Top = 5520 - Width = 1695 - _ExtentX = 2990 - _ExtentY = 582 - ConnectMode = 1 - CursorLocation = 3 - IsolationLevel = -1 - ConnectionTimeout= 15 - CommandTimeout = 30 - CursorType = 3 - LockType = 3 - CommandType = 8 - CursorOptions = 0 - CacheSize = 50 - MaxRecords = 0 - BOFAction = 0 - EOFAction = 0 - ConnectStringType= 1 - Appearance = 1 - BackColor = -2147483643 - ForeColor = -2147483640 - Orientation = 0 - Enabled = 0 - Connect = "" - OLEDBString = "" - OLEDBFile = "" - DataSourceName = "" - OtherAttributes = "" - UserName = "" - Password = "" - RecordSource = "" - Caption = "" - BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} - Name = "MS Sans Serif" - Size = 8.25 - Charset = 0 - Weight = 400 - Underline = 0 'False - Italic = 0 'False - Strikethrough = 0 'False - EndProperty - _Version = 393216 - End - Begin VB.Label lblHierScript - Caption = $"Demo.frx":008C - ForeColor = &H80000011& - Height = 495 - Left = -74760 - TabIndex = 68 - Top = 540 - Width = 6135 - End - Begin VB.Label lblFirstname - Caption = "First Name:" - Height = 255 - Left = -68280 - TabIndex = 29 - Top = 4800 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.Label lblLastname - Caption = "Last Name:" - Height = 255 - Left = -68280 - TabIndex = 28 - Top = 4200 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.Label lblEmpno - Caption = "Employee No.:" - Height = 255 - Left = -68280 - TabIndex = 27 - Top = 3600 - Width = 1695 - End - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdVersionInfo - Caption = "Get Environment Info" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Left = 8760 - TabIndex = 3 - Top = 840 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdConnectInfo - Caption = "Get Connection Info" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Left = 8760 - TabIndex = 4 - Top = 4200 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdConnectDataShape - Caption = "Connect DataShape" - Height = 495 - Left = 8760 - TabIndex = 2 - Top = 3600 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdConnectODBC - Caption = "Connect ODBC" - Height = 495 - Left = 8760 - TabIndex = 1 - Top = 3000 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdDisconnect - Caption = "Disconnect" - Enabled = 0 'False - Height = 495 - Left = 8760 - TabIndex = 5 - Top = 4800 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdConnectOLEDB - Caption = "Connect OLE DB" - Height = 495 - Left = 8760 - TabIndex = 0 - Top = 2400 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.Frame frmConnection - Caption = "Connection:" - Height = 3255 - Left = 8640 - TabIndex = 18 - Top = 2160 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin VB.CommandButton cmdExit - Caption = "Exit" - Height = 495 - Left = 8760 - TabIndex = 15 - Top = 5520 - Width = 1695 - End - Begin VB.Frame fmExit - Height = 855 - Left = 8640 - TabIndex = 19 - Top = 5280 - Width = 1935 - End - Begin MSComctlLib.StatusBar sbrStatus - Align = 2 'Align Bottom - Height = 375 - Left = 0 - TabIndex = 20 - Top = 6180 - Width = 10620 - _ExtentX = 18733 - _ExtentY = 661 - _Version = 393216 - BeginProperty Panels {8E3867A5-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} - NumPanels = 1 - BeginProperty Panel1 {8E3867AB-8586-11D1-B16A-00C0F0283628} - AutoSize = 1 - Object.Width = 18680 - EndProperty - EndProperty - BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} - Name = "MS Sans Serif" - Size = 9.75 - Charset = 0 - Weight = 400 - Underline = 0 'False - Italic = 0 'False - Strikethrough = 0 'False - EndProperty - End - Begin VB.Frame frmEnvironment - Caption = "Environment:" - Height = 1455 - Left = 8640 - TabIndex = 22 - Top = 0 - Width = 1935 - End -End Attribute VB_Name = "frmMain" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False @@ -1008,39 +23,12 @@ Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -' Licensed Materials - Property of IBM -' Governed under the terms of the IBM Public License -' -' (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2002 -' All Rights Reserved. -' -' US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or -' disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. -'--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -' ' SOURCE FILE NAME: Demo.frm ' ' SAMPLE: Visual Basic Demo with user interface for the sample modules ' -' MODULES USED: -' cli_Info.bas -' cliExeSQL.bas -' dbCommit.bas -' dbConn.bas -' dbInfo.bas -' dtHier.bas -' dtLob.bas -' spCall.bas -' udfUse.bas -' Util.bas -' ' For more information about samples, refer to the README file. ' -' For more information on the SQL language, refer to the SQL Reference. -' -' For the latest information on programming, compiling, and running DB2 -' applications, refer to the DB2 application development website at -' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit @@ -1069,1000 +57,4 @@ Private Sub cmdConnectOLEDB_Click() If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then ShowConnectionInstruction End If - -cmdConnectOLEDB_Exit: - Exit Sub - -cmdConnectOLEDB_Error: - 'generate an error message - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - - 'show instructions - If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then - MsgBox "Connect to sample database failed!" & vbCr & _ - Err.Description & vbCr & _ - "Please correct the problem and try again.", _ - vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Instruction" - End If - - Resume cmdConnectOLEDB_Exit -End Sub - -'This procedure calls ConnectODBC() in the module dbConn to get -'a connection object. -Private Sub cmdConnectODBC_Click() - 'define the error handler - On Error GoTo cmdConnectODBC_Error - - 'connect to database - Set con = ConnectODBC() - - 'generate a message of success - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Connect to sample database succeeded!" - - 'config status of the buttons - EnableButtons - - 'show instructions - If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then - ShowConnectionInstruction - End If - -cmdConnectODBC_Exit: - Exit Sub - -cmdConnectODBC_Error: - 'generate an error message - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - - 'show instructions - If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then - MsgBox "Connect to sample database failed!" & vbCr & _ - Err.Description & vbCr & _ - "Please correct the problem and try again.", _ - vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Instruction" - End If - - Resume cmdConnectODBC_Exit -End Sub - -'This procedure calls ConnectDataShape() in the module dbConn to -'get a connection object. -Private Sub cmdConnectDataShape_Click() - 'define the error handler - On Error GoTo cmdConnectDataShape_Error - - 'connect to database - Set con = ConnectDataShape() - con.Attributes = adXactCommitRetaining + adXactAbortRetaining - - 'generate a message of success - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Connect to sample database succeeded!" - - 'config status of the buttons - EnableButtons - cmdHierarchy.Enabled = True - lblHierScript.ForeColor = vbButtonText - - 'show instructions - If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then - ShowConnectionInstruction - End If - -cmdConnectDataShape_Exit: - Exit Sub - -cmdConnectDataShape_Error: - 'generate an error message - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - - 'show instructions - If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then - MsgBox "Connect to sample database failed!" & vbCr & _ - Err.Description & vbCr & _ - "Please correct the problem and try again.", _ - vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Instruction" - End If - - Resume cmdConnectDataShape_Exit -End Sub - -'This procedure enables buttons after a connection is created. -Private Sub EnableButtons() - Dim tmpButton As CommandButton - cmdConnectOLEDB.Enabled = False - cmdConnectODBC.Enabled = False - cmdConnectDataShape.Enabled = False - cmdHierarchy.Enabled = False - lblHierScript.ForeColor = vbGrayText - cmdSample.Enabled = False - cmdConnectInfo.Enabled = True - cmdVersionInfo.Enabled = True - cmdDisconnect.Enabled = True - cmdRefresh.Enabled = True - cmdSQLConnection.Enabled = True - cmdSQLRecordset.Enabled = True - cmdSQLCommand.Enabled = True - For Each tmpButton In cmdSQLSamples - tmpButton.Enabled = True - Next - cmdCommit.Enabled = False - cmdRollback.Enabled = False - chkAutoCommit.Enabled = True - CheckAvailableStoredProcedures - For Each tmpButton In cmdUDFs - tmpButton.Enabled = True - Next -End Sub - -'This procedure shows the instruction message after creating a connection. -Private Sub ShowConnectionInstruction() - MsgBox "Connect to sample database succeeded!" & vbCr & _ - "You may choose a Tab for specific functional demonstration," & vbCr & _ - "or press one of the info buttons for more information.", _ - vbOKOnly, "Instruction" -End Sub - -'This procedure calls Disconnect() in the module dbConn to close -'a connection object. -Private Sub cmdDisconnect_Click() - 'define the error handler - On Error GoTo cmdDisconnect_Error - - 'clear displays and release data sources - Set rst = Nothing - Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = Nothing - Set hflxRecords.DataSource = Nothing - DataGridSQL.ClearFields - hflxRecords.Clear - picBlob.Visible = False - txtClob.Text = "" - txtEmpno.Text = "" - txtLastname.Text = "" - txtFirstname.Text = "" - AdodcLob.Caption = "" - chkAutoCommit.Value = 1 - DataGridSP.Visible = False - txtSPResult.Text = "" - txtUDF.Text = "" - hflxGridUDF.Clear - - 'disconnect from database - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = Disconnect(con) - - 'configure status of the buttons - Dim tmpButton As CommandButton - cmdConnectOLEDB.Enabled = True - cmdConnectODBC.Enabled = True - cmdConnectDataShape.Enabled = True - cmdSample.Enabled = True - cmdDisconnect.Enabled = False - cmdHierarchy.Enabled = False - lblHierScript.ForeColor = vbGrayText - cmdConnectInfo.Enabled = False - cmdVersionInfo.Enabled = False - cmdSQLConnection.Enabled = False - cmdSQLRecordset.Enabled = False - cmdSQLCommand.Enabled = False - For Each tmpButton In cmdSQLSamples - tmpButton.Enabled = False - Next - cmdCommit.Enabled = False - cmdRollback.Enabled = False - chkAutoCommit.Enabled = False - cmdRefresh.Enabled = False - cmdBLOB.Enabled = False - cmdCLOB.Enabled = False - AdodcLob.Enabled = False - cmdSPCall.Enabled = False - CheckAvailableStoredProcedures - For Each tmpButton In cmdUDFs - tmpButton.Enabled = False - Next - - 'show instructions - If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then - MsgBox "Sample Database is disconnected!" & vbCr & _ - "You may now choose one of the connections again.", _ - vbOKOnly, "Instruction" - End If - -cmdDisconnect_Exit: - Set rst = Nothing - Set con = Nothing - Exit Sub - -cmdDisconnect_Error: - 'generate an error message - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - - 'show instructions - If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then - MsgBox "Disconnect from sample database failed!" & vbCr & _ - Err.Description & vbCr & _ - "Please correct the problem and try again.", _ - vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Instruction" - End If - - Resume cmdDisconnect_Exit -End Sub - -'This procedure calls ConnectInfo in dbInfo to obtain information -'and displays the connection information on a message box. -Private Sub cmdConnectInfo_Click() - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" - MsgBox ConnectInfo(con), vbOKOnly, "Connection Information" -End Sub - -'This procedure calls VersionInfo in apInfo to obtain information -'and displays the version information on a message box. -Private Sub cmdVersionInfo_Click() - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" - MsgBox VersionInfo(con), vbOKOnly, "Versions Information" -End Sub - -'This procedure close the main screen and quit the program. -Private Sub cmdExit_Click() - 'check if it is necessary to commit any changes - chkAutoCommit.Value = 1 - - 'release all the memory allocated - Set hflxRecords.DataSource = Nothing - Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = Nothing - Set rst = Nothing - Set con = Nothing - - 'exit - Unload Me -End Sub - -'This procedure calls CreateSample in Util to re-create the -'sample database. -Private Sub cmdSample_Click() - 'define the error handler - On Error GoTo cmdSample_Error - - 'create the sample database - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Creating the sample database, please wait..." - CreateSample - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Create the sample database is done." - - 'show instructions - If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then - MsgBox "The sample database has been created!" & vbCr & _ - "You may now choose one of the connections.", _ - vbOKOnly, "Instruction" - End If - -cmdSample_Exit: - Exit Sub - -cmdSample_Error: - 'generate an error message - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - - 'show instructions - If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then - MsgBox "Create sample database failed!" & vbCr & _ - Err.Description & vbCr & _ - "Please correct the problem and try again.", _ - vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Instruction" - End If - - Resume cmdSample_Exit -End Sub - -'This procedure calls ExecuteSQLConnect in apExeSQL to execute a -'SQL statement. -Private Sub cmdSQLConnection_Click() - 'define the error handler - On Error GoTo cmdSQLConnection_Error - - 'display results and/or message - DataGridSQL.ClearFields - Set rst = ExecuteSQLConnect(txtSQL, strMsgText, con) - Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = rst - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = strMsgText - -cmdSQLConnection_Exit: - Exit Sub - -cmdSQLConnection_Error: - 'generate an error message and exit - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - Resume cmdSQLConnection_Exit -End Sub - -'This procedure calls ExecuteSQLCommand in apExeSQL to execute a -'SQL statement. -Private Sub cmdSQLCommand_Click() - 'define the error handler - On Error GoTo