-The Wine development release 1.1.22 is now available.
+The Wine development release 1.3.13 is now available.
What's new in this release (see below for details):
- - More improvements to OLE copy/paste.
- - Beginnings of x86_64 exception handling.
- - Direct3D locking fixes.
- - ARB shaders improvements.
- - Better OpenGL pixel format support.
+ - Tools for creating MSI installers.
+ - Clipboard improvements.
+ - Support for po files in the message compiler.
+ - Improvements to the Wine debugger.
- Various bug fixes.
The source is available from the following locations:
- http://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/system/emulators/wine/wine-1.1.22.tar.bz2
- http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine-1.1.22.tar.bz2
+ http://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/system/emulators/wine/wine-1.3.13.tar.bz2
+ http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine-1.3.13.tar.bz2
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
- http://www.winehq.org/site/download
+ http://www.winehq.org/download
-You will find documentation on http://www.winehq.org/site/documentation
+You will find documentation on http://www.winehq.org/documentation
You can also get the current source directly from the git
-repository. Check http://www.winehq.org/site/git for details.
+repository. Check http://www.winehq.org/git for details.
Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
-Bugs fixed in 1.1.22:
- 7084 Installers/wine fail(s) to extract icons for menu links
- 7326 Some apps complain "DDE requires ddeml.dll"; just need a link
- 8349 Lords of the Realm 2 installer fails to complete
- 8680 Poker Heaven creashes on exit
- 9366 QuickTimePlayer aborts on unimplemented function gdiplus.dll.GdipCreateRegion
- 10072 Half Life 2 Reflections reversed on real world reflections option
- 10449 Broken Cross Disk Manager: Crash at start, needs gdiplus.dll.GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap
- 10788 Windows Movie Maker needs gdiplus.dll.GdipCreateBitmapFromHICON
- 12251 Gamma on screen is brighter after application exits
- 12440 Screen/Graphics corruption in Sammy's Science House
- 12450 Adobe Acrobat Pro 6 & 7 / Acrobat Reader 6 & 7 -- "Detect and Repair" does nothing (MsiReinstallProduct)
- 12585 Unhandled pagefault in Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- 13040 SkyMap Pro: Tip of the Day is a blank window.
- 13137 inetcpl crashes due to unimplemented function wininet.dll.GetDiskInfoA
- 13182 Ultraedit v14.00+3 cannot be configured anymore
- 13201 Microsoft Pinball Arcade jittery animations
- 13243 Trackmania (Nations) Forever doesn't sometimes work with 3d-glasses
- 13366 Scarface fails to start due to "unhandled page fault"
- 13642 dogfood: InterPoker on Linux crashes
- 13736 Detection of nvidia geforce 9x00 video memory isn't implemented
- 15468 polygon vertex problems on assassin's creed characters
- 15762 .desktop files are created in ~, not in ~/Desktop
- 15923 make test fails in monthcal.c
- 16021 Provide vista-style symlinks for the profiles directory
- 16072 DesignaKnit 7 fails to run
- 16123 WINE and Office progs running in background when they shouldn't be
- 16363 Google Chrome window is rendered totally black.
- 16620 Office 2003 cannot install Service Pack 3
- 16686 Wine's wordpad doesn't allow setting font?
- 16769 MSN Messenger 7.0 Don't redraw the chat window correctly
- 16901 bejeweled and bejeweled twist use 100% cpu
- 16926 Mathematica 7 Player complains "could not establish a connection to the kernel"
- 17305 PCMark 05 crashes on unimplemented d3dx9_25.dll.D3DXGetImageInfoFromFileInMemory
- 17470 IP Softphone 2050 doesn't start
- 17629 unimplemented function setupapi.dll.CM_Locate_DevNode_ExA
- 17687 vlc 0.9.8a segfaults on launch
- 17983 WiX fails with builtin msi.dll
- 17993 winamp's installer shows corrupted checkbox buttons
- 18044 System Font Linking fails with MS Shell Dlg
- 18080 Clipboard (Ctrl+V) no longer works in Word 2003/2007
- 18188 Everest Poker and Casino exit silently with builtin gdiplus
- 18246 Adobe Updater: crashes when installing updates
- 18274 Xenocode Virtual Appliance Runtime Error 0xD0000022
- 18349 Incorrect font rendering in Japanese locale
- 18395 Garrys mod crashes when joining.
- 18453 hs950 firmware installer crashes on exit with unimplemented function SETUPAPI.dll.SetupUninstallOEMInfA
- 18515 Deleting the last entry in the overrides tab in winecfg is not shown correctly
- 18537 Child windows jump when clicked and dragged by title bar
- 18555 Dotnet power profile fixmes cause irritation in bash/dash
+Bugs fixed in 1.3.13:
+ 8560 Mouseover information box is broken after window loses focus.
+ 8987 FreePDF XP does not install (13709620-c279-11ce-a49e-444553540000 missing: Shell.Application.1)
+ 11266 3DMark2005 uninstaller fails
+ 11375 Error during Orcad 16.0 installation
+ 12120 iSBEM 3.0 doesn't show EULA on startup
+ 14521 Windows version of OpenJigsaw has graphical glitches.
+ 14882 UpdateResource fails to delete a resource
+ 15640 Tile Studio 2.55: Can't export maps without an extension
+ 16758 tools/winapi/winapi_test: The generated tests produce thousands of failures on 64bit.
+ 17282 qtest: QUAKE.EXE crashes.
+ 18853 Notepad++ can't save files without an extension
+ 19563 Guitar Hero World Tour crashes after dinput's QueryInterface
+ 19686 Acrobat Reader 1.0 for DOS installer fails
+ 20158 Fritz 11 doesn't draw buttons properly
+ 20576 Sluggish 2D graphics on BabasChess
+ 20802 Uninstall doesn't work for 2gis shell
+ 21041 Mismatched GlobalLock/HeapFree in X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_ExportString?
+ 21311 uninstalling visual C++ 2008 causes a crash
+ 21373 Eve Online: Jukebox dont work
+ 21471 Uru: Cursor not drawn correctly
+ 21543 Pasting bitmaps that were created by gnome-screenshot can crash Wine in X11DRV_CLIPBOARD_RenderSynthesizedBitmap
+ 21669 MiniRacingOnline: In-Game Graphics non-transparent/Not in proper positions
+ 22330 Dragon Age: Origins doesn't run
+ 22659 1by1 player: file/song list text overlaps and becomes unreadable if enlarged
+ 23235 If Xserver does not suppoer MIT-SHM, log get spammed
+ 23719 Capitalism II fails to install
+ 23803 rawdump (semi)works with dotnet20, but not mono26
+ 24050 sparc/linux: port.c:189:2: error: #error You must implement wine_switch_to_stack for your platform
+ 24368 Incoming: game is uncontrollably fast
+ 24510 Blur needs msvcr90.dll.__libm_sse2_cos et al
+ 24547 Secret of Monkey Island and WinIoEx want msvcr80.dll.?_name_internal_method@type_info@@QBEPBDPAU__type_info_node@@@Z (and possibly some msvcp80 functions)
+ 24720 Oblivion crashes, debugger NOT started
+ 24848 .NET 1.1 uninstall hangs
+ 24974 D3D Texture formats INTZ and NULL are not supported
+ 25107 When panning on SeaClear, bits of the chart get 'left behind'
+ 25195 WINE msi does not uninstall files correctly and does not update registry
+ 25201 wine: Call from 0x7b838b62 to unimplemented function mscoree.dll.GetFileVersion
+ 25254 AutoCAD Mechanical 2005 PL: Fails to install
+ 25268 chm help viewer: blank help pages
+ 25331 Visual C++ 2005 Express install fails
+ 25456 ws2_32:sock tests fail for nearly everyone
+ 25478 MS Office Pro 2010 Trial: activation over the internet fails
+ 25538 Heroes of Newerth needs native msvcr80
+ 25544 Mafia 2: Fails to start
+ 25583 Starcraft II fails to start
+ 25636 Mirror's Edge crashes when loading the first mission
+ 25655 Anarchy Online crashes on start-up
+ 25690 Silverfall fails to start (possible Securom issue)
+ 25691 ImageList_Duplicate doesn't correctly duplicate full length of has_alpha byte array
+ 25695 Solo Defender crashes on start, needs msvcr90.dll._realloc_crt
+ 25743 Burger Shop 2 sets invalid permissions on launch
+ 25830 urlmon:sec_mgr tests fail on clang
+ 25845 Compiling fails in kernel32 --without-curses
+ 25856 Unable to type - in cmd anymore.
