#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright 1999-2002 Patrik Stridvall # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # Note that winapi_check are using heuristics quite heavily. # So always remember that: # # "Heuristics are bug ridden by definition. # If they didn't have bugs, then they'd be algorithms." # # In other words, reported bugs are only potential bugs not # real bugs, so they are called issues rather than bugs. # use strict; BEGIN { $0 =~ m%^(.*?/?tools)/winapi_check/winapi_check$%; require "$1/winapi/setup.pm"; } use config qw( &files_filter &files_skip &get_h_files $current_dir $wine_dir ); use output qw($output); use winapi_check_options qw($options); BEGIN { if($options->progress) { $output->enable_progress; } else { $output->disable_progress; } } use modules qw($modules); use nativeapi qw($nativeapi); use winapi qw($win16api $win32api @winapis); use preprocessor; use type; use util qw(&is_subset); use winapi_documentation; use winapi_function; use winapi_local; use winapi_global; use winapi_parser; my %include2info; if ($options->global) { my @files = get_h_files("winelib"); my $progress_current = 0; my $progress_max = scalar(@files); foreach my $file (@files) { $progress_current++; $output->lazy_progress("$file: file $progress_current of $progress_max"); my $file_dir = $file; if(!($file_dir =~ s%(.*?)/[^/]+$%$1%)) { $file_dir = "."; } $include2info{$file} = { name => $file }; open(IN, "< $wine_dir/$file"); while() { if(/^\s*\#\s*include\s*\"(.*?)\"/) { my $header = $1; if(-e "$wine_dir/$file_dir/$header") { $include2info{$file}{includes}{"$file_dir/$header"}++; } elsif(-e "$wine_dir/$file_dir/../$header") { if($file_dir =~ m%^(.*?)/[^/]+$%) { $include2info{$file}{includes}{"$1/$header"}++; } else { $include2info{$file}{includes}{"$header"}++; } } elsif(-e "$wine_dir/include/$header") { $include2info{$file}{includes}{"include/$header"}++; } elsif ($header ne "config.h") { $output->write("$file: #include \"$header\" is not a local include\n"); } } } close(IN); } my @files2 = ("acconfig.h", "poppack.h", "pshpack1.h", "pshpack2.h", "pshpack4.h", "pshpack8.h", "storage.h", "ver.h"); foreach my $file2 (@files2) { $include2info{"include/$file2"}{used}++; } } my @c_files = $options->c_files; @c_files = files_skip(@c_files); @c_files = files_filter("winelib", @c_files); my @h_files = $options->h_files; @h_files = files_skip(@h_files); @h_files = files_filter("winelib", @h_files); my $all_modules = 0; my %complete_module; if($options->global) { my @complete_modules = $modules->complete_modules(\@c_files); foreach my $module (@complete_modules) { $complete_module{$module}++; } my $all_modules = 1; foreach my $module ($modules->all_modules) { if(!$complete_module{$module}) { $all_modules = 0; if($wine_dir eq ".") { $output->write("*.c: module $module is not complete\n"); } } } } if(1) { foreach my $winapi (@winapis) { foreach my $broken_forward ($winapi->all_broken_forwards) { (my $module, my $external_name, my $forward_module, my $forward_external_name) = @$broken_forward; if($complete_module{$forward_module}) { $output->write("$module.spec: forward is broken: $external_name => $forward_module.$forward_external_name\n"); } } } } my $progress_current = 0; my $progress_max = scalar(@c_files); my %declared_functions; if($options->headers) { $progress_max += scalar(@h_files); foreach my $file (@h_files) { my %functions; $progress_current++; $output->progress("$file: file $progress_current of $progress_max"); my $found_c_comment = sub { my $begin_line = shift; my $end_line = shift; my $comment = shift; if(0) { if($begin_line == $end_line) { $output->write("$file:$begin_line: $comment\n"); } else { $output->write("$file:$begin_line-$end_line: \\\n$comment\n"); } } }; my $found_cplusplus_comment = sub { my $line = shift; my $comment = shift; if($options->comments_cplusplus) { $output->write("$file:$line: C++ comments not allowed: $comment\n"); } }; my $create_function = sub { return 'winapi_function'->new; }; my $found_function = sub { my $function = shift; my $internal_name = $function->internal_name; $output->progress("$file (file $progress_current of $progress_max): $internal_name"); $output->prefix_callback(sub { return $function->prefix; }); my $function_line = $function->function_line; my $linkage = $function->linkage; my $external_name = $function->external_name; my $statements = $function->statements; if($options->headers_misplaced && !