"winefile" => 1,
"winemine" => 1,
"winepath" => 1,
- "winhelp" => 1,
# Programs that we don't want to install at all
"glu32" => "GLU32FILES",
"opengl32" => "OPENGLFILES",
- "wined3d" => "OPENGLFILES",
"winex11.drv" => "XFILES",
"winequartz.drv" => "QUARTZFILES"
# Default patterns for top-level .gitignore
my @ignores = (
+ "*.ok",
+ "*.res",
+ "dlldata.c",
+ "dlls/*/*.def",
+ "dlls/*/tests/*crosstest.exe",
+ "dlls/*/tests/testlist.c",
[ 'BISON_SRCS', '\.y', '.tab.h' ],
[ 'LEX_SRCS', '\.l', '.yy.c' ],
[ 'MC_SRCS', '\.mc', '.mc.rc' ],
- [ 'RC_SRCS', '\.rc', '.res' ],
- [ 'RC_SRCS16', '\.rc', '.res' ],
[ 'IDL_TLB_SRCS', '\.idl', '.tlb' ],
[ 'IDL_H_SRCS', '\.idl', '.h' ],
+ [ 'IDL_C_SRCS', '\.idl', '.h' ],
+ [ 'IDL_I_SRCS', '\.idl', '.h' ],
+ [ 'IDL_P_SRCS', '\.idl', '.h' ],
+ [ 'IDL_S_SRCS', '\.idl', '.h' ],
[ 'IDL_C_SRCS', '\.idl', '_c.c' ],
[ 'IDL_I_SRCS', '\.idl', '_i.c' ],
[ 'IDL_P_SRCS', '\.idl', '_p.c' ],
[ 'IDL_S_SRCS', '\.idl', '_s.c' ],
+my %exported_wine_headers = (
+ "wine/debug.h" => 1,
+ "wine/exception.h" => 1,
+ "wine/library.h" => 1,
+ "wine/unicode.h" => 1,
+ "wine/itss.idl" => 1,
+ "wine/svcctl.idl" => 1,
+my %private_idl_headers = (
+ "axcore.idl" => 1,
+ "axextend.idl" => 1,
+ "dbinit.idl" => 1,
+ "dbprop.idl" => 1,
+ "dbs.idl" => 1,
+ "devenum.idl" => 1,
+ "dyngraph.idl" => 1,
+ "vmrender.idl" => 1,
my (@makefiles, %makefiles);
# update a file if changed
$make{$1} = $2;
my @list = split(/\s+/, $2);
$make{$1} = \@list;
return %make;
-if (-d ".git")
- @makefiles = map { s/\.in$//; $_; } split /\s/, `git ls-files -c Makefile.in \\*/Makefile.in`;
- @makefiles = map { s/^\.\/(.*)\.in/$1/; $_; } split(/\s/,`find . -name Makefile.in -print`);
-foreach my $file (sort values %makerules, @makefiles)
- my %make = parse_makefile( $file );
- $makefiles{$file} = \%make;
# update the makefile list in configure.ac
-my @lines = ();
-foreach my $var (sort { $makerules{$a} cmp $makerules{$b}; } keys %makerules)
+sub update_makerules(@)
- push @lines, "$var=$makerules{$var}\n";
- push @lines, "AC_SUBST_FILE($var)\n\n";
-replace_in_file( "configure.ac", '^MAKE_RULES', '\]\)$',
- @lines,
- join ("\n", (sort values %makerules), (sort @makefiles) ), "])\n" );
# update the tests list in programs/winetest/Makefile.in and programs/winetest/winetest.rc
-# update the makefile list in Makefile.in
+# update the makefile list in configure.ac and Makefile.in
sub update_makefiles(@)
- my (@targets, @depends);
+ my (@targets, @depends, @lines);
+ foreach my $var (sort { $makerules{$a} cmp $makerules{$b}; } keys %makerules)
+ {
+ push @lines, "$var=$makerules{$var}\n";
+ push @lines, "AC_SUBST_FILE($var)\n\n";
+ }
