-The Wine development release 1.2-rc1 is now available.
-This is the first release candidate for Wine 1.2. It marks the
-beginning of the code freeze period. Please give this release a good
-testing to help us make 1.2 as good as possible.
+The Wine development release 1.3.20 is now available.
What's new in this release (see below for details):
- - Many new toolbar icons.
- - Support for alpha blending in image lists.
- - Much more complete shader assembler.
- - Support for Arabic font shaping and joining.
- - A number of fixes for video rendering.
- - Font antialiasing configuration through fontconfig.
- - Improved handling of desktop link files.
+ - Option to clip the mouse inside fullscreen windows.
+ - Support for persistent HTTP connections.
+ - Initial implementation of the XML writer.
+ - Support for drawing rectangles in the DIB engine.
+ - Volume control in MMDevAPI.
+ - More MSVC runtime functions.
- Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
- http://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/system/emulators/wine/wine-1.2-rc1.tar.bz2
- http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine-1.2-rc1.tar.bz2
+ http://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/system/emulators/wine/wine-1.3.20.tar.bz2
+ http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine-1.3.20.tar.bz2
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
- http://www.winehq.org/site/download
+ http://www.winehq.org/download
-You will find documentation on http://www.winehq.org/site/documentation
+You will find documentation on http://www.winehq.org/documentation
You can also get the current source directly from the git
-repository. Check http://www.winehq.org/site/git for details.
+repository. Check http://www.winehq.org/git for details.
Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
-Bugs fixed in 1.2-rc1:
- 4654 ebasePro 2.12 doesn't start properly--missing plugin
- 4805 Direct music loader release
- 5616 Wanted: testing framework for bundled Winelib programs
- 6341 WEB.DE Messenger crashes
- 6533 Type mismatch 13 Error shows up in a VB-App.
- 7594 Wine window scrolling is broken
- 7797 Knight Rider runs extremely slowly
- 7950 DirectX strange render window cutoff in Candytron both Party and Final version
- 8287 Custom toolbar skin makes Irfan View 4.00 crash at start up
- 9263 Guild Wars terribly slow
- 9958 OleLoadPicturePath() should initialize COM apartment on its own if not previously done.
- 10583 Fonts: Subpixel hinting, No RGB or BGR
- 11892 GdipCreateBitmapFromFile & GdipCreateBitmapFromStream give upside down bitmap
- 11896 Civilization4.exe crashes because of unimplemented functions in msvcp71
- 12590 Yahoo widget engine 4.5, blank box, not being able to do anything
- 12869 Rollcage Stage II demo crashes
- 13278 Qtracker crashes
- 13579 Adobe Acrobat Standard 7 -- using menus on first startup causes X to freeze
- 14079 Dungeon Siege installation impossible
- 14195 EINTR in WS_select
- 14262 Wordview bullet in doc is not the same
- 14710 OleLoadPicturePath loads image in windows but not in wine, could cause access violation in some circumstances
- 14861 SetDIBits crashes with overlapping src/dst rectangles on the same bitmap
- 14891 Bitmaps with offset bits do not display correctly
- 15329 Unable to install Sony Picture Utility, Failed to load DLL Localesetting
- 15928 EasyPlot doesn't work
- 15969 Unsigned v1.2.1.93 installer crashes near the end of installation on first run
- 16602 Citrix ICA16 Client installer crashes after extraction
- 17058 Crayon Physics Deluxe - fullscreen doesn't work properly
- 17113 Electronic dictionary application
- 17166 Implement BiDi mirroring
- 17712 Installshield doesn't like spaces in uninstall shortcuts
- 17811 T-Online Browser: Bitmaps invisible (GdipCloneBitmapAreaI is a stub)
- 17860 Microsoft Office 2007 crashes on specific powerpoint file in gdi32/enhmetafile
- 18059 Unity Indie Trial exits because attrib.exe is missing
- 18291 Quicktime uninstaller shortcut fails
- 18625 Everest Poker startup text slightly off-centre
- 18757 Album software Foto de Klijne crashes on startup
- 18982 Word 2007 tab stop selection is invisible
- 18993 Shadows and selection circles z-fight in World of Warcraft
- 19234 Emperor fails to change resolution or be fullscreen
- 19848 Arma 2: Crash on startup
- 19877 Zeta Minibrowser crashes (because of stubbed CreateHardLinkW)
- 20204 enhanced metafile retrieval fails and crashes clipboard test
- 20210 Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Expansions: Crashes to desktop while loading.
- 20533 Random black artifacts while playing The Settlers - 10th Anniversary - Demo
- 20676 winedbg minidumps can not be loaded by WinDbg
- 21287 Miranda appearance is broken in many ways
- 21376 The Bat! - Access Violations on attachement view
- 21443 CryptSignHash() fails when CryptCreateHash() ALG_ID is set to CALG_SSL3_SHAMD5
- 21829 Kurso3 hangs in the end of install
- 21978 Gestan does not install
- 22114 Supreme Commander 2: User interfaces flickers and some UI elements are missing
- 22140 Unexpected bold font in CDBurnerXP Pro 3
- 22162 Knights of the Old Republic: Cursor Doesn't Show
- 22211 HTML-Kit Tools trial exits silently while displaying its splash screen
- 22252 Rhiannon installer hangs: possibly caused by a regression
- 22272 CDBurnerXP crashes if a data disc is inserted
- 22284 Osmos: mouse pointer disappears in the menus
- 22290 PlayOnline viewer can't be resized in windowed mode
- 22334 Hearts of Iron III - missing texture on initial window
- 22353 Application written in VB6 crashes when setting the .colwidth property of a msflexgrid
- 22356 Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II - weapons flicker
- 22435 Wine un-highlights selected text when right button is clicked
- 22443 AutoCAD 2008: Icons have pinky background in "filter applied" drop down menu
- 22444 AutoCAD 2008: No icons in drop down menu
- 22453 Office 2007 text is not visibily highlighted
- 22455 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic does not start
- 22457 Disabled toolbar icons are black
- 22463 mouse cursor display broken
- 22535 King's Bounty Armored Princess graphics glitches
- 22543 winedbg crashes on startup in combination with crysis
- 22601 .NET Framework 2.0 installer displays crash dialog, fails with "function failed" error message
- 22624 multithread app using GDI and directx may cause deadlock
- 22625 No card selector available for GL vendor 3 and card vendor 8086
- 22632 Blitzkrieg game crashes when using 'Save' option
- 22646 Modern Warfare 2: Fog and smoke rendered incorrectly
- 22650 Time of Defiance login attempt results in WSAIoctl unsupported WS_IOCTL cmd (9800000c)
- 22653 Serif WebPlus X2 does not install
- 22657 3DMark 2001se - Car Chase - High Detail shows black screen
- 22666 wine64: does not create a proper WINEPREFIX when -O0 is used, breaks winetest
- 22676 Total Commander icons do not appear in the task bar
- 22694 Spiceworks crashes during install
- 22699 Swapchain_blit enhancement introduces y-axis inversion
- 22704 Dungeon Keeper 2 shows X-cursor
- 22709 crypt32 doesn't support wildcard certificates with alternate name extension
- 22717 duplicate symbols in ldt.c ... bad inline asm
- 22735 Resize of PlayOnline viewer's window makes it's content upside down
- 22746 CDBurnerXP 3.0.x uses a wrong/invisible cursor on its mode selection screen
- 22750 ControlSpy message parameters listboxes don't have frames
- 22755 Installer program of "de rouck" freezes
- 22758 MS Office 2007: riched20 assertion failure in CDKey registration screen
- 22792 VLC Media Player crashes on first run
+Bugs fixed in 1.3.20:
+ 4571 Ripp-It_AM app crashes after clicking "Re-encoder un film" button (protect user32.SetSysColors against bad behaving apps)
+ 8505 antenna crashes
+ 10220 Windows Media Player 7.1 crashes
+ 10633 Per Pixel Lightning is drawn wrong
+ 10635 Tivo Desktop 2.5.1 installer crashes (unimplemented wtsapi32.WTSQueryUserToken)
+ 11709 Titan Quest game crashes
+ 12724 3DS MAX 7.0: Cannot render viewport windows and geometry properly in Directx 9 mode
+ 12926 Installation of Microsoft Zune Software fails (Unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.QueryTraceW called)
+ 13978 Shogun: Total War crashes at startup
+ 16135 msvcrt.dll._wtmpnam not implemented
+ 16915 Sven Coop 4 beta install fails due to: Unhandled page fault on write access
+ 17525 make test fails on wininet:http
+ 18644 Microsoft reader crashes due to unimplemented msvcirt.dll.??0ostrstream@@QAE@XZ
+ 18899 Notepad++ right click menu doesn't work
+ 20275 Quicken 2008 Deluxe help won't display help topics
+ 20276 Quicken 2008 help crash (uncaught exception)
+ 20398 Eclipse (Europa) splash screen doesn't look as it should
+ 20639 Rail Simulator and Rail Works games crash
+ 20831 Psychonauts: Flickering textures
+ 20832 Psychonauts: Crackling sound
+ 20854 wine lacks ping.exe replacement
+ 20946 Chromium base_unittests call unimplemented function ADVAPI32.dll.OpenTraceW
+ 21111 Creative Centrale fails to install
+ 21523 iexplore doesn't follow redirects
+ 22501 Bioshock won't run without native msvcp80.dll
+ 22597 Game crashes at startup when resolution is set higher than 640x480
+ 22857 Starcraft 2 Editor crashes when the "Data Editor" gets opened.
