#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
-# Copyright 2000-2002 Francois Gouget for CodeWeavers
-# fgouget@codeweavers.com
+# Copyright 2000-2004 Francois Gouget for CodeWeavers
+# Copyright 2004 Dimitrie O. Paun
+# Copyright 2009-2011 André Hentschel
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-my $version="0.5.9";
+my $version="0.7.6";
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
my $OPT_ASK_SKIP=-1;
+# The following constants define the architecture
+# Default Architecture will be chosen
+# 32-Bit Target
+my $OPT_ARCH_32=32;
+# 64-Bit Target
+my $OPT_ARCH_64=64;
# General options
# This is the directory in which winemaker will operate.
my $opt_work_dir;
+# This is the file in which winemaker will operate if a project file is specified.
+my $opt_work_file;
# Make a backup of the files
my $opt_backup;
# Contains the default set of flags to be used when creating a new target.
my $opt_flags;
+# Contains 32 for 32-Bit-Targets and 64 for 64-Bit-Targets
+my $opt_arch;
# If true then winemaker should ask questions to the user as it goes
# along.
my $opt_ask_target_options;
-# If false then winemaker should not generate any file, i.e.
-# no makefiles, but also no .spec files, no configure.in, etc.
+# If false then winemaker should not generate the makefiles.
my $opt_no_generated_files;
-# If true then winemaker should not generate the spec files.
-# This is useful if winemaker is being used to create a build environment
-my $opt_no_generated_specs;
# Specifies not to print the banner if set.
my $opt_no_banner;
# constants below
my $T_TYPE=1;
-# Defines the target's enty point, i.e. the function that is called
-# on startup.
-my $T_INIT=2;
# This is a bitfield containing flags refining the way the target
# should be handled. See the TF_xxx constants below
-my $T_FLAGS=3;
+my $T_FLAGS=2;
# This is a reference to an array containing the list of the
# resp. C, C++, RC, other (.h, .hxx, etc.) source files.
-my $T_SOURCES_C=4;
-my $T_SOURCES_RC=6;
+my $T_SOURCES_C=3;
+my $T_SOURCES_RC=5;
+# This is a reference to an array containing the list of
+# C compiler options
+my $T_CEXTRA=7;
+# This is a reference to an array containing the list of
+# C++ compiler options
+my $T_CXXEXTRA=8;
+# This is a reference to an array containing the list of
+# RC compiler options
+my $T_RCEXTRA=9;
# This is a reference to an array containing the list of macro
# definitions
-my $T_DEFINES=8;
+my $T_DEFINES=10;
# This is a reference to an array containing the list of directory
# names that constitute the include path
+# Flags for the linker
+my $T_LDFLAGS=12;
# Same as T_INCLUDE_PATH but for the dll search path
-my $T_DLL_PATH=10;
+my $T_DLL_PATH=13;
# The list of Windows dlls to import
-my $T_DLLS=11;
+my $T_DLLS=14;
# Same as T_INCLUDE_PATH but for the library search path
# The list of Unix libraries to link with
-my $T_LIBRARIES=13;
-# The list of dependencies between targets
-my $T_DEPENDS=14;
+my $T_LIBRARIES=16;
# The following constants define the recognized types of target
# The following constants further refine how the target should be handled
-# This target needs a wrapper
-my $TF_WRAP=1;
-# This target is a wrapper
-my $TF_WRAPPER=2;
# This target is an MFC-based target
my $TF_MFC=4;
# --nodlls option: Do not use standard DLL set
my $TF_NODLLS=16;
+# --nomsvcrt option: Do not link with msvcrt
+my $TF_NOMSVCRT=32;
+# This target has a def file (only use it with TT_DLL)
+my $TF_HASDEF=64;
# Initialize a target:
# - set the target type to TT_SETTINGS, i.e. no real target will
my $target=$_[0];
- # leaving $T_INIT undefined
+ @$target[$T_CEXTRA]=[];
+ @$target[$T_CXXEXTRA]=[];
+ @$target[$T_RCEXTRA]=[];
+ @$target[$T_LDFLAGS]=[];
- @$target[$T_DEPENDS]=[];
-sub get_default_init($)
- my $type=$_[0];
- if ($type == $TT_GUIEXE) {
- return "WinMain";
- } elsif ($type == $TT_CUIEXE) {
- return "main";
- } elsif ($type == $TT_DLL) {
- return "DllMain";
- }
# - set the project's path
# - initialize the target list
# - create a default target (will be removed later if unnecessary)
-sub project_init($$)
+sub project_init($$$)
- my $project=$_[0];
- my $path=$_[1];
+ my ($project, $path, $global_settings)=@_;
my $project_settings=[];
+ @$project_settings[$T_DEFINES]=[@{@$global_settings[$T_DEFINES]}];
+ @$project_settings[$T_INCLUDE_PATH]=[@{@$global_settings[$T_INCLUDE_PATH]}];
+ @$project_settings[$T_DLL_PATH]=[@{@$global_settings[$T_DLL_PATH]}];
+ @$project_settings[$T_DLLS]=[@{@$global_settings[$T_DLLS]}];
+ @$project_settings[$T_LIBRARY_PATH]=[@{@$global_settings[$T_LIBRARY_PATH]}];
+ @$project_settings[$T_LIBRARIES]=[@{@$global_settings[$T_LIBRARIES]}];
my %templates;
+# This maps a directory name to a reference to an array listing
+# its contents (files and directories)
+my %directories;
# Contains the list of all projects. This list tells us what are
# the subprojects of the main Makefile and where we have to generate
# sources fields.
my @global_settings;
-# If one of the projects requires the MFc then we set this global variable
-# to true so that configure asks the user to provide a path tothe MFC
-my $needs_mfc=0;
-# Performs a binary search looking for the specified item
-sub bsearch($$)
+# Retrieves the contents of the specified directory.
+# We either get it from the directories hashtable which acts as a
+# cache, or use opendir, readdir, closedir and store the result
+# in the hashtable.
+sub get_directory_contents($)
- my $array=$_[0];
- my $item=$_[1];
- my $last=@{$array}-1;
- my $first=0;
- while ($first<=$last) {
- my $index=int(($first+$last)/2);
- my $cmp=@$array[$index] cmp $item;
- if ($cmp<0) {
- $first=$index+1;
- } elsif ($cmp>0) {
- $last=$index-1;
- } else {
- return $index;
- }
+ my $dirname=$_[0];
+ my $directory;
+ #print "getting the contents of $dirname\n";
+ # check for a cached version
+ $dirname =~ s+/$++;
+ if ($dirname eq "") {
+ $dirname=cwd;
+ }
+ $directory=$directories{$dirname};
+ if (defined $directory) {
+ #print "->@$directory\n";
+ return $directory;
+ }
+ # Read this directory
+ if (opendir(DIRECTORY, "$dirname")) {
+ my @files=readdir DIRECTORY;
+ closedir(DIRECTORY);
+ $directory=\@files;
+ } else {
+ # Return an empty list
+ #print "error: cannot open $dirname\n";
+ my @files;
+ $directory=\@files;
+ #print "->@$directory\n";
+ $directories{$dirname}=$directory;
+ return $directory;
+# Removes a directory from the cache.
+# This is needed if one of its files or subdirectory has been renamed.