+ foreach my $var ((sort values %makerules), (sort @_))
+ {
+ push @lines, "AC_CONFIG_FILES([$var])\n";
+ }
+ push @lines, "\nAC_OUTPUT\n";
+ replace_in_file( "configure.ac", '^MAKE_RULES', '^AC_OUTPUT$', @lines);
foreach my $file (sort values %makerules)
push @lines, "ALL_MAKEFILES = \\\n\t";
push @lines, join (" \\\n\t", @targets ), "\n\n";
push @lines, "Makefile \$(ALL_MAKEFILES): config.status\n";
- push @lines, "\t\@./config.status \$\@\n\n";
+ push @lines, "\t\@./config.status \$\@\n";
+ push @lines, ".INIT: Makefile\n";
+ push @lines, ".BEGIN: Makefile\n\n";
push @lines, "\$(RECURSE_TARGETS) \$(MAKEDEP): \$(ALL_MAKEFILES)\n\n";
push @lines, "distclean::\n";
push @lines, "\t\$(RM) Makefile \$(ALL_MAKEFILES)\n\n";
$testdirs{$1} = "$1/tests";
(my $crosstest = $makefile{"TESTDLL"}) =~ s/\.dll$//;
- push @ignores, $makefile{"=dir"} . $crosstest . "_crosstest.exe";
- push @ignores, $makefile{"=dir"} . "testlist.c";
- push @ignores, $makefile{"=dir"} . "*.ok";
my $module = $makefile{"MODULE"};
(my $dir = $makefile{"=dir"}) =~ s/^dlls\/(.*)\//$1/;
- if ($module =~ /^lib.*\.a$/)
+ if ($makefile{"=rules"} eq $makerules{"MAKE_IMPLIB_RULES"})
$staticlib_dirs{$module} = $dir;
- die "invalid module $module in dir $staticlib_dirs{$module}\n" if "lib$staticlib_dirs{$module}.a" ne $module;
+ die "invalid module $module in dir $staticlib_dirs{$module}\n" if "$staticlib_dirs{$module}" ne $module;
+ die "invalid module $module" unless $module =~ /\./;
(my $mod = $module) =~ s/\.dll$//;
die "invalid directory $dir for module $module\n" unless $mod eq $dir;
$directories{$module} = $dir;
if (defined $makefile{"IMPORTLIB"})
- if ($makefile{"IMPORTLIB"} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)\.\$\(IMPLIBEXT\)/)
+ if ($makefile{"IMPORTLIB"} =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)/)
$importlibs{$module} = $1;
my @list = map { $_ =~ s/\.spec$//; $_ .= ".dll" unless $_ =~ /\./; $_; } @{$makefile{"SPEC_SRCS16"}};
$altnames{$module} = \@list;
+ if (defined $makefile{"EXTRA_OBJS16"})
+ {
+ foreach my $obj (@{$makefile{"EXTRA_OBJS16"}})
+ {
+ if ($obj =~ /^(.*\.(exe|mod))\.o/) { push @{$altnames{$module}}, $1; }
+ }
+ }
# output special dlls configure definitions
my $dir = $directories{$mod};
my $lib = $importlibs{$mod};
- if ($lib ne "lib" . $dir) { push @lib_symlinks, $mod; }
+ if ($lib ne $dir) { push @lib_symlinks, $mod; }
$text .= "IMPORT_SYMLINKS =";
foreach my $mod (sort @lib_symlinks)
- $text .= sprintf " \\\n\t%s.\$(IMPLIBEXT)", $importlibs{$mod};
+ $text .= sprintf " \\\n\tlib%s.\$(IMPLIBEXT)", $importlibs{$mod};
$text .= "\n\nIMPORT_LIBS = \\\n\t\$(IMPORT_SYMLINKS)";
foreach my $mod (sort keys %staticlib_dirs)
