In this directory you might find my implemantation of the Windows String. The patch lstr.patch includes whats needed for the following functions: lstrcat,lstrcmp,lstrcmpi,lstrcpy,lstrcpyn,lstrlen,AnsiUpper,AnsiLower, IsCharAlpha,IsCharAlphanumeric,IsCharUpper,IsCharLower,AnsiUpperBuff, AnsiLowerBuff,AnsiNext,AnsiPrev. Simply apply the patch to Wine.0.4.1 and remake. Also there should be the files oem2ansi.trl and ansi2oem.trl that define how to translate between ansi and oem codepage 861 I believe they call it. These files where created by the Windows program oemansi.exe which is also included. To get the oem<->ansi translations right for your part of the world just run oemansi under Windows not Wine and oemansi will create oem2ansi and ansi2oem for your locale that is if your Windows/Dos is set up correctly. Move the .trl files into the directory from where you run wine. If Wine does not find the *.trl in the current directory AnsiToOem and OemToAnsi will be passive. Shortcomings/Bugs: Some functions depend upon libc functions like toupper, tolower and isalpha that, as far as I know, are totally without support for NLS and ISO 8859-1. Default Ansi<->OEM translations when *.trl files are not found are missing. NOTE: Please don't run oemansi.exe under wine.