+ 25860 Raid over Moscow fails to start
+ 25874 tray icon in gnome panel corruption
+ 25882 Eve online crashes with builtin msvcr80 on unimplemented function _wsopen_s
+ 25883 Stalker pripyat benchmark crashes with builtin msvcr80 on unimplemented function _sopen_s
+ 25893 shell32:autocomplete test fails under WINEDEBUG=warn+heap
+ 25910 Notepad tries to open a file using wrong sharing mode
+ 25914 Dead Space 2 exits with error
+ 25925 Bioshock: installer autopatcher fails verification
+ 25926 part of subwindow sheared by line
+ 25943 MSI doesn't delete Skype (5.1) files upon deinstallation
+ 25946 gdi32/font tests fail on ubuntu x86_64
+ 25964 wine builtin IE crash with CNCBSecPkg_EN.exe installed : unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.IoGetDeviceInterfaces
-Changes since 1.1.21:
-Alexandre Julliard (33):
- user32/tests: Fix the LB_DELETESTRING for older Windows versions.
- user32/tests: Add more systematic support for ignoring certain messages.
- include: Fix the C_ASSERT macro for the latest gcc.
- user32/tests: Add an optional message for Win95.
- wininet: Centralize detection of chunked mode and add a flag for it in the http request structure.
- wininet: Add a read-ahead buffer to allow InternetQueryDataAvailable to return the right values in chunked mode.
- wininet/tests: Add a test for reading chunked data.
- wininet: Get rid of the SSL-specific read-ahead buffer.
- mlang: Return the correct count in IMLangFontLink_GetStrCodePages when aborting early.
- shlwapi: Add a partial stub for IConnectionPoint_InvokeWithCancel.
- ntdll: Added a stub for RtlUnwindEx on x86_64.
- ntdll: Initial implementation of RtlVirtualUnwind on x86_64.
- ntdll/tests: Added some test cases for RtlVirtualUnwind.
- ntdll: Free old memory block when reallocating to a large block.
- ntdll: Tweak the file mapping permission checks some more, with tests.
- ntdll/tests: Add more tests for RtlVirtualUnwind.
- ntdll: Add support for some function epilogs in RtlVirtualUnwind.
- ntdll: Add test cases for the returned frame value in RtlVirtualUnwind.
- msvcrt/tests: Use the _winver etc. variables instead of the __p_ functions that don't exist on 64-bit.
- winmm: Fix some Win64 pointer truncations issues.
- msacm32.drv: Fix some Win64 pointer truncations issues.
- oleaut32: Add support for registering 64-bit typelibs.
- oleaut32/tests: Fix some pointer sizes in typelib tests for 64-bit.
- oleaut32/tests: Fix the tmarshal test on 64-bit.
- widl: Add support for writing 64-bit format typelibs.
- widl: Add support for standard target options to allow building the right typelib kind when cross-compiling.
- oleaut32/tests: Fix some pointer sizes in typelib tests for 64-bit.
- kernel32: Add missing terminator on %wc format conversion.
- shell32: Remove unnecessary linefeeds in traces.
- ntdll: Implemented RtlLookupFunctionEntry for x86_64.
- ntdll: Initial support for dispatching exceptions to stack handlers on x86_64.
- ntdll: Implement __C_specific_handler for x86_64.
- ntdll: Implement RtlUnwindEx for x86_64.
-Anders Jonsson (3):
- notepad: Update Swedish translation.
- regedit: Update Swedish translation.
- mshtml: Update Swedish translation.
-Andrew Nguyen (11):
- kernel32/tests: Correctly skip tests when the Unicode directory functions are not available.
- kernel32/tests: Correctly skip tests when the Unicode drive functions are not available.
- kernel32/tests: Correctly skip when the Unicode file functions are not available.
- kernel32/tests: Correctly skip when Unicode locale functions are not available.
- kernel32/tests: Correctly skip when GetTempPathW is not available.
- kernel32/tests: Correctly skip when Unicode thread functions are not available.
- kernel32: Don't validate the command line parameter of CreateProcessW.
- kernel32: Correct the last error of CreateProcessW with an empty application name string.
- kernel32: Correct the last error of CreateProcessW with an empty command line string.
- kernel32/tests: Use named constants for a drive test.
- kernel32/tests: Correctly skip when the Unicode communications functions are not available.
-André Hentschel (1):
- winemaker: Read the includes of a dsp project file.
-Aric Stewart (19):
- msctf: Implement ITfKeystrokeMgr::AdviseKeyEventSink.
- msctf: Implement ITfKeystrokeMgr::UnadviseKeyEventSink.
- msctf: Implement ITfKeystrokeMgr::GetForeground.
- msctf: Implement ITfSource interface for ITfInputProcessorProfiles.
- msctf: Support advising ITfLanguageProfileNotifySink in ITfInputProcessorProfiles.
- msctf: Map out currently missing interfaces.
- msctf: Define ITfEditSession implemented by TextServices.
- msctf: TfContext intitalization and uninitialization on Push and Pop.
- msctf/tests: Test TextService requesting an EditSession.
- msctf: Starting implementation of ITfContext::RequestEditSession and ITextStoreACPSink::OnLockGranted.
- advapi32: Handle well qualified names in LookupAccountNameW for account names.
- msctf: Add stub implementation of ITfRange.
- msctf: Implement ITfRange::GetContext.
- msctf: Beginning of TfEditCookie definition and usage.
- msctf: Generate TfEditCookies for edit sessions.
- msctf: Correct order of dwFlag checking to properly be able to set a ReadWrite lock.
- msctf: Beginning implementation of ITfContext::GetStart.
- msctf: Beginning implementation of ITfContext::GetEnd.
- msctf: Beginning implementation of ITfContext::GetSelection.
-Aurimas Fišeras (1):
- notepad: Update Lithuanian translation.
-Austin English (7):
- secur32/tests: Sign compare fixes.
- d3dxof/tests: Sign compare fix.
- hlink/tests: Sign compare fix.
- msvcrt/tests: Sign compare fixes.
- imm32/tests: Sign compare fix.
- ntdll: Change a noisy FIXME to a WARN.
- powerprof: Remove a noisy FIXME.
-Damjan Jovanovic (3):
- oleaut32: fix a rounding bug in VarFormat.
- oleaut32: Strip trailing decimal zeroes when rounding a number in VarFormat.
- oleaut32: Add a failing VarFormat test showing that wine wrongly truncates decimals with large negative exponents instead of rounding.