cmdSQLCommand_Error - - 'display results and/or message - DataGridSQL.ClearFields - Set rst = ExecuteSQLCommand(txtSQL, strMsgText, con) - Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = rst - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = strMsgText - -cmdSQLCommand_Exit: - Exit Sub - -cmdSQLCommand_Error: - 'generate an error message and exit - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - Resume cmdSQLCommand_Exit -End Sub - -'This procedure calls ExecuteSQLRecordset in apExeSQL to execute a -'SQL statement. -Private Sub cmdSQLRecordset_Click() - 'define the error handler - On Error GoTo cmdSQLRecordset_Error - - 'display results and/or message - DataGridSQL.ClearFields - Set rst = ExecuteSQLRecordset(txtSQL, strMsgText, con) - Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = rst - DataGridSQL.SetFocus - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = strMsgText - -cmdSQLRecordset_Exit: - Exit Sub - -cmdSQLRecordset_Error: - 'generate an error message and exit - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - Resume cmdSQLRecordset_Exit -End Sub - -'This procedure displays instructions for exiting recursive errors while -'editing on the DataGird -Private Sub DataGridSQL_Error(ByVal DataError As Integer, Response As Integer) - If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then - MsgBox _ - "If errors keep happening," & vbCr & _ - "You may press [Disconnect] to clear errors.", _ - vbOKOnly, "Instruction" - End If - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Press [Disconnect] to clear continuous errors." -End Sub - -'This procedure generates a sample SQL statement -Private Sub cmdSQLSamples_Click(Index As Integer) - Select Case Index - Case 0 - txtSQL.Text = "SELECT * FROM employee" - Case 1 - txtSQL.Text = "SELECT firstnme, job, hiredate" & vbCrLf & _ - "FROM employee" & vbCrLf & _ - "WHERE workdept = 'D11'" & vbCrLf & _ - "ORDER BY hiredate" - Case 2 - txtSQL.Text = "SELECT firstnme, job, salary + comm AS pay" & vbCrLf & _ - "FROM employee" & vbCrLf & _ - "WHERE (salary + comm) < 25000" & vbCrLf & _ - "ORDER BY pay DESC" - Case 3 - txtSQL.Text = "SELECT workdept," & vbCrLf & _ - " MAX(salary) AS maximum," & vbCrLf & _ - " MIN(salary) As minimum" & vbCrLf & _ - "FROM employee GROUP BY workdept ORDER BY workdept" - Case Else - End Select -End Sub - -'This procedure clears the results when choosing a predefined SQL -'statement sample -Private Sub cmdSQLSamples_GotFocus(Index As Integer) - Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = Nothing - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" -End Sub - -'This procedure toggles the autocommit mode on/off by calling -'procedures in the module dbCommit. -Private Sub chkAutoCommit_Click() - 'define the error handler - On Error GoTo chkAutoCommit_Error - - If chkAutoCommit.Value = 0 Then - 'turn the autocommit mode OFF - AutoCommitOff con - cmdCommit.Enabled = True - cmdRollback.Enabled = True - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "AutoCommit mode is OFF." - Else - 'ask if the user wants to commit all the previous changes - 'before turning the autocommit mode ON - strMsgText = "Commit all previous changes (if any)?" - If MsgBox(strMsgText, vbYesNo, "Turn Autocommit ON") = vbYes Then - Commit con - Else - Rollback con - End If - cmdCommit.Enabled = False - cmdRollback.Enabled = False - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "AutoCommit mode is ON." - End If - -chkAutoCommit_Exit: - RefreshDataGridSQL - Exit Sub - -chkAutoCommit_Error: - 'generate an error message and exit - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - Resume chkAutoCommit_Exit -End Sub - -'This procedure commits any previous changes by calling -'procedures in the module dbCommit. -Private Sub cmdCommit_Click() - 'define the error handler - On Error GoTo cmdCommit_Error - - 'commit the changes and start a new transaction - If chkAutoCommit.Value = 0 Then - Commit con - AutoCommitOff con - End If - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Commit transactions succeeded." - -cmdCommit_Exit: - RefreshDataGridSQL - Exit Sub - -cmdCommit_Error: - 'generate an error message and exit - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - Resume cmdCommit_Exit -End Sub - -'This procedure rollbacks any previous changes by calling -'procedures in the module dbCommit. -Private Sub cmdRollback_Click() - 'define the error handler - On Error GoTo cmdRollback_Error - - 'rollback the changes and start a new transaction - If chkAutoCommit.Value = 0 Then - Rollback con - AutoCommitOff con - End If - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "Rollback transactions succeeded." - -cmdRollback_Exit: - RefreshDataGridSQL - Exit Sub - -cmdRollback_Error: - 'generate an error message and exit - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - Resume cmdRollback_Exit -End Sub - -'This is a helper procedure which refreshes the data displayed -'on the DataGridSQL. -Private Sub RefreshDataGridSQL() - If Not DataGridSQL.DataSource Is Nothing Then - Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = Nothing - rst.Requery - Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = rst - End If -End Sub - -'This procedure calls ExecuteHSQL() in the module dtHier to -'obtain a hierarchical recordset object. -Private Sub cmdHierarchy_Click() - 'display in Grids - hflxRecords.Clear - Set hflxRecords.DataSource = ExecuteHSQL(strMsgText, con) - - 'display text information message - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = strMsgText -End Sub - -'This procedure calls GetLOB in dtLob to get an ADO Control for LOBs. -Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click() - 'define the error handler - On Error GoTo cmdRefresh_Error - - 'get an ADO Control for the LOBs - GetLOB con, AdodcLob - AdodcLob.Refresh - - 'set display objects - txtClob.DataField = "RESUME" - Set txtClob.DataSource = AdodcLob - picBlob.DataField = "PICTURE" - Set picBlob.DataSource = AdodcLob - txtEmpno.DataField = "EMPNO" - Set txtEmpno.DataSource = AdodcLob - txtLastname.DataField = "LASTNAME" - Set txtLastname.DataSource = AdodcLob - txtFirstname.DataField = "FIRSTNME" - Set txtFirstname.DataSource = AdodcLob - - 'enable buttons - cmdBLOB.Enabled = True - cmdCLOB.Enabled = True - AdodcLob.Enabled = True - -cmdRefresh_Exit: - Exit Sub - -cmdRefresh_Error: - 'generate an error message and exit - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - AdodcLob.Enabled = False - cmdBLOB.Enabled = False - cmdCLOB.Enabled = False - Resume cmdRefresh_Exit -End Sub - -'This procedure enables the display of employee pictures. -Private Sub cmdBLOB_Click() - picBlob.Visible = True -End Sub - -'This procedure enables the display of employee resumes. -Private Sub cmdCLOB_Click() - picBlob.Visible = False -End Sub - -'This is a helper procedure for Adodc caption display. -Private Sub AdodcLob_MoveComplete(ByVal adReason As ADODB.EventReasonEnum, ByVal pError As ADODB.Error, adStatus As ADODB.EventStatusEnum, ByVal pRecordset As ADODB.Recordset) - AdodcLob.Caption = AdodcLob.Recordset.AbsolutePosition -End Sub - -'This procedure checks and enables buttons for available stored -'procedures -Private Sub CheckAvailableStoredProcedures() - Dim optStoredProcedure As Variant - Dim proToken As ADOX.Procedure - Dim pros As ADOX.Procedures - - 'get information for all available procedures - Set pros = GetProcedures(con) - - 'reset all selections - For Each optStoredProcedure In optStoredProcedures - optStoredProcedure.Enabled = False - optStoredProcedure.Value = False - cmdShowSecondRS.Visible = False - cmdSPCall.Enabled = False - Next - - 'enable buttons for available stored procedures - For Each proToken In pros - Select Case proToken.Name - Case "OUT_LANGUAGE" - optStoredProcedures(0).Enabled = True - Case "IN_PARAMS" - optStoredProcedures(1).Enabled = True - Case "OUT_PARAM" - optStoredProcedures(2).Enabled = True - Case "INOUT_PARAM" - optStoredProcedures(3).Enabled = True - Case "ALL_DATA_TYPES" - optStoredProcedures(4).Enabled = True - Case "DECIMAL_TYPE" - optStoredProcedures(5).Enabled = True - Case "ONE_RESULT_SET" - optStoredProcedures(6).Enabled = True - Case "TWO_RESULT_SETS" - optStoredProcedures(7).Enabled = True - Case "CLOB_EXTRACT" - optStoredProcedures(8).Enabled = True - Case "DB2SQL_EXAMPLE" - optStoredProcedures(9).Enabled = True - Case "DBINFO_EXAMPLE" - optStoredProcedures(10).Enabled = True - Case "MAIN_EXAMPLE" - optStoredProcedures(11).Enabled = True - Case Else - End Select - Next proToken - - 'enable Call button if any stored procedure available - For Each optStoredProcedure In optStoredProcedures - If optStoredProcedure.Enabled Then - cmdSPCall.Enabled = True - Exit For - End If - Next - - 'release objects - Set pros = Nothing - Set proToken = Nothing -End Sub - -'This procedure clears the screen in switching the stored procedures -Private Sub optStoredProcedures_Click(Index As Integer) - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" - txtSPResult.Text = "" - If DataGridSP.Visible Then - DataGridSP.Visible = False - Set DataGridSP.DataSource = Nothing - DataGridSP.ClearFields - cmdShowSecondRS.Visible = False - End If - cmdSPCall.SetFocus -End Sub - -'This procedure calls various subroutines and subroutines in the -'module spCall to execute corresponding stored procedures and -'displays the results onto the