+ 23167 Hitman: Blood Money crashes when performing resolution setting change in options
+ 23246 mono randomly aborts with "GetThreadContext failed" dialog
+ 23257 TAGAP: mouse input doesn't work
+ 23492 Windows Driver Kit (WDK) 7.1.0 install fails (check for superclassed case in AtlModuleRegisterWndClassInfoA/W before returning new wndproc)
+ 23643 America's Army 3.0 goes black after about ten minutes of play
+ 24138 OpenGL Layered Windows Demo crashes on unimplemented function msvcr100.dll._swprintf
+ 24452 FurMark doesn't exit
+ 24567 Multiple apps need msvcp71.dll (purist) (3dmark06, Titan Quest)
+ 24585 Senstools, fails to install with an error about tempfiles on startup
+ 24650 Mass Effect 2 (demo/full version): hangs if you alt+tab away and back
+ 24792 nmake output text no longer visible (dogfood)
+ 24854 visual c++ 2010's nmake.exe needs native msvcr100.dll
+ 24898 Kong does not run requires unimplemented function msvcp90.dll.?infinity@?$numeric_limits@M@std@@SAMXZ
+ 25051 pcsx2-0.9.7-r3878 crashes with unimplemented msvcp90.dll.?max@?$numeric_limits@I@std@@SAIXZ
+ 25157 Black Prophecy crashes on unimplemented function msvcr100.dll._wcsupr_s_l
+ 25361 Shatter crashes while loading a level
+ 25365 Sacred 2 Fallen Angel requires msvcr80.dll
+ 25525 Unimplented function: msvcp80.dll.??Y?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@QAEAAV01@PBD@Z
+ 25530 Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Demo fails without native msvcp80
+ 25541 Family Historian displays the message a serious error has occurred (due to missing msvcrt.dll._strnicoll)
+ 25640 Rush hangs after starting
+ 25652 ratGPU standalone renderer hits unimplemented function msvcp90.dll.??A?$basic_string@_WU?$char_traits@_W@std@@V?$allocator@_W@2@@std@@QEAAAEA_W_K@Z on x86_64
+ 25908 Crash in winmerge when unfocusing edit field
+ 25935 Maple Story and Padora Saga installers crash with builtin msvcp90
+ 26526 R.U.S.E. (steam) demo won't run with builtin msvcp90
+ 26615 Need for Speed Shift 2 installer assertion failure in cacheckdiskspace.cpp
+ 26633 Nimbus: invisible text in the menus
+ 26671 Sims Medieval wants msvcp100:?max@?$numeric_limits@I@std@@SAIXZ
+ 26789 AutoCAD 2008: Crash at starting installation
+ 26825 Anomaly: Warzone Earth Demo wants msvcr90.dll._strupr_s (purist)
+ 26876 special file CON not handled correctly
+ 26903 Atlantis III crashes before reaching the menu
+ 26904 Atlantis III: mouse pointer doesn't show up in the menus
+ 26919 ZipGenius: Crash at start-up
+ 26935 .NET Framework 1.0 SP3 installation leads to msiexec.exe crash
+ 26937 Boinc 6.10.60 installer fails
+ 26975 configure can't find OSSv4 (both Wine and OSSv4 is current from git and mercurial respectively)
+ 26980 FFXI: Depth Sorting Broken
+ 26987 Civilization crashes on exit
+ 26992 Windows Live FolderShare 14.x needs advapi32.RegisterTraceGuidsW() impl (or at least semi-stub)
+ 26999 Two Worlds: mouse stopped working in the menus
+ 27006 closing iexplore after opening an invalid url causes a crash
+ 27038 Cannot install Shark Tale the game.
+ 27043 Warcraft III - Reign of Chaos - Cannot type text in full screen mode
+ 27047 need for speed world launcher complains of corrupt executable
+ 27058 Protection ID: Text from 3rd column in protection report not displayed
+ 27075 Battlefield Heroes: Punkbuster doesn't work as it should (ntoskrnl.exe.PsLookupProcessByProcessId stub needed)
+ 27111 Age of Empires III demo install fails
+ 27130 CR LF characters in RTF files are turned into ^Q ^Y characters
+ 27132 Crash in MSI_RecordSetStringW when embedding RTF with NUL character into an MSI with Wix
+ 27137 Mass Effect 2 demo: can no longer enter game (menu items are unclickable)
-Changes since 1.1.44:
-Aleksey Bragin (1):
- winex11.drv: Fix SetCursor entry in the spec file.
-Alexander N. Sørnes (2):
- shell32: Update Norwegian Bokmål translation.
- wineboot: Update Norwegian Bokmål translation.
-Alexandre Julliard (49):
- include: Force inlining exported API functions to avoid duplicate definitions.
- winex11: Fix source/dest width mismatch in SetDIBits.
- user32: Fix checking of show count in ShowCursor.
- winex11: Take into account the cursor show count when setting the initial cursor for a window.
- winex11: Select for EnterNotify events on the desktop window in order to update the cursor.
- winex11: The startscan line is relative to the destination in SetDIBits.
- comctl32: Apply the imagelist mask when alpha blending.
- server: Return the cursor information for a thread input, and use it for GetCursorInfo.
- winex11: Update the cursor also for events ignored by a hook.
- ws2_32/tests: Fix non-portable syntax.
- comctl32: Make ImageList_AddMasked call ImageList_Add instead of duplicating the functionality.
- comctl32: Generate an alpha channel if necessary when adding images to a 32-bit imagelist.
- comctl32: Also generate an alpha channel when replacing an image or icon in an imagelist.
- comctl32: Store an alpha channel present flag for each image in an imagelist.
- comctl32: Always alpha blend images for 32-bpp imagelists.
- Fix the bitmap info size computation when masks are present.
- ntdll: Preserve registers in call_thread_entry_point on x86_64.
- server: Make sure a thread doesn't get freed while it's processing a request.
- comctl32/imagelist: Pre-multiply the colors by the alpha channel when storing an image with alpha.
- comctl32/imagelist: Generate the mask from the alpha channel if present.
- comctl32/imagelist: Fix the allocated size of the has_alpha array.
- configure: Rename the 64-bit loader to wine64 and keep wine always for the 32-bit loader.
- winedbg: Don't install the man page in a wow64 build.
- ntdll: Avoid a compiler warning on NetBSD.
- winex11: Use the subpixel rendering configuration from fontconfig to override the registry options.
- gdi32: Pre-multiply RGB values by alpha for subpixel font rendering.
- comctl32/imagelist: Don't pre-multiply the stored image, do it only at blending time.
- winex11: Force alpha channel to 0 when blitting to depth 32 from a lower depth.
- krnl386.exe: Call the 32-bit string functions that contain exception handlers.
- winecfg: Don't crash when DllOverrides contain invalid values.
- winex11: Make sure that all fontconfig support is properly #ifdef'ed.
- configure: Add a compatibility macro for AS_VAR_IF.
- libwine: Generate Unicode data for Arabic shaping.
- winex11: Add some tracing to the fontconfig subpixel code.
- comctl32/imagelist: Clear pixels that fall outside the mask when generating an alpha channel.
- user32: Ignore the bitmap offset if it's not set.
- user32: Define an explicit structure for storing the cursor data.
- user32: Store color and mask bitmaps in the cursor data.
