-The Wine team is proud to announce that Wine 1.0 is now available.
-This is the first stable release of Wine after 15 years of development
-and beta testing. Many thanks to everybody who helped us along that
-long road!
+The Wine development release 1.1.17 is now available.
-While compatibility is not perfect yet, thousands of applications have
-been reported to work very well. Check http://appdb.winehq.org to see
-the details for your favorite applications.
+What's new in this release (see below for details):
+ - Joystick support on Mac OS X.
+ - Implementation of iphlpapi on Solaris.
+ - A number of 64-bit improvements.
+ - Obsolete LinuxThreads support has been removed.
+ - Many fixes to the regression tests on Windows.
+ - Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
- http://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/system/emulators/wine/wine-1.0.tar.bz2
- http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine-1.0.tar.bz2
+ http://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/system/emulators/wine/wine-1.1.17.tar.bz2
+ http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine-1.1.17.tar.bz2
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
-Bugs fixed in 1.0:
- 3838 The Punisher demo crashes after the introduction movies
- 3898 Counter-Strike 1.6 performance issue
- 4755 X Error of failed request: BadDrawable (X_PolyFillRectangle) when switching to Virtual Desktop
- 6315 Starlancer draws ships as white when direct3d is enabled
- 7268 Oni not opening after install
- 8185 can't login in Skype 3.1 on wine/kubuntu 7
- 8634 antialiasing disabled in gtasa menu
- 9555 Wine crash when I click help in Stata 10
- 9589 Static / Scratchy Sound with OSS in Call of Duty
- 9903 WinRAR with NXServer - black icons
- 10009 QIP: window z-order is still wrong
- 10268 Robot Wars: Arena of Destruction crashes while quitting (causing resolution to stay 640 x 480)
- 10322 Eve-online (video memory misaddressed?)
- 10700 Dragon Naturally Speaking 9 needs gdiplus.GdipDrawArcI, gdiplus.GdipCreatePen2, ...
- 11011 Call of Duty 1.0 doesn't run after install.
- 11104 Dance Praise 2: Does not respond to input
- 12415 Can not leave fullscreen Warcraft 3x (Regression)
- 12963 Moto Racer 2 works with wine 0.9.60 and crashes with wine 0.9.61
- 13271 The demo of the punisher fails to install
- 13740 winebrowser gets wrong URL, problem with unicode
+Bugs fixed in 1.1.17:
+ 8011 SmartBarXP crashes if you add the Weather Channel pane
+ 9027 No sound for rise of nations - all versions
+ 9615 RPG Maker, Fritz9, Amazon Music Downloader: crash when clicking menu bar. (Screws up Adobe Photoshop CS4 menus, too.)
+ 10831 Guild Wars: "Observe" menu does not display additional information about selected game
+ 12143 Black halos surround NPCs in Fable
+ 12690 Internet Explorer 7 is falling after start on unhandled exception.
+ 14968 DrawPrim.c needs to handle more than 4 vertex shader prims causes crash in everquest and does not allow rendering
+ 15007 The Lost Crown's menu is no longer accessible in-game
+ 15264 Audio broken under Solaris
+ 15314 winhelp: transition to richedit breaks minigolf1997.hlp file
+ 15616 winecfg does not show *.acm (or other non .dll) overrides, must be typed in manually
+ 15707 winhttp: winhttp.ok test fails in OpenSolaris
+ 15798 3D Game Studio text objects newline characters mistranslated
+ 16023 FreeBSD (PC-BSD) fails to launch majority of applications, 'Invalid address'
+ 16838 'make install' broken on BSD
+ 16937 Invisible text in Autocad LT 97
+ 17365 AutoCAD: Buttons on the bottom don't change their graphical state if pressed/released
+ 17384 Naval units in Civilization 4 are drawn incorrectly
+ 17452 Lcms error crashes PowerPoint 2003
+ 17485 Non-windows apps generate an inappropriate dialog
+ 17511 Game pauses when pressing NumLock
+ 17547 Powerpoint 2007: crashes when opening complex .pptx files.
+ 17601 winhlp32: links ceased working
+ 17627 winhlp32: clickable area out of sync with hyperlink text
+ 17636 urlmon: protocol test fails with +heap enabled
-Changes since 1.0-rc5:
+Changes since 1.1.16:
+Alexandre Julliard (100):
+ loader: Get rid of the no longer supported wine-kthread.
+ iphlpapi: Reimplement GetUdpTable to avoid parsing the same information three times.
+ iphlpapi: Reimplement GetTcpTable to avoid parsing the same information three times.
+ iphlpapi: Reimplement GetIpNetTable to avoid parsing the same information three times.
