Equivalent to xsd:base64Binary Equivalent to xsd:hexBinary Equivalent to xsd:boolean Single unicode char Equivalent to xsd:date with no timezone TODO: restrict -> force no timezone Equivalent to xsd:date with timezone TODO: restrict -> force timezone Equivalent to xsd:dateTime with no timezone TODO: restrict -> force no timezone Equivalent to xsd:dateTime with timezone TODO: restrict -> force timezone Equivalent to xsd:ENTITY Equivalent to xsd:ENTITIES Valid for attributes only dt:values is equivalent to xsd:list Fixed-length decimal floating-point value Up to 14 digits before the decimal point Up to 4 digits after the decimal point Equivalent to xsd:decimal Equivalent to xsd:byte Equivalent to xsd:short Equivalent to xsd:int Equivalent to xsd:long Valid for attributes only Equivalent to xsd:ID Valid for attributes only Equivalent to xsd:IDREF Valid for attributes only Equivalent to xsd:IDREFS Equivalent to xsd:integer Equivalent to xsd:NMTOKEN Equivalent to xsd:NMTOKENS Equivalent to xsd:NOTATION Equivalent to xsd:decimal Equivalent to xsd:float Equivalent to xsd:double Equivalent to xsd:string Equivalent to xsd:time with no timezone TODO: restrict -> force no timezone Equivalent to xsd:time with timezone TODO: restrict -> force timezone Equivalent to xsd:unsignedByte Equivalent to xsd:unsignedShort Equivalent to xsd:unsignedInt Equivalent to xsd:unsignedLong Equivalent to xsd:anyURI Hex octet string with optional hyphens