#include "objbase.h"
#include "ocidl.h"
+#include "wine/list.h"
#include "gdiplus.h"
#define INCH_HIMETRIC (2540)
#define VERSION_MAGIC 0xdbc01001
+#define TENSION_CONST (0.3)
extern INT arc2polybezier(GpPointF * points, REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL x2, REAL y2,
REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle);
extern REAL gdiplus_atan2(REAL dy, REAL dx);
extern GpStatus hresult_to_status(HRESULT res);
-extern REAL convert_unit(HDC hdc, GpUnit unit);
+extern REAL convert_unit(REAL logpixels, GpUnit unit);
+extern GpStatus graphics_from_image(GpImage *image, GpGraphics **graphics);
+extern void calc_curve_bezier(CONST GpPointF *pts, REAL tension, REAL *x1,
+ REAL *y1, REAL *x2, REAL *y2);
+extern void calc_curve_bezier_endp(REAL xend, REAL yend, REAL xadj, REAL yadj,
+ REAL tension, REAL *x, REAL *y);
+extern void free_installed_fonts(void);
+extern BOOL lengthen_path(GpPath *path, INT len);
+extern GpStatus trace_path(GpGraphics *graphics, GpPath *path);
+typedef struct region_element region_element;
+extern void delete_element(region_element *element);
+extern GpStatus get_hatch_data(HatchStyle hatchstyle, const char **result);
static inline INT roundr(REAL x)
return (INT) floorf(x + 0.5);
+static inline INT ceilr(REAL x)
+ return (INT) ceilf(x);
static inline REAL deg2rad(REAL degrees)
return M_PI * degrees / 180.0;
+static inline ARGB color_over(ARGB bg, ARGB fg)
+ BYTE b, g, r, a;
+ BYTE bg_alpha, fg_alpha;
+ fg_alpha = (fg>>24)&0xff;
+ if (fg_alpha == 0xff) return fg;
+ if (fg_alpha == 0) return bg;
+ bg_alpha = (((bg>>24)&0xff) * (0xff-fg_alpha)) / 0xff;
+ if (bg_alpha == 0) return fg;
+ a = bg_alpha + fg_alpha;
+ b = ((bg&0xff)*bg_alpha + (fg&0xff)*fg_alpha)/a;
+ g = (((bg>>8)&0xff)*bg_alpha + ((fg>>8)&0xff)*fg_alpha)/a;
+ r = (((bg>>16)&0xff)*bg_alpha + ((fg>>16)&0xff)*fg_alpha)/a;
+ return (a<<24)|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|b;
+extern const char *debugstr_rectf(CONST RectF* rc);
+extern const char *debugstr_pointf(CONST PointF* pt);
+extern void convert_32bppARGB_to_32bppPARGB(UINT width, UINT height,
+ BYTE *dst_bits, INT dst_stride, const BYTE *src_bits, INT src_stride);
+extern GpStatus convert_pixels(UINT width, UINT height,
+ INT dst_stride, BYTE *dst_bits, PixelFormat dst_format,
+ INT src_stride, const BYTE *src_bits, PixelFormat src_format, ARGB *src_palette);
struct GpPen{
UINT style;
GpUnit unit;
INT numdashes;
REAL offset; /* dash offset */
GpBrush *brush;
+ GpPenAlignment align;
struct GpGraphics{
HDC hdc;
HWND hwnd;
+ BOOL owndc;
+ GpImage *image;
SmoothingMode smoothing;
CompositingQuality compqual;
InterpolationMode interpolation;
GpUnit unit; /* page unit */
REAL scale; /* page scale */
GpMatrix * worldtrans; /* world transform */
+ BOOL busy; /* hdc handle obtained by GdipGetDC */
+ GpRegion *clip;
+ UINT textcontrast; /* not used yet. get/set only */
+ struct list containers;
+ GraphicsContainer contid; /* last-issued container ID */
+ /* For giving the caller an HDC when we technically can't: */
+ HBITMAP temp_hbitmap;
