typedef enum _WINELOOKUP {
extern int minLookup[MAX_LOOKUPS];
extern int maxLookup[MAX_LOOKUPS];
extern DWORD *stateLookup[MAX_LOOKUPS];
+typedef DWORD magLookup_t[WINED3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC + 1];
+extern magLookup_t magLookup;
+extern magLookup_t magLookup_noFilter;
+extern minMipLookup_t minMipLookup;
+extern minMipLookup_t minMipLookup_noFilter;
void init_type_lookup(WineD3D_GL_Info *gl_info);
#define WINED3D_ATR_TYPE(type) GLINFO_LOCATION.glTypeLookup[type].d3dType
#define WINED3D_ATR_NORMALIZED(type) GLINFO_LOCATION.glTypeLookup[type].normalized
#define WINED3D_ATR_TYPESIZE(type) GLINFO_LOCATION.glTypeLookup[type].typesize
-/* The following functions convert 16 bit floats in the FLOAT16 data type
+/* float_16_to_32() and float_32_to_16() (see implementation in
+ * surface_base.c) convert 16 bit floats in the FLOAT16 data type
* to standard C floats and vice versa. They do not depend on the encoding
* of the C float, so they are platform independent, but slow. On x86 and
- * other IEEE 754 compliant platforms the conversion can be accelerated with
- * bitshifting the exponent and mantissa. There are also some SSE-based
- * assembly routines out there
+ * other IEEE 754 compliant platforms the conversion can be accelerated by
+ * bit shifting the exponent and mantissa. There are also some SSE-based
+ * assembly routines out there.
* See GL_NV_half_float for a reference of the FLOAT16 / GL_HALF format
-static inline unsigned short float_32_to_16(const float *in) {
- int exp = 0;
- float tmp = fabs(*in);
- unsigned int mantissa;
- unsigned short ret;
- /* Deal with special numbers */
- if(*in == 0.0) return 0x0000;
- if(isnan(*in)) return 0x7C01;
- if(isinf(*in)) return (*in < 0.0 ? 0xFC00 : 0x7c00);
- if(tmp < pow(2, 10)) {
- do
- {
- tmp = tmp * 2.0;
- exp--;
- }while(tmp < pow(2, 10));
- } else if(tmp >= pow(2, 11)) {
- do
- {
- tmp /= 2.0;
- exp++;
- }while(tmp >= pow(2, 11));
- }
- mantissa = (unsigned int) tmp;
- if(tmp - mantissa >= 0.5) mantissa++; /* round to nearest, away from zero */
- exp += 10; /* Normalize the mantissa */
- exp += 15; /* Exponent is encoded with excess 15 */
- if(exp > 30) { /* too big */
- ret = 0x7c00; /* INF */
- } else if(exp <= 0) {
- /* exp == 0: Non-normalized mantissa. Returns 0x0000 (=0.0) for too small numbers */
- while(exp <= 0) {
- mantissa = mantissa >> 1;
- exp++;
- }
- ret = mantissa & 0x3ff;
- } else {
- ret = (exp << 10) | (mantissa & 0x3ff);
- }
- ret |= ((*in < 0.0 ? 1 : 0) << 15); /* Add the sign */
- return ret;
* Settings
/* Memory tracking and object counting */
unsigned int emulated_textureram;
char *logo;
+ int allow_multisampling;
} wined3d_settings_t;
extern wined3d_settings_t wined3d_settings;
typedef struct {
void (*shader_select)(IWineD3DDevice *iface, BOOL usePS, BOOL useVS);
void (*shader_select_depth_blt)(IWineD3DDevice *iface);
- void (*shader_destroy_depth_blt)(IWineD3DDevice *iface);
+ void (*shader_deselect_depth_blt)(IWineD3DDevice *iface);
void (*shader_load_constants)(IWineD3DDevice *iface, char usePS, char useVS);
void (*shader_cleanup)(IWineD3DDevice *iface);
void (*shader_color_correction)(struct SHADER_OPCODE_ARG *arg);
void (*shader_generate_pshader)(IWineD3DPixelShader *iface, SHADER_BUFFER *buffer);
void (*shader_generate_vshader)(IWineD3DVertexShader *iface, SHADER_BUFFER *buffer);
