#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# Build the server/trace.c and server/request.h files
-# from the contents of include/wine/server.h.
+# from the contents of server/protocol.def.
# Copyright (C) 1998 Alexandre Julliard
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
use strict;
my %formats =
- "int" => "%d",
- "short int" => "%d",
- "char" => "%c",
- "unsigned char" => "%02x",
- "unsigned short"=> "%04x",
- "unsigned int" => "%08x",
- "void*" => "%p",
- "time_t" => "%ld",
- "size_t" => "%d",
- "obj_handle_t" => "%p",
- "atom_t" => "%04x",
- "user_handle_t" => "%p",
- "process_id_t" => "%04x",
- "thread_id_t" => "%04x",
- "abs_time_t" => "&dump_abs_time",
- "rectangle_t" => "&dump_rectangle",
- "char_info_t" => "&dump_char_info",
+( # size align format
+ "int" => [ 4, 4, "%d" ],
+ "short int" => [ 2, 2, "%d" ],
+ "char" => [ 1, 1, "%c" ],
+ "unsigned char" => [ 1, 1, "%02x" ],
+ "unsigned short"=> [ 2, 2, "%04x" ],
+ "unsigned int" => [ 4, 4, "%08x" ],
+ "data_size_t" => [ 4, 4, "%u" ],
+ "obj_handle_t" => [ 4, 4, "%04x" ],
+ "atom_t" => [ 4, 4, "%04x" ],
+ "user_handle_t" => [ 4, 4, "%08x" ],
+ "process_id_t" => [ 4, 4, "%04x" ],
+ "thread_id_t" => [ 4, 4, "%04x" ],
+ "client_ptr_t" => [ 8, 8, "&dump_uint64" ],
+ "mod_handle_t" => [ 8, 8, "&dump_uint64" ],
+ "lparam_t" => [ 8, 8, "&dump_uint64" ],
+ "apc_param_t" => [ 8, 8, "&dump_uint64" ],
+ "file_pos_t" => [ 8, 8, "&dump_uint64" ],
+ "mem_size_t" => [ 8, 8, "&dump_uint64" ],
+ "affinity_t" => [ 8, 8, "&dump_uint64" ],
+ "timeout_t" => [ 8, 8, "&dump_timeout" ],
+ "rectangle_t" => [ 16, 4, "&dump_rectangle" ],
+ "char_info_t" => [ 4, 2, "&dump_char_info" ],
+ "apc_call_t" => [ 40, 8, "&dump_apc_call" ],
+ "apc_result_t" => [ 40, 8, "&dump_apc_result" ],
+ "async_data_t" => [ 40, 8, "&dump_async_data" ],
+ "luid_t" => [ 8, 4, "&dump_luid" ],
+ "ioctl_code_t" => [ 4, 4, "&dump_ioctl_code" ],
+ "cpu_type_t" => [ 4, 4, "&dump_cpu_type" ],
my @requests = ();
my %replies = ();
+my @asserts = ();
my @trace_lines = ();
+my $max_req_size = 64;
+my $warnings = scalar(@ARGV) && $ARGV[0] eq "-w";
### Generate a dumping function
my $name = shift;
my $req = shift;
+ my $prefix = " ";
push @trace_lines, "static void dump_${name}_$req( const struct ${name}_$req *req )\n{\n";
while ($#_ >= 0)
my $type = shift;
my $var = shift;
+ next if $var =~ /^__pad/;
if (defined($formats{$type}))
- if ($formats{$type} =~ /^&(.*)/)
+ my $fmt = ${$formats{$type}}[2];
+ if ($fmt =~ /^&(.*)/)
my $func = $1;
- push @trace_lines, " fprintf( stderr, \" $var=\" );\n";
- push @trace_lines, " $func( &req->$var );\n";
- push @trace_lines, " fprintf( stderr, \",\" );\n" if ($#_ > 0);
+ push @trace_lines, " $func( \"$prefix$var=\", &req->$var );\n";
+ }
+ elsif ($fmt =~ /^(%.*)\s+\((.*)\)/)
+ {
+ my ($format, $cast) = ($1, $2);
+ push @trace_lines, " fprintf( stderr, \"$prefix$var=$format\", ($cast)req->$var );\n";
- push @trace_lines, " fprintf( stderr, \" $var=$formats{$type}";
- push @trace_lines, "," if ($#_ > 0);
- push @trace_lines, "\", ";
- # In the case of time_t we need to cast the parameter to
- # long to match the associated "%ld" printf modifier.
