1 /* DirectDraw HAL driver
3 * Copyright 2001 TransGaming Technologies Inc.
5 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
26 #include "wine/debug.h"
34 #include "ddraw_private.h"
38 static const IDirectDraw7Vtbl HAL_DirectDraw_VTable;
40 static DDVERSIONDATA hal_version;
41 static DD32BITDRIVERDATA hal_driverdata;
42 static HINSTANCE hal_instance;
44 static const DDDEVICEIDENTIFIER2 hal_device =
48 { { 0x00010001, 0x00010001 } },
50 /* 40c1b248-9d7d-4a29-b7d7-4cd8109f3d5d */
51 {0x40c1b248,0x9d7d,0x4a29,{0xd7,0xb7,0x4c,0xd8,0x10,0x9f,0x3d,0x5d}},
55 HRESULT HAL_DirectDraw_Create(const GUID* pGUID, LPDIRECTDRAW7* pIface,
56 IUnknown* pUnkOuter, BOOL ex);
57 HRESULT HAL_DirectDraw_Initialize(IDirectDrawImpl*, const GUID*);
59 static const ddraw_driver hal_driver =
62 100, /* we prefer the HAL */
63 HAL_DirectDraw_Create,
64 HAL_DirectDraw_Initialize
67 static DDHAL_CALLBACKS dd_cbs;
68 static DDRAWI_DIRECTDRAW_GBL dd_gbl;
70 static D3DHAL_GLOBALDRIVERDATA d3d_hal_data;
71 static D3DHAL_D3DEXTENDEDCAPS d3d_hal_extcaps;
72 static D3DHAL_CALLBACKS d3d_hal_cbs1;
73 static D3DHAL_CALLBACKS2 d3d_hal_cbs2;
75 /* in real windoze, these entry points are 16-bit, but we can work in 32-bit */
76 static BOOL WINAPI set_hal_info(LPDDHALINFO lpDDHalInfo, BOOL reset)
78 dd_cbs.HALDD = *lpDDHalInfo->lpDDCallbacks;
79 dd_cbs.HALDDSurface = *lpDDHalInfo->lpDDSurfaceCallbacks;
80 dd_cbs.HALDDPalette = *lpDDHalInfo->lpDDPaletteCallbacks;
81 if (lpDDHalInfo->lpDDExeBufCallbacks)
82 dd_cbs.HALDDExeBuf = *lpDDHalInfo->lpDDExeBufCallbacks;
84 dd_gbl.lpDDCBtmp = &dd_cbs;
86 dd_gbl.ddCaps = lpDDHalInfo->ddCaps;
87 dd_gbl.dwMonitorFrequency = lpDDHalInfo->dwMonitorFrequency;
88 dd_gbl.vmiData = lpDDHalInfo->vmiData;
89 dd_gbl.dwModeIndex = lpDDHalInfo->dwModeIndex;
90 dd_gbl.dwNumFourCC = lpDDHalInfo->ddCaps.dwNumFourCCCodes;
91 dd_gbl.lpdwFourCC = lpDDHalInfo->lpdwFourCC;
92 dd_gbl.dwNumModes = lpDDHalInfo->dwNumModes;
93 dd_gbl.lpModeInfo = lpDDHalInfo->lpModeInfo;
95 dd_gbl.dwPDevice = (DWORD)lpDDHalInfo->lpPDevice;
96 dd_gbl.hInstance = lpDDHalInfo->hInstance;
98 if (lpDDHalInfo->lpD3DGlobalDriverData)
99 memcpy(&d3d_hal_data, (LPVOID)lpDDHalInfo->lpD3DGlobalDriverData, sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC_V1));
101 memset(&d3d_hal_data, 0, sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC_V1));
102 dd_gbl.lpD3DGlobalDriverData = (ULONG_PTR)&d3d_hal_data;
104 if (lpDDHalInfo->lpD3DHALCallbacks)
105 memcpy(&d3d_hal_cbs1, (LPVOID)lpDDHalInfo->lpD3DHALCallbacks, sizeof(D3DHAL_CALLBACKS));
107 memset(&d3d_hal_cbs1, 0, sizeof(D3DHAL_CALLBACKS));
108 dd_gbl.lpD3DHALCallbacks = (ULONG_PTR)&d3d_hal_cbs1;
110 if (lpDDHalInfo->dwFlags & DDHALINFO_GETDRIVERINFOSET) {
112 data.dwSize = sizeof(DDHAL_GETDRIVERINFODATA);
113 data.dwFlags = 0; /* ? */
114 data.dwContext = hal_driverdata.dwContext; /* ? */
116 data.guidInfo = GUID_D3DExtendedCaps;
117 data.dwExpectedSize = sizeof(D3DHAL_D3DEXTENDEDCAPS);
118 data.lpvData = &d3d_hal_extcaps;
119 data.dwActualSize = 0;