+ iphlpapi: Reimplement GetIpForwardTable to avoid parsing the same information three times.
+ iphlpapi: Moved AllocateAndGetUdpTableFromStack implementation to ipstats.c.
+ iphlpapi: Moved AllocateAndGetTcpTableFromStack implementation to ipstats.c.
+ iphlpapi: Moved AllocateAndGetIpNetTableFromStack implementation to ipstats.c.
+ iphlpapi: Moved AllocateAndGetIpForwardTableFromStack implementation to ipstats.c.
+ iphlpapi: Remove the no longer needed getNumArpEntries function.
+ iphlpapi: Remove the no longer needed getNumUdpEntries function.
+ iphlpapi: Remove the no longer needed getNumTcpEntries function.
+ iphlpapi: Remove the no longer needed getNumRoutes and GetNumWithOneHeader functions.
+ server: Overlapped named pipes are never blocking, even if no APC was specified.
+ server: Make the new named pipe server fd inherit the I/O completion if it was set before connecting.
+ kernel32: Fix the last error code for timeout in GetQueuedCompletionStatus.
+ uninstaller: Only load error strings when needed.
+ user32: Use MAKEWPARAM instead of MAKELONG for menu messages.
+ user32/tests: Fix a couple of failing menu tests.
+ user32/tests: Add some more optional messages.
+ configure: 16-bit object files should depend on IDL headers too.
+ makefiles: Add a dummy dependency on empty targets to work around a FreeBSD make bug.
+ configure: Enable automatic dependencies for FreeBSD make.
+ iphlpapi: Move the ip/icmp/tcp/udp statistics functions to ipstats.c.
+ advapi32/tests: GetTokenInformation apparently needs a dword-aligned buffer.
+ winebuild: Don't output the relay table if no entry point needs it.
+ winebuild: Support the --main-module option for stand-alone 16-bit modules.
+ winebuild: Ignore 16-bit absolute exports when checking for undefined symbols.
+ kernel32: Make stress.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ kernel32: Make win87em.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ kernel32: Make comm.drv into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ kernel32: Make windebug.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ gdi32: Make dispdib.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ user32: Make display.drv into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ user32: Make keyboard.drv into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ user32: Make mouse.drv into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ kernel32/tests: Improve some failure messages in the pipe tests.
+ ddraw/tests: Allow IDirectDrawSurface_AddAttachedSurface failure on Windows.
+ kernel32/tests: Stop testing integer atoms if the first one doesn't work.
+ iphlpapi: Simplify parsing of ICMP stats. Only try to open /proc on Linux.
+ iphlpapi: Simplify parsing of interface data. Only try to open /proc on Linux.
+ iphlpapi: Simplify parsing of IP stats. Only try to open /proc on Linux.
+ iphlpapi: Simplify parsing of TCP stats. Only try to open /proc on Linux.
+ iphlpapi: Simplify parsing of UDP stats. Only try to open /proc on Linux.
+ user32/tests: Mark a couple of painting messages as optional.
+ user32/tests: Skip menu test if sending input failed. Use VK_MENU instead of VK_LMENU.
+ ntdll: Fix a couple of warnings on Solaris.
+ configure: Add check for libkstat on Solaris.
+ iphlpapi: Implemented GetIcmpStatistics for Solaris.
+ iphlpapi: Implemented GetIpStatistics for Solaris.
+ iphlpapi: Implemented GetTcpStatistics for Solaris.
+ iphlpapi: Implemented GetUdpStatistics for Solaris.
+ iphlpapi: Implemented getInterfaceStatsByName for Solaris.
+ iphlpapi/tests: Don't pass a NULL size to GetTcp/UdpTable, it crashes on Vista.
+ ntdll/tests: Create the server port before starting the client thread.
+ comctl32/tests: Set the listview image list after WM_CREATE has been processed.
+ comctl32/tests: Fix the monthcal window creation message sequence.
+ comctl32/tests: Disable a test that crashes on NT4.
+ user32/tests: Add more optional messages for Vista and Win9x.
+ dbghelp: Define _IMAGEHLP_SOURCE_.
+ user32/tests: Avoid snprintf, it's broken on Mingw.
+ user32/tests: Fix some message sequences for Vista and Win9x.
+ iphlpapi: Implemented AllocateAndGetTcpTableFromStack for Solaris.
+ iphlpapi: Implemented AllocateAndGetUdpTableFromStack for Solaris.
+ iphlpapi: Implemented AllocateAndGetIpNetTableFromStack for Solaris.
+ iphlpapi: Implemented AllocateAndGetIpForwardTableFromStack for Solaris.
+ iphlpapi/tests: Output the various tables in verbose mode.