- push @trace_lines, "(long)" if( $type eq "time_t" );
- push @trace_lines, "req->$var );\n";
+ push @trace_lines, " fprintf( stderr, \"$prefix$var=$fmt\", req->$var );\n";
else # must be some varargs format
- my $func = $type;
- push @trace_lines, " fprintf( stderr, \" $var=\" );\n";
- push @trace_lines, " $func;\n";
- push @trace_lines, " fputc( ',', stderr );\n" if ($#_ > 0);
+ push @trace_lines, " " . sprintf($type, "$prefix$var=") . ";\n";
+ $prefix = ", ";
push @trace_lines, "}\n\n";
# states: 0 = header 1 = declarations 2 = inside @REQ 3 = inside @REPLY
my $state = 0;
+ my $offset = 0;
my $name = "";
my @in_struct = ();
my @out_struct = ();
# start a new request
@in_struct = ();
@out_struct = ();
+ $offset = 12;
print SERVER_PROT "struct ${name}_request\n{\n";
print SERVER_PROT " struct request_header __header;\n";
print SERVER_PROT "};\n";
print SERVER_PROT "struct ${name}_reply\n{\n";
print SERVER_PROT " struct reply_header __header;\n";
+ die "request $name too large ($offset)" if ($offset > $max_req_size);
+ $offset = 8;
if (/^\@END/)
die "Misplaced \@END" unless ($state == 2 || $state == 3);
- print SERVER_PROT "};\n";
+ if ($offset & 7) # all requests should be 8-byte aligned
+ {
+ my $count = 8 - ($offset & 7);
+ print SERVER_PROT " char __pad_$offset\[$count\];\n";
+ $offset += $count;
+ }
+ print SERVER_PROT "};\n";
if ($state == 2) # build dummy reply struct
+ die "request $name too large ($offset)" if ($offset > $max_req_size);
+ push @asserts, "C_ASSERT( sizeof(struct ${name}_request) == $offset );\n";
print SERVER_PROT "struct ${name}_reply\n{\n";
print SERVER_PROT " struct reply_header __header;\n";
print SERVER_PROT "};\n";
+ else
+ {
+ die "reply $name too large ($offset)" if ($offset > $max_req_size);
+ push @asserts, "C_ASSERT( sizeof(struct ${name}_reply) == $offset );\n";
+ }
# got a complete request
push @requests, $name;
DO_DUMP_FUNC( $name, "request", @in_struct);
if (/^\s*VARARG\((\w+),(\w+),(\w+)\)/)
$var = $1;
- $type = "dump_varargs_" . $2 . "( min(cur_size,req->" . $3 . ") )";
+ $type = "dump_varargs_" . $2 . "( \"%s\", min(cur_size,req->" . $3 . ") )";
s!(VARARG\(.*\)\s*;)!/* $1 */!;
elsif (/^\s*VARARG\((\w+),(\w+)\)/)
$var = $1;
- $type = "dump_varargs_" . $2 . "( cur_size )";
+ $type = "dump_varargs_" . $2 . "( \"%s\", cur_size )";
s!(VARARG\(.*\)\s*;)!/* $1 */!;
elsif (/^\s*(\w+\**(\s+\w+\**)*)\s+(\w+);/)
$type = $1;
$var = $3;
die "Unrecognized type $type" unless defined($formats{$type});
+ my @fmt = @{$formats{$type}};
+ if ($offset & ($fmt[1] - 1))
+ {
+ my $count = $fmt[1] - ($offset & ($fmt[1] - 1));
+ print "protocol.def:$.: warning: $name $offset $type $var needs padding\n" if $warnings;
+ print SERVER_PROT " char __pad_$offset\[$count\];\n";
+ $offset += $count;
+ }
+ if ($state == 2)
+ {
+ push @asserts, "C_ASSERT( FIELD_OFFSET(struct ${name}_request, $var) == $offset );\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ push @asserts, "C_ASSERT( FIELD_OFFSET(struct ${name}_reply, $var) == $offset );\n";
+ }
+ $offset += $fmt[0];
return $protocol;
-### Replace the contents of a file between ### make_requests ### marks
+### Retrieve the list of status and errors used in the server
- my $name = shift;
- my @data = @_;
- my @lines = ();
- open(FILE,$name) or die "Can't open $name";
- while (<FILE>)
+ my %errors = ();
+ foreach my $f (glob "server/*.c")
+ {
+ next if $f eq "server/trace.c";
+ open FILE, $f or die "Can't open $f";
+ while (<FILE>)
+ {
+ if (/STATUS_(\w+)/)
+ {
+ $errors{$1} = "STATUS_$1" unless $1 eq "SUCCESS";
+ }
+ elsif (/set_win32_error\s*\(\s*(\w+)\s*\)/)