+ int temp_hbitmap_width;
+ int temp_hbitmap_height;
+ BYTE *temp_bits;
+ HDC temp_hdc;
struct GpBrush{
+struct GpHatch{
+ GpBrush brush;
+ HatchStyle hatchstyle;
+ ARGB forecol;
+ ARGB backcol;
struct GpSolidFill{
GpBrush brush;
ARGB color;
+ HBITMAP bmp;
struct GpPathGradient{
GpPointF endpoint;
ARGB startcolor;
ARGB endcolor;
+ RectF rect;
GpWrapMode wrap;
BOOL gamma;
+ REAL* blendfac; /* blend factors */
+ REAL* blendpos; /* blend positions */
+ INT blendcount;
+ ARGB* pblendcolor; /* preset blend colors */
+ REAL* pblendpos; /* preset blend positions */
+ INT pblendcount;
struct GpTexture{
GpBrush brush;
+ GpMatrix *transform;
+ GpImage *image;
+ GpImageAttributes *imageattributes;
struct GpPath{
GpLineCap cap; /* as far as I can tell, this value is ignored */
REAL inset; /* how much to adjust the end of the line */
GpLineJoin join;
+ REAL scale;
+struct GpAdustableArrowCap{
+ GpCustomLineCap cap;
struct GpImage{
IPicture* picture;
ImageType type;
+ GUID format;
UINT flags;
+ UINT palette_flags;
+ UINT palette_count;
+ UINT palette_size;
+ ARGB *palette_entries;
+ REAL xres, yres;
struct GpMetafile{
ImageLockMode lockmode;
INT numlocks;
BYTE *bitmapbits; /* pointer to the buffer we passed in BitmapLockBits */
+ HBITMAP hbitmap;
+ HDC hdc;
+ BYTE *bits; /* actual image bits if this is a DIB */
+ INT stride; /* stride of bits if this is a DIB */
+ BYTE *own_bits; /* image bits that need to be freed with this object */
+struct GpCachedBitmap{
+ GpImage *image;
+struct color_key{
+ BOOL enabled;
+ ARGB low;
+ ARGB high;
+struct color_matrix{
+ BOOL enabled;
+ ColorMatrixFlags flags;
+ ColorMatrix colormatrix;
+ ColorMatrix graymatrix;
+struct color_remap_table{
+ BOOL enabled;
+ INT mapsize;
+ GDIPCONST ColorMap *colormap;
struct GpImageAttributes{
WrapMode wrap;
+ ARGB outside_color;
+ BOOL clamp;
+ struct color_key colorkeys[ColorAdjustTypeCount];
+ struct color_matrix colormatrices[ColorAdjustTypeCount];
+ struct color_remap_table colorremaptables[ColorAdjustTypeCount];
+ BOOL gamma_enabled[ColorAdjustTypeCount];
+ REAL gamma[ColorAdjustTypeCount];
struct GpFont{
REAL emSize;
+ UINT height;
+ LONG line_spacing;
Unit unit;
struct GpStringFormat{
INT attr;
LANGID lang;
+ LANGID digitlang;
StringAlignment align;
StringTrimming trimming;
HotkeyPrefix hkprefix;
StringAlignment vertalign;
+ StringDigitSubstitute digitsub;
+ INT tabcount;
+ REAL firsttab;
+ REAL *tabs;
+ CharacterRange *character_ranges;
+ INT range_count;
struct GpFontCollection{
- GpFontFamily* FontFamilies;
+ GpFontFamily **FontFamilies;
+ INT count;
+ INT allocated;
struct GpFontFamily{
-typedef struct region_element
+/* internal use */
+typedef enum RegionType
+ RegionDataRect = 0x10000000,
+ RegionDataPath = 0x10000001,
+ RegionDataEmptyRect = 0x10000002,
+ RegionDataInfiniteRect = 0x10000003,
+} RegionType;
+struct region_element
DWORD type; /* Rectangle, Path, SpecialRectangle, or CombineMode */
struct region_element *right; /* what *left was combined with */
} combine;
} elementdata;
-} region_element;
struct GpRegion{