- user32: Store a pre-computed alpha bitmap for 32-bpp icons with an alpha channel.
- user32: Use the stored color and mask bitmaps instead of the raw bits in DrawIconEx.
- user32: Use the stored color and mask bitmaps instead of the raw bits in GetIconInfo.
- winex11: Fix a bitmap leak when setting the small icon hints.
- winex11: Move X11 locking inside the cursor creation functions.
- winex11: Retrieve the cursor info with GetIconInfo to create a color cursor.
- winex11: Reimplement creation of Xlib cursors to use the bitmaps returned by GetIconInfo.
- winex11: Create X11 cursors on demand when the cursor is set to a window.
- user32: Remove the CURSORICONINFO parameter in the CreateCursorIcon driver entry point.
- user32: No longer store the icon bits in the icon object.
- user32: Get rid of the CURSORICONINFO structure in icon objects.
-Andrew Eikum (3):
- user32: Don't use DLGTEMPLATE's ExStyle when creating dialogs.
- comctl32/listview: Derive subitem rect from listview origin.
- Revert "user32: Don't use DLGTEMPLATE's ExStyle when creating dialogs.".
-Andrew Nguyen (9):
- urlmon: Validate URL and output pointer in CreateURLMoniker.
- urlmon/tests: Fix CoInternetCompareUrl failure message typos.
- oleaut32: Improve parameter validation in OleLoadPicturePath.
- oleaut32: Convert file URLs to DOS paths for special handling in OleLoadPicturePath.
- oleaut32: Implicitly initialize COM in OleLoadPicturePath.
- oleaut32/tests: Update a comment about PNG support in OLE picture tests.
- ole32: Validate pointer parameters in MkParseDisplayName.
- ole32/tests: Add tests for output parameters in MkParseDisplayName.
- urlmon: Validate parameters in MkParseDisplayNameEx.
-Andrey Turkin (8):
- oleaut32: Add handling of some more VARIANT types in typelibs.
- oleaut32: Implement ICreateTypeInfo2::SetCustData method.
- oleaut32: Implement ITypeInfo::GetDocumentation.
- oleaut32: Fix ICreateTypeLib2::SetFuncAndParamNames.
- oleaut32: Implement ICreateTypeInfo2::SetFuncCustData.
- oleaut32: Distinguish between variables and functions in ICreateTypeInfo functions.
- oleaut32: Set flag for retval params in ICreateTypeInfo::AddFuncDesc.
- kernel32: Implement CreateHardLink.
+Changes since 1.3.19:
+Adam Martinson (3):
+ wined3d: Fix an oops/crash in context_destroy_gl_resources().
+ d3d9: Use D3DQUERYTYPE instead of HRESULT in IDirect3DQuery9Impl_GetType().
+ msxml3: Don't add a <?xml...?> decl in domdoc_get_xml().
+Akihiro Sagawa (4):
+ appwiz.cpl: Update Japanese translation.
+ po: Update Japanese translation.
+ gdi32/tests: Add more tests for GetGlyphOutlineA.
+ gdi32: Pass a proper code point from GetGlyphOutlineA to W version.
+Alexandre Julliard (51):
+ msvcrt: Export _aexit_rtn.
+ msvcrt: Implemented a few trivial math functions.
+ msvcrt: Add stubs for the 64-bit msvcirt entry points.
+ configure: Improve the detection of OSS v4.
+ wineoss: Get rid of %ll printf formats.
+ msvcrt: Add a stub for msvcp70.dll.
+ msvcrt: Add a stub for msvcp71.dll.
+ tools: Add a script to help synchronize spec files that share an implementation.
+ msvcrt: Update spec files using the make_specfiles script.
+ winebuild: Allow specifying arguments to stub functions for documentation purposes.
+ winebuild: Output relay thunks for stub functions when the arguments are known.
+ msvcrt: Specify arguments for the stub functions.
+ msvcrt: Allow forwarding to stub functions when the arguments are known.
+ d3dx9_36: Specify arguments for stub entry points.
+ d3dx9: Synchronize entry point declarations across spec files.
+ d3dx10: Specify arguments for stub entry points.
+ d3dcompiler: Specify arguments for stub entry points that are used in forwards.
+ tools: Add more spec files to synchronize automatically.
+ msvcrt: Don't define stubs for data exports.
+ msvcp: Don't define stubs for data exports.
+ atl: Only return a window procedure in AtlModuleRegisterWndClassInfoA/W when subclassing.
+ make_specfiles: Properly replace commented out exports.
+ msvcp: Export a couple of variables and their access function.
+ msvcp: Implement the numeric limit constants.
+ msvcp: Implement the numeric limit functions.
+ msvcp: Implement the Ctraits math functions.
+ mshtml: Remove an extra quote in the pngfile registration.
+ msvcp: Export the various floating point constants.
+ winex11: Fix check for desktop process in non-desktop mode.
+ user32: Catch bad pointer passed to SetSysColors.
+ makefiles: Add support for .x template files.
+ dinput: Reset the clipped flag when the cursor is released.
+ server: Add separate requests for getting/setting the thread context during suspend.
+ server: Add support for suspending the thread directly in the get/set_thread_context requests.
+ ntdll: Ask the server to suspend the thread in the get/set_thread_context requests.
+ server: Check for the need to suspend a thread again once it leaves an exception or suspend block.
+ server: Fix the status code for get/set_thread_context on a terminated thread.
+ kernel32/tests: Fix a race that could corrupt the thread register state.
+ configure: Make the tools directory a symlink in the wow64 build tree.
+ configure: Create a wine64 symlink in 64-bit build trees.
+ winex11: Reset the clipping when the desktop window loses focus.
+ winex11: Export a couple of helper functions for window rectangles.
+ winex11: Automatically clip the pointer when the foreground window is full-screen.
+ winex11: Add an option to automatically clip the pointer in desktop and multi-monitor modes.
+ winecfg: Replace the old DXGrab option by the new fullscreen grab option.
+ winex11: Only update the fullscreen pointer grab when something has changed.
+ winex11: Set the desktop window gravity to NorthWest to avoid spurious position changes.
+ makefiles: Tools must be built before includes now.
+ winex11: Don't use raw events for button events so that we get the right coordinates.
+ winex11: Allow MotionNotify events through occasionally while XInput is active.
+ winex11: Try a little harder to clip the cursor to avoid some race conditions.
+Anders Jonsson (1):
+ winecfg: Update Swedish translation.
+Andrej Znidarsic (1):
+ po: Update Slovenian translation.
+Andrew Eikum (14):
+ mmdevapi: Initialize global driver data at DLL load time.
+ winealsa.drv: Implement IAudioSessionControl::GetState.
+ wineoss.drv: Implement IAudioSessionControl::GetState.
+ winecoreaudio.drv: Implement IAudioSessionControl::GetState.
+ mmdevapi/tests: Add tests for IAudioSessionControl::GetState.
+ winealsa.drv: Move IAudioClock closer to its related interfaces.
+ winealsa.drv: Implement volume control interfaces.
+ wineoss.drv: Move IAudioClock closer to its related interfaces.
+ wineoss.drv: Implement volume control interfaces.
+ winecoreaudio.drv: Move IAudioClock closer to its related interfaces.
+ winecoreaudio.drv: Store the PropertyScope in ACImpl.
+ winecoreaudio.drv: Implement volume control interfaces.
+ mmdevapi/tests: Make capture.c more easily extendible.
+ mmdevapi/tests: Add tests for volume control interfaces.
André Hentschel (10):
- oleaut32: Check if the delimiter is a date delimiter.
- winemaker: Check for more project files.
- winemaker: Clean up target type handling.
- winemaker: Add missing linefeed.
- wordpad: Update German translation.
- wmc: Remove 10 year old unmaintained file.
- progman: Remove redundant license info.
- progman: Remove redundant warranty info.
- start: Update German translation.
- msvidc32: Be less picky with formats.
-Aric Stewart (6):
- usp10/test: Initialize local structures.
- usp10: Add ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE when calling ExtTextOut so we do not re-reverse already formated RTL strings inside of GDI.
- gdi32: Use usp10 to optionally generate glyphs for bidi strings.
- usp10: Add Arabic shaping.
- usp10: Attempt to do shaping via the font GSUB table first.
- usp10: Correct Left and Right confusions for Arabic joining and shaping.
-Aurimas Fišeras (2):
- msi: Update Lithuanian translation.