-Detlef Riekenberg (1):
- wininet/tests: Remove a duplicate test.
-Dmitry Timoshkov (5):
- sfnt2fnt: Take into account external leading when calculating the font point size.
- winedump: Add an ability to dump font files.
- system.sfd: Make lower case latin letters in 18 pixel Japanese bitmap font not bold.
- user32: Invalidate a being removed listbox item before deleting it as it's been done before d2ecb1194102b6d7e6078556f80e58c70ca39c23.
- dbghelp: All parameters of MiniDumpReadDumpStream() except base are optional.
-Eric Pouech (2):
- msvfw32: Clearly separate the 16-bit code out of the rest by wrapping 16-bit message functions in thunks.
- msvideo16: Make msvideo16 a separate 16-bit module.
-Francois Gouget (37):
- winhlp32: Use Win32 APIs instead of strdup().
- msctf/tests: Reorder the code to avoid forward declarations.
- msctf/tests: Make some functions static.
- setupapi: VcpEnumFiles() is implemented so export it.
- dsound/tests: Replace malloc() with HeapAlloc().
- lz32/tests: Replace malloc() with HeapAlloc().
- ntdll/tests: Replace malloc() with HeapAlloc().
- shell32/tests: Replace malloc() with HeapAlloc().
- winecfg: Use Win32 APIs instead of strdup().
- ddraw/tests: Replace malloc() with HeapAlloc().
- wined3d: Make surface_force_reload() static.
- iphlpapi: Make getInterfacePhysicalByName() static.
- d3dx8/tests: Make compare_vec3() static.
- rpcrt4: Make RPCRT4_NextHttpHeaderField() and RPCRT4_default_receive_fragment() static.
- ntdll: virtual_free_system_view() is not used anymore so remove it.
- riched20: ME_MakeString() is unused so remove it.
- dplayx: NS_GetOtherMagic() is not used, so remove it.
- dplayx: Reorder the code to avoid forward declarations.
- fusion: assembly_get_architecture() is unused so remove it.
- fusion: CompareAssemblyIdentity() and GetAssemblyIdentityFromFile() are unused stubs and don't belong in fusion.dll. So remove them.
- comctl32/tests: Make flush_sequence() static.
- winedbg: Replace realloc() with HeapReAlloc().
- setupapi: Remove some dead code: VCP_VirtnodeDelete() and VCP_RenameFiles().
- setupapi: VcpFlush() and vsmString{Compare,Find}() are unused so remove them.
- shell32: Make AboutDlgProc() and SHELL_execute() static.
- winapi_test: Simplify the code that builds the list of headers to process.
- dplayx: cbDelete{Groups,Player}Elem() are unused so remove them.
- winetest: Rename xmalloc() & co to heap_xxx() to not imply they are based on malloc(), and add heap_free().
- winetest: Replace malloc() & co with HeapAlloc().
- advapi32/tests: Replace realloc() with HeapReAlloc().
- gphoto2.ds: Use Win32 APIs instead of strdup().
- mstask/tests: Replace realloc() with HeapReAlloc().
- oleaut32/tests: Replace realloc() with HeapReAlloc().
- userenv/tests: Replace realloc() with HeapReAlloc().
- msi/tests: Use win_skip() to skip over unimplemented functionality.
- shell32: Add the SHCreateDirectoryEx() macro.
- msctf: Fix an error message.
-Frans Kool (1):
- winedbg: Add Dutch translations.
-Gerald Pfeifer (3):
- cryptui: Remove double assignment in import_store_dlg_proc().
- msi: Initialize variable in MSI_ApplyPatchW.
- libwine: Remove redundant prototype for wine_call_on_stack().
-Guy Albertelli (1):
- kernel32/tests: Add more tests for GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA.
-Hans Leidekker (6):
- setupapi: Add stub implementations of SetupUninstallOEMInfA/W.
- setupapi: Add stub implementations of CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size_ExA/W.
- wininet: Implement GetDiskInfoA.
- wininet: Add a stub implementation of IncrementUrlCacheHeaderData.
- kernel32: Add support for %ws and %wc format specifiers to FormatMessageA/W.
- kernel32: Add tests for FormatMessageA/W.
-Henri Verbeet (25):
- wined3d: Use the output signature to map SM4 pixel shader outputs to the appropriate register.
- d3d10core: Improve the shader input/output signature parsing code.
- d3d10core: Parse pixelshader output signatures and pass them to CreatePixelShader().
- d3d10core: Release the wined3d shader when the d3d10 pixel shader is destroyed.
- d3d10core: Implement ID3D10Device::PSSetShader().
- wined3d: Pass a struct wined3d_shader_register to shader_arb_get_register_name().
- wined3d: Pass a struct wined3d_shader_register to shader_dump_register().
- wined3d: Pass a struct wined3d_shader_register to shader_record_register_usage().
- wined3d: Print the correct limit in a WARN().
- wined3d: Don't create more than WINED3D_MAX_FBO_ENTRIES FBO entries.
- wined3d: Directly call basetexture_apply_state_changes().
- wined3d: Add missing GL locking to fragment_pipeline.enable_extension() implementations.
- wined3d: Add missing GL locking to shader_backend_t.shader_free_private() implementations.
- wined3d: Add missing GL locking to state table calls.
- wined3d: Add missing GL locking to shader_backend_t.shader_select() calls.
- wined3d: Add missing GL locking to delete_glsl_program_entry() calls.
- wined3d: Add missing GL locking to calls to FBO functions.
- wined3d: Add missing GL locking to set_blit_dimension() calls.
- wined3d: Add missing GL locking to IWineD3DDeviceImpl_Uninit3D().
- wined3d: Add missing GL locking to test_pbo_functionality().
- wined3d: Add missing GL locking to d3dfmt_p8_upload_palette().
- wined3d: Add missing GL locking to ffp_blit_set() and ffp_blit_unset().
- wined3d: Add missing GL locking to check_fbo_compat().
- wined3d: Document functions that depend on the caller to do GL locking.
- wined3d: Remove some unused defines.
-Huw Davies (28):
- ole32/tests: Make the size tests for the WdtpInterfacePointer marshaller more restrictive.
- ole32/tests: Add tests to show the WdtpInterfacePointer marshal data looks like the result of CoMarshalInterface.
- include: Correct a typo.
- ole32: Add proxies and stubs for GetData and GetDataHere.
- ole32: Add proxies and stubs for Read and Write.
- ole32: Add proxies and stubs for Seek and CopyTo.
- ole32: Add proxies and stubs for OpenStream and EnumElements.
- ole32: Add proxies and stubs for ReadAt and WriteAt.
- ole32: Add proxies and stubs for FillAppend and FillAt.
- msctf/tests: Fix a compiler warning.
- ole32/tests: Show that it's the loword of the separate flag parameter that determines the marshalling context.
- ole32: Implement the WdtpInterfacePointer marshal functions.
- ole32/tests: Add tests for STGMEDIUM marshalling with a non-NULL pUnkForRelease.
- ole32: Add support for marshalling pUnkForRelease.
- ole32/tests: Add tests for TYMED_ISTREAM marshalling.
- ole32: Implement TYMED_ISTREAM marshalling.
- ole32: Implement TYMED_ISTORAGE marshalling.
- ole32/tests: Remove assumptions about the size of marshalled data.
- ole32/tests: Cope with an alignment hole between the two marshalled interfaces.
- ole32: Beginnings of OleCreateFromDataEx.