+sub clear_directory_cache($)
+ my ($dirname)=@_;
+ delete $directories{$dirname};
push @{@$target[$T_LIBRARY_PATH]},$option;
} elsif ($option =~ /^-l/) {
push @{@$target[$T_LIBRARIES]},"$'";
- } elsif ($option =~ /^--wrap/) {
- if (@$target[$T_TYPE] != $TT_DLL) {
- @$target[$T_FLAGS]|=$TF_WRAP;
- } else {
- print STDERR "warning: option --wrap is illegal for DLLs - ignoring";
- };
- } elsif ($option =~ /^--nowrap/) {
- if (@$target[$T_TYPE] != $TT_DLL) {
- @$target[$T_FLAGS]&=~$TF_WRAP;
- } else {
- print STDERR "warning: option --nowrap is illegal for DLLs - ignoring";
- }
} elsif ($option =~ /^--mfc/) {
} elsif ($option =~ /^--nodlls/) {
+ } elsif ($option =~ /^--nomsvcrt/) {
+ @$target[$T_FLAGS]|=$TF_NOMSVCRT;
} else {
print STDERR "error: unknown option \"$option\"\n";
return 0;
- if (@$target[$T_TYPE] != $TT_DLL &&
- @$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_MFC &&
- !(@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_WRAP)) {
- print STDERR "info: option --mfc requires --wrap";
- @$target[$T_FLAGS]|=$TF_WRAP;
- }
return 1;
+# Scans the specified project file to:
+# - get a list of targets for this project
+# - get some settings
+# - get the list of source files
+sub source_scan_project_file($$$);
+sub source_scan_project_file($$$)
+ # a reference to the parent's project
+ my $parent_project=$_[0];
+ # 0 if it is a single project, 1 if it is part of a workspace
+ my $is_sub_project=$_[1];
+ # the name of the project file, with complete path, or without if in
+ # the same directory
+ my $filename=$_[2];
+ # reference to the project for this file. May not be used
+ my $project;
+ # list of sources found in the current file
+ my @sources_c=();
+ my @sources_cxx=();
+ my @sources_rc=();
+ my @sources_misc=();
+ # some more settings
+ my $path=dirname($filename);
+ my $prj_target_cflags;
+ my $prj_target_defines;
+ my $prj_target_ldflags;
+ my $prj_target_libs;
+ my $prj_name;
+ my $found_cfg=0;
+ my $prj_cfg;
+ my $prj_target_type=$TT_GUIEXE;
+ my @prj_target_options;
+ if (!($path=~/\/$/)) {
+ $path.="/";
+ }
+ if (defined $opt_single_target or $is_sub_project == 0) {
+ # Either there is a single target and thus a single project,
+ # or we are a single project-file for which a project
+ # already exists
+ $project=$parent_project;
+ } else {
+ $project=[];
+ project_init($project, $path, \@global_settings);
+ }
+ my $project_settings=@$project[$P_SETTINGS];
+ if ($filename =~ /.dsp$/i) {
+ # First find out what this project file contains:
+ # collect all sources, find targets and settings
+ if (!open(FILEI,$filename)) {
+ print STDERR "error: unable to open $filename for reading:\n";
+ print STDERR " $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $sfilet;
+ while (<FILEI>) {
+ # Remove any trailing CtrlZ, which isn't strictly in the file
+ if (/\x1A/) {
+ s/\x1A//;
+ last if (/^$/)
+ }
+ # Remove any trailing CrLf
+ s/\r\n$/\n/;
+ if (!/\n$/) {
+ # Make sure all lines are '\n' terminated
+ $_ .= "\n";
+ }
+ if (/^\# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name=\"([^\"]+)/) {
+ $prj_name="$1";
+ $prj_name=~s/\s+/_/g;
+ #print $prj_name;
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^# TARGTYPE/) {
+ if (/[[:space:]]0x0101$/) {
+ # Application
+ $prj_target_type=$TT_GUIEXE;
+ }elsif (/[[:space:]]0x0102$/) {
+ # Dynamic-Link Library
+ $prj_target_type=$TT_DLL;
+ }elsif (/[[:space:]]0x0103$/) {
+ # Console Application
+ $prj_target_type=$TT_CUIEXE;
+ }elsif (/[[:space:]]0x0104$/) {
+ # Static Library
+ }
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^# ADD CPP(.*)/ && $found_cfg==1) {
+ $prj_target_cflags=$1;
+ @prj_target_options=split(" /", $prj_target_cflags);
+ $prj_target_cflags="";
+ foreach ( @prj_target_options ) {
+ if ($_ eq "") {
+ # empty
+ } elsif (/nologo/) {
+ # Suppress Startup Banner and Information Messages
+ } elsif (/^W0$/) {
+ # Turns off all warning messages
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-w ";
+ } elsif (/^W[123]$/) {
+ # Warning Level
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-W ";
+ } elsif (/^W4$/) {
+ # Warning Level
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-Wall ";
+ } elsif (/^WX$/) {
+ # Warnings As Errors
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-Werror ";
+ } elsif (/^Gm$/) {
+ # Enable Minimal Rebuild
+ } elsif (/^GX$/) {
+ # Enable Exception Handling
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-fexceptions ";
+ } elsif (/^Gd$/) {
+ # use cdecl calling convention (default)
+ } elsif (/^Gr$/) {
+ # use fastcall calling convention
+ } elsif (/^Gz$/) {
+ # use stdcall calling convention
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-mrtd ";
+ } elsif (/^Z[d7iI]$/) {
+ # Debug Info
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-g ";
+ } elsif (/^Od$/) {
+ # Disable Optimizations
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-O0 ";
+ } elsif (/^O1$/) {
+ # Minimize Size
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-Os ";
+ } elsif (/^O2$/) {
+ # Maximize Speed
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-O2 ";
+ } elsif (/^Ob0$/) {
+ # Disables inline Expansion
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-fno-inline ";
+ } elsif (/^Ob1$/) {
+ #In-line Function Expansion
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-finline-functions ";
+ } elsif (/^Ob2$/) {
+ # auto In-line Function Expansion
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-finline-functions ";
+ } elsif (/^Ox$/) {
+ # Use maximum optimization
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-O3 ";
+ } elsif (/^Oy$/) {
+ # Frame-Pointer Omission
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-fomit-frame-pointer ";
+ } elsif (/^Oy-$/) {
+ # Frame-Pointer Omission
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-fno-omit-frame-pointer ";
+ } elsif (/^GZ$/) {
+ # Catch Release-Build Errors in Debug Build
+ } elsif (/^M[DLT]d?$/) {
+ # Use Multithreaded Run-Time Library
+ } elsif (/^D\s*\"(.*)\"/) {
+ # Preprocessor Definitions
+ $prj_target_defines.="-D".$1." ";
+ } elsif (/^I\s*\"(.*)\"/) {
+ # Additional Include Directories
+ $sfilet=$1;
+ $sfilet=~s/\\/\//g;
+ if ($sfilet=~/^\w:/) {
+ print STDERR "warning: Can't fix path $sfilet\n"
+ } else {
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_INCLUDE_PATH]},"-I".$sfilet." ";
+ }
+ } elsif (/^U\s*\"(.*)\"/) {
+ # Undefines a previously defined symbol
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-U".$1." ";
+ } elsif (/^Fp/) {
+ # Name .PCH File
+ } elsif (/^F[Rr]/) {
+ # Create .SBR File
+ } elsif (/^YX$/) {
+ # Automatic Use of Precompiled Headers
+ } elsif (/^FD$/) {
+ # Generate File Dependencies
+ } elsif (/^c$/) {
+ # Compile Without Linking
+ # this option is always present and is already specified in the suffix rules
+ } elsif (/^GB$/) {
+ # Blend Optimization
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-D_M_IX86=500 ";
+ } elsif (/^G6$/) {
+ # Pentium Pro Optimization
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-D_M_IX86=600 ";
+ } elsif (/^G5$/) {
+ # Pentium Optimization
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-D_M_IX86=500 ";
+ } elsif (/^G3$/) {
+ # 80386 Optimization
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-D_M_IX86=300 ";
+ } elsif (/^G4$/) {
+ # 80486 Optimization
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-D_M_IX86=400 ";
+ } elsif (/^Yc/) {
+ # Create Precompiled Header
+ } elsif (/^Yu/) {
+ # Use Precompiled Header
+ } elsif (/^Za$/) {
+ # Disable Language Extensions
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-ansi ";
+ } elsif (/^Ze$/) {
+ # Enable Microsoft Extensions
+ } elsif (/^Zm[[:digit:]]+$/) {
+ # Specify Memory Allocation Limit
+ } elsif (/^Zp1?$/) {
+ # Packs structures on 1-byte boundaries
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-fpack-struct ";
+ } elsif (/^Zp(2|4|8|16)$/) {
+ # Struct Member Alignment
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-fpack-struct=".$1;
+ } else {
+ print "C compiler option $_ not implemented\n";
+ }
+ }
+ #print "\nOptions: $prj_target_cflags\n";
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^# ADD LINK32(.*)/ && $found_cfg==1) {
+ $prj_target_ldflags=$1;
+ @prj_target_options=split(" /", $prj_target_ldflags);
+ $prj_target_ldflags="";
+ $prj_target_libs=$prj_target_options[0];
+ $prj_target_libs=~s/\\/\//g;
+ $prj_target_libs=~s/\.lib//g;
+ $prj_target_libs=~s/\s+/ -l/g;
+ shift (@prj_target_options);
+ foreach ( @prj_target_options ) {
+ if ($_ eq "") {
+ # empty
+ } elsif (/^base:(.*)/) {
+ # Base Address
+ $prj_target_ldflags.="--image-base ".$1." ";
+ } elsif (/^debug$/) {
+ # Generate Debug Info
+ } elsif (/^dll$/) {
+ # Build a DLL
+ $prj_target_type=$TT_DLL;
+ } elsif (/^incremental:[[:alpha:]]+$/) {
+ # Link Incrmentally
+ } elsif (/^implib:/) {
+ # Name import library
+ } elsif (/^libpath:\"(.*)\"/) {
+ # Additional Libpath
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_DLL_PATH]},"-L$1";
+ } elsif (/^machine:[[:alnum:]]+$/) {
+ # Specify Target Platform
+ } elsif (/^map/) {
+ # Generate Mapfile
+ if (/^map:(.*)/) {
+ $prj_target_ldflags.="-Map ".$1." ";
+ } else {
+ $prj_target_ldflags.="-Map ".$prj_name.".map ";
+ }
+ } elsif (/^nologo$/) {
+ # Suppress Startup Banner and Information Messages
+ } elsif (/^out:/) {
+ # Output File Name
+ # may use it as Target?