- wordpad: Update Lithuanian translation.
-Austin English (2):
- include: Rename structs to fix compile with recent gcc.
- ntdll: Add stub for NtRaiseHardError.
+ winedbg: Fix a typo.
+ winedbg: Implement printing the Program Status Register.
+ po: Add German translations.
+ winedbg: Update a comment.
+ shell32/tests: Also test without flags.
+ kernel32: Forward registry functions to advapi32.
+ include: Fall back to little endian when it's not specified on ARM.
+ winemaker: Let winegcc generate the app loader script.
+ include: Update a comment.
+ winecfg: Update German translation.
+Aric Stewart (5):
+ wine.inf: Register wineqtdecoder.dll.
+ usp10: Implement ScriptItemizeOpenType.
+ usp10/tests: Test ScriptItemizeOpenType.
+ usp10: Implementation of ScriptShapeOpenType.
+ usp10: Implementation of ScriptPlaceOpenType.
+Aurimas Fišeras (3):
+ po: Update Lithuanian translation.
+ po: Update Lithuanian translation.
+ winecfg: Update Lithuanian translation.
+Austin English (4):
+ kernel32/tests: Fix typo in test failure message.
+ ntoskrnl.exe: Add a stub for PsLookupProcessByProcessId.
+ dsound: Return success in IDirectSoundBufferImpl_AcquireResources.
+ advapi32: Return success in RegisterTraceGuids.
Damjan Jovanovic (5):
- winemenubuilder: Escape freedesktop exec keys properly.
- winemenubuilder: Fix a char/widechar typo in association .desktop paths.
- winemenubuilder: associate .lnk files with wine.
- wine.desktop: Associate with winemenubuilder's application/x-ms-shortcut.
- winemenubuilder: Generate .png even for paletted icons.
-Detlef Riekenberg (1):
- kernel32: Move a 16 bit related comment to krnl386.
-Dmitry Timoshkov (3):
- user32: Add BM_SETSTATE/BM_SETCHECK message tests for a button, make them pass under Wine.
- user32: Paint button focus in the ODA_SELECT case too.
- gdi32: Do not use VDMX for mapping of negative font heights, based on a test case.
-Dylan Smith (3):
- richedit: Avoid notifying parent window in improper state.
- richedit: Revert commit that caused a regression. (Bug 22758).
- richedit: Send EN_SELCHANGE after wrapping but before EN_CHANGE.
-Eric Pouech (1):
- dbghelp: Protect PE's COFF table reading against bogus values in NTHEADER.
-Frédéric Delanoy (4):
- wordpad: Update French translation.
- msi: Update French translation.
- winemaker: Fix typos in manpage.
- winemaker: Add French translation.
-Gerald Pfeifer (35):
- gdi32/tests: Remove variable oldPen which is not really used from test_widenpath.
- msi: Fix the return value of msi_copy_outval in the error case.
- riched20: Remove variable ys which is not really used from ME_ArrowPageDown.
- riched20: Remove variable pCell which is not really used from ME_StreamIn.
- user.exe16: Remove variable width which is not really used from listbox_proc16.
- comctl32/tests: Add tests for the return values of TreeView_SelectItem in test_select.
- cmd: Remove variable copyFromDir which is not really used from WCMD_copy.
- taskmgr: Remove variable idctrl which is not really used from TaskManagerWndProc.
- gdi32/tests: Remove two variables which are not really used from test_clipping.
- winefile: Remove variable hChildClass which is not really used from InitInstance.
- shell32/tests: Remove variable res which is not really used from init_strings.
- quartz: Remove variable keyframe which is not really used from AVISplitter_next_request.
- winecfg: Remove variable drive which is not really used from DriveDlgProc.
- d3dx9_36/tests: Remove variable scaling which is not really used from D3DXMatrixTest.
- mountmgr.sys: Remove variable result which is not really used from update_symlink.
- user32/tests: Remove SetShellWindowEx from test_shell_window.
- oleaut32/tests: Remove variable changed which is not really used from test_SysReAllocStringLen.
- user32/tests: Remove variable atom which is not really used from test_Expose.
- winmm/tests: Remove two unused variables (and dead code) from check_position.
- shlwapi: Remove variable retval which is not really used from GetAcceptLanguagesW.
- comctl32: Remove unused parameter fwKeys from LISTVIEW_MouseHover.
- comctl32: Remove unused parameter bEnable from LISTVIEW_Enable.
- comctl32/tests: Remove variable hwndheader which is not really used from test_redraw.
- localspl/tests: Improve the tests in test_XcvDataPort_AddPort by properly checking return values and avoiding a duplicate test.
- user32/tests: Make checks in test_LoadImageFile and test_LoadImage more comprehensive.
- quartz: Remove unused variable pOutputPin from MPEGSplitter_process_sample.
- comctl32: Remove unused variable infoPtr from TVIEW_StyleChanging.
- comctl32: Remove document of (already removed) infoPtr from LISTVIEW_StyleChanged.
- comctl32/tests: Remove some dead code from TaskManager_OnRestoreMainWindow.
- comctl32/tests: Check for the outcome of the SendMessage calls in test_monthcal_size.
- winecfg: Remove variable lRes which is not really used from configureAudioDriver.
- quartz: Fix return value of DSoundRender_GetState.
- oleaut32: Remove variable rOk which is not really used from VarMod.
- riched20: Remove variables yprev and ys which are not really used from ME_ArrowPageUp.
- rpcrt4: Remove variable hr which is not really used from NdrInterfacePointerBufferSize.
-Hans Leidekker (23):
- msi: Add a test to show that patches are not committed to the local package database.
- msi: Add more patch registration tests.
- msi: Add a test to show that the InstallSource property is unchanged after an upgrade.
- msi: Set install properties just once.
- msi: Avoid A->W conversions in msi_publish_install_properties.
- msi: Set the SourceDir property to the registered source if the product is installed.
- msi: Store the disk id in the MSIFILE structure.
- msi: Only extract a file when its disk id matches the media disk id.
- msi: Improve some traces.
- winedump: Print the network share name in .lnk files.
- winemenubuilder: Lower case the content type.
- winemenubuilder: Expand environment strings in the shortcut path.
- hnetcfg: Return success from fw_port_get_Enabled.
- fltlib: Add stub implementations of FilterFindFirst and FilterFindClose.
- winhttp: Support setting security flags on request handles.
- ntdll: Add some tests for RtlIsTextUnicode.
- msi: Fix memory leaks in deformat_string_internal.
- msi: Release the package in MsiGetProductPropertyW.
- msi: Release the package in MsiGetMode and MsiSetMode.
- msi: Consistently use the allocation macros.
- msi: Fix some leaks in the tests.
- msi: Test the reference count on the installer object retrieved from a session object.
- msi: Add more tests for feature overrides.
+ mmsystem: Use SEGPTR for 16 bit string pointers in MCI_XXX_WINDOW_PARMS16.
+ mmsystem.dll16: Fix mapping of MCI_WINDOW structures between 16 and 32 bit.
+ mmsystem.dll16: Fix MCI_STATUS mapping for digitalvideo.
+ mmsystem.dll16: Fix the pointer arithmetic and memory leak issues when unmapping.
+ mmsystem.dll16: Use flags instead of device type as the MCI_STATUS heuristic.
+David Hedberg (1):
+ winspool.drv: Add stubs for IsValidDevmodeW and IsValidDevmodeA.
+Detlef Riekenberg (2):
+ urlmon: Implement IInternetZoneManager_SetZoneAttributes.
+ urlmon/tests: Add tests for IInternetZoneManager_SetZoneAttributes.
+Dylan Smith (7):
+ tools: Add a tool to build .x template files.
+ include: Generate rmxftmpl.h from rmxftmpl.x using new build tool.
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXMesh::CloneMesh without vertex buffer conversion.
+ d3dx9: Implement D3DXMESHOPT_COMPACT for ID3DXMesh::OptimizeInplace.
+ d3dx9: Create compact_mesh helper function for OptimizeInplace.
+ include: Replace a THIS, with THIS_ for a method with parameters.
+Eric Pouech (7):
+ winedump: Correctly get to the optional header for 64 bit images.
+ winedump: Simplify code a bit by using get_dir_and_size().
+ winedump: Simplify code a bit by using IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION() macro.
+ dbghelp: Don't try to load fieldlist for a forward declaration.
+ dbghelp: Enhance a couple of register mapping functions for i386.
