* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "windef.h"
#include "winbase.h"
#include "oleauto.h"
-#include "wine/windef16.h"
#define HELPDLLFLAG (0x0100)
#define DO_NOT_SEEK (-1)
INT res44; /* unknown always: 0x20 (guid hash size?) */
INT res48; /* unknown always: 0x80 (name hash size?) */
INT dispatchpos; /* HREFTYPE to IDispatch, or -1 if no IDispatch */
-/*0x50*/INT res50; /* is zero becomes one when an interface is derived */
+/*0x50*/INT nimpinfos; /* number of impinfos */
} MSFT_Header;
/* segments in the type lib file have a structure like this: */
/*1*/MSFT_pSeg pTypeInfoTab; /* each type info get an entry of 0x64 bytes */
/* (25 ints) */
/*2*/MSFT_pSeg pImpInfo; /* table with info for imported types */
-/*3*/MSFT_pSeg pImpFiles; /* import libaries */
+/*3*/MSFT_pSeg pImpFiles; /* import libraries */
/*4*/MSFT_pSeg pRefTab; /* References table */
-/*5*/MSFT_pSeg pLibtab; /* always exists, alway same size (0x80) */
+/*5*/MSFT_pSeg pLibtab; /* always exists, always same size (0x80) */
/* hash table w offsets to guid????? */
/*6*/MSFT_pSeg pGuidTab; /* all guids are stored here together with */
/* offset in some table???? */
-/*7*/MSFT_pSeg res07; /* always created, alway same size (0x200) */
+/*7*/MSFT_pSeg res07; /* always created, always same size (0x200) */
/* purpose largely unknown */
/*8*/MSFT_pSeg pNametab; /* name tables */
/*9*/MSFT_pSeg pStringtab; /* string table */
/* base type info data */
typedef struct tagMSFT_TypeInfoBase {
/*000*/ INT typekind; /* it is the TKIND_xxx */
- /* some byte alignment stuf */
+ /* some byte alignment stuff */
INT memoffset; /* points past the file, if no elements */
INT res2; /* zero if no element, N*0x40 */
- INT res3; /* -1 if no lement, (N-1)*0x38 */
+ INT res3; /* -1 if no element, (N-1)*0x38 */
/*010*/ INT res4; /* always? 3 */
INT res5; /* always? zero */
INT cElement; /* counts elements, HI=cVars, LO=cFuncs */
/*050*/ INT size; /* size in bytes, at least for structures */
/* FIXME: name of this field */
INT datatype1; /* position in type description table */
- /* or in base intefaces */
+ /* or in base interfaces */
/* if coclass: offset in reftable */
/* if interface: reference to inherited if */
+ /* if module: offset to dllname in name table */
INT datatype2; /* if 0x8000, entry above is valid */
/* actually dunno */
/* else it is zero? */
lower-middle 8 bits are unknown (flags?),
upper 16 bits are hash code */
} MSFT_NameIntro;
-/* the custom data table directory has enties like this */
+/* the custom data table directory has entries like this */
typedef struct {
INT GuidOffset;
INT DataOffset;
/*00*/ WORD cFuncs;
/*02*/ WORD cVars;
/*04*/ WORD cImplTypes;
-/*06*/ WORD res06;
-/*08*/ WORD res08;
-/*0a*/ WORD res0a;
-/*0c*/ WORD res0c;
-/*0e*/ WORD res0e;
-/*10*/ WORD res10;
-/*12*/ WORD res12;
+/*06*/ WORD res06; /* always 0000 */
+/*08*/ WORD funcs_off; /* offset to functions (starting from the member header) */
+/*0a*/ WORD vars_off; /* offset to vars (starting from the member header) */
+/*0c*/ WORD impls_off; /* offset to implemented types (starting from the member header) */
+/*0e*/ WORD funcs_bytes; /* bytes used by function data */