- ole32: Add support for retrieving data from IPersistStorage.
- ole32: Add support for retrieving the data from CF_EMBEDDEDOBJECT.
- ole32: Use OleCreateFromDataEx to implement OleCreateFromData.
- ntdll/tests: Mark RtlUnicodeStringToInteger("", 16) as broken for nt4.
- ole32/tests: Exercise the HGLOBAL marshaller over a range of block sizes.
- ole32/tests: Use the current stream position to determine the marshal data size.
- ole32: Fix remote HMETAFILEPICT marshalling on 64 bit systems.
- ole32: Explicitly add the three ULONGs from the METAFILEPICT struct to allow for padding in the 64-bit version.
-Ilya Shpigor (1):
- msi: Subscribe to SetProgress event on adding progress bar control to dialog.
-Jacek Caban (27):
- urlmon: Cache the binding notif window.
- urlmon: Added support for PI_APARTMENTTHREADED to BindProtocol::Switch.
- urlmon: Added support for PI_APARTMENTTHREADED to BindProtocol::ReportProgress.
- urlmon: Added PI_APARTMENTTHREADED support to BindProtocol::ReportProgress.
- urlmon: Added PI_APARTMENTTHREADED support to BindProtocol::ReportResult.
- urlmon: Use PI_APARTMENTTHREADED in Binding object.
- urlmon: Return E_FAIL in Binding::Switch implementation.
- urlmon: Get rid of no longer needed thread checking in Binding object's ReportData and ReportResult implementation.
- urlmon: Get rid of no longer needed thread checking in Binding::ReportProgress.
- urlmon: Get rid of no longer needed values in Binding object.
- urlmon: Moved notif window handling to bindprot.c.
- mshtml: Handle aCount < buf_size case correctly in nsIInputStream::Read implementation.
- urlmon: Added PI_MIMEVERIFICATION support.
- urlmon: Added PI_MIMEVERIFICATION tests.
- urlmon: Use PI_MIMEVERIFICATION in Binding object.
- urlmon: Added GetBindString(BINDSTRING_URL) implementation.
- urlmon: Use internal IInternetProtocol protocol for communication with pluggable protocol in BindProtocol.
- urlmon: Fixed buffer size argument in Read call.
- urlmon: Move MIME availability handling to separated function.
- urlmon: Use protocol_handler in Switch implementation.
- urlmon: Use common name for IInternetProtocol and IInternetProtocolSink vtbls.
- urlmon: Added support for MIME filters.
- urlmon: Added MIME filter handling in BindProtocol tests.
- urlmon: Added IUriContainer declaration.
- urlmon: Fixed buffer size calculation.
- urlmon: Fixed tests on Windows.
-Joris Huizer (2):
- pdh: Return correct error on allocation failure.
- msctf: ITfContext::RequestEditSession: dwLockFlags logic corrected.
-Juan Lang (5):
- inetmib1/tests: Trace the SNMP error code and index rather than GetLastError on failure.
- inetmib1: Fix memory leaks.
- inetmib1: Make sure the successor to an item doesn't have an identical key as it, to prevent infinite loops in table enumeration.
- inetmib1: Don't query the same OID twice if it returns SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOSUCHNAME the first time.
- inetmib1: Rename a poorly named variable.
-Kai Blin (1):
- secur32: Don't try to use ntlm_auth --use-cred-cache.
-Lionel Debroux (1):
- kernel32: Fix doc header for SetThreadIdealProcessor.
-Luke Benstead (1):
- ddraw: Add tests for DirectDrawSurface reference counting.
+Changes since 1.3.12:
+Akihiro Sagawa (2):
+ po: Update Japanese translation.
+ wrc: Don't match a po message if a same msgid message is defined, but its msgctxt is null.
+Alexander Law (1):
+ programs/notepad: Correct sharing mode for opening file in notepad.
+Alexander Morozov (10):
+ shell32/tests: Add tests for IShellDispatch::NameSpace.
+ shell32/tests: Fix test failure on some NT4.
+ shell32: Implement IShellDispatch::NameSpace.
+ shell32: Partially implement Folder::get_Title.
+ winemapi: Implement MAPIResolveName.
+ winemapi: Address can contain "SMTP:".
+ shell32: Release iTypeInfo on error.
+ shell32/tests: Add tests for FolderItem::get_Path.
+ ntoskrnl.exe: Add stub for IoGetDeviceInterfaces.
+ shell32/tests: NT4 doesn't have the Folder2 interface.
+Alexander Scott-Johns (10):
+ ole32: Add support for rendering METAFILEPICT clipboard objects.
+ ole32: Add support for rendering HBITMAP clipboard objects.
+ user32/tests: Test getting the data from synthesized clipboard formats.
+ winex11.drv: Implement synthesizing the CF_ENHMETAFILE clipboard format from CF_METAFILEPICT.
+ user32: Partially fix clipboard viewer infinite recursion bug.
+ ole32: Fix error handling in get_data_from_metafilepict and get_data_from_bitmap.
+ winex11.drv: Remove broken HeapFree call.
+ notepad: Load UTF-8 encoding name from resources instead of using GetCPInfoEx.
+ winex11.drv: Remove unused constant, and fix a comment.
+ winex11.drv: Improve error handling in bitmap synthesizing code.
+Alexandre Julliard (53):
+ dbghelp: Use Dwarf debug info even when part of it is missing.
+ wmc: Add a copy of the strmake utility function.
+ wmc: Store input file location for each individual message.
+ wmc: Add support for generating a po template file.
+ wmc: Add support for generating message translations based on po files.
+ makefiles: Add rules to update po files from .mc files in maintainer mode.
+ kernel32: Convert message translations to po files.
+ winefile: Recover some resources that were lost during the po conversion.
+ iccvid: Recover some resources that were lost during the po conversion.
+ msvcrt: Implemented __control87_2.
+ msvcrt: Implemented _statusfp2.
+ msvcrt: Implemented _clearfp for SSE2 and x86_64.
+ msvcrt: Implemented _fpreset for SSE2 and x86_64.
+ msvcrt: Implemented _set_controlfp.
+ msvcrt: Add a non-optimized implementation for the SSE2 math functions.
+ include: Add a prototype for RtlUnwindEx on x86_64.
+ ntdll: Capture the context inside RtlUnwindEx instead of assuming it's already initialized.
+ ntdll: Avoid copying and restoring the context in RtlCaptureContext for x86_64.
+ ntdll: Implement set_cpu_context for x86_64 directly instead of using the winebuild-generated code.
+ ntdll: Implement RtlRaiseException for x86_64 directly instead of using the winebuild-generated code.
+ ntdll: Get rid of support for register entry points on x86_64.
+ winebuild: Get rid of support for register entry points on x86_64.
+ configure: Automatically remove obsolete entries in po files.
+ makedep: Add dependencies for the msg.pot file.
+ kernel32: Add proper English messages for all error codes.
+ winedbg: Add dumping of floating point registers for x86_64.
+ dbghelp: Add a helper function to determine the name of the wine loader.
+ dbghelp: Use wine64 as loader name on 64-bit.
+ user32: Propagate the LoadImage flags into the low-level loader functions.
+ user32: Fix LoadImage behavior with zero size and no LR_DEFAULTSIZE.
+ server: Create anonymous file mappings in the config directory if the server directory is mounted noexec.
+ ntdll: Fix frame address check in RtlCaptureStackBackTrace to match what RtlUnwind does.
+ dbghelp: Fix an uninitialized return value.