+ kernel32: Added some tests about CON special file treatment in CreateFile.
+ kernel32: In CreateFile, when trying to open the CON special DOS file, force OPEN_EXISTING as creation flag.
+Francois Gouget (16):
+ infosoft: Export DllUnregisterServer().
+ msvcrt: Make printf_arg arg_clbk_positional() and MSVCRT_wcsrtombs_s_l() static.
+ msxml3: Make a bunch of XSLPattern_*() functions static.
+ wined3d: Make wined3d_event_query_test() and resource_get_type() static.
+ winefile: Fix the View and Options menu handles.
+ user32: SCROLL_SetNCSbState() is not used anymore so remove it.
+ d3dcompiler_43: Make write_dword_unknown() static.
+ regedit: Fix ellipsis usage in the menu labels.
+ view: Fix ellipsis usage in the menus.
+ winhlp32: Fix the ellipsis usage in the menu and button labels.
+ winefile: Fix ellipsis usage in the menu and button labels.
+ winecfg: Fix ellipsis usage in the menu and button labels.
+ msi: get_msi_typelib() is not used anymore so remove it.
+ ddraw/tests: Add a '\n' to an ok() call.
+ d3d9/tests: Add a '\n' to a skip() call.
+ Assorted spelling and case fixes.
+Frédéric Delanoy (5):
+ po: Update French translation.
+ taskmgr: Fix a French dialog.
+ audio: Remove extraneous parentheses around equality comparisons.
+ winecfg: Update French translation.
+ kernel32/tests: Fix typo.
+Gerald Pfeifer (3):
+ wineoss.drv: Use AFMT_S24_LE instead of AFMT_S24_PACKED.
+ wineoss.drv: Support platforms that do not feature AFMT_FLOAT.
+ configure: Use the -Wempty-body compiler option if present.
+Grazvydas Ignotas (3):
+ gdi32/tests: Test for font selection by full name.
+ gdi32: Refactor get_facename to retrieve other names too.
+ gdi32: Implement font selection by its full name.
+Hans Leidekker (21):
+ ws2_32: Add a test to show that WSAIoctl is synchronous.
+ msi: Fix handling of components without a key path in MsiEnumComponentCostsW.
+ msi: Support remote calls to MsiEnumComponentCosts.
+ msi: Avoid casts in IWineMsiRemotePackage methods.
+ msi: Skip disabled components in the InstallService action.
+ msi: Use a separate function to retrieve the target folder path.
+ msi: Rewrite the folder resolution code to keep track of the parent-child relationship.
+ msi: Define common strings just once.
+ msi: Handle NULL component correctly in MsiEnumComponentCostsW.
+ msi: Get rid of helpers.c.
+ msi: Avoid loading cabinet streams more than once.
+ msi: Destroy assembly caches right after use.
+ msi: Add support for version 1.0 of the .NET runtime.
+ msi: Keep track of a stream's storage.
+ msi: Clone an open stream if possible in cabinet_open_stream.
+ msi/tests: Show that MsiSetTargetPath updates folder properties.
+ msi: Don't resolve child folders if the parent path is unmodified.
+ msi: Remove redundant tracing.
+ msi: Improve the stub for MisGetMode(MSIRUNMODE_ADMIN).
+ msi: Handle embedded nulls in text archives.
+ msi: Unescape ^Q^Y sequences in text archives.
Henri Verbeet (25):
- wined3d: Handle depth/stencil surfaces in IWineD3DSurfaceImpl_LoadLocation().
- wined3d: Remove some unused winetexturestates elements.
- wined3d: Add support for ARB_shadow.
- wined3d: Add support for shadow samplers.
- d3d8/tests: Add a shadow sampler test.
- d3d9/tests: Add a shadow sampler test.
- wined3d: context_validate_onscreen_formats() may modify context->render_offscreen.
- wined3d: Explicitly pass the depth/stencil surface to context_validate_onscreen_formats().
- wined3d: Check for offscreen contexts inside context_validate_onscreen_formats() itself.
- wined3d: Correctly translate between coordinate systems in swapchain_blit().
- wined3d: Make context_attach_surface_fbo() static.
- wined3d: Explicitly pass the FBO target to context_clean_fbo_attachments().
- wined3d: Use wine_dbgstr_rect() for tracing the rectangle in IWineD3DSurfaceImpl_LockRect().
- wined3d: Fix a comment.
- user32: Verify we got a valid window handle in GetDCEx().
- wined3d: Check for a destination clipper in IWineD3DBaseSurfaceImpl_Blt().
- wined3d: Split checking for "empty" source and destination rectangles in IWineD3DBaseSurfaceImpl_Blt().
- wined3d: Merge source rectangle operations into a single block in IWineD3DBaseSurfaceImpl_Blt().
- wined3d: Merge destination rectangle operations into a single block in IWineD3DBaseSurfaceImpl_Blt().
- wined3d: Translate front buffer coordinates in surface_blt_to_drawable().
- wined3d: Introduce a separate function for translating front buffer coordinates to GL coordinates.
- wined3d: Set the buffer.c GLINFO_LOCATION to *gl_info.
- wined3d: Explicitly pass GL info to buffer_create_buffer_object().
- wined3d: Explicitly pass GL info to buffer_get_sysmem().
- wined3d: Set the device.c GLINFO_LOCATION to *gl_info.
-Huw Davies (2):
- oleaut32: Set the font to dirty when loading a new data.
- comctl32: Fix an hfont leak.
-Ilya Shpigor (1):
- shdocvw: Added IDataObject stub implementation.
-Jacek Caban (15):
- mshtml: Check return value of SetText.
- mshtml: Test return value of OnStateChange.
- mshtml: Added IHTMLOptionElement::selected property implementation.
- mshtml: Added IHTMLTextAreaElement::put_value implementation.
- mshtml: Moved getting select's option element by index to separated function.
- mshtml: Added IHTMLSelectElement::item implementation.
- mshtml: Moved getting form's elements by index to separated function.
- mshtml: Added IHTMLFormElement::item implementation.
- mshtml: Added IHTMLFormElement::action property implementation.
- mshtml: Added IHTMLTextAreaElement::readOnly property implementation.
- mshtml: Fixed test on some IEs.
- mshtml: Fixed platform test on 64-bit IE6.
- exdisp.idl: Added missing DWebBrowserEvents2 methods.
- shobjidl.idl: Added NWMF declaration.
- shdocvw: Added ITargetFrame2 stub implementation.
-Joel Holdsworth (13):
- msiexec: Reused appwiz.cpl icon in msiexec.
- configure: Fix for icotool version checking regex.
- configure: Added a check for ImageMagick v6.6 or newer in maintainer mode.
- credui: Added a rendering hint to banner.svg.
- tools: Modified the ICO render script to also render BMPs.
- comctl32: Replaced idb_view_small.bmp with a Tango compliant tool strip.
- comctl32: Replaced idb_view_large.bmp with a Tango compliant tool strip.
- comctl32: Replaced idb_std_small.bmp with a Tango compliant tool strip.
- comctl32: Replaced idb_std_large.bmp with a Tango compliant tool strip.
- comctl32: Replaced idb_hist_small.bmp with a Tango compliant tool strip.
- comctl32: Replaced idb_hist_large.bmp with a Tango compliant tool strip.
- wordpad: Replaced toolbar.bmp with a Tango compliant tool strip.
- wordpad: Replaced formatbar.bmp with a Tango compliant tool strip.
-Juan Lang (17):
- crypt32: Add stub for CERT_STORE_CTRL_AUTO_RESYNC of registry stores.
- crypt32/tests: Test CertAddCertificateLinkToStore.
- crypt32: Validate add disposition before checking source certificate's properties.
- crypt32: Prohibit adding links to collection stores.
- crypt32: Implement CertAddCertificateLinkToStore on top of CertAddCertificateContextToStore.
- winhttp: Store security flags in netconn_t.
- winhttp: Store a pointer to the netconn_t in the SSL context.
- winhttp: Honor security flags when verifying a certificate.
- wintrust/tests: Fix test failures when not running as administrator.
- crypt32: Update definition of CERT_CHAIN_ENGINE_CONFIG.
- crypt32: Support hExclusiveRoot when creating a certificate chain engine.
- crypt32/tests: Allow specifying a chain engine when creating a certificate chain.
- crypt32/tests: Allow specifying a chain engine when verifying a chain policy.