+ loader: Merge the first and second stage loaders into a single wine binary.
+ dbghelp: The main executable is now always named "wine".
+ user32/tests: SetForegroundWindow sometimes fails on Win98.
+ user32/tests: Skip shift+button test if we don't receive the event.
+ wineps.drv: Make all exported entry points CDECL.
+ configure: Check for IOHIDManagerCreate function that's missing on Tiger.
+ kernel32: Make the load order for a 16-bit stand-alone dll match its 32-bit owner.
+ lz32: Make lzexpand.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ msacm32: Make msacm.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ olecli32: Make olecli.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ olesvr32: Make olesvr.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ ole32: Make ole2conv.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ ole32: Make ole2prox.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ ole32: Make ole2thk.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ ole32: Make ole2nls.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ ole32: Make storage.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ ole32: Make ole2.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ ole32: Make compobj.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ ole32: Get rid of WINE_StringFromCLSID and A->W conversions.
+ oleaut32: Make typelib.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ oleaut32: Make ole2disp.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ wine.inf: Fix typo in the shift_jis entry.
+ rpcrt4: Use RpcMsg->Buffer instead of BufferStart since the latter isn't always set.
+ setupapi: Check for NULL module to avoid an exception in RtlImageNtHeader.
+ winspool.drv: Make sure the DEVMODE structure is fully initialized.
+ winedbg: Don't name a function PRIVATE.
+ user32/tests: Add optional restore sequence for Vista.
+ user32/tests: Print a more useful line number in check_class and check_instance tests.
+ ntdll: Move the copy_context function into the respective CPU-specific files.
+ ifsmgr.vxd: Load winedos dynamically.
+ vwin32.vxd: Load winedos dynamically.
+ winedos: Don't create an import library.
+ make_makefiles: Automatically disable 16-bit modules if enable_win16 isn't set.
+Alistair Leslie-Hughes (18):
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLStyle get/put textDecorationNone.
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLStyle get/put textDecorationOverline.
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLStyle get/put textDecorationBlink.
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLStyle_put_textDecoration.
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLStyle get/put borderColor.
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLCurrentStyle_get_borderColor.
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLStyle get/put borderStyle.
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLCurrentStyle_get_borderStyle.
+ shell32: Add and register CLSID_QueryAssociations.
+ mshtml: Add missing IHTMLStyle IDispatchEx ids.
+ mshtml: Add missing IHTMLCurrentStyle IDispatchEx ids.
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLStyle_get_borderLeft.
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLStyle get/put backgroundPositionX.
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLStyle get/put backgroundPositionY.
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLStyle get/put borderTopWidth.
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLStyle get/put borderRightWidth.
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLStyle get/put borderBottomWidth.
+ mshtml: Add missing IHTMLTable interfaces.
+Anders Jonsson (1):
+ README: Swedish translation.
+Andrew Talbot (2):
+ comdlg32: Fix a typo.
+ msacm32: Fix a typo.
+Aric Stewart (16):
+ dinput: Begin joystick separation into a generic module.
+ dinput: Move joystick productGuid and Name to the generic part.
+ dinput: Move joystick Polling and Device State to the generic part.
+ dinput: Move joystick mapping functions to the generic part.
+ dinput: Rename Linux-specific joystick functions.
+ dinput: Remove easy redundancy from linuxinput.
+ dinput: Create generic joystick Acquire/Unacquire.
+ dinput: Add Mac OS/X joystick support.
+ dinput: OS/X joystick add axes.
+ dinput: OS/X joystick add POV controls.
+ dinput: OS/X joystick add GD_X, GD_Y, GD_Z axes.
+ dinput: OS/X joystick add Rx,Ry,and Rz axes.
+ dinput: Map OS/X joystick axes so even if they come out of order on the device we recognize them correctly.
+ dinput: Add OS/X sliders.
+ dinput: OS/X joystick: Check usage page to avoid odd non-button elements found on the 360 controller.
+ dinput: OS/X joystick: Sort buttons based on usage as some controllers report the buttons out of order.
+Aurimas Fischer (6):
+ comctl32: Add Lithuanian translation.
+ shell32: Update Lithuanian translation.
+ notepad: Improve Lithuanian translation.
+ comdlg32: Improve Lithuanian translation.
+ regedit: Add Lithuanian translation.
+ regedit: Add missing English resource.
+Christian Costa (3):
+ wine.inf: Use 32-bit version of MCI DirectShow driver.
+ ddraw: Implement IDirect3DViewportImpl_NextLight.
+ d3dxof: Use offsets to reference data instead of pointers so data buffer can be resized.
+Denis Baranov (1):
+ wine.inf: Add registry branch HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Charset.