($function->is_win16 && $function->is_win32) && (($function->is_win16 && $file =~ /^include\/[^\/]*$/) || ($function->is_win32 && $file =~ /^include\/wine\/[^\/]*$/))) { $output->write("declaration misplaced\n"); } if(defined($external_name) && !defined($statements) && ($linkage eq "" || $linkage eq "extern")) { my $previous_function = $declared_functions{$internal_name}; if(!defined($previous_function)) { $declared_functions{$internal_name} = $function; } elsif($options->headers_duplicated) { my $file = $previous_function->file; my $function_line = $previous_function->function_line; if($file =~ /\.h$/) { $output->write("duplicate declaration (first declaration at $file:$function_line)\n"); } } } $output->prefix(""); }; my $create_type = sub { return 'type'->new; }; my $found_type = sub { my $type = shift; }; my $found_preprocessor = sub { my $directive = shift; my $argument = shift; }; &winapi_parser::parse_c_file($file, { c_comment_found => $found_c_comment, cplusplus_comment_found => $found_cplusplus_comment, function_create => $create_function, function_found => $found_function, type_create => $create_type, type_found => $found_type, preprocessor_found => $found_preprocessor }); } } my %module2functions = (); foreach my $file (@c_files) { my %functions = (); my %includes = (); $includes{$file}++; my $file_module16 = $modules->allowed_modules_in_file("$current_dir/$file"); my $file_module32 = $modules->allowed_modules_in_file("$current_dir/$file"); $progress_current++; $output->progress("$file (file $progress_current of $progress_max)"); my $file_dir = $file; if(!($file_dir =~ s/(.*?)\/[^\/]*$/$1/)) { $file_dir = "."; } my $found_c_comment = sub { my $begin_line = shift; my $end_line = shift; my $comment = shift; if(0) { if($begin_line == $end_line) { $output->write("$file:$begin_line: $comment\n"); } else { $output->write("$file:$begin_line-$end_line: \\\n$comment\n"); } } }; my $found_cplusplus_comment = sub { my $line = shift; my $comment = shift; if($options->comments_cplusplus) { $output->write("$file:$line: C++ comments not allowed: $comment\n"); } }; my $create_function = sub { return 'winapi_function'->new; }; my $found_function = sub { my $function = shift; my $internal_name = $function->internal_name; $functions{$internal_name} = $function; $output->progress("$file (file $progress_current of $progress_max): $internal_name"); $output->prefix_callback(sub { return $function->prefix; }); my $declared_function = $declared_functions{$internal_name}; my $documentation_line = $function->documentation_line; my $documentation = $function->documentation; my $linkage = $function->linkage; my $return_type = $function->return_type; my $calling_convention = $function->calling_convention; my $statements = $function->statements; my $module16 = $function->module16; my $module32 = $function->module32; my $external_name = $function->external_name; my $external_name16 = $function->external_name16; my $external_name32 = $function->external_name32; if(defined($external_name) && !defined($statements) && ($linkage eq "" || $linkage eq "extern")) { my $previous_function = $declared_functions{$internal_name}; if(!defined($previous_function)) { $declared_functions{$internal_name} = $function; } else { my $file = $previous_function->file; my $function_line = $previous_function->function_line; my $header = $file; $header =~ s%^(include|$file_dir)/%%; if($header !