+ ntdll/tests: Avoid sizeof in a trace.
+ opencl: Avoid size_t in traces.
+ winebuild: Don't remove stdcall decorations on non-x86.
+ ntdll: Avoid copying and restoring the context in RtlCaptureContext for i386.
+ ntdll: Add a helper function for checking stack frame limits.
+ ntdll: Add support for longjmp in RtlUnwindEx.
+ msvcrt: longjmp doesn't have a return value.
+ msvcrt: Implement longjmp for x86_64.
+ setupapi: Fix access rights for cabinet creation.
+ cabarc: Initial version of the cabarc.exe tool, with support for creating a cabinet.
+ cabarc: Add support for listing and extracting cabinets.
+ cabinet: Use constants instead of hard-coded numbers for file open flags.
+ cabinet: Replace the fci_set_error macro by a proper function.
+ cabinet: Call FCI function pointers explicitly instead of hiding them inside macros.
+ cabinet: Pass an FCI pointer to internal functions instead of a handle.
+ cabinet: Move the internal FCI structure to fci.c.
+ cabinet: Add a helper function to set error code in FDI.
+ cabinet: Pass an FDI pointer to internal functions instead of a handle.
+ cabinet: Call FDI function pointers explicitly instead of hiding them inside macros.
+ cabinet: Move internal FDI definitions to fdi.c.
+Alistair Leslie-Hughes (1):
+ mshtml: Implement IHTMLStyle put_borderTopColor.
+Andrew Nguyen (13):
+ server: Filter the WOW64 registry access flags before performing the access check.
+ shell32/tests: Release the IAutoComplete interface on a failure path.
+ shell32: Improve initialization state and parameter handling in IAutoComplete::Init.
+ shell32: Store the autocompletion object pointer in a window property rather than in the window user data.
+ shell32: Keep at least one reference to the autocompletion object at initialization until the edit window is destroyed.
+ ntdll: Fix one-time warning message output.
+ msvcr90/tests: Avoid casting away const in comparison functions.
+ ntdll/tests: Avoid casting away const in comparison functions.
+ dxdiagn: Avoid zeroing memory in container functions.
+ dxdiagn: Convert the container linked list to a standard Wine list.
+ dxdiagn: Convert the property linked list to a standard Wine list.
+ dxdiagn: Simplify the root container initialization.
+ dxdiagn: Avoid caching a single instance of the root container.
+André Hentschel (3):
+ gameux: Only trace on success (clang).
+ mountmgr: Use define instead of hardcoded value.
+ kernel32: Use define instead of hardcoded value.
+Aurimas Fišeras (2):
+ po: Update Lithuanian translation.
+ po: Update Lithuanian translation.
+Austin English (6):
+ advapi32/tests: Make sure to use return value (LLVM/Clang).
+ wintrust/tests: Make sure return values are used (LLVM/Clang).
+ wintrust/tests: Make sure return values are used (LLVM/Clang).
+ wintrust/tests: Make sure return values are used (LLVM/Clang).
+ wintrust: Remove a dead assignment (LLVM/Clang).
+ advapi32/tests: Make sure to use return value (LLVM/Clang).
+Charles Davis (6):
+ dinput: Don't link to/include Carbon on Mac OS X.
+ ntdll: Check for case-insensitive volumes.
+ winecoreaudio: Don't use Component Manager on Mac OS 10.6.
+ winecoreaudio: Fix deprecation warnings in audiounit.c.
+ winecoreaudio: Fix deprecation warnings in audio.c.
+ winecoreaudio: Fix deprecation warnings in mixer.c.
+David Hedberg (1):
+ gdi32: Stay within the clipping area when painting text background.
+Detlef Riekenberg (5):
+ kernel32: Don't mask when printing unsupported flags in load_library.
+ msvcr90: Implement _stat32, _fstat32, _wstat32.
+ include: Add missing _stat64i32 / _stat32i64.
+ msvcrt: Add private define and header tests for _set_error_mode options.
+ msvcrt: Use the _set_error_mode value to switch between a dialogbox and stderr for C runtime messages.
+Dmitry Timoshkov (3):
+ winex11.drv: Associate the real DC transformation with cached font data.
+ gdi32: Add ExtSelectClipRgn() tests for memory and window DCs.
+ winex11.drv: Make sure that default clipping region exists before calling ExcludeUpdateRgn().
+Eric Pouech (13):
+ kernel32: Added missing include to term.c.
+ kernel32: In edit line, fix the insert key management.
+ kernel32: No longer init the terminfo database nor application key mode when 0 or 1 are not bound to a tty.
+ kernel32: Properly manage UTF-8 (and any wcs) input strings.
+ kernel32: Added support for ctrl-home (aka clear from beginning of line) in line edition in win32 mode.
+ kernel32: Store key len in dbkey_pair structure for efficiency reasons.
+ kernel32: Added support for extended capacities in terminfo for xterm-like terminals.
+ kernel32: Added shift & ctrl modifiers for function keys.
+ kernel32: Use binary search for key lookup in terminfo generated data.
+ winedump: Added definition and dumping of thread local variables.
+ dbghelp: Added support for variables in thread storage.
+ dbghelp: Properly declare variables with thread storage from codeview debug format.
+ winedbg: Added support for variables with thread storage.
+Greg Geldorp (8):
+ gdi32/tests: Fix font tests on Arabic machines.
+ user32/tests: Fix edit tests.
+ riched20/tests: Fix editor tests.
+ riched32/tests: Fix editor tests.
+ shell32/tests: Remove shlwapi dependency.
+ msi/tests: Check 64-bit reg view if key not present in 32-bit view.
+ shell32/tests: Use long file name.
+ winmm/tests: Skip some tests on VMware.
+Hans Leidekker (22):
+ msi: Don't interpret assembly name attributes.
+ msi: Implement the MsiPublishAssemblies and MsiUnpublishAssemblies standard actions.
+ wininet/tests: Trace errors from InternetReadFile in test_basic_request.
+ msi: Check the return value of fetch_int (clang).
+ msi/tests: Consistently test return values (clang).
+ msi: Check the return value of IActiveScript_AddNamedItem (clang).
+ msi: Make sure the return value is initialized in save_table (clang).
+ msi: Use a return value (clang).
+ msi/tests: Test a return value (clang).
+ msi: Check a return value (clang).
+ msi: Return the correct disk prompt size from MsiSourceListEnumMediaDisksW (clang).
+ msi: Initialize a variable in get_patch_product_codes (clang).
+ msi: Skip rollback custom actions.
+ winhttp/tests: Test a return value (clang).
+ mountmgr: Add a stub implementation of ioctl 0x560000.
+ kernel32/tests: Add a test for ioctl 0x560000.
+ programs: Add a stubbed PlugPlay service.
+ hnetcfg: Return success from fw_app_put_Enabled.
+ msi: Reset file attributes before removing a file.
+ programs: Add winemsibuilder.
+ msi: Handle out-of-memory condition in encode_streamname.
+ msi: Try harder to remove non-persistent directories.
+Henri Verbeet (40):
+ wined3d: Remove IWineD3DSurface::RealizePalette() from the public interface.
+ wined3d: Remove IWineD3DSurface::DrawOverlay() from the public interface.
+ wined3d: WINED3DFMT_INTZ is a FOURCC format.
+ wined3d: Use dot() instead of length() in shader_glsl_nrm().
+ wined3d: Disable vertex shader output clamping.
+ d3d10: Remove a redundant assignment in parse_fx10_object() (LLVM/Clang).