+ {
+ $errors{$1} = "0xc0010000 | $1";
+ }
+ }
+ close FILE;
+ }
+ return %errors;
+# update a file if changed
+sub update_file($)
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $ret = !(-f $file) || system "cmp $file $file.new >/dev/null";
+ if (!$ret)
- push @lines, $_;
- last if /\#\#\# make_requests begin \#\#\#/;
+ unlink "$file.new";
- push @lines, "\n", @data;
- while (<FILE>)
+ else
- if (/\#\#\# make_requests end \#\#\#/) { push @lines, "\n", $_; last; }
+ rename "$file.new", "$file";
+ print "$file updated\n";
- push @lines, <FILE>;
- open(FILE,">$name") or die "Can't modify $name";
- print FILE @lines;
- close(FILE);
+ return $ret;
+# replace some lines in a file between two markers
+sub replace_in_file($$$@)
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $start = shift;
+ my $end = shift;
+ open NEW_FILE, ">$file.new" or die "cannot create $file.new";
+ if (defined($start))
+ {
+ open OLD_FILE, "$file" or die "cannot open $file";
+ while (<OLD_FILE>)
+ {
+ print NEW_FILE $_;
+ last if /$start/;
+ }
+ }
+ print NEW_FILE "\n", @_, "\n";
+ if (defined($end))
+ {
+ my $skip=1;
+ while (<OLD_FILE>)
+ {
+ $skip = 0 if /$end/;
+ print NEW_FILE $_ unless $skip;
+ }
+ }
+ close OLD_FILE if defined($start);
+ close NEW_FILE;
+ return update_file($file);
### Main
# Get the server protocol version
my $protocol = GET_PROTOCOL_VERSION();
+my %errors = GET_ERROR_NAMES();
### Create server_protocol.h and print header
-open SERVER_PROT, ">include/wine/server_protocol.h" or die "Cannot create include/wine/server_protocol.h";
+open SERVER_PROT, ">include/wine/server_protocol.h.new" or die "Cannot create include/wine/server_protocol.h.new";
print SERVER_PROT "/*\n * Wine server protocol definitions\n *\n";
print SERVER_PROT " * This file is automatically generated; DO NO EDIT!\n";
print SERVER_PROT " * Edit server/protocol.def instead and re-run tools/make_requests\n";
printf SERVER_PROT "#define SERVER_PROTOCOL_VERSION %d\n\n", $protocol + 1;
+update_file( "include/wine/server_protocol.h" );
### Output the dumping function tables
push @trace_lines, "static const dump_func reply_dumpers[REQ_NB_REQUESTS] = {\n";
foreach my $req (@requests)
- push @trace_lines, " (dump_func)", $replies{$req} ? "dump_${req}_reply,\n" : "0,\n";
+ push @trace_lines, " ", $replies{$req} ? "(dump_func)dump_${req}_reply,\n" : "NULL,\n";
push @trace_lines, "};\n\n";
push @trace_lines, " \"$req\",\n";
+push @trace_lines, "};\n\n";
+push @trace_lines, "static const struct\n{\n";
+push @trace_lines, " const char *name;\n";
+push @trace_lines, " unsigned int value;\n";
+push @trace_lines, "} status_names[] =\n{\n";
+foreach my $err (sort keys %errors)
+ push @trace_lines, sprintf(" { %-30s %s },\n", "\"$err\",", $errors{$err});
+push @trace_lines, " { NULL, 0 }\n";
push @trace_lines, "};\n";
-REPLACE_IN_FILE( "server/trace.c", @trace_lines );
+replace_in_file( "server/trace.c",
+ "### make_requests begin ###",
+ "### make_requests end ###",
+ @trace_lines );
### Output the request handlers list
push @request_lines, " (req_handler)req_$req,\n";
-push @request_lines, "};\n#endif /* WANT_REQUEST_HANDLERS */\n";
+push @request_lines, "};\n\n";
+foreach my $type (sort keys %formats)
+ my $size = ${$formats{$type}}[0];
+ push @request_lines, "C_ASSERT( sizeof($type) == $size );\n";
+push @request_lines, @asserts;
+push @request_lines, "\n#endif /* WANT_REQUEST_HANDLERS */\n";
-REPLACE_IN_FILE( "server/request.h", @request_lines );
+replace_in_file( "server/request.h",
+ "### make_requests begin ###",
+ "### make_requests end ###",
+ @request_lines );