void (*shader_get_caps)(WINED3DDEVTYPE devtype, WineD3D_GL_Info *gl_info, struct shader_caps *caps);
- void (*shader_dll_load_init)(void);
- const struct StateEntry *StateTable;
+ void (*shader_fragment_enable)(IWineD3DDevice *iface, BOOL enable);
} shader_backend_t;
extern const shader_backend_t atifs_shader_backend;
/* GLSL shader private data */
struct shader_glsl_priv {
+ hash_table_t *glsl_program_lookup;
+ struct glsl_shader_prog_link *glsl_program;
GLhandleARB depth_blt_glsl_program_id;
/* ARB_program_shader private data */
struct shader_arb_priv {
+ GLuint current_vprogram_id;
+ GLuint current_fprogram_id;
GLuint depth_blt_vprogram_id;
GLuint depth_blt_fprogram_id;
struct StateEntry
- DWORD representative;
+ DWORD representative;
+struct StateEntryTemplate
+ DWORD state;
+ struct StateEntry content;
+extern const struct StateEntryTemplate misc_state_template[];
+extern const struct StateEntryTemplate ffp_vertexstate_template[];
+extern const struct StateEntryTemplate ffp_fragmentstate_template[];
+extern const struct StateEntryTemplate atifs_fragmentstate_template[];
/* "Base" state table */
-extern const struct StateEntry FFPStateTable[];
+void compile_state_table(struct StateEntry *StateTable,
+ APPLYSTATEFUNC **dev_multistate_funcs,
+ const struct StateEntryTemplate *vertex,
+ const struct StateEntryTemplate *fragment,
+ const struct StateEntryTemplate *misc);
/* The new context manager that should deal with onscreen and offscreen rendering */
struct WineD3DContext {
unsigned char num_untracked_materials;
GLenum untracked_materials[2];
BOOL last_was_blit, last_was_ckey;
+ UINT blit_w, blit_h;
char texShaderBumpMap;
BOOL fog_coord;
int depthSize, stencilSize;
BOOL windowDrawable;
BOOL pbufferDrawable;
+ BOOL doubleBuffer;
+ int auxBuffers;
+ int numSamples;
} WineD3D_PixelFormat;
/* The adapter structure */
WCHAR DeviceName[CCHDEVICENAME]; /* DeviceName for use with e.g. ChangeDisplaySettings */
int nCfgs;
WineD3D_PixelFormat *cfgs;
+ BOOL brokenStencil; /* Set on cards which only offer mixed depth+stencil */
unsigned int TextureRam; /* Amount of texture memory both video ram + AGP/TurboCache/HyperMemory/.. */
unsigned int UsedTextureRam;
int vs_selected_mode;
int ps_selected_mode;
const shader_backend_t *shader_backend;
- hash_table_t *glsl_program_lookup;
void *shader_priv;
+ struct StateEntry StateTable[STATE_HIGHEST + 1];
+ /* Array of functions for states which are handled by more than one pipeline part */
+ APPLYSTATEFUNC *multistate_funcs[STATE_HIGHEST + 1];
/* To store */
BOOL view_ident; /* true iff view matrix is identity */
/* For rendering to a texture using glCopyTexImage */
BOOL render_offscreen;
- WINED3D_DEPTHCOPYSTATE depth_copy_state;
GLuint fbo;
GLuint src_fbo;
GLuint dst_fbo;
GLenum *draw_buffers;
GLuint depth_blt_texture;
+ GLuint depth_blt_rb;
+ UINT depth_blt_rb_w;
+ UINT depth_blt_rb_h;
/* Cursor management */
BOOL bCursorVisible;
UINT srgb_mode_change_count;
WINED3DFORMAT shader_conversion_group;
float pow2Matrix[16];
+ minMipLookup_t *minMipLookup;
+ magLookup_t *magLookup;
} IWineD3DBaseTextureClass;
typedef struct IWineD3DBaseTextureImpl
void get_drawable_size_fbo(IWineD3DSurfaceImpl *This, UINT *width, UINT *height);
/* Surface flags: */
-#define SFLAG_OVERSIZE 0x00000001 /* Surface is bigger than gl size, blts only */
-#define SFLAG_CONVERTED 0x00000002 /* Converted for color keying or Palettized */