+ d3d9: Remove some useless ERRs (LLVM/Clang).
+ d3d8: Remove a useless ERR (LLVM/Clang).
+ wined3d: Do checks at the start of surface_init() (LLVM/Clang).
+ wined3d: Verify we have at least one framebuffer attachment before doing clears or draws.
+ wined3d: Add support for the NULL format.
+ d3d8/tests: Add a test for the NULL format.
+ d3d9/tests: Add a test for the NULL format.
+ wined3d: Set all render targets to NULL in IWineD3DDeviceImpl_Uninit3D().
+ d3d9: Check the correct swapchain in IDirect3DDevice9Impl_GetSwapChain() (LLVM/Clang).
+ ddraw: Link directly to wined3d.
+ widl: Support forward type declarations.
+ wined3d: Set color / depth / stencil surfaces to NULL before releasing them in IWineD3DDeviceImpl_Uninit3D().
+ wined3d: Remove COM from the stateblock.
+ wined3d: Get rid of the IWineD3DStateBlock typedef.
+ wined3d: Get rid of the IWineD3DStateBlockImpl typedef.
+ d3d8/tests: Release doesn't return a HRESULT (LLVM/Clang).
+ d3d9/tests: Check ColorFill() return codes in color_fill_test() (LLVM/Clang).
+ wined3d: Just fail if the texture type is not supported in create_glsl_blt_shader() (LLVM/Clang).
+ wined3d: Pass a const adapter to the format caps checking functions.
+ d3d9/tests: Check another return value in maxmip_test() (LLVM/Clang).
+ wined3d: Make volumetexture_ops static.
+ wined3d: Remove COM from IWineD3D.
+ wined3d: Get rid of the IWineD3D typedefs.
+ wined3d: Check if formats are supported as render target in srgbwrite_format_test().
+ winex11.drv: Only query for XShm on first use.
+ wined3d: Remove COM from the vertex declaration.
+ wined3d: Get rid of the IWineD3DVertexDeclaration typedefs.
+ wined3d: Remove COM from the palette.
+ wined3d: Get rid of the IWineD3DPalette typedefs.
+ wined3d: Remove COM from the clipper implementation.
+ wined3d: Get rid of the IWineD3DClipper typedefs.
+ wined3d: Use an internal call table for query operations.
+ wined3d: Remove COM from the query implementation.
+ wined3d: Get rid of the IWineD3DQuery typedefs.
+Huw Davies (3):
+ widl: Initialise [out] only parameters if they are user types or interface pointers.
+ widl: Don't dereference if the referenced type is a user type.
+ rpcrt4/tests: Add a test for marshalling a pointer to a user type, where the user type is itself a pointer.
+Hwang YunSong (1):
+ po: Update Korean resource.
+Iain Arnell (2):
+ gdiplus: C++ fixes for headers.
+ gdiplus: Qualify reference to Gdiplus::Pixelformat.
+Jacek Caban (12):
+ urlmon: Fixed key name size and format in open_zone_key.
+ jscript: Fixed some clang warnings.
+ mshtml: Added script execution time tests.
+ mshtml: Added support for recursive script runners.
+ wininet: Handles handling clean up.
+ wininet: Keep handles invalid but reserved in InternetCloseHandle.
+ wininet: Added more InternetCloseHandle tests.
+ wininet: Moved creation of an object and allocating handles to common function.
+ mshtml: Don't try forwarding calls to Gecko that are not implemented there anyways.
+ wininet: Moved freeing object to WININET_Release.
+ wininet: status_string clean up.
+ mshtml: Added nsIURI::SetSpec implementation.
+Joris Huizer (1):
+ rpcrt4: Reduce scope of variable (Clang).
+Juan Lang (7):
+ crypt32/tests: Test return value rather than output buffer before checking buffer contents (clang).
+ crypt32/tests: Test some return values (clang).
+ crypt32/tests: Remove dead assignments (clang).
+ crypt32/tests: Don't assign a return value that's never checked (clang).
+ crypt32/tests: Add tests that show that CertRDNValueToStr doesn't quote (based on a patch by Christian Inci).
+ crypt32/tests: Test CertNameToStr's quoting behavior with CERT_SIMPLE_NAME_STR.
+ crypt32: Fix string quoting in CertRDNValueToStrA/W and CertNameToStrA/W.
+Ken Thomases (1):
+ mountmgr: Balance volume references in add_volume().
+Kusanagi Kouichi (7):
+ kernel32: Include term.h conditionally.
+ gdi32/tests: Add some more tests for GetCharABCWidthsA.
+ gdi32: Reject invalid character range in GetCharABCWidthsA.
+ gdi32: Upper 24 bits of a character range must be same.
+ gdi32/tests: Consolidate identity matrices.
+ gdi32/tests: Add tests for GetGlyphOutlineA.
+ gdi32: Check if a character is double byte or single byte.
+Loïc Maury (1):
+ ntdll : Implement CDROM_Verify to work on Mac OS X.
Marcus Meissner (2):
- urlmon: Separate NULL ptr check (Coverity 924).
- wininet: lpwhr cannot be NULL (Coverity 927).
-Michael Stefaniuc (9):
- msvideo.dll16: Add missing unlock on an error path (Smatch).
- msctf: Allocate memory only right before it's needed.
- notepad: Use the more specific MAKEINTRESOURCEW macro.
- notepad: Use the explicit W-form of the functions.
- notepad: The UNICODE define isn't needed anymore; remove it.
- notepad: Fix the Romanian translation.
- Fix typo in Romanian translation basă => bază.
- urlmon: Move 'inline' right after the storage specifier.
- msctf: Use FAILED instead of !SUCCEDED.
-Nicolas Le Cam (2):
- wininet/tests: Temporize async HttpSendRequestEx test to avoid timeouts.
- wininet/tests: Fix test when automatically detect network settings is on.
-Nikolay Sivov (36):
- comctl32/listview: Make ListView_* macros match PSDK.
- comctl32/listview: Remove superfluous forward declarations.
- comctl32/listview: Select all items with LVM_SETITEMSTATE is blocked in LVS_SINGLESEL.
- comctl32/listview: Don't redraw focus rectangle on column scroll.
- comctl32/listview: Add LVN_INCREMENTALSEARCH definitions.
- comctl32/header: Make Header_* macros match PSDK.
- comctl32/listview: A couple of tests for changing item attributes.
- comctl32/listview: Use neutral LVITEM in ListView_SetItemState macro.
- comctl32/listview: Don't check for state changes we are not aware to store (with some tests).
- comctl32/tab: Fix TabCtrl_* macros.
- comctl32/treeview: Fix TreeView_* macros.
- comctl32/animate: Fix Animate_* macros.
- comctl32/header: Retrieve control data only once at WinProc call.
- comctl32/header: Move parameter cast to WinProc where possible.
- comctl32/header: Use cached colors instead of querying them again.
- comtl32/listview: Cache Header control window GWL_STYLE.
- comctl32/treeview: Use cached colors instead of GetSysColor in TreeView.
- comctl32/tests: Don't use magic numbers for ListView exstyles.
- comctl32/ipaddress: Use cached colors instead of GetSysColor for IPAddress control.
- comctl32/monthcal: Use cached colors instead of GetSysColor for MonthCal.
- comctl32/rebar: Use cached colors instead of GetSysColor for Rebar.
- comctl32/status: Use cached colors instead of GetSysColor for Status.
- comctl32/toolbar: Retrieve control data once at WinProc.