- crypt32/tests: Test wildcards in subject alternative name.
- crypt32: Implement wildcard domain name matching in subject alternative names.
- rsaenh: Add tests for CALG_SSL3_SHAMD5 hashing.
- rsaenh: Implement CALG_SSL3_SHAMD5 hashing.
-Julius Schwartzenberg (1):
- wined3d: Cope with the new Intel renderer string.
-Jörg Höhle (7):
- winealsa: Supply FFFFFFFF for midiOutGetVolume, no garbage.
- winealsa: MOD_MIDIPORT has 0 voices and notes and FFFF ChannelMask.
- imaadp32: Refine size checks.
- winmm: WAVE/MIDI_MAPPER (-1) is a 32 bit UINT, not 16.
- winmm: A NULL CALLBACK_FUNCTION is acceptable since w2k.
- winmm: More MIDI boundary tests & fixes.
- winmm: Have MCI drivers handle notification for MCI_OPEN.
-Kai Blin (1):
- ws2_32: Stub out WS_SIO_UDP_CONNRESET WSioctl.
-Katayama Hirofumi MZ (1):
- wordpad: Add units (in/inch/pt).
-Louis Lenders (1):
- samlib: Add stubbed samlib.dll.
-Maarten Lankhorst (16):
- includes: Fix typo.
- quartz: Implement IBasicVideo get_AvgTimePerFrame.
- quartz: Forward IMediaFilter to IMediaControl.
- mciqtz32: Add command table from mciavi32.
- mciqtz32: Implement MCI_STATUS_LENGTH.
- winmm: Make timer keep a ref on winmm while it's running.
- mciqtz32: Handle mciOpen better.
- mciqtz32: Add support for MCI_DGV_WHERE_SOURCE.
- mciqtz32: Add support for mciUpdate.
- quartz: Add support for windowstate in video renderer.
- quartz: Support negative heights in video renderer.
- quartz: Respect autoshow in video renderer.
- quartz: Remove invalid check from put_WindowStyleEx in video renderer.
- mciqtz32: Handle window visibility better.
- mciqtz32: Add support for MCI_STATUS_TIME_FORMAT.
- mciqtz32: Add support for MCI_PAUSE.
-Marcus Meissner (7):
- ole32: Fixed 2 uninitialized variable use (Coverity).
- wined3d: fixed a NULL deref in create_arb_blt_fragment_program (Coverity).
- ntdll: Reimplement qsort() using generic mergesort.
- ntdll: Rename mergesort to NTDLL_mergesort.
- ntdll: Implement bsearch, lfind to use correct comparator functions.
- msvcrt: Add some missing CDECL.
- msvcrt: Check locale for NULL before freeing.
-Matej Špindler (11):
- winecfg: Update Slovenian translation.
- shell32: Update Slovenian translation.
- wineboot: Update Slovenian translation.
- notepad: Update Slovenian translation.
- wordpad: Update Slovenian translation.
- mapi32: Add Slovenian translation.
- wininet: Update Slovenian translation.
- jscript: Add Slovenian translation.
- winedbg: Add Slovenian translation.
- oleacc: Add Slovenian translation.
- taskmgr: Update Slovenian translation.
-Matteo Bruni (19):
- d3dx9: Support some flow control instructions in the shader assembler.
- d3dx9: Add other flow control instructions in the shader assembler.
- d3dx9: Add predicate support to the shader assembler.
- d3dx9: Add output dcl instruction partial support to the shader assembler.
- d3dx9: Complete output dcl instruction support.
- d3dx9: Add input dcl instruction support to the shader assembler.
- d3dx9: Add sampler dcl instruction support to the shader assembler.
- d3dx9: Add DEF instruction support in the shader assembler.
- d3dx9: Add DEFI instruction support in the shader assembler.
- d3dx9: Add DEFB instruction support in the shader assembler.
- d3dx9: Add some version-specific checks in the shader assembler.
- d3dx9: Add ps_3_0 instructions parsing to the shader assembler.
- d3dx9: Shader assembler ps_3_0 support.
- d3dx9: Add missing texkill instruction parsing.
- d3dx9: Use separate opcodes for TEXLDP and TEXLDB.
- d3dx9: Check for oCx register number.
- d3dx9: Shader assembler vs_2_x support.
- d3dx9: Add some more tests on register number checking.
- d3dx9: Shader assembler ps_2_x support.
-Michael Stefaniuc (41):
- explorer: Remove unneeded UNICODE define.
- oleaut32: Avoid using long.
- comctl32: Update some ImageList comments.
- qedit: Avoid using long.
- mshtml/tests: Replace long with LONG.
- oleview: Replace long with LONG.
- secur32: Avoid using long.
- jscript: Avoid using long.
- comdlg32: The Dutch translation uses UTF-8.
- winhttp: Remove redundant "not NULL" check for the "server" arg.
- dmloader: Remove redundant "not NULL" check of the pDesc arg.
- mshtml: Remove redundant "not NULL" check for the p arg (coccicheck).
- winhttp: Remove redundant "not 0" test of argument len.
- riched20: Avoid using long.
- mciavi32: Remove redundant "not NULL" checks of the lpParms arg.
- msvfw32: Replace long with LONG.
- rpcrt4: Avoid using long.
- taskmgr: Avoid using long.
- shell32: Remove redundant "not NULL" check of ppidl (coccicheck).
- user32: Remove redundant not NULL check of variable item (coccicheck).
- ddraw: Remove redundant "not NULL" check of This (coccicheck).
- avifil32: Remove some redundant "not NULL" checks (coccicheck).
- mciwave: Remove redundant "not NULL" checks of the variables lpParms.
- winex11.drv: Remove redundant "not NULL" check of cfgs (coccicheck).
- cmdlgtst: Replace long with LONG.
- dinput: Remove explicit cast to long as it happens implicitly.
- user32: Remove superfluous "not NULL" check of the atom variable.
- ntdll: Remove superfluous "not NULL" check for the count arg.
- qcap: Use the proper types.
- quartz: Avoid using the long type.
- msxml3: Remove redundant "not NULL" check of the punk arg.
- wineoss.drv: Avoid a potential NULL pointer dereference in a TRACE.
- rpcrt4: Remove redundant "non NULL" check of var cred_dst (coccicheck).
- user32: Avoid a potential NULL pointer dereference in a TRACE.
- wininet: Remove redundant "not NULL/0" checks (coccicheck).
- shlwapi: Remove redundant "not NULL" checks of the len arg (coccicheck).
- user32: Avoid using long.
- mcicda: Avoid using long.
- winemp3.acm: Avoid using the long type.
- mciwave: Avoid using long.
- wined3d: Avoid using the long type.
-Mike Kaplinskiy (12):
- include: Add WSAID_WSASENDMSG extension guid.
- ws2_32/tests: Add some socket event tests.
- server: Set FD_READ in only 1 place (cleanup).
- server: Keep polling sockets after we got a 0 recv, but not for POLLIN.
- server: Use a less hackish approach to not POLLIN when we have a hung up socket.
- server: Always treat POLLHUP as a hangup, just special case checking TCP sockets.
- server: Get rid of sock_try_event.
- ws2_32/tests: fix test failures on wine and win98.
- server: Move socket async activation to sock_poll_event.
- server: Don't poll for events when there are async operations queued.
- server: Move async activation into separate function.
-Nikolay Sivov (6):
- kernel32: Fix return code from LocalUnlock for pointer passed to it.
- user32: Fix selected brush color for caret bitmap creation.
- ole32: Use window property to store registered drop target.
- comctl32: Fix SysLink debug channel name, add a trace.
- comctl32/listview: Don't forward WM_COMMAND to parent if we don't have an Edit box.
- shell32: Add SHGetLocalizedName stub.
-Octavian Voicu (1):
- d3dx9_36: Export D3DXCreateEffectEx stub.
-Owen Rudge (2):
- d3dx9: Implement D3DXCreateEffectCompilerFromFile/Resource.
- d3dx9: Implement CreateEffectFromFile/Resource functions.
-Paul Vriens (2):
- winhttp/tests: Show the correct error.
- kernel32: Return the correct processor arch and type in wow64 mode.
-Piotr Caban (16):
- include: Fix typo in shlwapi.h.
- shlwapi: Make UrlCanonicalizeW working with long urls (>INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH).
- shlwapi: Make UrlCanonicalizeA working with long urls (>INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH).