- $text .= sprintf " \\\n\t%s/%s", $staticlib_dirs{$mod}, $mod;
+ $text .= sprintf " \\\n\t%s/lib%s.a", $staticlib_dirs{$mod}, $mod;
foreach my $mod (sort keys %importlibs)
- my $dir = $directories{$mod};
- my $def = $mod;
- $def =~ s/\.(dll|drv)$//;
- $text .= sprintf " \\\n\t%s/lib%s.\$(IMPLIBEXT)", $dir, $def;
+ $text .= " \\\n\t$directories{$mod}/lib$importlibs{$mod}.\$(IMPLIBEXT)";
next unless defined $static_implibs{$mod};
- $text .= sprintf " \\\n\t%s/lib%s.\$(STATIC_IMPLIBEXT)", $dir, $def
+ $text .= " \\\n\t$directories{$mod}/lib$importlibs{$mod}.\$(STATIC_IMPLIBEXT)";
+ }
+ $text .= "\n\nCROSS_IMPLIBS =";
+ foreach my $mod (sort @lib_symlinks)
+ {
+ $text .= sprintf " \\\n\tlib%s.a", $importlibs{$mod};
+ }
+ foreach my $mod (sort keys %importlibs)
+ {
+ next if defined $static_implibs{$mod};
+ $text .= " \\\n\t$directories{$mod}/lib$importlibs{$mod}.a";
$text .= "\n\n";
+ $text .= "\$(TESTSUBDIRS:%=%/__crosstest__): \$(CROSS_IMPLIBS)\n\n";
$text .= "implib: \$(IMPORT_LIBS)\n\n";
$text .= ".PHONY: implib\n\n";
my $lib = $importlibs{$mod};
my $spec = $mod;
$spec =~ s/\.dll$//;
- $text .= sprintf "%s/%s.\$(IMPLIBEXT): %s/%s.spec \$(WINEBUILD)\n", $dir, $lib, $dir, $spec;
- $text .= sprintf "\t\@cd %s && \$(MAKE) %s.\$(IMPLIBEXT)\n\n", $dir, $lib;
- next unless $static_implibs{$mod};
- $text .= sprintf "%s/%s.\$(STATIC_IMPLIBEXT): dummy\n", $dir, $lib, $dir, $spec;
- $text .= sprintf "\t\@cd %s && \$(MAKE) %s.\$(STATIC_IMPLIBEXT)\n\n", $dir, $lib;
+ if (defined($static_implibs{$mod}))
+ {
+ $text .= sprintf "%s/lib%s.def: %s/%s.spec \$(WINEBUILD)\n", $dir, $lib, $dir, $spec;
+ $text .= sprintf "\t\@cd %s && \$(MAKE) lib%s.def\n\n", $dir, $lib;
+ $text .= sprintf "%s/lib%s.\$(STATIC_IMPLIBEXT): dummy\n", $dir, $lib, $dir, $spec;
+ $text .= sprintf "\t\@cd %s && \$(MAKE) lib%s.\$(STATIC_IMPLIBEXT)\n\n", $dir, $lib;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $text .= sprintf "%s/lib%s.def %s/lib%s.a: %s/%s.spec \$(WINEBUILD)\n",
+ $dir, $lib, $dir, $lib, $dir, $spec;
+ $text .= sprintf "\t\@cd %s && \$(MAKE) `basename \$\@`\n\n", $dir;
+ }
foreach my $mod (sort @lib_symlinks)
my $dir = $directories{$mod};
- my $lib = $importlibs{$mod} . ".\$(IMPLIBEXT)";
- $text .= sprintf "%s: %s/%s\n", $lib, $dir, $lib;
- $text .= sprintf "\t\$(RM) \$@ && \$(LN_S) %s/%s \$@\n\n", $dir, $lib;
+ my $lib = "lib" . $importlibs{$mod};
+ $text .= sprintf "%s.a: %s/%s.a\n", $lib, $dir, $lib;
+ $text .= sprintf "\t\$(RM) \$@ && \$(LN_S) %s/%s.a \$@\n\n", $dir, $lib;
+ $text .= sprintf "%s.def: %s/%s.def\n", $lib, $dir, $lib;
+ $text .= sprintf "\t\$(RM) \$@ && \$(LN_S) %s/%s.def \$@\n\n", $dir, $lib;
$text .= "\$(BUILDSUBDIRS): \$(IMPORT_LIBS)\n";