121 lpDDHalInfo->GetDriverInfo(&data);
122 d3d_hal_extcaps.dwSize = data.dwActualSize;
123 dd_gbl.lpD3DExtendedCaps = (ULONG_PTR)&d3d_hal_extcaps;
125 data.guidInfo = GUID_D3DCallbacks2;
126 data.dwExpectedSize = sizeof(D3DHAL_CALLBACKS2);
127 data.lpvData = &d3d_hal_cbs2;
128 data.dwActualSize = 0;
130 lpDDHalInfo->GetDriverInfo(&data);
131 d3d_hal_cbs2.dwSize = data.dwActualSize;
132 dd_gbl.lpD3DHALCallbacks2 = (ULONG_PTR)&d3d_hal_cbs2;
135 if( opengl_initialized &&
136 (d3d_hal_data.hwCaps.dwFlags & D3DDD_WINE_OPENGL_DEVICE) ) {
137 /*GL_DirectDraw_Init(&dd_gbl);*/
143 static DDHALDDRAWFNS hal_funcs = {
144 sizeof(DDHALDDRAWFNS),
146 NULL, /* VidMemAlloc */
147 NULL /* VidMemFree */
150 /* Called from DllInit, which is synchronised so there are no threading
152 static BOOL initialize(void)
155 INT ncmd = DCICOMMAND;
157 HDC dc = CreateDCA("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL);
158 INT ver = Escape(dc, QUERYESCSUPPORT, sizeof(ncmd), (LPVOID)&ncmd, NULL);
159 if (ver != DD_HAL_VERSION) {
161 TRACE("DirectDraw HAL not available\n");
164 cmd.dwVersion = DD_VERSION;
167 /* the DDNEWCALLBACKFNS is supposed to give the 16-bit driver entry points
168 * in ddraw16.dll, but since Wine doesn't have or use 16-bit display drivers,
169 * we'll just work in 32-bit, who'll notice... */
170 cmd.dwCommand = DDNEWCALLBACKFNS;
171 cmd.dwParam1 = (DWORD)&hal_funcs;
172 ExtEscape(dc, DCICOMMAND, sizeof(cmd), (LPVOID)&cmd, 0, NULL);
174 /* next, exchange version information */
175 cmd.dwCommand = DDVERSIONINFO;
176 cmd.dwParam1 = DD_RUNTIME_VERSION; /* not sure what should *really* go here */
177 ExtEscape(dc, DCICOMMAND, sizeof(cmd), (LPVOID)&cmd, sizeof(hal_version), (LPVOID)&hal_version);
179 /* get 32-bit driver data (dll name and entry point) */
180 cmd.dwCommand = DDGET32BITDRIVERNAME;
181 ExtEscape(dc, DCICOMMAND, sizeof(cmd), (LPVOID)&cmd, sizeof(hal_driverdata), (LPVOID)&hal_driverdata);
182 /* we're supposed to load the DLL in hal_driverdata.szName, then GetProcAddress
183 * the hal_driverdata.szEntryPoint, and call it with hal_driverdata.dwContext
184 * as a parameter... but since this is only more remains from the 16-bit world,
187 /* finally, initialize the driver object */
189 ret = ExtEscape(dc, DCICOMMAND, sizeof(cmd), (LPVOID)&cmd, sizeof(hal_instance), (LPVOID)&hal_instance);
191 /* the driver should have called our set_hal_info now */
192 if (!dd_gbl.lpDDCBtmp) ret = FALSE;
198 TRACE("%s DirectDraw HAL\n", ret ? "enabling" : "disabling");
203 static void cleanup(void)
207 if (!dd_cbs.HALDD.DestroyDriver) return;
211 data.DestroyDriver = dd_cbs.HALDD.DestroyDriver;
212 data.DestroyDriver(&data);
215 static DWORD choose_mode(DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight, DWORD dwBPP,
216 DWORD dwRefreshRate, DWORD dwFlags)
221 if (!dd_gbl.dwNumModes) return 0;
223 /* let's support HALs that cannot switch depths (XVidMode),
224 * these should return dwBPP == 0 for all their resolutions */
225 #define BPP_MATCH(dd, bpp) ((!(dd)) || ((dd) == bpp))