- shlwapi: Added more UrlCanonicalizeA tests.
- wininet: Fix trace messages.
- msvcrt: Fix strtod and wcstod implementation.
- msvcrt: Partial fix for setlocale/create_locale.
- msvcrt: Fix synonym handling in setlocale/create_locale.
- wininet: Fix dwStatusInfoLength value in INTERNET_SendCallback.
- wininet: Deal with reading over the end in NETCON_recv.
- msvcrt: Added $I10_OUTPUT implementation.
- wininet: Fix callbacks sent on connection error.
- wininet: Added INTERNET_OPTION_ERROR_MASK flag handling to InternetSetOptionW.
- wininet: Combine certificate errors in HTTP_OpenConnection.
- msvcrt: Fix compilation error (x86_64-pc-mingw32).
- wininet: Fix variables values after redirection in HTTP_HttpSendRequestW.
-Rico Schüller (1):
- d3d10: Add argument check to ID3D10Effect::GetTechniqueByName().
-Roderick Colenbrander (6):
- wined3d: Use surface_prepare_texture for surface allocation in read_from_framebuffer_texture.
- wined3d: Make sure wglFlush is not between ENTER_GL/LEAVE_GL.
- opengl32: Add 32-bit bitmap rendering test.
- wined3d: Set conversion flags for format descriptors having a convert function.
- wined3d: Remove unneeded d3dfmt_get_conv conversion constants.
- wined3d: Use BltFast in UpdateSurface when desc.convert is set.
-Stefan Dösinger (8):
- wined3d: Don't use GL_ARB_map_buffer_range for now.
- wined3d: Split up the "one" pixel shader helper constant.
- wined3d: Store a positive 1.0 in the ARB's vertex shader helper constant.
- wined3d: Add a function for reading (ps_)helper_const.
- wined3d: Order the helper constants a bit better.
- wined3d: Make the mova constant more generic for relative addressing.
- wined3d: Handle length zero vectors in ARB's NRM.
- wined3d: Catch RCP 0.0 in ARB.
-Sven Baars (13):
- xcopy: Fix Dutch translation.
- wordpad: Fix Dutch translation.
- wineconsole: Fix Dutch translation.
- winecfg: Fix Dutch translation.
- wineboot: Fix Dutch translation.
- uninstaller: Fix Dutch translation.
- wordpad: Update Dutch translation.
- start: Update Dutch translation.
- comdlg32: Fix Dutch translation.
- notepad: Fix Dutch translation.
- wineps.drv: Fix Dutch translation.
- setupapi: Fix Dutch translation.
- shdoclc: Fix Dutch translation.
+ wined3d: Cleanup surfaces only once.
+ d3d9/tests: Destroy the window after we're done with it in test_reset().
+ ddraw/tests: Make sure the window is properly released by ddraw in test_wndproc().
+ ddraw/tests: Add a test for SetCooperativeLevel() window styles.
+ d3d8/tests: Add a test for window styles on device creation.
+ d3d9/tests: Add a test for window styles on device creation.
+ d3d9/tests: Avoid leaking a device in the Reset test.
+ d3d8/tests: Fix some failure messages in test_depth_stencil_size().
+ d3d8/tests: Add a Reset test.
+ d3d8: Check for D3DPOOL_DEFAULT resources before doing a Reset().
+ opengl32/tests: Add a test for GL on window DCs.
+ d3d9: Simplify reset_enum_callback().
+ d3d9/tests: Add a volume texture test to test_reset().
+ d3d8/tests: Add a volume texture test to test_reset().
+ wined3d: Rename "shader_backend_t" to "wined3d_shader_backend_ops".
+ d3d9/tests: Check if formats are supported for render targets in pixelshader_blending_test().
+ wined3d: Add some initial access checking for resources.
+ wined3d: Introduce a helper function for translating blend factors.
+ wined3d: Get rid of the wined3d_settings_t typedef.
+ wined3d: Get rid of the WineD3D_PixelFormat typedef.
+ wined3d: Set SFLAG_DYNLOCK for lockable render targets.
+ ddraw/tests: Add a small test for redundant mode setting calls.
+ ddraw: Skip redundant mode setting calls.
+ wined3d: Remove object creation methods from the IWineD3DDevice interface.
+ wined3d: Get rid of the SHADER_LIMITS typedef.
+Huw Davies (23):
+ shell32: Always clone the return pidl to avoid a double free if the selection is changed during teardown.
+ gdi32/tests: Allow broken behaviour for nt4 sp1 and sp2.
+ oleaut32/tests: Skip the named time tests for locales that use the 24 hour clock.
+ advapi32: Fix incorrect pointer increment.
+ gdi32: Keep track of the background colour.
+ gdi32: Add support for patterned pens.
+ gdi32: Add support for drawing horizontal patterned lines.
+ gdi32: Add support for drawing vertical patterned lines.
+ gdi32: Add support for drawing diagonal patterned lines.
+ gameux: Zero initialize the fixed length arrays.
+ gdi32: Initialise the bit fields even in the BI_RGB case in order to make format comparisons easier.
+ gdi32: Add a missing const.
+ shdocvw: Cope with being called without an active document.
+ gdi32: Keep track of changes to the brush rop, so that we can perform lazy realisation of the brush.
+ gdi32: Add helpers to clear and free dib_info structures.
+ gdi32: Implement SelectBrush for DIB pattern brushes.
+ gdi32: Add support for DIB pattern brush fills.
+ gdi32/tests: Add tests for 32 bpp DIB pattern brush fills.
+ gdi32: Initialise the pen pattern to an empty pattern for unpatterned pens.
+ gdi32: Add support for the null brush.
+ gdi32: Add support for the null pen.
+ gdi32: Implement Rectangle().
+ gdi32/tests: Tests for Rectangle().
+Hwang YunSong (3):
+ po: Update Korean translation.
+ winecfg: Update Korean resource.
+ winecfg: Update Korean resource.
+Jacek Caban (26):
+ wininet: Get rid of useless read_ret in netconn_read.
+ wininet: Allocate buffer for host name in HTTP_HttpOpenRequestW only if needed.
+ wininet: Use test.winehq.org for post tests.
+ kernel32: Moved EnumProcesses implementation to kernel32.
+ urlmon: Moved test_internet_feature_defaults invokation to skip tests on too old IEs.
+ mshtml: Don't use Gecko nsIURI::GetHostPort implementation.
+ wininet: Moved connected check out of NETCON_set_timeout.
+ kernel32: Moved EnumProcessModules implementation to kernel32.
+ wininet: Added support for persistent HTTP connections.
+ wininet: Set TCP_NODELAY on socket.
+ urlmon: Code clean up and make tests a bit stricker.
+ kernel32: Moved QueryWorkingSet and QueryWorkingSetEx implementation to kernel32.
+ mshtml: Ignore more dispID values in OnChanged notifications to fix tests on some IE installations.
+ mshtml: Added IOmNavigator::get_cpuClass implementation.
+ kernel32: Moved GetProcessMemoryInfo implementation to kernel32.
+ kernel32: Moved K32EnumProcessModules to module.c.
+ kernel32: Moved GetModuleBaseName[AW] implementation to kernel32.
+ kernel32: Moved GetModuleFileNameEx[AW] to kernel32.
+ kernel32: Moved GetModuleInformation implementation to kernel32.
+ urlmon: Make sure to include query part of relative URI containing path in combine_uri.
+ kernel32: Moved GetMappedFileName[AW] stubs to kernel32.
+ wininet: Don't depend on is_end_of_read_data in HTTPREQ_Read.
+ wininet: Fixed handling of 204 No Content response.
+ wininet: Clean up closing connection notifications tests.
+ wininet: Better closing async handles in tests.
+ wininet: Added 204 No Content response tests.
+Jerome Leclanche (1):
+ wine.desktop: Remove the nonexistent application/x-win-lnk MIME type.
+John Edmonds (3):
+ wined3d: If Wine fails to acquire the focus window, allow the wndproc function to continue receiving messages.
+ d3d9/tests: Added a test for resetting an invisible, inactive window to fullscreen mode.
+ wined3d: Turn off message filtering temporarily in the Reset() method to allow certain messages (e.g. WM_ACTIVATEAPP) through.
+Juan Lang (1):
+ wininet: Handle invalid HTTP time of "0".
+Jörg Höhle (2):
+ winmm: Fix 8KB leak when mmioOpen fails (Valgrind).