+Detlef Riekenberg (6):
+ shdocvw/tests: Add IServiceProvider to the webbrowser test.
+ shdocvw/tests: Detect more interfaces in the webbrowser test.
+ spoolss: Implement AddMonitorW.
+ spoolss: Implement DeleteMonitorW.
+ spoolss: Implement AddPrinterDriverExW.
+ localspl: Return 0 for the local computer.
+Diaa Sami (1):
+ cmd: Fixed a number of buffer overflows.
+Dmitry Timoshkov (2):
+ winex11.drv: Take into account current world transform when caching glyphs.
+ gdi32: Fix the font rotation direction.
+Dylan Smith (6):
+ richedit: Avoid calling ITextHost_TxNotify with EN_MSGFILTER.
+ winhlp32: Use EM_SCROLL to scroll richedit control.
+ richedit: Respect manually added links when autourldetect is disabled.
+ richedit: Count graphics towards line width.
+ winhlp32: Prevent cursor flicker on mouse moves over richedit control.
+ winhlp32: Links are clicked on WM_LBUTTONDOWN not WM_LBUTTONUP.
+Eric Pouech (1):
+ winex11: Correctly pad 1 bpp DDB's lines with 0 values.
+Francois Gouget (14):
+ uninstaller: Use DELAYIMPORTS on the GUI dlls to speed up 'uninstaller --list'.
+ sane.ds: Fix compilation with older SANE headers.
+ libwine: Reenable the memory reservation code on FreeBSD.
+ winedbg: Remove spaces before '\n's.
+ fnt2bdf: Remove spaces before '\n's.
+ port: Remove spaces before '\n's.
+ Remove spaces before '\n's.
+ winmm: Try to load the Esound driver as a last resort.
+ avifil32: Add missing AddRefs in IAVIFile_QueryInterface().
+ avifil32: Add a missing AddRef in IGetFrame_QueryInterface().
+ winemenubuilder: Fix an off-by-one check that resulted in erroneous error messages.
+ winemenubuilder: Print an error message if we are unable to load an lnk file.
+ dinput: Add a trailing '\n' to ERR() messages.
+ mshtml: Fix typos in the French translation.
+Gerald Pfeifer (1):
+ comctl32: Simplify three TAB_ functions.
+Hans Leidekker (10):
+ wininet: Remove MSG_PEEK hack from HTTP_GetResponseHeaders.
+ wininet: Ignore invalid response headers.
+ usp10: Don't test digit substitution data.
+ mscms: Accept REG_DWORD values when enumerating registered color profiles.
+ winhttp, wininet: Load i2d_X509 from libcrypto.so.
+ mscms: Handle errors from lcms more gracefully.
+ msi: Fix handling of REINSTALL overrides.
+ msi: Correct spec entry for MsiGetProductInfoA/W.
+ msi: Handle ADVERTISE overrides.
+ msi: Set concurrency model to multi-threaded for custom action threads.
+Henri Verbeet (60):
+ d3d10: Fix a typo.
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10Effect::GetTechniqueByName().
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10Effect::GetTechniqueByIndex().
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetPassByName().
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetPassByIndex().
+ d3d10: Actually use the parse_fx10() return value.
+ d3d10: Simplify DXBC chunk handlers.
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10EffectTechnique::GetDesc().
+ d3d10: Store the shader's input signature.
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10EffectPass::GetDesc().
+ wined3d: Use flags for shader_glsl_get_sample_function().
+ d3d10core: Add a stub ID3D10InputLayout implementation.
+ d3d10core: Add a stub ID3D10VertexShader implementation.
+ d3d10core: Add a stub ID3D10GeometryShader implementation.
+ d3d10core: Add a stub ID3D10PixelShader implementation.
+ wined3d: Pass the vertex count rather than the primitive count to wined3d draw methods.
+ wined3d: Fix some prototypes.
+ wined3d: Add support for ARB_geometry_shader4.
+ wined3d: Add d3d10 primitive types.
+ wined3d: Add separate methods for setting the primitive type.
+ d3d10core: Implement ID3D10Device::Draw().
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10Effect::GetDevice().
+ d3d10: Create shaders.
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10EffectPass::Apply().
+ wined3d: Also set VBFLAG_HASDESC if we can determine we don't need conversion.
+ wined3d: Simplify IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_PreLoad() a bit.
+ wined3d: Merge IWineD3DVertexBuffer with IWineD3DBuffer.
+ d3d9: Improve IDirect3DDevice9::SetFVF() code flow.
+ wined3d: Buffer object ID's are supposed to be unsigned.
+ wined3d: Don't compare texUnitMap entries to -1.
