What is this? ------------ This note is a short description of * How to port Wine to your favourite operating system * Why you probably shouldn't use "#ifdef MyOS" * What to do instead. This document does not say a thing about how to port Wine to non-386 operating systems, though. You would need a CPU emulator. Let's get Wine into a better shape on 386 first, OK? Why "#ifdef MyOS" is probably a mistake. --------------------------------------- Operating systems change. Maybe yours doesn't have the "foo.h" header, but maybe a future version will have it. If you want to "#include ", it doesn't matter what operating system you are using; it only matters whether "foo.h" is there. Furthermore, operating systems change names or "fork" into several ones. An "#ifdef MyOs" will break over time. If you use the feature of Autoconf, the Gnu auto-configuration utility wisely, you will help future porters automatically because your changes will test for _features_, not names of operating systems. A feature can be many things: * existance of a header file * existance of a library function * existance of libraries * bugs in header files, library functions, the compiler, ... * (you name it) You will need Gnu Autoconf, which you can get from your friendly Gnu mirror. This program takes Wine's "configure.in" file and produces a "configure" shell script that users use to configure Wine to their system. There _are_ exceptions to the "avoid #ifdef MyOS" rule. Wine, for example, needs the internals of the signal stack -- that cannot easily be described in terms of features. Let's now turn to specific porting problems and how to solve them. MyOS doesn't have the `foo.h' header! ------------------------------------ This first step is to make Autoconf check for this header. In configure.in you add a segment like this in the section that checks for header files (search for "header files"): AC_CHECK_HEADER(foo.h, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_FOO_H)) If your operating system supports a header file with the same contents but a different name, say bar.h, add a check for that also. Now you can change #include to #ifdef HAVE_FOO_H #include #elif defined (HAVE_BAR_H) #include #endif If your system doesn't have a corresponding header file even though it has the library functions being used, you might have to add an "#else" section to the conditional. Avoid this if you can. You will also need to add "#undef HAVE_FOO_H" (etc.) to include/config.h.in Finish up with "make configure" and "./configure". MyOS doesn't have the `bar' function! ------------------------------------ A typical example of this is the `memmove'. To solve this problem you would add `memmove' to the list of functions that Autoconf checks for. In configure.in you search for AC_CHECK_FUNCS and add `memmove'. (You will notice that someone already did this for this particular function.) Secondly, you will also need to add "#undef HAVE_BAR" to include/config.h.in The next step depends on the nature of the missing function. Case 1: It's easy to write a complete implementation of the function. (`memmove' belongs to this case.) You add your implementation in misc/port.c surrounded by "#ifndef HAVE_MEMMOVE" and "#endif". You might have to add a prototype for your function. If so, include/miscemu.h might be the place. Don't forget to protect that definition by "#ifndef HAVE_MEMMOVE" and "#endif" also! Case 2: A general implementation is hard, but Wine is only using a special case. An example is the various "wait" calls used in SIGNAL_child from loader/signal.c. Here we have a multi-branch case on features: #ifdef HAVE_THIS ... #elif defined (HAVE_THAT) ... #elif defined (HAVE_SOMETHING_ELSE) ... #endif Note that this is very different from testing on operating systems. If a new version of your operating systems comes out and adds a new function, this code will magically start using it. Finish up with "make configure" and "./configure".