-#define SFLAG_DIBSECTION 0x00000004 /* Has a DIB section attached for getdc */
-#define SFLAG_LOCKABLE 0x00000008 /* Surface can be locked */
-#define SFLAG_DISCARD 0x00000010 /* ??? */
-#define SFLAG_LOCKED 0x00000020 /* Surface is locked atm */
-#define SFLAG_INTEXTURE 0x00000040 /* The GL texture contains the newest surface content */
-#define SFLAG_INDRAWABLE 0x00000080 /* The gl drawable contains the most up to date data */
-#define SFLAG_INSYSMEM 0x00000100 /* The system memory copy is most up to date */
-#define SFLAG_NONPOW2 0x00000200 /* Surface sizes are not a power of 2 */
-#define SFLAG_DYNLOCK 0x00000400 /* Surface is often locked by the app */
-#define SFLAG_DYNCHANGE 0x00000C00 /* Surface contents are changed very often, implies DYNLOCK */
-#define SFLAG_DCINUSE 0x00001000 /* Set between GetDC and ReleaseDC calls */
-#define SFLAG_LOST 0x00002000 /* Surface lost flag for DDraw */
-#define SFLAG_USERPTR 0x00004000 /* The application allocated the memory for this surface */
-#define SFLAG_GLCKEY 0x00008000 /* The gl texture was created with a color key */
-#define SFLAG_CLIENT 0x00010000 /* GL_APPLE_client_storage is used on that texture */
-#define SFLAG_ALLOCATED 0x00020000 /* A gl texture is allocated for this surface */
-#define SFLAG_PBO 0x00040000 /* Has a PBO attached for speeding up data transfers for dynamically locked surfaces */
+#define SFLAG_OVERSIZE 0x00000001 /* Surface is bigger than gl size, blts only */
+#define SFLAG_CONVERTED 0x00000002 /* Converted for color keying or Palettized */
+#define SFLAG_DIBSECTION 0x00000004 /* Has a DIB section attached for GetDC */
+#define SFLAG_LOCKABLE 0x00000008 /* Surface can be locked */
+#define SFLAG_DISCARD 0x00000010 /* ??? */
+#define SFLAG_LOCKED 0x00000020 /* Surface is locked atm */
+#define SFLAG_INTEXTURE 0x00000040 /* The GL texture contains the newest surface content */
+#define SFLAG_INDRAWABLE 0x00000080 /* The gl drawable contains the most up to date data */
+#define SFLAG_INSYSMEM 0x00000100 /* The system memory copy is most up to date */
+#define SFLAG_NONPOW2 0x00000200 /* Surface sizes are not a power of 2 */
+#define SFLAG_DYNLOCK 0x00000400 /* Surface is often locked by the app */
+#define SFLAG_DYNCHANGE 0x00000C00 /* Surface contents are changed very often, implies DYNLOCK */
+#define SFLAG_DCINUSE 0x00001000 /* Set between GetDC and ReleaseDC calls */
+#define SFLAG_LOST 0x00002000 /* Surface lost flag for DDraw */
+#define SFLAG_USERPTR 0x00004000 /* The application allocated the memory for this surface */
+#define SFLAG_GLCKEY 0x00008000 /* The gl texture was created with a color key */
+#define SFLAG_CLIENT 0x00010000 /* GL_APPLE_client_storage is used on that texture */
+#define SFLAG_ALLOCATED 0x00020000 /* A gl texture is allocated for this surface */
+#define SFLAG_PBO 0x00040000 /* Has a PBO attached for speeding up data transfers for dynamically locked surfaces */
+#define SFLAG_NORMCOORD 0x00080000 /* Set if the GL texture coords are normalized(non-texture rectangle) */
+#define SFLAG_DS_ONSCREEN 0x00100000 /* Is a depth stencil, last modified onscreen */
+#define SFLAG_DS_OFFSCREEN 0x00200000 /* Is a depth stencil, last modified offscreen */
/* In some conditions the surface memory must not be freed:
* SFLAG_OVERSIZE: Not all data can be kept in GL
* SFLAG_PBO: PBOs don't use 'normal' memory. It is either allocated by the driver or must be NULL.