+/*10*/ WORD vars_bytes; /* bytes used by var data */
+/*12*/ WORD impls_bytes; /* bytes used by implemented type data */
/*14*/ WORD tdescalias_vt; /* for TKIND_ALIAS */
-/*16*/ WORD res16;
-/*18*/ WORD res18;
-/*1a*/ WORD res1a;
-/*1c*/ WORD res1c;
-/*1e*/ WORD res1e;
+/*16*/ WORD res16; /* always ffff */
+/*18*/ WORD res18; /* always 0000 */
+/*1a*/ WORD res1a; /* always 0000 */
+/*1c*/ WORD simple_alias; /* tdescalias_vt is a vt rather than an offset? */
+/*1e*/ WORD res1e; /* always 0000 */
/*20*/ WORD cbSizeInstance;
/*22*/ WORD cbAlignment;
/*24*/ WORD res24;
/*26*/ WORD res26;
/*28*/ WORD cbSizeVft;
-/*2a*/ WORD res2a;
-/*2c*/ WORD res2c;
-/*2e*/ WORD res2e;
-/*30*/ WORD res30;
+/*2a*/ WORD res2a; /* always ffff */
+/*2c*/ WORD res2c; /* always ffff */
+/*2e*/ WORD res2e; /* always ffff */
+/*30*/ WORD res30; /* always ffff */
/*32*/ WORD res32;
/*34*/ WORD res34;
} SLTG_TypeInfoTail;
#define SLTG_ENUMITEM_MAGIC 0x120a
typedef struct {
-/*00*/ WORD vt; /* vartype, 0xffff marks end. */
-/*02*/ WORD res02; /* ?, 0xffff marks end */
-} SLTG_AliasItem;
-#define SLTG_ALIASITEM_MAGIC 0x001d
-typedef struct {
- BYTE magic; /* 0x4c or 0x6c */
+ BYTE magic; /* 0x4c, 0xcb or 0x8b with optional SLTG_FUNCTION_FLAGS_PRESENT flag */
BYTE inv; /* high nibble is INVOKE_KIND, low nibble = 2 */
WORD next; /* byte offset from beginning of group to next fn */
WORD name; /* Offset within name table to name */
middle 6 bits */
WORD rettype; /* return type VT_?? or offset to ret type */
WORD vtblpos; /* position in vtbl? */
- WORD funcflags; /* present if magic == 0x6c */
+ WORD funcflags; /* present if magic & 0x20 */
/* Param list starts, repeat next two as required */
#if 0
WORD name; /* offset to 2nd letter of name */
} SLTG_Function;
typedef struct {
/*00*/ BYTE magic; /* 0xdf */
typedef struct {
BYTE magic; /* 0x0a */
- BYTE typepos;
+ BYTE flags;
WORD next;
WORD name;
- WORD byte_offs; /* pos in struct */
- WORD type; /* if typepos == 0x02 this is the type, else offset to type */
+ WORD byte_offs; /* pos in struct, or offset to const type or const data (if flags & 0x08) */
+ WORD type; /* if flags & 0x02 this is the type, else offset to type */
DWORD memid;
WORD helpcontext; /* ?? */
WORD helpstring; /* ?? */
-} SLTG_RecordItem;
+ WORD varflags; /* only present if magic & 0x02 */
+} SLTG_Variable;
-#define SLTG_RECORD_MAGIC 0x0a
+#define SLTG_VAR_MAGIC 0x0a
/* CARRAYs look like this
#include "poppack.h"
+HRESULT ITypeInfoImpl_GetInternalFuncDesc( ITypeInfo *iface, UINT index, const FUNCDESC **ppFuncDesc );
extern DWORD _invoke(FARPROC func,CALLCONV callconv, int nrargs, DWORD *args);
-extern void dump_Variant(VARIANT * pvar);
+/* The OLE Automation ProxyStub Interface Class (aka Typelib Marshaler) */
+DEFINE_OLEGUID( CLSID_PSDispatch, 0x00020420, 0x0000, 0x0000 );
+DEFINE_OLEGUID( CLSID_PSEnumVariant, 0x00020421, 0x0000, 0x0000 );
+DEFINE_OLEGUID( CLSID_PSTypeInfo, 0x00020422, 0x0000, 0x0000 );
+DEFINE_OLEGUID( CLSID_PSTypeLib, 0x00020423, 0x0000, 0x0000 );
+DEFINE_OLEGUID( CLSID_PSOAInterface, 0x00020424, 0x0000, 0x0000 );
+DEFINE_OLEGUID( CLSID_PSTypeComp, 0x00020425, 0x0000, 0x0000 );