+ wined3d: Don't compare const_num against -1.
+ wined3d: Use shader_glsl_get_write_mask_size() to calculate the write mask size.
+ wined3d: Handle error conditions better in RemoveContextFromArray().
+ d3d9: Fix some sign compare warnings.
+ wined3d: Don't call shader_glsl_append_dst() from shader_glsl_texldl().
+ wined3d: Get rid of a few stack buffers.
+ d3d8: Fix some sign compare warnings.
+ d3d8: Don't call Release() in a while loop.
+ d3d8: Make the shader handle table a bit more generic.
+ d3d8: Handles aren't supposed to be pointers.
+ wined3d: Set the correct texture names on cube surfaces.
+ wined3d: Free the logo path when we're done with it.
+ wined3d: The adapters array should be owned by IWineD3DImpl.
+ wined3d: Get rid of the PUSH1 macro.
+ wined3d: Don't leak WineD3DAdapter.cfgs.
+ d3d9: Present parameters are an array when D3DCREATE_ADAPTERGROUP_DEVICE is specified.
+ wined3d: Explicitly pass the texUnitMap to shader_glsl_load_vsamplers() and shader_glsl_load_psamplers().
+ wined3d: Remove an unused field.
+ wined3d: Remove a redundant check.
+ wined3d: Store a pointer to the format description in the resource.
+ wined3d: Get rid of some calls to getFormatDescEntry().
+ wined3d: Remove the shader_color_fixup field from IWineD3DBaseTextureClass.
+ d3d8: Release the d3d8 shader once we're done with it in IDirect3DDevice8Impl_GetPixelShader().
+ wined3d: Also change the resource's format desc in IWineD3DBaseSurfaceImpl_SetFormat().
+ wined3d: Eliminate the heightscale field from IWineD3DSurfaceImpl.
+ wined3d: Remove some redundant fields from struct glDescriptor.
+ wined3d: Remove the width and height fields from IWineD3DTextureImpl.
+ wined3d: Add fields from StaticPixelFormatDesc to struct GlPixelFormatDesc.
+ wined3d: Only return a pointer to struct GlPixelFormatDesc from getFormatDescEntry().
+ wined3d: Remove the format field from IWineD3DResourceClass.
+Huw Davies (15):
+ gdiplus/tests: Elliptic regions have a shorter layout in win98.
+ gdi32/tests: Improve some test failure messages.
+ gdi32/tests: Win9x doesn't initialize the bitmap bits, so skip this test.
+ gdi32/tests: Fix tests on NT4.
+ ole32: Add support for VT_DECIMAL.
+ gdi32/tests: Mark win9x behaviour as broken.
+ gdi32/tests: win9x doesn't return the correct number of colours used with dib sections created via DIB_PAL_COLORS.
+ gdi32/tests: Fix another case where win9x returns bmType equal to 0x5250.
+ gdi32/tests: Fix yet another place where win9x returns bmType equal to 0x5250.
+ gdi32/tests: Marked another win9x failure as broken.
+ gdi32/tests: Win9x's GetDIBits() sets biSizeImage to zero for BI_RGB dibs.
+ gdi32/tests: Remove a cut and paste error.
+ gdi32/tests: win9x doesn't initialise the bitmap bits. Mark this behaviour as broken.
+ gdi32/tests: Mark as broken another case where win9x doesn't set biSizeImage.
+ gdi32/tests: Under win9x GetBitmapBits returns zero when passed a NULL buffer.
+Hwang YunSong(황윤성) (3):
+ setupapi: Updated Korean resource.
+ wordpad: Updated Korean resource.
+ cmd: Updated Korean resource.
+Jacek Caban (25):
+ urlmon: Ignore report_data call if binding is stopped.
+ urlmon: Move some HttpProtocol variables to generic Protocol object.
+ urlmon: Move strndupW implementation to header file.
+ urlmon: Moved HttpProtocol::[Lock|Unlock]Request implementation to generic Protocol object.
+ urlmon: Move close_connection implementation to common Protocol object.
+ urlmon: Move HttpProtocol::Read implementation to generic Protocol object.
+ urlmon: Move HttpProtocol::Continue implementation to generic Protocol object.
+ urlmon: Move HttpProtocol::Start implementation to generic Protocol object.
+ urlmon: Move HttpProtocolVtbl to its implementation (code clean up).
+ urlmon: Added IInternetPriority interface stup implementation to FtpProtocol.
+ wininet: Don't send INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING notification for ftp session created by InternetOpenUrl.
+ urlmon: Added ftp pluggable protocol implementation.
+ urlmon: Use pluggable protocol for ftp binding.
