#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Build the auto-generated parts of the Wine makefiles. # # Copyright 2006 Alexandre Julliard # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # my %makerules = ( "MAKE_RULES" => "Make.rules", "MAKE_DLL_RULES" => "dlls/Makedll.rules", "MAKE_IMPLIB_RULES" => "dlls/Makeimplib.rules", "MAKE_TEST_RULES" => "dlls/Maketest.rules", "MAKE_PROG_RULES" => "programs/Makeprog.rules", ); my (@makefiles, %makefiles); # update a file if changed sub update_file($) { my $file = shift; my $ret = system "cmp $file $file.new >/dev/null"; if (!$ret) { unlink "$file.new"; #print "$file is unchanged\n"; } else { rename "$file.new", "$file"; print "$file updated\n"; } return $ret; } # replace some lines in a file between two markers sub replace_in_file($$$@) { my $file = shift; my $start = shift; my $end = shift; open OLD_FILE, "$file" or die "cannot open $file"; open NEW_FILE, ">$file.new" or die "cannot create $file.new"; while () { last if /$start/; print NEW_FILE $_; } print NEW_FILE @_; if (defined($end)) { my $skip=1; while () { print NEW_FILE $_ unless $skip; $skip = 0 if /$end/; } } close OLD_FILE; close NEW_FILE; return update_file($file); } # parse the specified makefile to identify the rules file sub parse_makefile($) { my $file = shift; open MAKE, "$file.in" or die "cannot open $file.in\n"; while () { chomp; while (/\\$/) { chop; $_ .= ; chomp; } # merge continued lines if (/^\@(MAKE.*RULES)\@/) { my $var = $1; $makefiles{$file} = $makerules{$var}; return; } } } if (-d ".git") { @makefiles = map { s/\.in$//; $_; } split /\s/, `git ls-files -c Makefile.in \\*/Makefile.in`; } else { @makefiles = map { s/^\.\/(.*)\.in/$1/; $_; } split(/\s/,`find . -name Makefile.in -print`); } foreach my $file (sort values %makerules, @makefiles) { parse_makefile( $file ); } ################################################################ # update the makefile list in configure.ac my @lines = (); foreach my $var (sort { $makerules{$a} cmp $makerules{$b}; } keys %makerules) { push @lines, "$var=$makerules{$var}\n"; push @lines, "AC_SUBST_FILE($var)\n\n"; } replace_in_file( "configure.ac", '^MAKE_RULES', '\]\)$', @lines, "AC_CONFIG_FILES([\n", join ("\n", (sort values %makerules), (sort @makefiles) ), "])\n" ); ################################################################ # update the tests list in programs/winetest/Makefile.in and programs/winetest/winetest.rc my %modules = ( "gdi" => "gdi32", "user" => "user32" ); my %tests; @lines = ( "TESTBINS =" ); foreach my $file (sort grep /^dlls\/.*\/tests\/Makefile/, @makefiles) { if ($file =~ /^dlls\/(.*)\/tests\/Makefile/) { my $dir = $1; my $mod = $modules{$dir} || $dir; $tests{$mod} = $dir; push @lines, " \\\n\t${mod}_test.exe"; } } push @lines, "\n\n"; foreach my $test (sort keys %tests) { my $dir = $tests{$test}; push @lines, "${test}_test.exe: \$(DLLDIR)/$dir/tests/${test}_test.exe\$(DLLEXT)\n"; push @lines, "\tcp \$(DLLDIR)/$dir/tests/${test}_test.exe\$(DLLEXT) \$\@ && \$(STRIP) \$\@\n"; } push @lines, "\n# Special rules\n"; replace_in_file( "programs/winetest/Makefile.in", '^TESTBINS\s*=', '^# Special rules', @lines ); @lines = (); foreach my $test (sort keys %tests) { push @lines, "${test}_test.exe TESTRES \"${test}_test.exe\"\n"; } replace_in_file( "programs/winetest/winetest.rc", ' TESTRES ', undef, @lines ); ################################################################ # update the makefile list in Makefile.in my @targets; my @depends; foreach my $file (sort values %makerules) { push @targets, $file; if (!defined($makefiles{$file})) { push @depends, "$file: $file.in"; } else { push @depends, "$file: $file.in Make.rules"; } } foreach my $file (sort @makefiles) { push @targets, $file unless $file eq "Makefile"; my $dep = $makefiles{$file}; push @depends, "$file: $file.in $dep"; } @lines = (); push @lines, "ALL_MAKEFILES = \\\n\t"; push @lines, join (" \\\n\t", @targets ), "\n\n"; push @lines, "Makefile \$(ALL_MAKEFILES): config.status\n"; push @lines, "\t\@./config.status \$\@\n\n"; push @lines, "\$(RECURSE_TARGETS) \$(MAKEDEP): \$(ALL_MAKEFILES)\n\n"; push @lines, "distclean::\n"; push @lines, "\t\$(RM) Makefile \$(ALL_MAKEFILES)\n\n"; push @lines, join ("\n", @depends ), "\n"; replace_in_file( "Makefile.in", '^ALL_MAKEFILES\s*=', undef, @lines ); ################################################################ # update dlls/Makefile.in my @dll_makefiles = grep /^dlls\//, @makefiles; system "dlls/make_dlls", @dll_makefiles; ################################################################ # update programs/Makefile.in my @prog_makefiles = grep /^programs\//, @makefiles; system "programs/make_progs", @prog_makefiles;