227 /* FIXME: we should try to match the refresh rate too */
229 /* Choose the smallest mode that is large enough. */
230 for (i=0; i < dd_gbl.dwNumModes; i++)
232 if (dd_gbl.lpModeInfo[i].dwWidth >= dwWidth &&
233 dd_gbl.lpModeInfo[i].dwHeight >= dwHeight &&
234 BPP_MATCH(dd_gbl.lpModeInfo[i].dwBPP, dwBPP))
236 if (best == -1) best = i;
239 if (dd_gbl.lpModeInfo[i].dwWidth < dd_gbl.lpModeInfo[best].dwWidth ||
240 dd_gbl.lpModeInfo[i].dwHeight < dd_gbl.lpModeInfo[best].dwHeight)
248 TRACE("all modes too small\n");
249 /* ok, let's use the largest */
251 for (i=0; i < dd_gbl.dwNumModes; i++)
253 if (BPP_MATCH(dd_gbl.lpModeInfo[i].dwBPP, dwBPP))
255 if (best == -1) best = i;
258 if (dd_gbl.lpModeInfo[i].dwWidth > dd_gbl.lpModeInfo[best].dwWidth ||
259 dd_gbl.lpModeInfo[i].dwHeight > dd_gbl.lpModeInfo[best].dwHeight)
269 ERR("requested color depth (%ld) not available, try reconfiguring X server\n", dwBPP);
270 return dd_gbl.dwModeIndex;
273 TRACE("using mode %d\n", best);
278 static HRESULT set_mode(IDirectDrawImpl *This, DWORD dwMode)
282 if (dwMode != dd_gbl.dwModeIndex)
286 data.dwModeIndex = dwMode;
288 data.SetMode = dd_cbs.HALDD.SetMode;
290 data.useRefreshRate = FALSE;
295 dd_gbl.dwModeIndex = dwMode;
300 static HRESULT set_exclusive_mode(IDirectDrawImpl *This, DWORD dwEnterExcl)
305 data.dwEnterExcl = dwEnterExcl;
308 data.SetExclusiveMode = dd_cbs.HALDD.SetExclusiveMode;
309 if (data.SetExclusiveMode)
310 data.SetExclusiveMode(&data);
316 if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
319 DDRAW_register_driver(&hal_driver);
321 else if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH)
329 /* Not called from the vtable. */
330 HRESULT HAL_DirectDraw_Construct(IDirectDrawImpl *This, BOOL ex)
334 TRACE("(%p,%d)\n", This, ex);
336 hr = User_DirectDraw_Construct(This, ex);
337 if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
339 This->local.lpGbl = &dd_gbl;
341 This->final_release = HAL_DirectDraw_final_release;
342 This->set_exclusive_mode = set_exclusive_mode;
344 This->create_palette = HAL_DirectDrawPalette_Create;
346 This->create_primary = HAL_DirectDraw_create_primary;
347 This->create_backbuffer = HAL_DirectDraw_create_backbuffer;
348 This->create_texture = HAL_DirectDraw_create_texture;
350 ICOM_INIT_INTERFACE(This, IDirectDraw7, HAL_DirectDraw_VTable);
353 This->caps.dwCaps |= dd_gbl.ddCaps.dwCaps;
354 This->caps.dwCaps2 |= dd_gbl.ddCaps.dwCaps2;
355 This->caps.dwCKeyCaps |= dd_gbl.ddCaps.dwCKeyCaps;
356 This->caps.dwFXCaps |= dd_gbl.ddCaps.dwFXCaps;
357 This->caps.dwPalCaps |= dd_gbl.ddCaps.dwPalCaps;
358 /* FIXME: merge more caps */
359 This->caps.ddsCaps.dwCaps |= dd_gbl.ddCaps.ddsCaps.dwCaps;
360 This->caps.ddsCaps.dwCaps2 |= dd_gbl.ddsCapsMore.dwCaps2;
361 This->caps.ddsCaps.dwCaps3 |= dd_gbl.ddsCapsMore.dwCaps3;
362 This->caps.ddsCaps.dwCaps4 |= dd_gbl.ddsCapsMore.dwCaps4;
363 This->caps.ddsOldCaps.dwCaps = This->caps.ddsCaps.dwCaps;
368 /* This function is called from DirectDrawCreate(Ex) on the most-derived
369 * class to start construction.
