#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use CGI::Fast; use HTML::Entities; use File::Basename; my %sizes; # meme base image sizes my %acros; # meme base acronyms (BLB => bad-luck-brian.jpg) my $script_path = $ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'} ? dirname($ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}) : dirname($0); my $sz_fname = $script_path . '/meme-sizes.lst'; open FILE, $sz_fname or die $!; while (my $line = ) { chomp($line); next unless $line; my ($width, $height, $fname) = split(/ /, $line, 3); $sizes{$fname} = [$width, $height]; # Find a potential short form (acronym for multiword, no extension otherwise) my $acro = ''; # remove article for the purpose of the shrotening; we don't care if it's # in the middle of a word because we only care about initials anyway # FIXME this actually fails in the case of XXXthe-XXX, let's care about that # when we actually come across it my $the = $fname; $the =~ s/the-//g; if ($the =~ /-/) { $acro = join('', map { uc(substr($_, 0, 1)) } split(/-/, $the )); } else { $acro = (split(/\./, $the))[0] } if (!defined $acros{$acro}) { $acros{$acro} = $fname; } else { print STDERR "Trying to redefined acronym $acro from $acros{$acro} to ${fname}\n"; } } close FILE; # params: img, width, height, text my $svg_template=< %4\$s SVG # template: y-pos, font-size, text my $txt_template=<%3\$s TXT while (my $q = new CGI::Fast) { my $img = $q->param('m') || (keys %sizes)[0]; if (!defined $sizes{$img}) { if (!defined $acros{$img}) { print $q->header(-status=>404), $q->start_html("Unknown meme base"), $q->h1("Unknown meme base!"); print "

Sorry, '" . encode_entities($img) . "' is not a known meme base. ". "You want one of the following instead:

    "; my %revacros = reverse %acros; foreach (keys %sizes) { print "
  • " . encode_entities($_) . ""; print " (" . encode_entities($revacros{$_}) . ")" if defined $revacros{$_}; print "
  • "; } print "
"; # foreach (keys %ENV) { # print "


" # } print $q->end_html(); next; } else { $img = $acros{$img}; } } print $q->header( -type => 'image/svg+xml', -charset => 'UTF-8' ); my ($width, $height) = @{$sizes{$img}}; my $sep = $q->param('s') || '/'; # line separator my @t = $q->param('t') || ('TEST TOP//TEST BOTTOM'); my $divisions = 7; my @lines = (); foreach (@t) { foreach (split /\Q$sep\E/) { push @lines, $_; } } $divisions = @lines if @lines > $divisions; my $fontsize = int($height/$divisions + 0.5); if ($fontsize > $width/10) { $fontsize = int($width/10 + 0.5) if $fontsize > $width/10; $divisions = int($height/$fontsize + 0.5); } my $offset = int(100/$divisions + 0.5); my $fillers = grep { $_ eq '' } @lines; my $real_lines = @lines - $fillers; my $filler_size = $fillers ? int((98 - $offset*$real_lines)/$fillers) : 0; my $dy = 0; my $txt = ''; foreach (@lines) { if ($_ eq '') { $dy += $filler_size; next; } $dy += $offset; $txt .= sprintf($txt_template, $dy, $fontsize, $_); } printf($svg_template, $img, $width, $height, $txt); }