- comctl32/toolbar: Remove superfluous forward declarations.
- comctl32/toolbar: Use already cached control window style.
- comctl32/toolbar: No need to use GetSysColor directly.
- comctl32/comboex: Use cached colors for ComboEx.
- comctl32/tab: Use cached colors for Tab.
- comctl32/syslink: Use cached colors for SysLink.
- comctl32/tooltips: Use cached colors for ToolTips.
- comctl32/listview: Handle mouse selections more accurately.
- comctl32/listview: Fix hittesting for LVS_REPORT subitems.
- comctl32/listview: Don't use uninitialized value.
- comctl32/tests: A basic test for ListView WM_SETREDRAW.
- comctl32/listview: Update focus rectangle properly.
- comctl32/tests: A bunch of ListView hittest tests.
-Paul TBBle Hampson (1):
- gdi32: Autopopulate FontLinks when autopopulating FontSubstitutes.
-Paul Vriens (18):
- notepad: Fix the Dutch translations.
- comdlg32: Improve the Dutch find and replace dialogs.
- shell32: Improve the Dutch 'about' message box.
- wininet/tests: Fix some test failures with IE8 on W2K3.
- mshtml/tests: Fix some test failures with IE8.
- shdocvw/tests: Fix a test failure with IE8.
- user32/tests: Fix test failures on Win9x/WinME.
- wininet/tests: Fix some test failures on systems with IE6 or older.
- inetcomm: Prevent possible dereferences (Coverity).
- setupapi/tests: Fix remaining failures on Win9x.
- setupapi: Fix passing a NULL parameter (Coverity).
- wine.inf: Set the correct initial service pack information.
- ntdll: Fix a typo.
- kernel32/tests: Fix some test failures on Win9x/WinME.
- wintrust/tests: Add a basic CryptCATOpen test.
- urlmon/tests: Fix some test failures on IE8.
- gdi32/tests: Fix a test failure on Win9x/WinME.
- kernel32/tests: Fix test failure on older W2K boxes.
-Rein Klazes (1):
- win87em.dll16: Remove a unnecessary floating point instruction that can cause invalid operation exceptions.
-Ricardo Filipe (2):
- setupapi: Add stubs for CM_Locate_DevNode_ExA/W.
- cfgmgr32: Forward CM_Locate_DevNode_ExA/W calls to setupapi.
-Rico Schüller (2):
- wined3d: Add UnregisterClass() on DLL_PROCESS_DETACH.
- winedbg: Do not print more than 9 characters from pThread->name.
-Robert Key (2):
- wined3d: Fix ATI HD4800 being reported as ATI 9500.
- wined3d: Remove HD 4800 "2048MB for X2 versions" comment.
-Roderick Colenbrander (10):
- opengl32: Add a wglShareLists test.
- wgl: Duplicate some single buffered pixel formats for bitmap rendering and restrict bitmap rendering to these formats.
- wgl: Select bitmap capable formats when PFD_DRAW_TO_BITMAP is requested by the caller.
- wgl: Offer PFD_GENERIC_ACCELERATED on bitmap capable formats.
- wgl: Add WGL_SWAP_METHOD_ARB support.
- wgl: Make sure WGL_SUPPORT_GDI_ARB is only seen on formats on which we set it during startup (in get_formats).
- wgl: Make sure WGL_DRAW_TO_BITMAP_ARB is only seen on our duplicated bitmap-capable formats.
- wgl: Use local pixel format data for WGL_ACCELERATION_ARB.
- wgl: Set PFD_GENERIC_FORMAT on bitmap formats instead of PFD_GENERIC_ACCELERATED.
- wgl: Add a test for WGL_ACCELERATION_ARB and the PFD_GENERIC_* flags.
-Stefan Dösinger (36):
- wined3d: Merge shader_arb_add_src_param and pshader_gen_input_modifier_line.
- wined3d: Get rid of the strcat in shader_arb_add_dst_param and make it shader_arb_get_dst_param.
- wined3d: Simplify shader_hw_map2gl.
- wined3d: Tidy up shader_hw_rsq_rcp.
- wined3d: Standardize pshader_hw_texkill.
- wined3d: Tidy up pshader_hw_tex.
- wined3d: Fix 1.4 pshader projection in ARB.
- wined3d: Separate Tx tempregs from Tx varyings in ARB.
- wined3d: Tidy up pshader_hw_cnd.
- wined3d: Tidy up pshader_hw_cmp.
- wined3d: Tidy up pshader_hw_dp2add.
- wined3d: Tidy up pshader_hw_texreg2rgb and friends.
- wined3d: Fix a few more hardcoded pixel shader registers.
- wined3d: Fix remaining incorrect dst register getters.
- wined3d: Centralize WINED3DSPDM_SATURATE handling.
- wined3d: Don't use TMP_COLOR unless srgb is enabled.
- wined3d: Use local constants for bump parameters.
- wined3d: Update the bump constants after a shader change.
- wined3d: Support clipplanes with GLSL.
- wined3d: Avoid declaring helper_const in vertex programs if possible.
- WineD3D: Support more constants in ARB shaders.
- wined3d: Only declare TMP_OUT in vertex shaders.
- wined3d: Get rid of TMP2 and some easy TMP register uses.
- wined3d: Get rid of TMP access in texm3x2*.
- wined3d: Get rid of TMP accesses in texm3x3* instructions.
- wined3d: Use CMP instead of SLT and SGE in sRGB correction.
- wined3d: Get rid of the TMP register in fragment shaders.
- wined3d: Fix srgb correction.
- wined3d: Implement mova rounding in arb.
- wined3d: Prepare for vec4 address registers in ARB.
- wined3d: Emulate the 4 component address register in ARB.
- wined3d: Support ABS and ABSNEG in ARB.
- wined3d: Add NV asm extension support to the ARB backend.
- wined3d: Support ABS and ABSNEG with NV extensions if available.
- wined3d: Support vec4 A0 with NV_vertex_program2_option.
- wined3d: Implement SGN in ARB.
-Stefan Leichter (1):
- traffic: Stub for TcRegisterClient.
-Tim Wright (1):
- qmgr: Change BITS_IBackgroundCopyJob_SetPriority to a stub.
-Vincent Povirk (18):
- gdiplus: Add a trace to GdipDrawString.
- gdiplus: Add a trace to GdipMeasureString.
- gdiplus: Add string format traces.
- gdiplus: Populate the installed font collection.
- gdiplus: Stub GdipWidenPath.
- gdiplus: Stub GdipWarpPath.
- shell32: Handle NULL return icon parameters in SHDefExtractIcon.
- gdiplus: Implement GdipTransformPoints.
- gdiplus: Implement GdipTransformPointsI.
- ole32: Process sent and DDE messages in CoWaitForMultipleHandles.
- winex11.drv: Use the proper enum value for repeat.
- winex11.drv: Optimize AlphaBlend of 1x1 source bitmaps.
- gdiplus: Implement partially transparent solid fill brushes.
- shell32: Add test for SHCreateShellItem.
- shell32: Fail properly when no pidl is passed to SHCreateShellItem.
- shell32: Handle parent folders in SHCreateShellItem.
- shell32: Implement IShellItem_GetParent.
- shell32: Implement ShellItem_GetAttributes.
-Vitaliy Margolen (3):
- dxdiagn: Rename szClsidCat and szClsidFilter to match native information.
- dxdiagn: Correct version format property.
- dxdiagn: DirectShowFilters should go under numbered sub-containers.
+ ws2_32: Implemented SO_CONNECT_TIME stub.