+ } elsif (/^pdbtype:/) {
+ # Program Database Storage
+ } elsif (/^subsystem:/) {
+ # Specify Subsystem
+ } elsif (/^version:[[:digit:].]+$/) {
+ # Version Information
+ } else {
+ print "Linker option $_ not implemented\n";
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^LIB32=/ && $found_cfg==1) {
+ #$libflag = 1;
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^SOURCE=(.*)$/) {
+ my @components=split /[\/\\]+/, $1;
+ $sfilet=search_from($path, \@components);
+ if (!defined $sfilet) { next; }
+ if ($sfilet =~ /\.c$/i and $sfilet !~ /\.(dbg|spec)\.c$/) {
+ push @sources_c,$sfilet;
+ } elsif ($sfilet =~ /\.(cpp|cxx)$/i) {
+ if ($sfilet =~ /^stdafx.cpp$/i && !(@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NOMFC)) {
+ push @sources_misc,$sfilet;
+ @$project_settings[$T_FLAGS]|=$TF_MFC;
+ } else {
+ push @sources_cxx,$sfilet;
+ }
+ } elsif ($sfilet =~ /\.rc$/i) {
+ push @sources_rc,$sfilet;
+ } elsif ($sfilet =~ /\.def$/i) {
+ @$project_settings[$T_FLAGS]|=$TF_HASDEF;
+ } elsif ($sfilet =~ /\.(h|hxx|hpp|inl|rc2|dlg)$/i) {
+ push @sources_misc,$sfilet;
+ if ($sfilet =~ /^stdafx.h$/i && !(@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NOMFC)) {
+ @$project_settings[$T_FLAGS]|=$TF_MFC;
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^# (Begin|End) Source File/) {
+ # Source-Files already handled
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^# (Begin|End) Group/) {
+ # Groups are ignored
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^# (Begin|End) Custom Build/) {
+ # Custom Builds are ignored
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^# ADD LIB32 /) {
+ #"ARFLAGS=rus"
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^# Begin Target$/) {
+ # Targets are ignored
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^# End Target$/) {
+ # Targets are ignored
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^!/) {
+ if ($found_cfg == 1) {
+ $found_cfg=0;
+ }
+ if (/if (.*)\(CFG\)" == "(.*)"/i) {
+ if ($2 eq $prj_cfg) {
+ $found_cfg=1;
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^CFG=(.*)/i) {
+ $prj_cfg=$1;
+ next;
+ }
+ else { # Line recognized
+ # print "|\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close(FILEI);
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_LIBRARIES]},$prj_target_libs;
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_CEXTRA]},$prj_target_cflags;
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_CXXEXTRA]},$prj_target_cflags;
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_DEFINES]},$prj_target_defines;
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_LDFLAGS]},$prj_target_ldflags;
+ } elsif ($filename =~ /.vcproj$/i) {
+ # Import XML::LibXML, you need the libxml package (deb: libxml-libxml-perl, rpm: perl-libxml-perl)
+ require XML::LibXML;
+ my $xmlparser = XML::LibXML->new();
+ my $project_xml = $xmlparser->parse_file($filename);
+ my $sfilet;
+ my $configt;
+ foreach my $vc_project ($project_xml->findnodes('/VisualStudioProject')) {
+ foreach my $vc_project_attr ($vc_project->attributes) {
+ if ($vc_project_attr->getName eq "Name") {
+ $prj_name=$vc_project_attr->getValue;
+ $prj_name=~s/\s+/_/g;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (my $flevel = 0; $flevel <= 5; $flevel++) {
+ foreach my $vc_file ($project_xml->findnodes('/VisualStudioProject/Files/'.('Filter/' x $flevel).'File')) {
+ foreach my $vc_file_attr ($vc_file->attributes) {
+ if ($vc_file_attr->getName eq "RelativePath") {
+ $sfilet = $vc_file_attr->getValue;
+ $sfilet=~s/\\\\/\\/g; #remove double backslash
+ $sfilet=~s/^\.\\//; #remove starting 'this directory'
+ $sfilet=~s/\\/\//g; #make slashes out of backslashes
+ if ($sfilet =~ /\.c$/i and $sfilet !~ /\.(dbg|spec)\.c$/) {
+ push @sources_c,$sfilet;
+ } elsif ($sfilet =~ /\.(cpp|cxx)$/i) {
+ if ($sfilet =~ /^stdafx.cpp$/i && !(@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NOMFC)) {
+ push @sources_misc,$sfilet;
+ @$project_settings[$T_FLAGS]|=$TF_MFC;
+ } else {
+ push @sources_cxx,$sfilet;
+ }
+ } elsif ($sfilet =~ /\.rc$/i) {
+ push @sources_rc,$sfilet;
+ } elsif ($sfilet =~ /\.def$/i) {
+ @$project_settings[$T_FLAGS]|=$TF_HASDEF;
+ } elsif ($sfilet =~ /\.(h|hxx|hpp|inl|rc2|dlg)$/i) {
+ push @sources_misc,$sfilet;
+ if ($sfilet =~ /^stdafx.h$/i && !(@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NOMFC)) {
+ @$project_settings[$T_FLAGS]|=$TF_MFC;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @vc_configurations = $project_xml->findnodes('/VisualStudioProject/Configurations/Configuration');
+ my $vc_configuration = $vc_configurations[0];
+ foreach my $vc_configuration_attr ($vc_configuration->attributes) {
+ if ($vc_configuration_attr->getName eq "ConfigurationType") {
+ if ($vc_configuration_attr->getValue==1) {
+ $prj_target_type=$TT_GUIEXE; # Application
+ } elsif ($vc_configuration_attr->getValue==2) {
+ $prj_target_type=$TT_DLL; # Dynamic-Link Library
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $vc_configuration_tools ($vc_configuration->findnodes('Tool')) {
+ my @find_tool = $vc_configuration_tools->attributes;
+ if ($find_tool[0]->getValue eq "VCCLCompilerTool") {
+ foreach my $vc_compiler_tool ($vc_configuration_tools->attributes) {
+ if ($vc_compiler_tool->getName eq "Optimization") {$prj_target_cflags.="-O".$vc_compiler_tool->getValue." ";}
+ if ($vc_compiler_tool->getName eq "WarningLevel") {
+ if ($vc_compiler_tool->getValue==0) {
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-w ";
+ } elsif ($vc_compiler_tool->getValue<4) {
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-W ";
+ } elsif ($vc_compiler_tool->getValue==4) {
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-Wall ";
+ } elsif ($vc_compiler_tool->getValue eq "X") {
+ $prj_target_cflags.="-Werror ";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($vc_compiler_tool->getName eq "PreprocessorDefinitions") {
+ $configt=$vc_compiler_tool->getValue;
+ $configt=~s/;\s*/ -D/g;
+ $prj_target_defines.="-D".$configt." ";
+ }
+ if ($vc_compiler_tool->getName eq "AdditionalIncludeDirectories") {
+ $configt=$vc_compiler_tool->getValue;
+ $configt=~s/\\/\//g;
+ $configt=~s/;/ -I/g;
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_INCLUDE_PATH]},"-I".$configt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($find_tool[0]->getValue eq "VCLinkerTool") {
+ foreach my $vc_linker_tool ($vc_configuration_tools->attributes) {
+ if ($vc_linker_tool->getName eq "AdditionalDependencies") {
+ $prj_target_libs=" ".$vc_linker_tool->getValue;
+ $prj_target_libs=~s/\\/\//g;
+ $prj_target_libs=~s/\.lib//g;
+ $prj_target_libs=~s/\s+/ -l/g;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_LIBRARIES]},$prj_target_libs;
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_CEXTRA]},$prj_target_cflags;
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_CXXEXTRA]},$prj_target_cflags;
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_DEFINES]},$prj_target_defines;
+ }
+ # Add this project to the project list, except for
+ # the main project which is already in the list.
