This is intended to be a place where you should look first if you want to contribute to Wine development. Add your e-mail address to the corresponding entry if you are working on/have done something for one of the problems. You are encouraged to add new entries and, more importantly, remove those for the bugs you fixed ;-) ------------------------------------------------------------ As of Dec 22 1996 - General: * Combobox code is very inadequate (no notification messages, dropdown listboxes often stay visible, etc... ). * Font mapping is too generic. No soft font loading, no rotated text support. [] * No thread/process/kernel-object support in Win32 code. * Very alpha printing code. [] * No OLE and OLE32 support (including OLE interfaces etc.). * No MS Video support (perhaps interface with xanim). * No COMDLG32 support. (Needed badly, the Windows95 comdlg32.dll doesn't work with WINE.) * No COMMCTRL/COMCTL32 support. * No icon titles. - Windows uses a special window class to display icon titles. Handles to these title windows are stored in the icon window properties. Miscellaneous: * Simple OLE actions were working in October release, got broken in November (in Winword "Insert Object" now results in segfault right after the call to LoadModule()). * AllocCSToDSAlias() shouldn't alloc alias for the same segment multiple times. * ScrollWindowEx() is outdated. Where to look in source files: * grep for FIXME in the source files.