* SFLAG_CLIENT: OpenGL uses our memory as backup
BOOL CalculateTexRect(IWineD3DSurfaceImpl *This, RECT *Rect, float glTexCoord[4]);
typedef enum {
/* Sampler States */
- /* Current GLSL Shader Program */
- struct glsl_shader_prog_link *glsl_program;
/* Scissor test rectangle */
RECT scissorRect;
DWORD orig_width, orig_height;
+ WINED3DGAMMARAMP orig_gamma;
long prev_time, frames; /* Performance tracking */
unsigned int vSyncCounter;
void set_tex_op(IWineD3DDevice *iface, BOOL isAlpha, int Stage, WINED3DTEXTUREOP op, DWORD arg1, DWORD arg2, DWORD arg3);
void set_tex_op_nvrc(IWineD3DDevice *iface, BOOL is_alpha, int stage, WINED3DTEXTUREOP op, DWORD arg1, DWORD arg2, DWORD arg3, INT texture_idx, DWORD dst);
void set_texture_matrix(const float *smat, DWORD flags, BOOL calculatedCoords, BOOL transformed, DWORD coordtype);
+void texture_activate_dimensions(DWORD stage, IWineD3DStateBlockImpl *stateblock, WineD3DContext *context);
void surface_set_compatible_renderbuffer(IWineD3DSurface *iface, unsigned int width, unsigned int height);
GLenum surface_get_gl_buffer(IWineD3DSurface *iface, IWineD3DSwapChain *swapchain);
+void surface_modify_ds_location(IWineD3DSurface *iface, DWORD location);
+void surface_load_ds_location(IWineD3DSurface *iface, DWORD location);
BOOL getColorBits(WINED3DFORMAT fmt, short *redSize, short *greenSize, short *blueSize, short *alphaSize, short *totalSize);
BOOL getDepthStencilBits(WINED3DFORMAT fmt, short *depthSize, short *stencilSize);
GLhandleARB srgb_comparison_location;
GLhandleARB srgb_mul_low_location;
GLhandleARB ycorrection_location;
+ GLenum vertex_color_clamp;
GLhandleARB vshader;
GLhandleARB pshader;
IWineD3DBaseShader *iface,
const DWORD code);
-void delete_glsl_program_entry(IWineD3DDevice *iface, struct glsl_shader_prog_link *entry);
/* Vertex shader utility functions */
extern BOOL vshader_get_input(
IWineD3DVertexShader* iface,
attrib_declaration swizzled_attribs [MAX_ATTRIBS];
UINT num_swizzled_attribs;
- /* run time datas... */
+ /* run time data... */
UINT min_rel_offset, max_rel_offset;
UINT rel_offset;
UINT recompile_count;
#if 0 /* needs reworking */
- /* run time datas */
+ /* run time data */
semantic semantics_in [MAX_REG_INPUT];
DWORD input_reg_map[MAX_REG_INPUT];
BOOL input_reg_used[MAX_REG_INPUT];
+ int declared_in_count;
/* run time data */
void stretch_rect_fbo(IWineD3DDevice *iface, IWineD3DSurface *src_surface, WINED3DRECT *src_rect,
IWineD3DSurface *dst_surface, WINED3DRECT *dst_rect, const WINED3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE filter, BOOL flip);
+void bind_fbo(IWineD3DDevice *iface, GLenum target, GLuint *fbo);
+void attach_depth_stencil_fbo(IWineD3DDeviceImpl *This, GLenum fbo_target, IWineD3DSurface *depth_stencil, BOOL use_render_buffer);
+void depth_blt(IWineD3DDevice *iface, GLuint texture);