foreach my $mod (sort keys %staticlib_dirs)
- $text .= sprintf "%s/%s: %s\n", $staticlib_dirs{$mod}, $mod, $staticlib_dirs{$mod};
+ $text .= sprintf "%s/lib%s.a: %s\n", $staticlib_dirs{$mod}, $mod, $staticlib_dirs{$mod};
$text .= "\n# Misc rules\n";
foreach my $mod (sort @lib_symlinks)
- push @ignores, "dlls/$importlibs{$mod}.def";
+ push @ignores, "dlls/lib$importlibs{$mod}.def";
foreach my $mod (sort keys %directories)
next unless defined $altnames{$mod};
push @ignores, map { "dlls/" . $_ . "16"; } @{$altnames{$mod}};
- foreach my $mod (sort keys %importlibs)
- {
- my $dir = $directories{$mod};
- my $def = $mod;
- $def =~ s/\.(dll|drv)$//;
- push @ignores, "dlls/$dir/lib$def.def";
- }
return @ignores;
+# update include/Makefile.in
+sub update_includes()
+ return unless -d ".git";
+ my (@h_srcs, @idl_srcs, @tlb_srcs, %subdirs);
+ my @includes = map { s/^include\///; $_; } split /\0/, `git ls-files -c -z include`;
+ foreach my $incl (@includes)
+ {
+ if ($incl =~ /(.*)\//) { $subdirs{$1} = 1; }
+ next if ($incl =~ /^wine\// && !$exported_wine_headers{$incl});
+ if ($incl =~ /stdole2\.idl$/) { push @tlb_srcs, $incl; }
+ elsif ($private_idl_headers{$incl}) { push @h_srcs, $incl; }
+ elsif ($incl =~ /\.h$/) { push @h_srcs, $incl; }
+ elsif ($incl =~ /\.inl$/) { push @h_srcs, $incl; }
+ elsif ($incl =~ /\.idl$/) { push @idl_srcs, $incl; }
+ }
+ replace_in_file( "include/Makefile.in", '^IDL_H_SRCS\s*=', '^INSTALLDIRS',
+ "IDL_H_SRCS = \\\n\t",
+ join( " \\\n\t", sort @idl_srcs ),
+ "\n\nIDL_TLB_SRCS = \\\n\t",
+ join( " \\\n\t", sort @tlb_srcs ),
+ "\n\nSRCDIR_INCLUDES = \\\n\t\$(IDL_TLB_SRCS) \\\n\t\$(IDL_H_SRCS) \\\n\t",
+ join( " \\\n\t", sort @h_srcs ),
+ "\n\nEXTRASUBDIRS = ",
+ join( " ", sort keys %subdirs ),
+ "\n\nINSTALLDIRS = \\\n" );
# update the main .gitignore
# prepend a slash to paths that don't have one
@ignores = map { $_ =~ s/^([^\/]+)$/\/$1/; $_; } @ignores;
- push @ignores, @_;
+ # get rid of duplicates
+ my %ignores = ();
+ foreach my $i (@ignores, @_) { $ignores{$i} = 1; }
replace_in_file( ".gitignore", undef, undef,
"# Automatically generated by make_makefiles; DO NOT EDIT!!\n",
- join("\n", sort @ignores), "\n" );
+ join("\n", sort keys %ignores), "\n" );
+if (-d ".git")
+ @makefiles = map { s/\.in$//; $_; } split /\0/, `git ls-files -c -z Makefile.in \\*/Makefile.in`;
+ @makefiles = map { s/^\.\/(.*)\.in/$1/; $_; } split(/\s/,`find . -name Makefile.in -print`);
+foreach my $file (sort values %makerules, @makefiles)
+ my %make = parse_makefile( $file );
+ $makefiles{$file} = \%make;
update_makefiles( @makefiles );
push @ignores, update_ignores( @makefiles );
push @ignores, update_winetest( @makefiles );