This is intended to be a place where you should look first if you want to contribute to Wine development. Add your e-mail address to the corresponding entry if you are working on/have done something for one of the problems. You are encouraged to add new entries and, more importantly, remove those for the bugs you fixed ;-) ------------------------------------------------------------ As of June 1997 - General: * TrueType, .FON rasterizer. * No thread/process scheduling support in Win32 code. * Very alpha printing code. [] * Extremely alpha Win95 interface code. * No OLE2 and OLE32 support (including OLE2 interfaces etc.). * No MS Video support (perhaps interface with xanim, don't hold your breath for this one). * COMDLG32 support not complete yet. * No COMMCTRL/COMCTL32 support. * No manual pages describing the various Windows calls. - You can find information about most of the Win32 API calls on the (go to 'search'). Miscellaneous: * Text alignment problems in Word and Write (variable pitch fonts). * Font mapper weights * "Cursor XXXX has more than 1 bpp!" * 32-bit Freecell segfaults when started from the Progman (looks like a problem with cards.dll). * Margins in edit controls are too wide. * SGI window manager treats Wine windows as topmost. * Write shows blank space instead of Paintbrush OLE1 object ( GetDIBits()? ). * AllocCSToDSAlias() shouldn't alloc alias for the same segment multiple times. Where to look in source files: * grep for FIXME in the source files.