+ include: Define DRV_MCI_FIRST.
+Karsten Elfenbein (2):
+ wininet: Follow 307 temporary redirect.
+ winhttp: Follow 307 temporary redirect.
+Konstantin L. Metlov (2):
+ gdi32: Handle pre-Unicode "broken" symbol TTFs with symbols at U+00XX.
+ gdi32: Handle pre-Unicode symbol TTFs with symbols at U+00XX.
+Lucas Fialho Zawacki (1):
+ dinput8/tests: Tests for creation and initialization of DInput8 interface and simple cases of EnumDevicesBySemantics.
+Marcus Meissner (20):
+ ddraw: Added missing break (Coverity).
+ mscms: Mark internal symbols as hidden.
+ winex11.drv: Assertion was 1 off (Coverity).
+ mshtml: Mark internal symbols as hidden.
+ advpack: Mark internal symbols as hidden.
+ browseui: Mark internal symbols as hidden.
+ amstream: Mark internal symbols as hidden.
+ quartz: Handle NULL return from strchr() (Coverity).
+ winedump: flags is a DWORD not a WORD (Coverity).
+ wined3d: Fixed a operator precedence issue (Coverity).
+ user32: Use left shift instead of right shift (Coverity).
+ user32: DrawText gets a 32bit flag, not a 16bit flag.
+ riched20: Adjusted shift by 8 bits to 16 bits (Coverity).
+ riched20: Use correct flag name (Coverity).
+ riched20: Fixed some lParams with keycodes (Coverity).
+ oleaut32: Fixed offset calculation (Coverity).
+ shdocvw: Check safearray dimension too (Coverity).
+ krnl386.exe16: Fixed get selector bit logic (Coverity).
+ krnl386.exe16: Fixed if that always succeeds (Coverity).
+ winedump: Fixed minidump processor revision decoding (Coverity).
+Matteo Bruni (3):
+ d3dcompiler: Improve some parameter names and fix code style.
+ d3dcompiler: Fix error messages generation.
+ wined3d: Fix pow handling with special values in ARB backend.
+Michael Stefaniuc (1):
+ mlang: COM cleanup.
+Nicolas Le Cam (5):
+ comctl32/tests: Remove a set but unused variable.
+ msvcrt/tests: Avoid size_t in traces.
+ ole32/tests: Fix large integer overflow warnings.
+ gdi32: Remove a set but unused variable.
+ wintrust/tests: BaseOfData isn't part of IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 structure.
+Nikolay Sivov (28):
+ msxml3: A stub for MXXMLWriter class.
+ msxml3: Add ISAXContentHandler stub for MXXMLWriter.
+ msxml3: Add support for standalone property.
+ msxml3: Store stream reference as destination.
+ msxml3: Basic support for encoding property.
+ msxml3: Basic support for startDocument().
+ comctl32: Adjust field names and some defines to match current documentation.
+ comctl32/tests: Add more MRU tests.
+ comctl32: Ignore size field when creating with -W calls.
+ msxml3: Store boolean properties in a single array.
+ msxml3: Add support for omitXMLDeclaration() property.
+ msxml3: Basic tests for startElement().
+ comctl32/tests: Test message result for equality.
+ comctl32/listview: Don't refuse to set subitem data when some extra flag is specified.
+ comctl32/listview: Make edit box handle available from LVN_ENDLABELEDIT notification.
+ msxml3: Basic support for startElement()/endElement().
+ msxml3: Support attributes list for elements.
+ msxml3: Support indent() property.
+ msxml3: Store raw text data passed through characters().
+ msxml3: Support byteOrderMark() property.
+ msxml3: Support get/set for disableOutputEscaping() property.
+ comctl32/listview: Don't forward HDN_ITEMCHANGING/HDN_ITEMCHANGED to listview parent.
+ comctl32/tests: Make functions from test macros.
+ winecfg: Update Russian dialog strings.
+ comctl32/tab: Send NM_RCLICK on WM_RBUTTONUP.
+ comctl32/listview: Fix parameter validation for LVM_SETITEMTEXT.
+ comctl32/tests: Test return values in uniform way.
+ comctl32/tests: Initialize subitem index.
+Paul Chitescu (1):
+ qcap: Initialize to NULL the content of ppPin, not the pointer itself.
+Peter Urbanec (1):
+ msxml3: Reorder headers to allow use of libxml2 with +icu useflag.
+Piotr Caban (22):
+ msvcrt: Added _wtmpnam implementation.
+ msvcrt: Added _swprintf and vsnprintf functions.
+ imagehlp: Set Index in ImageAddCertificate function.
+ wintrust: Added CryptSIPPutSignedDataMsg implementation (for PE files).
+ wintrust: Fix CryptSIPGetSignedMsg (from PE file).
+ wintrust: Added CryptSIP{Get,Put}SignedDataMsg tests.
+ crypt32: Fix content type in CRYPT_QueryEmbeddedMessageObject function.
+ wine.inf: Add quotes to webbrowser command keys.
+ msvcrt: Don't pass NULL as __ms_va_list in printf implementation.
+ msvcrt: Added _towupper_l and _towlower_l implementation.
+ msvcrt: Added _isctype_l implementation.
+ msvcrt: Added _is*_l functions implementation.
+ msvcrt: Added _toupper_l implementation.
+ msvcrt: Added _tolower_l implementation.
+ msvcrt: Added _strlwr_s_l implementation.
+ msvcrt: Added _strupr_s_l implementation.
+ kernel32/tests: Add locale specific CompareString test.
+ msvcrt: Added _strcoll_l implementation.
+ msvcrt: Added _stricoll_l implementation.
+ msvcrt: Added _strncoll_l implementation.
+ msvcrt: Added _strnicoll_l implementation.
+ msvcr: Update spec files.
+Rico Schüller (17):
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetValue().
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetString().
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetPixelShader().
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetVertexShader().
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetParameterBySemantic().
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetAnnotation().
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetAnnotationByName().
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetDesc() partially.
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetBool().
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetInt().
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetFloat().
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXEffect::SetStateManager().
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXEffect::GetStateManager().
+ d3dx9/tests: Add ID3DXEffect::Get/SetStateManager() test.
+ d3dx9: Improve get_parameter_by_name().
+ d3dx9: Parse effect textures.
+ d3dx9: Implement ID3DXBaseEffect::GetTexture().
+Ričardas Barkauskas (1):
+ ddraw: Fix filtering of enumerated display modes.
+Stefan Dösinger (7):
+ d3d8: Map ZBIAS values to a smaller depth range.
+ ddraw: Map ZBIAS values to a smaller depth range.
+ wined3d: Make the glram parameter of WineD3DAdapterChangeGLRam signed.
+ wined3d: Fix a unsigned unary minus warning in MSVC.
+ wined3d: Fix a few MSVC data loss warnings.
+ wined3d: Pass the render target height as UINT.
+ wined3d: Separate two unrelated variables.
Thomas Mullaly (3):
- urlmon/tests: Added a new test file for testing the IUri interface.
- urlmon/tests: Fixed IUri tests so they fail gracefully on machines with IE <7.
- urlmon: CreateUri should return E_INVALIDARG for NULL args.
-Vincent Povirk (10):
- gdiplus: Implement GdipCreateHICONFromBitmap.
- gdiplus: Quiet the GdipImageForceValidation fixme.
- gdiplus: Implement bitmap color keying.
- gdiplus: Implement GdipSetImageAttributesWrapMode.
- gdiplus: Add test for GdipGetImageThumbnail.
- gdiplus: Implement GdipGetImageThumbnail.
- gdiplus: Implement GdipIsStyleAvailable.
- gdiplus: Always treat out of range string sizes as INT_MAX.
- ole32: Use a temporary variable in TransactedSnapshotImpl_EnsureReadEntry.
- shlwapi: Implement SHRegEnumUSValue.
-Wolfram Sang (2):
- user32: Honor bfOffBits in BITMAP_Load.
- user32: Apply sanity-check in BITMAP_Load.
+ urlmon: Stop binding with E_ABORT if the client returns that from OnStartBinding.
+ urlmon: Improve handling of error codes being returned from client OnStartBinding callback.
+ urlmon: Honor E_ABORT for URLDownloadToFile status callbacks.
+Vincent Povirk (1):
+ mscoree: State the .NET and Mono versions when a runtime is missing.
+Łukasz Wojniłowicz (1):
+ po: Update Polish translation.
Alexandre Julliard