+ if ($is_sub_project == 1) {
+ push @projects,$project;
+ }
+ # Ask for project-wide options
+ if ($opt_ask_project_options == $OPT_ASK_YES) {
+ my $flag_desc="";
+ if ((@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_MFC)!=0) {
+ $flag_desc="mfc";
+ }
+ print "* Type any project-wide options (-D/-I/-P/-i/-L/-l/--mfc),\n";
+ if (defined $flag_desc) {
+ print "* (currently $flag_desc)\n";
+ }
+ print "* or 'skip' to skip the target specific options,\n";
+ print "* or 'never' to not be asked this question again:\n";
+ while (1) {
+ my $options=<STDIN>;
+ chomp $options;
+ if ($options eq "skip") {
+ $opt_ask_target_options=$OPT_ASK_SKIP;
+ last;
+ } elsif ($options eq "never") {
+ $opt_ask_project_options=$OPT_ASK_NO;
+ last;
+ } elsif (source_set_options($project_settings,$options)) {
+ last;
+ }
+ print "Please re-enter the options:\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my @local_dlls=();
+ my @local_depends=();
+ my @exe_list=();
+ # Create the target...
+ my $target=[];
+ target_init($target);
+ if ($prj_target_type!=$TT_DLL) {
+ $prj_name=lc($prj_name.".exe");
+ @$target[$T_TYPE]=$opt_target_type;
+ push @exe_list,$target;
+ push @{@$target[$T_LDFLAGS]},(@$target[$T_TYPE] == $TT_CUIEXE ? "-mconsole" : "-mwindows");
+ } else {
+ $prj_name=lc($prj_name.".dll");
+ @$target[$T_TYPE]=$TT_DLL;
+ push @local_depends,"$prj_name.so";
+ push @local_dlls,$prj_name;
+ my $canon=canonize($prj_name);
+ if (@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_HASDEF) {
+ push @{@$target[$T_LDFLAGS]},("-shared","\$(${canon}_MODULE:.dll=.def)");
+ } else {
+ push @{@$target[$T_LDFLAGS]},("-shared","\$(${canon}_MODULE:.dll=.spec)");
+ }
+ }
+ @$target[$T_NAME]=$prj_name;
+ @$target[$T_FLAGS]|=@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS];
+ # This is the default link list of Visual Studio
+ my @std_imports=qw(odbc32 ole32 oleaut32 winspool odbccp32);
+ my @std_libraries=qw(uuid);
+ if ((@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NODLLS) == 0) {
+ @$target[$T_DLLS]=\@std_imports;
+ @$target[$T_LIBRARIES]=\@std_libraries;
+ } else {
+ @$target[$T_DLLS]=[];
+ @$target[$T_LIBRARIES]=[];
+ }
+ if ((@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NOMSVCRT) == 0) {
+ push @{@$target[$T_LDFLAGS]},"-mno-cygwin";
+ if ($opt_arch != $OPT_ARCH_DEFAULT) {
+ push @{@$target[$T_LDFLAGS]},"-m$opt_arch";
+ }
+ }
+ push @{@$project[$P_TARGETS]},$target;
+ # Ask for target-specific options
+ if ($opt_ask_target_options == $OPT_ASK_YES) {
+ my $flag_desc="";
+ if ((@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_MFC)!=0) {
+ $flag_desc=" (mfc";
+ }
+ if ($flag_desc ne "") {
+ $flag_desc.=")";
+ }
+ print "* Specify any link option (-P/-i/-L/-l/--mfc) specific to the target\n";
+ print "* \"$prj_name\"$flag_desc or 'never' to not be asked this question again:\n";
+ while (1) {
+ my $options=<STDIN>;
+ chomp $options;
+ if ($options eq "never") {
+ $opt_ask_target_options=$OPT_ASK_NO;
+ last;
+ } elsif (source_set_options($target,$options)) {
+ last;
+ }
+ print "Please re-enter the options:\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_MFC) {
+ @$project_settings[$T_FLAGS]|=$TF_MFC;
+ push @{@$target[$T_DLL_PATH]},"\$(MFC_LIBRARY_PATH)";
+ push @{@$target[$T_DLLS]},"mfc.dll";
+ # FIXME: Link with the MFC in the Unix sense, until we
+ # start exporting the functions properly.
+ push @{@$target[$T_LIBRARY_PATH]},"\$(MFC_LIBRARY_PATH)";
+ push @{@$target[$T_LIBRARIES]},"mfc";
+ }
+ # Match sources...
+ push @{@$target[$T_SOURCES_C]},@{@$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_C]},@sources_c;
+ @$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_C]=[];
+ @sources_c=();
+ push @{@$target[$T_SOURCES_CXX]},@{@$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_CXX]},@sources_cxx;
+ @$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_CXX]=[];
+ @sources_cxx=();
+ push @{@$target[$T_SOURCES_RC]},@{@$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_RC]},@sources_rc;
+ @$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_RC]=[];
+ @sources_rc=();
+ push @{@$target[$T_SOURCES_MISC]},@{@$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_MISC]},@sources_misc;
+ @$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_MISC]=[];
+ @sources_misc=();
+ @$target[$T_SOURCES_C]=[sort @{@$target[$T_SOURCES_C]}];
+ @$target[$T_SOURCES_CXX]=[sort @{@$target[$T_SOURCES_CXX]}];
+ @$target[$T_SOURCES_RC]=[sort @{@$target[$T_SOURCES_RC]}];
+ @$target[$T_SOURCES_MISC]=[sort @{@$target[$T_SOURCES_MISC]}];
+ if ($opt_ask_target_options == $OPT_ASK_SKIP) {
+ $opt_ask_target_options=$OPT_ASK_YES;
+ }
+ if ((@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NOMSVCRT) == 0) {
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_CEXTRA]},"-mno-cygwin";
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_CXXEXTRA]},"-mno-cygwin";
+ if ($opt_arch != $OPT_ARCH_DEFAULT) {
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_CEXTRA]},"-m$opt_arch";
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_CXXEXTRA]},"-m$opt_arch";
+ }
+ }
+ if (@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_MFC) {
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_INCLUDE_PATH]},"\$(MFC_INCLUDE_PATH)";
+ }
+ # The sources that did not match, if any, go to the extra
+ # source list of the project settings
+ foreach my $source (@sources_c) {
+ if ($source ne "") {
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_C]},$source;
+ }
+ }
+ @$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_C]=[sort @{@$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_C]}];
+ foreach my $source (@sources_cxx) {
+ if ($source ne "") {
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_CXX]},$source;
+ }
+ }
+ @$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_CXX]=[sort @{@$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_CXX]}];
+ foreach my $source (@sources_rc) {
+ if ($source ne "") {
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_RC]},$source;
+ }
+ }
+ @$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_RC]=[sort @{@$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_RC]}];
+ foreach my $source (@sources_misc) {
+ if ($source ne "") {
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_MISC]},$source;
+ }
+ }
+ @$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_MISC]=[sort @{@$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_MISC]}];
+# Scans the specified workspace file to find the project files
+sub source_scan_workspace_file($);
+sub source_scan_workspace_file($)
+ my $filename=$_[0];
+ my $path=dirname($filename);
+ my @components;
+ if (! -e $filename) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!open(FILEIWS,$filename)) {
+ print STDERR "error: unable to open $filename for reading:\n";
+ print STDERR " $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ my $prj_name;
+ my $prj_path;
+ if ($filename =~ /.dsw$/i) {
+ while (<FILEIWS>) {
+ # Remove any trailing CrLf
+ s/\r\n$/\n/;
+ # catch a project definition
+ if (/^Project:\s\"(.*)\"=(.*)\s-/) {
+ $prj_name=$1;
+ $prj_path=$2;
+ @components=split /[\/\\]+/, $prj_path;
+ $prj_path=search_from($path, \@components);
+ print "Name: $prj_name\nPath: $prj_path\n";
+ source_scan_project_file(\@main_project,1,$prj_path);
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^#/) {
+ # ignore Comments
+ } elsif (/^Global:/) {
+ # ignore the Global section
+ } elsif (/\w:/) {
+ print STDERR "unknown section $_\n";
+ } elsif (/^Microsoft(.*)Studio(.*)File,\sFormat Version\s(.*)/) {
+ print "\nFileversion: $3\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close(FILEIWS);
+ } elsif ($filename =~ /.sln$/i) {
+ while (<FILEIWS>) {
+ # Remove any trailing CrLf
+ s/\r\n$/\n/;
+ # catch a project definition
+ if (/^Project(.*)=\s*"(.*)",\s*"(.*)",\s*"(.*)"/) {
+ $prj_name=$2;
+ $prj_path=$3;
+ if ($prj_path eq "Solution Items") { next; }
+ @components=split /[\/\\]+/, $3;
+ $prj_path=search_from($path, \@components);
+ print "Name: $prj_name\nPath: $prj_path\n";
+ source_scan_project_file(\@main_project,1,$prj_path);
+ next;
+ } elsif (/^Microsoft(.*)Studio(.*)File,\sFormat Version\s(.*)/) {
+ print "\nFileversion: $3\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close(FILEIWS);
+ }
+ @projects=sort { @$a[$P_PATH] cmp @$b[$P_PATH] } @projects;
# Scans the specified directory to:
# - see if we should create a Makefile in this directory. We normally do
my @sources_misc=();
# true if this directory contains a Windows project
my $has_win_project=0;
+ # true if this directory contains headers
+ my $has_headers=0;
