BOOLEAN initial_upload_done;
SURFACE_STATE dirty_flag;
+ /* This is used to optimize dirty checking in case of mipmapping.
+ Note that a bitmap could have been used but it was not worth the pain as it will be very rare
+ to have only one mipmap level change...
+ The __global_dirty_flag will only be set for the main mipmap level.
+ */
+ SURFACE_STATE __global_dirty_flag;
+ SURFACE_STATE *global_dirty_flag;
+ /* This is to optimize the 'per-texture' parameters. */
+ DWORD *tex_parameters;
/* Surface optimization */
void *surface_ptr;
+typedef enum {
typedef struct IDirect3DDeviceGLImpl
struct IDirect3DDeviceImpl parent;
GLXContext gl_context;
+ /* This stores the textures which are actually bound to the GL context */
+ IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *current_bound_texture[MAX_TEXTURES];
/* The last type of vertex drawn */
GL_TRANSFORM_STATE transform_state;
+ /* Maybe a hack, but it works */
+ DWORD version;
/* Used to handle fogging faster... */
BYTE fog_table[3 * 0x10000]; /* 3 is for R, G and B
0x10000 is 0xFF for the vertex color and
GLuint unlock_tex;
void *surface_ptr;
GLenum current_internal_format;
- SURFACE_STATE state, front_state;
- IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *lock_surf, *front_lock_surf;
+ /* 0 is back-buffer, 1 is front-buffer */
+ SURFACE_STATE state[2];
+ IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *lock_surf[2];
+ RECT lock_rect[2];
+ /* This is just here to print-out a nice warning if we have two successive locks */
+ BOOLEAN lock_rect_valid[2];
+ /* This is used to optimize some stuff */
+ DWORD prev_clear_color;
+ DWORD prev_clear_stencil;
+ D3DVALUE prev_clear_Z;
+ BOOLEAN depth_mask, depth_test, alpha_test, stencil_test, cull_face, lighting, blending, fogging;
+ GLenum current_alpha_test_func;
+ GLclampf current_alpha_test_ref;
+ GLenum current_tex_env;
+ GLenum current_active_tex_unit;
} IDirect3DDeviceGLImpl;
/* This is for the OpenGL additions... */
LPVOID vertices;
} IDirect3DVertexBufferGLImpl;
+/* This is for GL extension support.
+ This can contain either only a boolean if no function pointer exists or a set
+ of function pointers.
+typedef struct {
+ /* Mirrored Repeat */
+ BOOLEAN mirrored_repeat;
+ /* Mipmap lod-bias */
+ BOOLEAN mipmap_lodbias;
+ /* Multi-texturing */
+ GLint max_texture_units;
+ void (*glActiveTexture)(GLenum texture);
+ void (*glMultiTexCoord2fv)(GLenum target, const GLfloat *v);
+ void (*glClientActiveTexture)(GLenum texture);
+extern GL_EXTENSIONS_LIST GL_extensions;
/* All non-static functions 'exported' by various sub-objects */
extern HRESULT direct3d_create(IDirectDrawImpl *This);
extern HRESULT d3dtexture_create(IDirectDrawImpl *d3d, IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *surf, BOOLEAN at_creation, IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *main_surf);
extern HRESULT d3dmaterial_create(IDirect3DMaterialImpl **obj, IDirectDrawImpl *d3d);
extern HRESULT d3dviewport_create(IDirect3DViewportImpl **obj, IDirectDrawImpl *d3d);
extern HRESULT d3dvertexbuffer_create(IDirect3DVertexBufferImpl **obj, IDirectDrawImpl *d3d, LPD3DVERTEXBUFFERDESC lpD3DVertBufDesc, DWORD dwFlags);
-extern HRESULT d3ddevice_create(IDirect3DDeviceImpl **obj, IDirectDrawImpl *d3d, IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *surface);
+extern HRESULT d3ddevice_create(IDirect3DDeviceImpl **obj, IDirectDrawImpl *d3d, IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *surface, BOOLEAN from_surface);
/* Used for Direct3D to request the device to enumerate itself */
extern HRESULT d3ddevice_enumerate(LPD3DENUMDEVICESCALLBACK cb, LPVOID context, DWORD version) ;
extern HRESULT d3ddevice_enumerate7(LPD3DENUMDEVICESCALLBACK7 cb, LPVOID context) ;
extern HRESULT d3ddevice_find(IDirectDrawImpl *d3d, LPD3DFINDDEVICESEARCH lpD3DDFS, LPD3DFINDDEVICERESULT lplpD3DDevice);
+/* Used by the DLL init routine to set-up the GL context and stuff properly */
+extern BOOL d3ddevice_init_at_startup(void *gl_handle);
/* Used to upload the texture */
-extern HRESULT gltex_upload_texture(IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *This) ;
+extern HRESULT gltex_upload_texture(IDirectDrawSurfaceImpl *This, IDirect3DDeviceImpl *d3ddev, DWORD stage) ;
/* Used to set-up our orthographic projection */
extern void d3ddevice_set_ortho(IDirect3DDeviceImpl *This) ;
extern HRESULT upload_surface_to_tex_memory(RECT *rect, DWORD xoffset, DWORD yoffset, void **temp_buffer);
extern HRESULT upload_surface_to_tex_memory_release(void);
+/* Some utilities functions needed to be shared.. */
+extern GLenum convert_D3D_compare_to_GL(D3DCMPFUNC dwRenderState) ;
#endif /* HAVE_OPENGL */