~ m%^msvcrt/% || $file_dir =~ m%^dlls/msvcrt%) { $output->write("duplicate declaration (first declaration at $file:$function_line)\n"); } } } if ($options->global) { foreach my $module ($function->modules) { $module2functions{$module}{$internal_name} = $function; } } foreach my $module ($function->modules) { $modules->found_module_in_dir($module, $file_dir); } if($options->shared) { if($win16api->is_shared_internal_function($internal_name) || $win32api->is_shared_internal_function($internal_name)) { $output->write("is shared between Win16 and Win32\n"); } } if($options->headers && $options->headers_needed && defined($declared_function) && defined($external_name) && defined($statements)) { my $needed_include = $declared_function->file; if(!defined($includes{$needed_include})) { my $header = $needed_include; $header =~ s%^(include|$file_dir)/%%; if($header !~ m%^msvcrt/% || $file_dir =~ m%^dlls/msvcrt%) { $output->write("prototype not included: #include \"$header\" is needed\n"); } } } if($options->local && $options->argument && defined($statements)) { &winapi_local::check_function($function); } if($options->local && $options->statements && defined($statements)) { &winapi_local::check_statements(\%functions, $function); } if($options->local && $options->documentation && (defined($module16) || defined($module32)) && $linkage eq "" && defined($statements)) { &winapi_documentation::check_documentation($function); } if(1) { # FIXME: Not correct if(defined($external_name16)) { $external_name16 = (split(/\s*&\s*/, $external_name16))[0]; } # FIXME: Not correct if(defined($external_name32)) { $external_name32 = (split(/\s*&\s*/, $external_name32))[0]; } if($options->local && $options->misplaced && $linkage ne "extern" && defined($statements)) { if($options->win16 && $options->report_module($module16)) { if($file ne "library/port.c" && !$nativeapi->is_function($internal_name) && !is_subset($module16, $file_module16)) { foreach my $module16 (split(/\s*&\s*/, $module16)) { if(!$win16api->is_function_stub($module16, $internal_name)) { $output->write("is misplaced ($module16)\n"); } } } } if($options->win32 && $options->report_module($module32)) { if($file ne "library/port.c" && !$nativeapi->is_function($internal_name) && !is_subset($module32, $file_module32)) { foreach my $module32 (split(/\s*&\s*/, $module32)) { if(!$win32api->is_function_stub($module32, $internal_name)) { $output->write("is misplaced ($module32)\n"); } } } } } if($options->local && $options->headers && $options->prototype) { if($options->win16 && $options->report_module($module16)) { if(!$nativeapi->is_function($internal_name) && !defined($declared_functions{$internal_name})) { $output->write("no prototype\n"); } } if($options->win32 && $options->report_module($module32)) { if(!defined($external_name32) || (!$nativeapi->is_function($external_name32) && !defined($declared_functions{$external_name32}))) { if(!defined($external_name32) || ($external_name32 !~ /^Dll(?: Install|CanUnloadNow|GetClassObject|GetVersion| RegisterServer|RegisterServerEx|UnregisterServer)|DriverProc$/x && $internal_name !~ /^COMCTL32_Str/ && $internal_name !~ /^(?:\Q$module32\E|wine)_(?:\Q$external_name32\E|\d+)$/)) { $output->write("no prototype\n"); } } } } } $output->prefix(""); }; my $config = 0; my $conditional = 0; my $found_include = sub { local $_ = shift; if(/^\"(?:config\.h|wine\/port\.h)\"/) { $config++; } }; my $found_conditional = sub { local $_ = shift; $nativeapi->found_conditional($_); if($options->config) { if(!$nativeapi->is_conditional($_)) { if(/^HAVE_/ && !/^HAVE_(IPX|MESAGL|BUGGY_MESAGL|WINE_CONSTRUCTOR)$/) { $output->write("$file: $_ is not declared as a conditional\n"); } } else { $conditional++; if(!$config) { $output->write("$file: conditional $_ used but config.h is not included\n"); } } } }; my $create_type = sub { return 'type'->new; }; my $found_type = sub { my $type = shift; }; my $preprocessor = 'preprocessor'->new($found_include, $found_conditional); my $found_preprocessor = sub { my $directive = shift; my $argument = shift; $preprocessor->directive($directive, $argument); if($options->config) { if($directive eq "include") { my $header; my $check_protection; my $check_local; if($argument =~ /^<(.*?)>$/) { $header = $1; $check_protection = 1; $check_local = 0; } elsif($argument =~ /^\"(.*?)