# If we don't find any executable/library then we might make up targets
# from the list of .dsp/.mak files we find since they usually have the
# same name as their target.
- my @dsp_files=();
+ my @prj_files=();
my @mak_files=();
if (defined $opt_single_target or $dirname eq "") {
} else {
- project_init($project,$path);
+ project_init($project, $path, \@global_settings);
my $project_settings=@$project[$P_SETTINGS];
# resulting executable/library. They should not contain anything else.
my @candidates=grep /\.(exe|dll)$/i, @{get_directory_contents("$fullentry")};
foreach my $candidate (@candidates) {
- if ($candidate =~ s/\.exe$//i) {
- $targets{$candidate}=1;
- } elsif ($candidate =~ s/^(.*)\.dll$/lib$1.so/i) {
- $targets{$candidate}=1;
- }
+ $targets{$candidate}=1;
} elsif ($dentry =~ /^include/i) {
# This directory must contain headers we're going to need
} elsif (-f "$fullentry") {
- if ($dentry =~ s/\.exe$//i) {
- $targets{$dentry}=1;
- } elsif ($dentry =~ s/^(.*)\.dll$/lib$1.so/i) {
+ if ($dentry =~ /\.(exe|dll)$/i) {
- } elsif ($dentry =~ /\.c$/i and $dentry !~ /\.spec\.c$/) {
+ } elsif ($dentry =~ /\.c$/i and $dentry !~ /\.(dbg|spec)\.c$/) {
push @sources_c,"$dentry";
} elsif ($dentry =~ /\.(cpp|cxx)$/i) {
if ($dentry =~ /^stdafx.cpp$/i && !(@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NOMFC)) {
} elsif ($dentry =~ /\.rc$/i) {
push @sources_rc,"$dentry";
+ } elsif ($dentry =~ /\.def$/i) {
+ @$project_settings[$T_FLAGS]|=$TF_HASDEF;
} elsif ($dentry =~ /\.(h|hxx|hpp|inl|rc2|dlg)$/i) {
+ $has_headers=1;
push @sources_misc,"$dentry";
if ($dentry =~ /^stdafx.h$/i && !(@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NOMFC)) {
- } elsif ($dentry =~ /\.dsp$/i) {
- push @dsp_files,"$dentry";
+ } elsif ($dentry =~ /\.(dsp|vcproj)$/i) {
+ push @prj_files,"$dentry";
} elsif ($dentry =~ /\.mak$/i) {
push @mak_files,"$dentry";
- closedir(DIRECTORY);
+ if ($has_headers) {
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_INCLUDE_PATH]},"-I.";
+ }
# If we have a single target then all we have to do is assign
# all the sources to it and we're done
# FIXME: does this play well with the --interactive mode?
if ($target_count == 0) {
# Try to come up with a target list based on .dsp/.mak files
my $prj_list;
- if (@dsp_files > 0) {
- $prj_list=\@dsp_files;
+ if (@prj_files > 0) {
+ print "Projectfile found! You might want to try using it directly.\n";
+ $prj_list=\@prj_files;
} else {
- $prj_list=\@mak_files;
+ $prj_list=\@mak_files;
foreach my $filename (@$prj_list) {
- $filename =~ s/\.(dsp|mak)$//i;
+ $filename =~ s/\.(dsp|vcproj|mak)$//i;
if ($opt_target_type == $TT_DLL) {
- $filename = "lib$filename.so";
+ $filename = "$filename.dll";
$name =~ s+(/|\.[^.]*)$++;
if ($opt_target_type == $TT_DLL) {
- $name = "lib$name.so";
+ $name = canonize($name).".dll";
+ } else {
+ $name = canonize($name).".exe";
foreach my $target (split /,/,$target_list) {
$target =~ s+^\s*++;
$target =~ s+\s*$++;
- # Also accept .exe and .dll as a courtesy
- $target =~ s+(.*)\.dll$+lib$1.so+;
- $target =~ s+\.exe$++;
if ((@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_MFC)!=0) {
- if ((@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_WRAP)!=0) {
- if ($flag_desc ne "") {
- $flag_desc.=", ";
- }
- $flag_desc.="wrapped";
- }
- print "* Type any project-wide options (-D/-I/-P/-i/-L/-l/--mfc/--wrap),\n";
+ print "* Type any project-wide options (-D/-I/-P/-i/-L/-l/--mfc),\n";
if (defined $flag_desc) {
print "* (currently $flag_desc)\n";
my @local_dlls=();
my @local_depends=();
my @exe_list=();
- foreach my $target_name (sort { $b cmp $a } keys %targets) {
+ foreach my $target_name (map (lc, (sort { $b cmp $a } keys %targets))) {
# Create the target...
- my $basename;
my $target=[];
- if ($target_name =~ /^lib(.*)\.so$/) {
+ if ($target_name =~ /\.dll$/) {
- @$target[$T_INIT]=get_default_init($TT_DLL);
- @$target[$T_FLAGS]&=~$TF_WRAP;
- $basename=$1;
- push @local_depends,$target_name;
- push @local_dlls,$basename;
+ push @local_depends,"$target_name.so";
+ push @local_dlls,$target_name;
+ my $canon=canonize($target_name);
+ if (@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_HASDEF) {
+ push @{@$target[$T_LDFLAGS]},("-shared","\$(${canon}_MODULE:.dll=.def)");
+ } else {
+ push @{@$target[$T_LDFLAGS]},("-shared","\$(${canon}_MODULE:.dll=.spec)");
+ }
} else {
- @$target[$T_INIT]=get_default_init($opt_target_type);
- $basename=$target_name;
push @exe_list,$target;
+ push @{@$target[$T_LDFLAGS]},(@$target[$T_TYPE] == $TT_CUIEXE ? "-mconsole" : "-mwindows");
- # This is the default link list of Visual Studio, except odbccp32
- # which we don't have in Wine. Also I add ntdll which seems
- # necessary for Winelib.