screen. -Private Sub cmdSPCall_Click() - Dim optStoredProcedure As Variant - Dim strParam As String - - 'define the error handler - On Error GoTo cmdSPCall_Error - - 'check for the selected stored procedure by iteration - For Each optStoredProcedure In optStoredProcedures - If optStoredProcedure.Value = True Then - Exit For - End If - Next - - 'clear the screen for result display - If IsObject(optStoredProcedure) Then - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" - txtSPResult.Text = "" - DataGridSP.Visible = False - Else - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: No stored procedure selected." - Exit Sub - End If - - 'call the corresponding selected stored procedure - Select Case optStoredProcedure.Caption - Case "OUT_LANGUAGE" - txtSPResult.Text = _ - "Stored procedures are implemented in LANGUAGE " & _ - CallSP_OUT_LANGUAGE(con) - Case "IN_PARAMS" - con.BeginTrans - CallInParameters - con.RollbackTrans - Case "OUT_PARAM" - txtSPResult.Text = _ - "Stored Procedure OUT_PARAM calculated median was " & _ - CallSP_OUT_PARAM(con) - Case "INOUT_PARAM" - CallInOutParameter - Case "ALL_DATA_TYPES" - CallAllDataTypes - Case "DECIMAL_TYPE" - txtSPResult.Text = _ - "Stored Procedure DECIMAL_TYPE returned value was " & _ - CallSP_DECIMAL_TYPE(con) - Case "CLOB_EXTRACT" - txtSPResult.Text = _ - "Resume section returned from calling CLOB_EXTRACT:" & _ - vbCrLf & vbCrLf & CallSP_CLOB_EXTRACT(con) - Case "ONE_RESULT_SET" - Set DataGridSP.DataSource = CallSP_ONE_RESULT_SET(con) - DataGridSP.Visible = True - Case "TWO_RESULT_SETS" - Set rst = CallSP_TWO_RESULT_SETS(con) - Set DataGridSP.DataSource = rst - DataGridSP.Visible = True - cmdShowSecondRS.Visible = True - cmdShowSecondRS.Enabled = True - cmdShowSecondRS.SetFocus - Case "DB2SQL_EXAMPLE" - strParam = "CLERK" - txtSPResult.Text = _ - "Stored Procedure DB2SQL_EXAMPLE returned value was " & _ - CallSP_DB2SQL_EXAMPLE(con, strParam) & _ - vbCrLf & "for the job of " & strParam & "." - Case "DBINFO_EXAMPLE" - CallDbInfo - Case "MAIN_EXAMPLE" - strParam = "DESIGNER" - txtSPResult.Text = _ - "Stored Procedure MAIN_EXAMPLE returned value was " & _ - CallSP_DB2SQL_EXAMPLE(con, strParam) & _ - vbCrLf & "for the job of " & strParam & "." - End Select - - 'generate a message of success - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = _ - "Stored Procedure " & optStoredProcedure.Caption & _ - " was called successfully." - -cmdSPCall_Exit: - Exit Sub - -cmdSPCall_Error: - 'generate an error message and exit - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - Resume cmdSPCall_Exit -End Sub - -'This procedure shows the second result set returned by calling -'the stored procedurd TWO_RESULT_SETS -Private Sub cmdShowSecondRS_Click() - 'show next recordset - Set DataGridSP.DataSource = rst.NextRecordset - cmdShowSecondRS.Enabled = False - cmdSPCall.SetFocus -End Sub - -'This procedure calls CallSP_IN_PARAMS in the module spCall and -'compares information obtained from the same table before and -'after calling the stored procedure -Private Sub CallInParameters() - 'initialize variables - Dim strSQL As String - strSQL = "SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employee WHERE workdept = 'E11'" - - 'get information before calling the stored procedure - Set rst = ExecuteSQLCommand(strSQL, strMsgText, con) - txtSPResult.Text = "Before calling IN_PARAMS, " & vbCrLf & _ - "Sum of salaries for dept. E11 = " & _ - rst.Fields(0).Value & vbCrLf & vbCrLf - - 'call the stored procedure - CallSP_IN_PARAMS con - txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & _ - "SAMPLE Stored Procedure IN_PARAMS was called." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf - - 'get information after calling the stored procedure - Set rst = ExecuteSQLCommand(strSQL, strMsgText, con) - txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & _ - "After calling IN_PARAMS, " & vbCrLf & _ - "Sum of salaries for dept. E11 = " & _ - rst.Fields(0).Value & vbCrLf - Set rst = Nothing - strMsgText = "" -End Sub - -'This procedure calls CallSP_INOUT_PARAM in the module spCall by -'using a parameter got form calling CallSP_OUT_PARAM and outputs -'a result message -Private Sub CallInOutParameter() - 'define variable - Dim dblMedian As Double - - 'get a parameter from OUT_PARAM - txtSPResult.Text = "Call OUT_PARAM to get the median." - dblMedian = CallSP_OUT_PARAM(con) - txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ - "Stored procedure returned successfully." & vbCrLf - - 'call the stored procedure with the parameter - txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ - "Call INOUT_PARAM with the result just got." - txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ - "New median returned from INOUT_PARAM = " & _ - CallSP_INOUT_PARAM(con, dblMedian) -End Sub - -'This procedure calls CallSP_ALL_DATA_TYPES in the module spCall -'and displays the results -Private Sub CallAllDataTypes() - 'initialize object and settings - Dim pms As ADODB.Parameters - With txtSPResult - - 'call the stored procedure - .Text = "Call ALL_DATA_TYPES to get all types of data." - Set pms = CallSP_ALL_DATA_TYPES(con) - .Text = .Text & vbCrLf & "Stored procedure returned successfully." - - 'output the results - .Text = .Text & vbCrLf & _ - vbCrLf & "Value of SMALLINT = " & pms("SMALL").Value & _ - vbCrLf & "Value of INTEGER = " & pms("INTIN").Value & _ - vbCrLf & "Value of BIGINT = " & pms("BIGIN").Value & _ - vbCrLf & "Value of REAL = " & pms("REALIN").Value & _ - vbCrLf & "Value of DOUBLE = " & pms("DOUBLEIN").Value & _ - vbCrLf & "Value of CHAR(1) = " & pms("CHAROUT").Value & _ - vbCrLf & "Value of CHAR(15) = " & pms("CHARSOUT").Value & _ - vbCrLf & "Value of VARCHAR(12) = " & pms("VARCHAROUT").Value & _ - vbCrLf & "Value of DATE = " & pms("DATEOUT").Value & _ - vbCrLf & "Value of TIME = " & TimeValue(pms("TIMEOUT").Value) - - 'reset and release the object - End With - Set pms = Nothing -End Sub - -'This procedure calls CallSP_DBINFO_EXAMPLE in the module spCall -'with a JOB as an IN parameter and displays the results obtained -'from the stored procedure containing information of the table and -'the database. -Private Sub CallDbInfo() - 'define objects and variables - Dim pms As ADODB.Parameters - Dim strJob As String - - 'call the stored procedure - txtSPResult.Text = "CALL stored procedure named DBINFO_EXAMPLE." - strJob = "MANAGER" - Set pms = CallSP_DBINFO_EXAMPLE(con, strJob) - - 'display the results - txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ - "Stored procedure returned successfully with SQLCODE = " & _ - pms("ERRORCODE").Value - txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ - "Average salary for job " & strJob & " = " & pms("SALARY").Value - txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ - "Database name from OUT parameter = " & Trim$(pms("DBNAME").Value) - txtSPResult.Text = txtSPResult.Text & vbCrLf & _ - "Database version from OUT parameter = " & pms("DBVERSION").Value - Set pms = Nothing -End Sub - -'This procedure calls various subroutines in the module udUse to -'execute corresponding user defined functions and displays the -'results onto the screen. -Private Sub cmdUDFs_Click(Index As Integer) - 'define the error handler - On Error GoTo cmdUDFs_Error - - 'clear the screen for result display - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" - txtUDF.Text = "" - hflxGridUDF.ClearStructure - - 'call the specific UDF procedure - Select Case cmdUDFs(Index).Caption - Case "ScalarUDF" - hflxGridUDF.ColWidth(3) = 2000 - Set hflxGridUDF.DataSource = CallUDFScalarUDF(strMsgText, con) - Case "ClobScalarUDF" - Set hflxGridUDF.DataSource = CallUDFClobScalarUDF(strMsgText, con) - Case "ScratchpadScUDF" - Set hflxGridUDF.DataSource = CallUDFScratchpadScUDF(strMsgText, con) - Case "ScUDFReturningErr" - Set hflxGridUDF.DataSource = CallUDFScUDFReturningErr(strMsgText, con) - txtUDF.Text = strMsgText - Err.Raise vbObjectError, , "See display area for detail." - Case "SourcedColumnUDF" - Set hflxGridUDF.DataSource = CallUDFSourcedColUDF(strMsgText, con) - Case "TableUDF" - Set hflxGridUDF.DataSource = CallUDFTableUDF(strMsgText, con) - Case Else - End Select - txtUDF.Text = strMsgText - - 'generate a message of success - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = _ - "Calling UDF " & cmdUDFs(Index).Caption & " was done." - -cmdUDFs_Exit: - Exit Sub - -cmdUDFs_Error: - 'generate an error message and exit - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "ERROR: " & Err.Description - Resume cmdUDFs_Exit -End Sub - -'This procedure defines initial parameters. -Private Sub Form_Load() - tabMain.Tab = 0 - wShowInstructions = vbYes - - 'ask the user for displaying the instructions or not - wShowInstructions = MsgBox("Would you like to have instructions?", _ - vbYesNo, "Welcome to the DB2 Visual Basic samples") -End Sub - -'This procedure shows instructions at the begining of the program. -Private Sub Form_Activate() - If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then - MsgBox _ - "Thank you for using instructions in this demonstration program!" & vbCr & vbCr & _ - "- Status messages are shown at the bottom of the working window;" & vbCr & _ - "- Buttons unavailable are being grayed out;" & vbCr & _ - "- SAMPLE database must be created if it doesn't exist;" & vbCr & _ - "- [Exit] button can be pressed at anytime to quit the