+ user32: Get MDI icon as close the "small icon" as possible.
+Michael Stefaniuc (43):
+ ddraw: COM cleanup for the IClassFactory iface.
+ ddrawex: COM cleanup for the IClassFactory iface.
+ ddrawex: COM cleanup for the IDirectDrawFactory iface.
+ ddrawex: COM cleanup for the IDirectDraw iface.
+ ddrawex: COM cleanup for the IDirectDraw2 iface.
+ ddrawex: COM cleanup for the IDirectDraw3 iface.
+ ddrawex: Rename impl_from_dd4() to impl_from_IDirectDraw4().
+ ddrawex: COM cleanup for the IDirectDraw4 iface.
+ d3d8: COM cleanup for the IDirect3D8 iface.
+ avifil32: Use ifaces instead of vtbl pointers in IAVIEditStreamImpl.
+ avifil32: Avoid forward declarations of iface methods.
+ msxml3: COM cleanup for the IBindStatusCallback iface.
+ mstask: COM cleanup for the IClassFactory iface.
+ mstask: COM cleanup for the ITaskTrigger iface.
+ mstask: COM cleanup for the ITaskScheduler iface.
+ mstask: Use ifaces instead of vtbl pointers in TaskImpl.
+ mapi32: COM cleanup for the IMalloc iface.
+ sti: COM cleanup for sti.c.
+ msxml3: COM cleanup for the IXMLDOMNode iface in xmlnode.
+ msxml3: COM cleanup for the IXMLDOMNode iface in unknode.
+ ddrawex: Use unsafe_impl_from_IDirectDrawSurface3() for application provided ifaces.
+ ddrawex: Rename impl_from_dds3() to impl_from_IDirectDrawSurface3().
+ ddrawex: COM cleanup for the IDirectDrawSurface3 iface.
+ d3dx9_36/tests: COM cleanup for the ID3DXInclude iface.
+ d3dcompiler_43/tests: COM cleanup for the ID3DInclude iface.
+ d3d8: Pass an object instead of an iface to an internal function.
+ d3dx9_36: COM cleanup for the ID3DXEffect iface.
+ d3dx9_36: COM cleanup for the ID3DXEffectPool iface.
+ d3dx9_36: COM cleanup for the ID3DXInclude iface.
+ d3dx9_36: COM cleanup for the ID3DXBuffer iface.
+ d3dx9_36: COM cleanup for the ID3DXFont iface.
+ d3dx9_36: COM cleanup for the ID3DXMatrixStack iface.
+ d3dx9_36: COM cleanup for the ID3DXMesh iface.
+ d3dx9_36: COM cleanup for the ID3DXSprite iface.
+ shell32: Use ifaces instead of vtbl pointers in RecycleBin.
+ d3d8: Use impl_from_IDirect3DDevice8() instead of the iface to object cast.
+ d3d8: Finish the COM cleanup of the IDirect3DDevice8 iface.
+ d3d8: COM cleanup for the IWineD3DDeviceParent_iface.
+ d3d8: COM cleanup for the IDirect3DVolume8 iface.
+ d3d8: COM cleanup for the IDirect3DSwapChain8 iface.
+ d3d8: Remove the unused struct IDirect3DResource8Impl.
+ d3d8: COM cleanup for the IDirect3DCubeTexture8 iface.
+ d3d8: COM cleanup for the IDirect3DTexture8 iface.
+Mike Kaplinskiy (6):
+ ws2_32/tests: Add a test for an overlapped send.
+ ws2_32: Allow sending FD_WRITE right after scheduling the async.
+ ws2_32: Fix up iovecs after transmission in WS2_send instead of WS2_sendto.
+ ws2_32: Use the iosb to keep track of how many bytes we sent.
+ ws2_32: Finish an overlapped send only if we sent everything.
+ server: Fix connect failures on newer kernels.
+Nikolay Sivov (22):
+ shell32: Fix a parent PIDL leak (Valgrind).
+ shell32/tests: Fix couple PIDL leaks in tests.
+ oleaut32/tests: Fix safearray leaks, test return value after array destruction.
+ oleaut32: Unmarshalled safearray is always unlocked.
+ msxml3: Fix invalid read before allocated block (Valgrind).
+ msxml3: Fix interface leak (Valgrind).
+ urlmon/tests: Fix a leak in test (Valgrind).
+ oleaut32: Fix a couple of leaks on typeinfo release (Valgrind).
+ msvcrt: Implemented _sopen_s.
+ msvcrt: Implement _wsopen_s.
+ msvcrt: Forward _realloc_crt to realloc.
+ oleaut32: Fix default parameter variant leak (Valgrind).
+ comctl32/tests: Initialize item mask on item insert (Valgrind).
+ explorerframe/tests: Initialize hit test point before first use (Valgrind).
+ shlwapi/tests: Reset cookie after service revoked (Valgrind).
+ shell32/tests: Fix a dependency on unimplemented function call (Valgrind).
+ msvcrt: Implement _fcvt_s().
+ oleaut32/tests: Fix a IRecordInfo leak (Valgrind).
+ oleaut32/tests: Fix a safearray leak (Valgrind).
+ ntdll: Fix a compile time warning.
+ msvcrt: Use pointer exchange to set demangled name instead of section lock.
+ msvcrt: Partially implement type_info::name_internal_method().
+Paul Vriens (2):
+ explorerframe/tests: Don't compare potentially uninitialized variables (Coverity).
+ shdocvw: Initialize variable (Coverity).
+Piotr Caban (2):
+ mshtml: Abort more request in abort_document_bindings.
+ mshtml: Make sure previous request is stopped before starting new request in IPersistMoniker and IPersistStreamInit.
+Reece Dunn (1):
+ hlink/tests: Add hres checks for the IHlink_GetMonikerReference calls (clang).
+Stefan Dösinger (3):
+ d3d9: Use a proper window class in the device tests.
+ d3d9: Work around an odd nvidia windows bug.
+ d3d9: Add an sRGB format test.
+Stefan Reimer (2):
+ winemp3: Fixed exit condition within decoding loop.
+ wined3d: Adding AMD HD5670, HD5570, HD5550, HD5450 detection.
+Sven Baars (1):
+ po: Update the Dutch translation.
+Vincent Povirk (11):
+ gdiplus: Factor out the gdi32 code of GdipFillRegion.
+ gdiplus: Factor the matrix creation code out of GdipTransformPoints.
+ gdiplus: Add a software implementation of GdipFillRegion.
+ gdiplus: Add a software implementation of hatch brushes.
+ gdiplus: Add a software implementation of line gradient brushes.
+ shell32: Test links to executable filenames lacking the extension.
+ include: Add declaration of GdipRecordMetafile.
+ gdiplus: Stub GdipGetHemfFromMetafile.
+ gdiplus: Test for EMF+ recording.
+ gdiplus: Test the types of records in an empty EMF+.
+ mscoree: Implement GetFileVersion.
+Vitaliy Margolen (4):
+ dinput: Combine ASCII and Unicode device create callbacks. Add tests.
+ dinput: Fix typo. Found by clang.
+ dinput: Return correct error code for DIPROP_VIDPID.
+ dinput: Ignore EV_MSC events instead of printing fixme.
+Wolfram Sang (1):
+ comdlg32: Filedlg should not add extension if it contains a glob.
+max@mtew.isa-geek.net (1):
+ ntdll: Correct 'b' parameter descriptions for _alldiv and _aulldiv.
Alexandre Julliard