- my @std_dlls=qw(advapi32.dll comdlg32.dll gdi32.dll kernel32.dll ntdll.dll odbc32.dll ole32.dll oleaut32.dll shell32.dll user32.dll winspool.drv);
- if (@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NODLLS == 0) {
- @$target[$T_DLLS]=\@std_dlls;
+ my $basename=$target_name;
+ $basename=~ s/\.(dll|exe)$//i;
+ # This is the default link list of Visual Studio
+ my @std_imports=qw(odbc32 ole32 oleaut32 winspool odbccp32);
+ my @std_libraries=qw(uuid);
+ if ((@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NODLLS) == 0) {
+ @$target[$T_DLLS]=\@std_imports;
+ @$target[$T_LIBRARIES]=\@std_libraries;
} else {
+ @$target[$T_LIBRARIES]=[];
+ }
+ if ((@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NOMSVCRT) == 0) {
+ push @{@$target[$T_LDFLAGS]},"-mno-cygwin";
+ if ($opt_arch != $OPT_ARCH_DEFAULT) {
+ push @{@$target[$T_LDFLAGS]},"-m$opt_arch";
+ }
push @{@$project[$P_TARGETS]},$target;
if ((@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_MFC)!=0) {
$flag_desc=" (mfc";
- if ((@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_WRAP)!=0) {
- if ($flag_desc ne "") {
- $flag_desc.=", ";
- } else {
- $flag_desc=" (";
- }
- $flag_desc.="wrapped";
- }
if ($flag_desc ne "") {
- print "* Specify any link option (-P/-i/-L/-l/--mfc/--wrap) specific to the target\n";
+ print "* Specify any link option (-P/-i/-L/-l/--mfc) specific to the target\n";
print "* \"$target_name\"$flag_desc or 'never' to not be asked this question again:\n";
while (1) {
my $options=<STDIN>;
print "Please re-enter the options:\n";
- push @{@$target[$T_DLL_PATH]},"-L\$(WINE_DLL_ROOT)";
if (@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_MFC) {
push @{@$target[$T_DLL_PATH]},"\$(MFC_LIBRARY_PATH)";
+ if ((@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_NOMSVCRT) == 0) {
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_CEXTRA]},"-mno-cygwin";
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_CXXEXTRA]},"-mno-cygwin";
+ if ($opt_arch != $OPT_ARCH_DEFAULT) {
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_CEXTRA]},"-m$opt_arch";
+ push @{@$project_settings[$T_CXXEXTRA]},"-m$opt_arch";
+ }
+ }
if (@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_MFC) {
push @{@$project_settings[$T_INCLUDE_PATH]},"\$(MFC_INCLUDE_PATH)";
if (@local_dlls > 0 and @exe_list > 0) {
foreach my $target (@exe_list) {
push @{@$target[$T_DLL_PATH]},"-L.";
- push @{@$target[$T_DLLS]},map { "$_.dll" } @local_dlls;
- # Also link in the Unix sense since none of the functions
- # will be exported.
- push @{@$target[$T_LIBRARY_PATH]},"-L.";
- push @{@$target[$T_LIBRARIES]},@local_dlls;
- push @{@$target[$T_DEPENDS]},@local_depends;
+ push @{@$target[$T_DLLS]},@local_dlls;
# Create the main target
my $main_target=[];
- if ($opt_target_type == $TT_DLL) {
- @$main_target[$T_NAME]="lib$opt_single_target.so";
- } else {
- @$main_target[$T_NAME]="$opt_single_target";
- }
+ @$main_target[$T_NAME]=$opt_single_target;
# Add it to the list
# The main directory is always going to be there
push @projects,\@main_project;
- # Now scan the directory tree looking for source files and, maybe, targets
- print "Scanning the source directories...\n";
- source_scan_directory(\@main_project,"","",0);
- @projects=sort { @$a[$P_PATH] cmp @$b[$P_PATH] } @projects;
-# 'vc.dsp'-based Project analysis
-#sub analyze_vc_dsp
-# Creating the wrapper targets
-sub postprocess_targets()
- foreach my $project (@projects) {
- foreach my $target (@{@$project[$P_TARGETS]}) {
- if ((@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_WRAP) != 0) {
- my $wrapper=[];
- target_init($wrapper);
- @$wrapper[$T_NAME]=@$target[$T_NAME];
- @$wrapper[$T_TYPE]=@$target[$T_TYPE];
- @$wrapper[$T_INIT]=get_default_init(@$target[$T_TYPE]);
- @$wrapper[$T_FLAGS]=$TF_WRAPPER | (@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_MFC);
- @$wrapper[$T_DLLS]=[ "kernel32.dll", "ntdll.dll", "user32.dll" ];
- push @{@$wrapper[$T_LIBRARIES]}, "dl";
- push @{@$wrapper[$T_SOURCES_C]},"@$wrapper[$T_NAME]_wrapper.c";
- my $index=bsearch(@$target[$T_SOURCES_C],"@$wrapper[$T_NAME]_wrapper.c");
- if (defined $index) {
- splice(@{@$target[$T_SOURCES_C]},$index,1);
- }
- @$target[$T_NAME]="lib@$target[$T_NAME].so";
- @$target[$T_TYPE]=$TT_DLL;
- push @{@$project[$P_TARGETS]},$wrapper;
- }
- if ((@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_MFC) != 0) {
- @{@$project[$P_SETTINGS]}[$T_FLAGS]|=$TF_MFC;
- $needs_mfc=1;
- }
+ if (defined $opt_work_dir) {
+ # Now scan the directory tree looking for source files and, maybe, targets
+ print "Scanning the source directories...\n";
+ source_scan_directory(\@main_project,"","",0);
+ @projects=sort { @$a[$P_PATH] cmp @$b[$P_PATH] } @projects;
+ } elsif (defined $opt_work_file) {
+ if ($opt_work_file =~ /.dsp$/i or $opt_work_file =~ /.vcproj$/i) {
+ source_scan_project_file(\@main_project,0,$opt_work_file);
+ } elsif ($opt_work_file =~ /.dsw$/i or $opt_work_file =~ /.sln$/i) {
+ source_scan_workspace_file($opt_work_file);
+ }
- }
# Source search
# - they have the case desired by the user
# - their extension is of the appropriate case
# - they don't contain annoying characters like ' ', '$', '#', ...
+# But only perform these changes for source files and directories.
sub fix_file_and_directory_names($);
sub fix_file_and_directory_names($)
my $dirname=$_[0];
- if (opendir(DIRECTORY, "$dirname")) {
- foreach my $dentry (readdir DIRECTORY) {
+ my $directory=get_directory_contents($dirname);
+ foreach my $dentry (@$directory)
+ {
if ($dentry =~ /^\./ or $dentry eq "CVS") {
- next;
+ next;
# Set $warn to 1 if the user should be warned of the renaming
- my $warn=0;
- # autoconf and make don't support these characters well
+ my $warn;
my $new_name=$dentry;
- $new_name =~ s/[ \$]/_/g;
- # Only all lowercase extensions are supported (because of the
- # transformations ':.c=.o') .
- if (-f "$dirname/$new_name") {
- if ($new_name =~ /\.C$/) {
- $new_name =~ s/\.C$/.c/;
- }
- if ($new_name =~ /\.cpp$/i) {
- $new_name =~ s/\.cpp$/.cpp/i;
- }
- if ($new_name =~ s/\.cxx$/.cpp/i) {
- $warn=1;
- }
- if ($new_name =~ /\.rc$/i) {
- $new_name =~ s/\.rc$/.rc/i;
- }
- # And this last one is to avoid confusion then running make
- if ($new_name =~ s/^makefile$/makefile.win/) {
- $warn=1;
- }
+ if (-f "$dirname/$dentry")
+ {
+ # Don't rename Winemaker's makefiles
+ next if ($dentry eq "Makefile" and
+ `head -n 1 "$dirname/$dentry"` =~ /Generated by Winemaker/);
+ # Leave non-source files alone
+ next if ($new_name !~ /(^makefile|\.(c|cpp|h|rc|spec|def))$/i);
+ # Only all lowercase extensions are supported (because of
+ # rules like '.c.o:').