program." & vbCr & vbCr & _ - "You may now choose one of the connections to begin the demonstraton.", _ - vbOKOnly, "Instruction" - End If -End Sub - -'This procedure maintains screen integrity for the Main Tabs. -Private Sub tabMain_Click(intPreviousTab As Integer) - 'clear the the Tab screen before switching - Select Case tabMain.TabCaption(intPreviousTab) - Case "Execute SQL" - chkAutoCommit.Value = 1 - Set rst = Nothing - Set DataGridSQL.DataSource = Nothing - DataGridSQL.ClearFields - Case "Hierarchical Data" - Set hflxRecords.DataSource = Nothing - hflxRecords.Clear - Case "LOBs" - txtClob.Text = "" - txtEmpno.Text = "" - txtLastname.Text = "" - txtFirstname.Text = "" - AdodcLob.Caption = "" - AdodcLob.Enabled = False - cmdBLOB.Enabled = False - cmdCLOB.Enabled = False - picBlob.Visible = False - Case "Store Procedures" - Set rst = Nothing - Set DataGridSP.DataSource = Nothing - DataGridSP.Visible = False - DataGridSP.ClearFields - cmdShowSecondRS.Visible = False - txtSPResult.Text = "" - Case "UDFs" - txtUDF.Text = "" - hflxGridUDF.Clear - Case Else - End Select - sbrStatus.Panels(1).Text = "" End Sub - -'This procedure shows instructions for the Main Tabs. -Private Sub tabMain_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) - 'show instructions - If wShowInstructions = vbYes Then - If con Is Nothing Then 'no connection established - MsgBox _ - "All funcitonal features require a valid connection.", _ - vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Instruction" - Else - Select Case tabMain.Caption - Case "Execute SQL" - MsgBox _ - "Please type a SQL statement into the text box, or," & vbCr & _ - "choose a preset one from the small Sample buttons, then," & vbCr & _ - "press one of the [Execute SQL] buttons to get the results." & vbCr & _ - "AutoCommit checkbox can be used to change the autocommit mode." & vbCr & vbCr & _ - "For more about the connection, command, and recordset objects," & vbCr & _ - "see the source code in the apExeSQL.bas module." & vbCr & vbCr & _ - "Note:" & vbCr & _ - "- The sample SQL statements can be edited." & vbCr & _ - "- Recordset results may be editable depending on the SQL statement issued.", _ - vbOKOnly, "Instruction" - Case "Hierarchical Data" - If InStr(con.Provider, "MSDataShape") Then - MsgBox _ - "Please press the [Display] button to display hierarchical result.", _ - vbOKOnly, "Instruction" - Else - MsgBox _ - "Hierarchical Data is only available for a" & vbCr & _ - "valid connection with DataShape.", _ - vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Instruction" - End If - Case "LOBs" - MsgBox _ - "After pressing the [Refresh Data] button;" & vbCr & _ - "Use arrow keys to manipulate results;" & vbCr & _ - "Press [Show Resume] button to display CLOBs;" & vbCr & _ - "Press [Show Picture] button to display BLOBs.", _ - vbOKOnly, "Instruction" - Case "Store Procedures" - MsgBox _ - "Choose an available stored procedure, then," & vbCr & _ - "press the [Call] button to get the results." & vbCr & vbCr & _ - "Note: To make them available, you first have to create and catalog" & vbCr & _ - "the stored procedures in the spserver stored procedure library.", _ - vbOKOnly, "Instruction" - Case "UDFs" - MsgBox _ - "Please choose one of the UDF buttons to show the usage.", _ - vbOKOnly, "Instruction" - Case Else - End Select - End If - End If -End Sub - - - - diff --git a/test/test_helper.rb b/test/test_helper.rb index 83a0427..e139b5c 100644 --- a/test/test_helper.rb +++ b/test/test_helper.rb @@ -44,23 +44,23 @@ class Ohcount::Test < Test::Unit::TestCase # # The expected results must be stored on disk in directory test/expected_dir. The format # of the expected results on disk is a bit cumbersome. To create new test case, you must: - # + # # 1. Create a new source code file in test/src_dir. # For example, test/src_dir/my_file.ext # # 2. Next, create a new directory in test/expected_dir with # the same name as your test source code file. For example, # test/expected_dir/my_file.ext/ - # + # # 3. Within this directory, create directories for each language used in the test source code # file. For example, test/expected_dir/my_file.ext/my_language/ - # + # # 4. In this language subdirectory, create three files called +code+, +comment+, and +blanks+. # The +code+ file should contain all of the lines from my_file.ext which are code lines. # The +comment+ file should contain all comment lines. # The +blanks+ file is a bit different: it should contain a single line with an integer # which is the count of blank lines in the original file. - # + # # There are numerous examples in the test directories to help you out. # def verify_parse(src_filename, filenames = []) --