+ urlmon: Added ftp protocol tests.
+ urlmon: Added ftp binding tests.
+ urlmon: Added gopher protocol handler stub implementation.
+ urlmon: Added IInternetPriority implementation for gopher protocol.
+ urlmon: Added gopher pluggable protocol implementation.
+ urlmon: Get rid of URLMonikerImpl_BindToStorage_hack.
+ wininet: Release session after FTP_ReceiveResponse call in FTPFILE_Destroy.
+ mshtml: Added IHTMLElement::put_innerHTML implementation.
+ mshtml: Added IHTMLStyle::get_cssText implementation.
+ mshtml: Added IHTMLStyle::put_cssText implementation.
+ mshtml: Make sure that HTML headers are terminated by endline.
+ mshtml: Don't use unicode constants for HTML IDs (code clean up).
+James Hawkins (11):
+ msi: Correctly order transposed column values in the INSERT query.
+ msi: Order primary keys to be first in the column list when creating a table.
+ msi: Column attributes for temporary string and int columns should be g and j respectively.
+ msi: The _Streams and _Storages table are special and always exist.
+ msi: The PATH environment variable can be longer than MAX_PATH, so dynamically allocate strings to deal with that.
+ msi: Delete the view on error.
+ msi: Use a SQL marker to query the _Property table when fetching a property.
+ msi: Add missing calls to MsiViewClose.
+ msi: Don't allow nested quotes in SQL queries.
+ msi: Don't treat carriage returns as spaces.
+ msi: Handle reading from a NULL stream.
+Jeremy White (18):
+ sane.ds: Downgrade inappropriate FIXMEs.
+ sane.ds: Add a few trace messages useful in following color format.
+ sane.ds: Implement grayscale and B&W scanning for native image transfers.
+ sane.ds: Implement support for ICAP_PHYSICALHEIGHT and ICAP_PHYSICALWIDTH.
+ sane.ds: Add suport for CAP_AUTOFEED, make batch scans the default.
+ sane.ds: Add support for CAP_FEEDERENABLED.
+ sane.ds: More correctly detect an end of scan job from sane; this enables Acrobat to pull multiple pages in one scan.
+ sane.ds: Sane should go first; that makes any actual scanner found the default device.
+ sane.ds: Fix a subtle bug that prevented the float scrollbar from incrementing by one.
+ sane.ds: Add support for ICAP_SUPPORTEDSIZES, enabling rational sizing for scans.
+ sane.ds: Make sure that the condition code is set correctly when we handle an unexpected request.
+ sane.ds: Downgrade more inappropriate FIXMEs to WARNs.
+ sane.ds: Remove large chunks of stubbed optional functionality; if it's optional, we don't have to support it, and it is not a stub.
+ sane.ds: Add fixmes for the last 2 unsupported capabilities; this now makes the code have fixmes for all known issues.
+ twain_32: Remove obsolete README files.
+ sane.ds: Move a few static functions so they can be shared.
+ sane.ds: Add support for DG_IMAGE/DAT_IMAGELAYOUT/GET and SET. Enables Acrobat to use custom scan sizes.
+ twain_32: Revise internal documentation and one test slightly to bring into line with TWAIN 1.8 requirements.
+Jim Cameron (1):
+ regedit: Fix crash importing large values from Unicode.
+Juan Lang (3):
+ crypt32: Fix some test failures on Win9x.
+ crypt32: Fix some test failures on Win9x.
+ crypt32: Fix another test on Win9x.
+Jörg Höhle (1):
+ d3d9/tests: Fix typos in text.
+Ken Thomases (13):
+ dsound: Don't use HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY when we're about to overwrite the buffer.
+ dbghelp/stabs: Translate additional register codes.
+ dbghelp/stabs: Ignore the N_OSO type used on Darwin.
+ dbghelp/stabs: Decode the Stabs type more carefully.
+ dbghelp: Let stabs_parse call back for real (non-debug) symbol definitions.
+ configure: Check for mach-o/dyld_images.h and mach-o/nlist.h headers.
+ dbghelp: Teach stabs_parse about other kinds of Mach-O symbol definitions.
+ dbghelp/stabs: Extract growing of pending_block's buffer to pending_make_room().
+ dbghelp/stabs: Allow pending list to include line numbers as well as variables.
+ dbghelp/stabs: Track line numbers pending for an upcoming function.
+ dbghelp: Rename some things to be less ELF-centric.
+ dbghelp: Extract calc_crc32 function into a separate file.
+ dbghelp: Increase file read buffer size for calc_crc32.
+Luke Benstead (1):
+ winnt.h: Completed TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS enum definition.