+ $new_name =~ s/\.C$/.c/;
+ $new_name =~ s/\.cpp$/.cpp/i;
+ $warn=1 if ($new_name =~ s/\.cxx$/.cpp/i);
+ $new_name =~ s/\.rc$/.rc/i;
+ # And this last one is to avoid confusion when running make
+ $warn=1 if ($new_name =~ s/^makefile$/makefile.win/i);
# Adjust the case to the user's preferences
if (($opt_lower == $OPT_LOWER_ALL and $dentry =~ /[A-Z]/) or
($opt_lower == $OPT_LOWER_UPPERCASE and $dentry !~ /[a-z]/)
) {
- $new_name=lc $new_name;
+ $new_name=lc $new_name;
+ # make doesn't support these characters well
+ $new_name =~ s/[ \$]/_/g;
# And finally, perform the renaming
- if ($new_name ne $dentry) {
- if ($warn) {
- print STDERR "warning: in \"$dirname\", renaming \"$dentry\" to \"$new_name\"\n";
- }
- if (!rename("$dirname/$dentry","$dirname/$new_name")) {
- print STDERR "error: in \"$dirname\", unable to rename \"$dentry\" to \"$new_name\"\n";
- print STDERR " $!\n";
- $new_name=$dentry;
- }
+ if ($new_name ne $dentry)
+ {
+ if ($warn) {
+ print STDERR "warning: in \"$dirname\", renaming \"$dentry\" to \"$new_name\"\n";
+ }
+ if (!rename("$dirname/$dentry","$dirname/$new_name")) {
+ print STDERR "error: in \"$dirname\", unable to rename \"$dentry\" to \"$new_name\"\n";
+ print STDERR " $!\n";
+ $new_name=$dentry;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ clear_directory_cache($dirname);
+ }
if (-d "$dirname/$new_name") {
- fix_file_and_directory_names("$dirname/$new_name");
+ fix_file_and_directory_names("$dirname/$new_name");
- }
- closedir(DIRECTORY);
-# This maps a directory name to a reference to an array listing
-# its contents (files and directories)
-my %directories;
-# Retrieves the contents of the specified directory.
-# We either get it from the directories hashtable which acts as a
-# cache, or use opendir, readdir, closedir and store the result
-# in the hashtable.
-sub get_directory_contents($)
- my $dirname=$_[0];
- my $directory;
- #print "getting the contents of $dirname\n";
- # check for a cached version
- $dirname =~ s+/$++;
- if ($dirname eq "") {
- $dirname=cwd;
- }
- $directory=$directories{$dirname};
- if (defined $directory) {
- #print "->@$directory\n";
- return $directory;
- }
- # Read this directory
- if (opendir(DIRECTORY, "$dirname")) {
- my @files=readdir DIRECTORY;
- closedir(DIRECTORY);
- $directory=\@files;
- } else {
- # Return an empty list
- #print "error: cannot open $dirname\n";
- my @files;
- $directory=\@files;
- }
- #print "->@$directory\n";
- $directories{$dirname}=$directory;
- return $directory;
# Try to find a file for the specified filename. The attempt is
# case-insensitive which is why it's not trivial. If a match is
my $path=$_[1];
my $real_path="";
- if ($dirname eq "" or $dirname eq ".") {
+ $dirname =~ s/(\.\/)+//;
+ if ($dirname eq "" or $dirname eq "." or $dirname eq "./") {
- } elsif ($dirname =~ m+^[^/]+) {
+ } elsif ($dirname !~ m+^/+) {
$dirname=cwd . "/" . $dirname;
if ($dirname !~ m+/$+) {
foreach my $component (@$path) {
+ $component=~s/^\"//;
+ $component=~s/\"$//;
#print " looking for $component in \"$dirname\"\n";
if ($component eq ".") {
# Pass it as is
} elsif ($component eq "..") {
# Go up one level
- $dirname=dirname($dirname) . "/";
+ if ($dirname =~ /\.\.\/$/) {
+ $dirname.="../";
+ } else {
+ $dirname=dirname($dirname) . "/";
+ }
} else {
# The file/directory may have been renamed before. Also try to
my $directory=get_directory_contents $dirname;
my $found;
foreach my $dentry (@$directory) {
- if ($dentry =~ /^$component$/i or
+ if ($dentry =~ /^\Q$component\E$/i or
(defined $renamed and $dentry =~ /^$renamed$/i)
) {
my $project=$_[3];
my $target=$_[4];
- if ($filename =~ /^([a-zA-Z]:)?[\/]/ or $filename =~ /^[a-zA-Z]:[\/]?/) {
+ if ($filename =~ /^([a-zA-Z]:)?[\/\\]/ or $filename =~ /^[a-zA-Z]:[\/\\]?/) {
# This is not a relative path, we cannot make any check
my $warning="path:$filename";
if (!defined $warnings{$warning}) {
foreach my $include (@{@$target[$T_INCLUDE_PATH]}, @{@$project_settings[$T_INCLUDE_PATH]}) {
my $dirname=$include;
$dirname=~ s+^-I++;
+ $dirname=~ s+\s$++;
if (!is_absolute($dirname)) {
} else {
print " $filename\n";
- #FIXME:assuming that because there is a .bak file, this is what we want is
- #probably flawed. Or is it???
if (! -e "$filename.bak") {
if (!copy("$filename","$filename.bak")) {
print STDERR "error: unable to make a backup of $filename:\n";
if ($is_rc and !$is_mfc and /^(\s*)(\#\s*include\s*)\"afxres\.h\"/) {
# VC6 automatically includes 'afxres.h', an MFC specific header, in
# the RC files it generates (even in non-MFC projects). So we replace
- # it with 'winres.h' its very close standard cousin so that non MFC
+ # it with 'winresrc.h' its very close standard cousin so that non MFC
# projects can compile in Wine without the MFC sources.
my $warning="mfc:afxres.h";
if (!defined $warnings{$warning}) {
- print STDERR "warning: In non-MFC projects, winemaker replaces the MFC specific header 'afxres.h' with 'winres.h'\n";
+ print STDERR "warning: In non-MFC projects, winemaker replaces the MFC specific header 'afxres.h' with 'winresrc.h'\n";
print STDERR "warning: the above warning is issued only once\n";
print FILEO "$1/* winemaker: $2\"afxres.h\" */\n";
- print FILEO "$1/* winemaker:warning: 'afxres.h' is an MFC specific header. Replacing it with 'winres.h' */\n";
- print FILEO "$1$2\"winres.h\"$'";
+ print FILEO "$1/* winemaker:warning: 'afxres.h' is an MFC specific header. Replacing it with 'winresrc.h' */\n";
+ print FILEO "$1$2\"winresrc.h\"$'";
} elsif (/^(\s*\#\s*include\s*)([\"<])([^\"]+)([\">])/) {
# by a reference to an array containing:
# - "push" for pack(push,...) directives, "" otherwise
# - the directive's identifier at index 1
- # - the directive's alignement value at index 2
+ # - the directive's alignment value at index 2
# Don't believe a word of what the documentation says: it's all wrong.
# The code below is based on the actual behavior of Visual C/C++ 6.
print FILEO;
} elsif ($rc_textinclude_state == 3 and /^(\s*\"\#\s*include\s*\"\")afxres\.h(\"\"\\r\\n\")/) {
- print FILEO "$1winres.h$2$'";
+ print FILEO "$1winresrc.h$2$'";
} elsif (/^\s*BEGIN(\W.*)?$/) {
print "Fixing the source files...\n";
foreach my $project (@projects) {
foreach my $target (@$project[$P_SETTINGS],@{@$project[$P_TARGETS]}) {
- if (@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_WRAPPER) {
- next;
- }
foreach my $source (@{@$target[$T_SOURCES_C]}, @{@$target[$T_SOURCES_CXX]}, @{@$target[$T_SOURCES_RC]}, @{@$target[$T_SOURCES_MISC]}) {
-# Generates a target's .spec file
-sub generate_spec_file($$$)
- if ($opt_no_generated_specs) {
- return;
- }
- my $path=$_[0];
- my $target=$_[1];
- my $project_settings=$_[2];
- my $basename=@$target[$T_NAME];
- $basename =~ s+\.so$++;
- if (@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_WRAP) {
- $basename =~ s+^lib++;
- } elsif (@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_WRAPPER) {
- $basename.="_wrapper";
- }
- if (@$target[$T_TYPE] != $TT_DLL) {
- $basename .= '.exe';
- }
- if (!open(FILEO,">$path$basename.spec")) {
- print STDERR "error: could not open \"$path$basename.spec\" for writing\n";
- print STDERR " $!\n";
- return;
- }
- if (defined @$target[$T_INIT] and ((@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_WRAP) == 0)) {
- print FILEO "init @$target[$T_INIT]\n";
- }
- print FILEO "\n";
- # Don't forget to export the 'Main' function for wrapped executables,
- # except for MFC ones!