370 * Not called from the vtable. */
371 HRESULT HAL_DirectDraw_Create(const GUID* pGUID, LPDIRECTDRAW7* pIface,
372 IUnknown* pUnkOuter, BOOL ex)
375 IDirectDrawImpl* This;
379 assert(pUnkOuter == NULL);
381 This = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,
382 sizeof(IDirectDrawImpl)
383 + sizeof(HAL_DirectDrawImpl));
384 if (This == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
386 /* Note that this relation does *not* hold true if the DD object was
387 * CoCreateInstanced then Initialized. */
388 This->private = (HAL_DirectDrawImpl *)(This+1);
390 /* Initialize the DDCAPS structure */
391 This->caps.dwSize = sizeof(This->caps);
393 hr = HAL_DirectDraw_Construct(This, ex);
395 HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This);
397 *pIface = ICOM_INTERFACE(This, IDirectDraw7);
402 /* This function is called from Uninit_DirectDraw_Initialize on the
403 * most-derived-class to start initialization.
404 * Not called from the vtable. */
405 HRESULT HAL_DirectDraw_Initialize(IDirectDrawImpl *This, const GUID* guid)
411 This->private = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,
412 sizeof(HAL_DirectDrawImpl));
413 if (This->private == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
415 /* Initialize the DDCAPS structure */
416 This->caps.dwSize = sizeof(This->caps);
418 hr = HAL_DirectDraw_Construct(This, TRUE); /* XXX ex? */
421 HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This->private);
428 /* Called from an internal function pointer. */
429 void HAL_DirectDraw_final_release(IDirectDrawImpl *This)
431 if (dd_gbl.dwFlags & DDRAWI_MODECHANGED) set_mode(This, dd_gbl.dwModeIndexOrig);
432 User_DirectDraw_final_release(This);
435 HRESULT HAL_DirectDraw_create_primary(IDirectDrawImpl* This,
440 if (This->cooperative_level & DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE)
441 return HAL_DirectDrawSurface_Create(This, pDDSD, ppSurf, pUnkOuter);
443 return User_DirectDrawSurface_Create(This, pDDSD, ppSurf, pUnkOuter);
446 HRESULT HAL_DirectDraw_create_backbuffer(IDirectDrawImpl* This,
450 IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl* primary)
452 if (This->cooperative_level & DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE)
453 return HAL_DirectDrawSurface_Create(This, pDDSD, ppSurf, pUnkOuter);
455 return User_DirectDrawSurface_Create(This, pDDSD, ppSurf, pUnkOuter);
458 HRESULT HAL_DirectDraw_create_texture(IDirectDrawImpl* This,
464 return HAL_DirectDrawSurface_Create(This, pDDSD, ppSurf, pOuter);
468 HAL_DirectDraw_GetDeviceIdentifier(LPDIRECTDRAW7 iface,
477 HAL_DirectDraw_RestoreDisplayMode(LPDIRECTDRAW7 iface)
479 IDirectDrawImpl *This = (IDirectDrawImpl *)iface;