+Michael Stefaniuc (27):
+ mcicda: Compare a file handle with INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE instead of NULL.
+ user32: Remove superfluous pointer casts.
+ taskmgr: Cast to LPARAM the 4th argument passed to SendMessage.
+ regedit: Cast to LPARAM the 4th argument passed to SendMessage.
+ mlang: Silence some Win64 compile warnings.
+ winedos: Remove superfluous pointer casts.
+ cryptui: Remove superfluous pointer casts.
+ mlang: Remove superfluous pointer casts.
+ netapi32: Remove superfluous pointer casts.
+ msctf: Remove superfluous pointer casts.
+ twain_32/tests: Remove superfluous pointer casts.
+ include: Change long to LONG in tom.idl.
+ msxml3: Change long to LONG in msxml2.idl and xmldom.idl.
+ msxml3: Change long to LONG in msxml.idl.
+ msxml3: Change the remaining long variables to LONG.
+ quartz: Change long to LONG in control.idl.
+ mlang: Change long to LONG in mlang.idl.
+ kernel32: Remove superfluous pointer casts.
+ d3d9/tests: Limit the back buffer to 800x600 in the scissor size test.
+ d3d9/tests: Fix some ok() strings in the fog test.
+ include: Change long to LONG in axextend.idl.
+ qedit: Change long to LONG in qedit.idl.
+ include: Change long to LONG in mshtml.idl.
+ mshtml: Change long to LONG in mshtml.idl (htmlwindow.c part).
+ mshtml: Change long to LONG in mshtml.idl (HTML*Element stuff).
+ mshtml: Change long to LONG in mshtml.idl (remaining stuff).
+ widl: Output "LONG" instead of "long" for a 32bit integer.
+Mike Ruprecht (3):
+ winedbg: Fix typo in a comment.
+ dbghelp: Don't define 32-bit structs in 64-bit mode.
+ dbghelp: Define _IMAGEHLP64 in Win64.
+Nikolay Sivov (7):
+ comctl32: Correctly report systemcolor use for Treeview background.
+ user32: Disable scroll bar control window when both buttons disabled.
+ user32: Use 1 unit caret width for Edit control.
+ comctl32: Replace nonprintable characters with spaces on SB_SETTEXT.
+ user32: Button should get captured when highlighted with VK_SPACE.
+ comctl32: Fix item selection with VK_SPACE when Ctrl is pressed.
+ comctl32: LVN_ITEMCHANGED notification should be sent for each item when group selected for ~LVS_OWNERDATA.
+Paul Vriens (41):
+ crypt32/tests: Don't crash on NT4.
+ fusion/tests: Skip some tests on .NET 1.x.
+ fusion/tests: Fix the last test failure on .NET 1.x.
+ d3d8/tests: Use win_skip() and skip() where appropriate.
+ user32/tests: Fix some test failures on Win98/WinME.
+ msi/tests: Fix a test failure on Win95.
+ shlwapi/tests: Fix a typo.
+ shlwapi/tests: Fix some typos.
+ kernel32/tests: Correct an ok() statement.
+ shell32/tests: Use the correct directory on Win95.
+ shell32/tests: Make sure we test on Win95.
+ shell32/tests: Skip some tests on Win95 because of W-functions.
+ urlmon/tests: Use an action that is available on all IE versions.
+ programs/winetest: Show dll versions again for Win9x/WinME.
+ qmgr/tests: Fix some tests on systems with BITS 1.5 and lower.
+ ole32/tests: Remove an unused function declaration.
+ shdocvw/tests: Add a missing FreeLibrary().
+ gdiplus/tests: Fix two test failures on Win98.
+ mshtml/tests: Fix some typos.
+ wininet/tests: Test result differences are related to IE6 version, not to platform.
+ wininet/tests: Skip some tests on IE5.
+ wininet/tests: Skip tests for not implemented functions.
+ wininet/tests: Don't crash on systems with IE5.
+ shlwapi/tests: Don't crash on IE5.
+ shlwapi/tests: Fix failures on systems with IE5.5 or earlier.
+ shell32/tests: Don't crash on missing class implementations.
+ wininet/tests: Skip tests if functions are not implemented.
+ wininet/tests: Don't crash on IE5.01SP4.
+ ddraw/tests: Fix some test failures on W2K/VMware.
+ ddraw/tests: Fix some test failures on W2K/VMware.
+ crypt32/tests: Fix a test failure on Win9x.
+ msi/tests: Fix a test for systems with %TEMP% being less than 2 levels deep.
+ shell32/tests: Fix a test failure on W2K and earlier.
+ fusion/tests: Fix some test failures on Win98.
+ gdi32/tests: Fix two test failures on Win9x.