\"$/) { $header = $1; $check_protection = 0; $check_local = 1; } else { $output->write("$file: #$directive $argument: is unparsable\n"); $header = undef; $check_protection = 0; $check_local = 0; } if(defined($header)) { my $include; if(-e "$wine_dir/include/$header") { $include = "include/$header"; } elsif(-e "$file_dir/$header") { $include = "$file_dir/$header"; } elsif(-e "$file_dir/../$header") { if($file_dir =~ m%^(.*?)/[^/]+$%) { $include = "$1/$header"; } else { $include = "$header"; } } elsif($header =~ /^(?:controls\.h|message\.h)$/) { # FIXME: Kludge $include = "dlls/user/$header"; } elsif($header =~ /^(?:ts_xlib\.h|winproc\.h|x11font\.h|)$/) { # FIXME: Kludge $include = "dlls/x11drv/$header"; } elsif($check_local && $header ne "config.h") { $output->write("$file: #include \"$header\": file not found\n"); } if(defined($include)) { $includes{$include}++; foreach my $include (keys(%{$include2info{$include}{includes}})) { $includes{$include}++; } } } if($check_protection && $header) { if((-e "$wine_dir/include/$header" || -e "$wine_dir/$file_dir/$header")) { if($header !~ /^(oleauto\.h|win(?:base|def|error|gdi|nls|nt|user)\.h)$/ && $file_dir !~ /tests$/) { $output->write("$file: #include \<$header\> is a local include\n"); } } my $macro = uc($header); $macro =~ y/\.\//__/; $macro = "HAVE_" . $macro; if($nativeapi->is_conditional_header($header)) { if(!$preprocessor->is_def($macro)) { if($macro =~ /^HAVE_X11/) { # Do nothing X Windows is handled differently } elsif($macro =~ /^HAVE_(.*?)_H$/) { my $name = $1; if($header !~ /^alloca\.h$/ && $file_dir !~ /tests$/ && !$preprocessor->is_def("STATFS_DEFINED_BY_$name")) { $output->write("$file: #$directive $argument: is a conditional include, " . "but is not protected\n"); } } } } elsif($preprocessor->is_def($macro)) { $output->write("$file: #$directive $argument: is protected, " . "but is not a conditional include\n"); } } if($check_local && $header) { if(-e "$file_dir/$header") { if($file_dir ne ".") { $include2info{"$file_dir/$header"}{used}++; foreach my $name (keys(%{$include2info{"$file_dir/$header"}{includes}})) { $include2info{$name}{used}++; } } else { $include2info{"$header"}{used}++; foreach my $name (keys(%{$include2info{"$header"}{includes}})) { $include2info{$name}{used}++; } } } elsif(-e "$file_dir/../$header") { if($file_dir =~ m%^(.*?)/[^/]+$%) { $include2info{"$1/$header"}{used}++; foreach my $name (keys(%{$include2info{"$1/$header"}{includes}})) { $include2info{$name}{used}++; } } else { $include2info{"$header"}{used}++; foreach my $name (keys(%{$include2info{"$header"}{includes}})) { $include2info{$name}{used}++; } } } elsif($header =~ /^(?:controls\.h|message\.h)$/) { # FIXME: Kludge $include2info{"dlls/user/$header"}{used}++; foreach my $name (keys(%{$include2info{"dlls/user/$header"}{includes}})) { $include2info{$name}{used}++; } } elsif($header =~ /^(?:ts_xlib\.h|winproc\.h|x11font\.h|)$/) { # FIXME: Kludge $include2info{"dlls/x11drv/$header"}{used}++; foreach my $name (keys(%{$include2info{"dlls/user/$header"}{includes}})) { $include2info{$name}{used}++; } } elsif(-e "$wine_dir/include/$header") { $include2info{"include/$header"}{used}++; foreach my $name (keys(%{$include2info{"include/$header"}{includes}})) { $include2info{$name}{used}++; } } elsif ($header ne "config.h") { $output->write("$file: #include \"$header\" is not a local include\n"); } } } } }; &winapi_parser::parse_c_file($file, { c_comment_found => $found_c_comment, cplusplus_comment_found => $found_cplusplus_comment, function_create => $create_function, function_found => $found_function, type_create => $create_type, type_found => $found_type, preprocessor_found => $found_preprocessor }); if($options->config_unnessary) { if($config && $conditional == 0) { $output->write("$file: include2info config.h but do not use any conditionals\n"); } } &winapi_local::check_file($file, \%functions); } if($options->global) { &winapi_global::check_modules(\%complete_module, \%module2functions); if($all_modules) { &winapi_global::check_all_modules(\%include2info); } }