482 TRACE("(%p)\n", iface);
484 if (!(dd_gbl.dwFlags & DDRAWI_MODECHANGED)) return DD_OK;
486 hr = Main_DirectDraw_RestoreDisplayMode(iface);
488 hr = set_mode(This, dd_gbl.dwModeIndexOrig);
489 if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) dd_gbl.dwFlags &= ~DDRAWI_MODECHANGED;
496 HAL_DirectDraw_SetDisplayMode(LPDIRECTDRAW7 iface, DWORD dwWidth,
497 DWORD dwHeight, DWORD dwBPP,
498 DWORD dwRefreshRate, DWORD dwFlags)
500 IDirectDrawImpl *This = (IDirectDrawImpl *)iface;
504 TRACE("(%p)->(%ldx%ldx%ld,%ld Hz,%08lx)\n",This,dwWidth,dwHeight,dwBPP,dwRefreshRate,dwFlags);
505 hr = User_DirectDraw_SetDisplayMode(iface, dwWidth, dwHeight, dwBPP,
506 dwRefreshRate, dwFlags);
509 if (!(dd_gbl.dwFlags & DDRAWI_MODECHANGED)) dd_gbl.dwModeIndexOrig = dd_gbl.dwModeIndex;
510 hr = set_mode(This, choose_mode(dwWidth, dwHeight, dwBPP, dwRefreshRate, dwFlags));
511 if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) dd_gbl.dwFlags |= DDRAWI_MODECHANGED;
518 HAL_DirectDraw_GetFourCCCodes(LPDIRECTDRAW7 iface, LPDWORD pNumCodes,
522 IDirectDrawImpl *This = (IDirectDrawImpl *)iface;
524 *pNumCodes=dd_gbl.dwNumFourCC;
525 if (pCodes && dd_gbl.dwNumFourCC)
526 memcpy(pCodes,dd_gbl.lpdwFourCC,sizeof(pCodes[0])*dd_gbl.dwNumFourCC);
527 FIXME("(%p,%p,%p)\n",This,pNumCodes,pCodes);
528 if (dd_gbl.dwNumFourCC) {
529 if (pCodes && FIXME_ON(ddraw)) {
530 FIXME("returning: ");
531 for (i=0;i<dd_gbl.dwNumFourCC;i++) {
533 ((LPBYTE)(pCodes+i))[0],
534 ((LPBYTE)(pCodes+i))[1],
535 ((LPBYTE)(pCodes+i))[2],
536 ((LPBYTE)(pCodes+i))[3]
546 static const IDirectDraw7Vtbl HAL_DirectDraw_VTable =
548 Main_DirectDraw_QueryInterface,
549 Main_DirectDraw_AddRef,
550 Main_DirectDraw_Release,
551 Main_DirectDraw_Compact,
552 Main_DirectDraw_CreateClipper,
553 Main_DirectDraw_CreatePalette,
554 Main_DirectDraw_CreateSurface,
555 Main_DirectDraw_DuplicateSurface,
556 User_DirectDraw_EnumDisplayModes,
557 Main_DirectDraw_EnumSurfaces,
558 Main_DirectDraw_FlipToGDISurface,
559 Main_DirectDraw_GetCaps,
560 Main_DirectDraw_GetDisplayMode,
561 HAL_DirectDraw_GetFourCCCodes,
562 Main_DirectDraw_GetGDISurface,
563 Main_DirectDraw_GetMonitorFrequency,
564 Main_DirectDraw_GetScanLine,
565 Main_DirectDraw_GetVerticalBlankStatus,
566 Main_DirectDraw_Initialize,
567 HAL_DirectDraw_RestoreDisplayMode,
568 Main_DirectDraw_SetCooperativeLevel,
569 HAL_DirectDraw_SetDisplayMode,
570 Main_DirectDraw_WaitForVerticalBlank,
571 Main_DirectDraw_GetAvailableVidMem,
572 Main_DirectDraw_GetSurfaceFromDC,
573 Main_DirectDraw_RestoreAllSurfaces,
574 Main_DirectDraw_TestCooperativeLevel,
575 HAL_DirectDraw_GetDeviceIdentifier,
576 Main_DirectDraw_StartModeTest,
577 Main_DirectDraw_EvaluateMode