+ crypt32/tests: Fix some test failures on Win9x.
+ crypt32/tests: Fix some crashes on older NT4 boxes.
+ crypt32/tests: Fix some test failures on older NT4 boxes.
+ gdi32/tests: Fix some test failures on Win9x.
+ ddraw/tests: Fix two test failures on W2K/VMware.
+ ddraw/tests: Fix a test failure on VMware and some native boxes.
+Piotr Caban (2):
+ mshtml: Added HTMLWindow2_prompt implementation.
+ mshtml: Added IHTMLWindow2_confirm implementation.
+Rein Klazes (2):
+ user32: MENU_TrackMenu, called from TrackPopupMenu(), should send WM_ENTERIDLE message with the menu window handle as lparam with test.
+ user32: Check for invalid menu handle passed to TrackPopupMenu and TrackPopupMenuEx.
+Ricardo Filipe (1):
+ setupapi: Implement SetupPromptForDiskA by wrapping around W version.
+Rico Schüller (2):
+ mshtml/tests: Fix SysFreeString call with wrong variable.
+ mshtml/tests: Add SysFreeString(sDefault) after the variable isn't used any more.
+Rob Shearman (20):
+ widl: Move declarray property to array_details.
+ widl: Fix get_explicit_generic_handle_type and is_context_handle to detect attributes set on typedefs other than the first.
+ widl: Implement a more abstract way of representing basic types.
+ widl: Remove the single keyword and type.
+ widl: Store the abstract identifier of the type in type object instead of an NDR format character.
+ widl: Move the pointer referent, array element, function return type and interface inheritance properties from type_t to details structures for the appropriate types.
+ widl: Allow enum and union tags to be used without being defined.
+ widl: Move type_new_enum, type_new_struct, type_new_encapsulated_union and type_new_unencapsulated_union to typetree.c.
+ widl: Add coclass and module types to the global namespace.
+ widl: Pass var attrs into write_no_repeat_pointer_descriptions and use them for the string check.
+ ole32: Fix a memory leak in an error path in COMPOBJ_DllList_Add.
+ qmgr: Fix a memory leak.
+ qmgr: Add a missing call to CoUninitialize.
+ widl: Consolidate non-simple pointer writing into one function.
+ widl: Determine pointer fc at generation time instead of at parse time.
+ widl: Output server code for freeing returned types.
+ widl: Fix a memory leak in the server/stub code when unmarshalling pointers to strings at the top level.
+ widl: Move type_basic_get_fc to typegen.c and rename it to get_basic_fc.
+ widl: Returned pointers should default to being unique, not reference.
+ rpcrt4: Add a check for a NULL ref pointer to NdrPointerUnmarshall.
+Stefan Leichter (1):
+ ntoskrnl.exe: Stub for MmQuerySystemSize.
+Stefano Guidoni (4):
+ imaadp32: block align the adpcm extra data.
+ imaadp32: Fixed adpcm_FormatSuggest.
+ imaadp32: Support for non-standard formats.
+ msacm32: acmFormatEnum: Implement ACM_FORMATENUMF_SUGGEST.
-Alexandre Julliard (1):
- Updated the authors list.
+Steven Edwards (1):
+ include: Add check to asm macro for Windows Services for Unix/Subsystem for Unix applications.
-Francois Gouget (3):
- Remove spaces before '...' in the Danish resources.
- regedit: Remove spaces before '...'.
- winecfg: Remove spaces before '...'.
+Tony Wasserka (8):
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXSprite_Get/SetTransform.
+ d3dx9: ID3DXSprite: Move vdecl creation to ID3DXSprite_Begin.
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXSprite_OnLostDevice/OnResetDevice.
+ d3dx9: Fix inclusions in some d3dx9 headers.
+ d3dx9: Add some definitions in d3dx9.h.
+ d3dx9: Add ID3DXSprite tests.
+ d3dx9: Recognize the D3DXSPRITE_DONOTSAVESTATE flag.
+ d3dx9: Recognize the D3DXSPRITE_DO_NOT_ADDREF_TEXTURE flag.
-Jaime Rave (1):
- wineconsole: Update Spanish translation.
+Vincent Povirk (5):
+ kernel32/tests: Add named pipe test using i/o completion ports.
+ gdiplus: Return a NULL bitmap when GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0 fails.
+ advapi32: Stub TraceEvent.
+ wininet: Stub RegisterUrlCacheNotification.
+ gdiplus: Stub GdipCloneBitmapAreaI.
-Matthias Kupfer (1):
- wordpad: Small typo fix for German translation.
+Vitaliy Margolen (1):
+ dinput: Add few special cases for key mappings.
Alexandre Julliard