- if ((@$target[$T_FLAGS]&($TF_WRAP|$TF_WRAPPER|$TF_MFC)) == $TF_WRAP) {
- if (@$target[$T_TYPE] == $TT_GUIEXE) {
- print FILEO "\n@ stdcall @$target[$T_INIT](long long ptr long) @$target[$T_INIT]\n";
- } elsif (@$target[$T_TYPE] == $TT_CUIEXE) {
- print FILEO "\n@ stdcall @$target[$T_INIT](long ptr ptr) @$target[$T_INIT]\n";
- } else {
- print FILEO "\n@ stdcall @$target[$T_INIT](ptr long ptr) @$target[$T_INIT]\n";
- }
- }
- close(FILEO);
-# Generates a target's wrapper file
-sub generate_wrapper_file($$)
- my $path=$_[0];
- my $target=$_[1];
- return generate_from_template("wrapper.c","$path${app_name}_wrapper.c",[
- ["APP_NAME",@$target[$T_NAME]],
- ["APP_TYPE",(@$target[$T_TYPE]==$TT_GUIEXE?"GUIEXE":"CUIEXE")],
- ["APP_INIT",(@$target[$T_TYPE]==$TT_GUIEXE?"\"WinMain\"":"\"main\"")],
- ["APP_MFC",(@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_MFC?"\"mfc\"":"NULL")]]);
# A convenience function to generate all the lists (defines,
# C sources, C++ source, etc.) in the Makefile
foreach my $item (@$list) {
my $value;
if (defined $data) {
- $value=&$data($item);
+ $value=&$data($item);
} else {
- $value=$item;
+ if (defined $item) {
+ $value=$item;
+ } else {
+ $value="";
+ }
if ($value ne "") {
if ($first) {
-# Generates a project's Makefile.in and all the target files
+# Generates a project's Makefile and all the target files
sub generate_project_files($)
my $project=$_[0];
push @{@$project[$P_TARGETS]}, @dll_list;
push @{@$project[$P_TARGETS]}, @exe_list;
- if (!open(FILEO,">@$project[$P_PATH]Makefile.in")) {
- print STDERR "error: could not open \"@$project[$P_PATH]/Makefile.in\" for writing\n";
+ if (!open(FILEO,">@$project[$P_PATH]Makefile")) {
+ print STDERR "error: could not open \"@$project[$P_PATH]/Makefile\" for writing\n";
print STDERR " $!\n";
- print FILEO "### Generated by Winemaker\n";
+ print FILEO "### Generated by Winemaker $version\n";
print FILEO "\n\n";
- print FILEO "### Generic autoconf variables\n\n";
- generate_list("TOPSRCDIR",1,[ "\@top_srcdir\@" ]);
- my $dotdotpath=@$project[$P_PATH];
- $dotdotpath =~ s%[^/]+%..%g;
- $dotdotpath =~ s%/$%%;
- $dotdotpath = "." if ($dotdotpath eq "");
- generate_list("TOPOBJDIR",1,[ $dotdotpath ]);
- generate_list("SRCDIR",1,[ "\@srcdir\@" ]);
- generate_list("VPATH",1,[ "\@srcdir\@" ]);
- print FILEO "\n";
+ generate_list("SRCDIR",1,[ "." ]);
if (@$project[$P_PATH] eq "") {
# This is the main project. It is also responsible for recursively
# calling the other projects
- return "@{$_[0]}[$T_NAME].exe";
+ return "@{$_[0]}[$T_NAME]";
print FILEO "\n\n\n";
print FILEO "### Common settings\n\n";
# Make it so that the project-wide settings override the global settings
+ generate_list("CEXTRA",1,@$project_settings[$T_CEXTRA]);
+ generate_list("CXXEXTRA",1,@$project_settings[$T_CXXEXTRA]);
+ generate_list("RCEXTRA",1,@$project_settings[$T_RCEXTRA]);
+ generate_list("DLL_IMPORTS",1,@$project_settings[$T_DLLS]);
print FILEO "\n\n";
print FILEO "### @$target[$T_NAME] sources and settings\n\n";
my $canon=canonize("@$target[$T_NAME]");
$canon =~ s+_so$++;
+ generate_list("${canon}_MODULE",1,[@$target[$T_NAME]]);
- my $basename=@$target[$T_NAME];
- $basename =~ s+\.so$++;
- if (@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_WRAP) {
- $basename =~ s+^lib++;
- } elsif (@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_WRAPPER) {
- $basename.="_wrapper";
- }
- if (@$target[$T_TYPE] != $TT_DLL) {
- generate_list("${canon}_SPEC_SRCS",1,[ "$basename.exe.spec" ]);
- } else {
- generate_list("${canon}_SPEC_SRCS",1,[ "$basename.spec" ]);
- }
+ generate_list("${canon}_LDFLAGS",1,@$target[$T_LDFLAGS]);
- generate_list("${canon}_DEPENDS",1,@$target[$T_DEPENDS]);
print FILEO "\n";
- generate_list("${canon}_OBJS",1,["\$(${canon}_C_SRCS:.c=.o)","\$(${canon}_CXX_SRCS:.cpp=.o)","\$(EXTRA_OBJS)"]);
+ generate_list("${canon}_OBJS",1,["\$(${canon}_C_SRCS:.c=.o)","\$(${canon}_CXX_SRCS:.cpp=.o)","\$(${canon}_RC_SRCS:.rc=.res)"]);
print FILEO "\n\n\n";
print FILEO "### Global source lists\n\n";
if (!$no_extra) {
generate_list("",1,[ "\$(EXTRA_RC_SRCS)" ]);
- generate_list("SPEC_SRCS",1,@$project[$P_TARGETS],sub
- {
- my $canon=canonize(@{$_[0]}[$T_NAME]);
- $canon =~ s+_so$++;
- return "\$(${canon}_SPEC_SRCS)";
- });
- print FILEO "\n\n\n";
+ print FILEO "\n\n";
+ print FILEO "### Tools\n\n";
+ print FILEO "CC = winegcc\n";
+ print FILEO "CXX = wineg++\n";
+ print FILEO "RC = wrc\n";
+ print FILEO "\n\n";
- print FILEO "### Generic autoconf targets\n\n";
+ print FILEO "### Generic targets\n\n";
print FILEO "all:";
if (@$project[$P_PATH] eq "") {
- print FILEO " wineapploader";
print FILEO " \$(SUBDIRS)";
if (@{@$project[$P_TARGETS]} > 0) {
- print FILEO " \$(DLLS) \$(EXES:%=%.so)";
+ print FILEO " \$(DLLS:%=%.so) \$(EXES)";
print FILEO "\n\n";
- if (@$project[$P_PATH] eq "") {
- print FILEO "wineapploader: wineapploader.in\n";
- print FILEO "\tsed -e 's,\@bindir\\\@,\$(bindir),g' " .
- "-e 's,\@winelibdir\\\@,.,g' " .
- "\$(SRCDIR)/wineapploader.in >\$\@ || \$(RM) \$\@\n";
- print FILEO "\n";
- }
- print FILEO "\@MAKE_RULES\@\n";
+ print FILEO "### Build rules\n";
print FILEO "\n";
- print FILEO "install::\n";
- if (@$project[$P_PATH] eq "") {
- # This is the main project. It is also responsible for recursively
- # calling the other projects
- print FILEO "\t_list=\"\$(SUBDIRS)\"; for i in \$\$_list; do (cd \$\$i; \$(MAKE) install) || exit 1; done\n";
- }
- if (@{@$project[$P_TARGETS]} > 0) {
- print FILEO "\t_list=\"\$(EXES:%=%.so)\"; for i in \$\$_list; do \$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) \$\$i \$(libdir); done\n";
- print FILEO "\t_list=\"\$(EXES)\"; for i in \$\$_list; do \$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) \$\$i \$(bindir); done\n";
- print FILEO "\t_list=\"\$(DLLS)\"; for i in \$\$_list; do \$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) \$\$i \$(libdir); done\n";
- }
+ print FILEO ".PHONY: all clean dummy\n";
print FILEO "\n";
- print FILEO "uninstall::\n";
- if (@$project[$P_PATH] eq "") {
- # This is the main project. It is also responsible for recursively
- # calling the other projects
- print FILEO "\t_list=\"\$(SUBDIRS)\"; for i in \$\$_list; do (cd \$\$i; \$(MAKE) uninstall) || exit 1; done\n";
- }
- if (@{@$project[$P_TARGETS]} > 0) {
- print FILEO "\t_list=\"\$(EXES) \$(EXES:%=%.so)\"; for i in \$\$_list; do \$(RM) \$(libdir)/\$\$i;done\n";
- print FILEO "\t_list=\"\$(EXES)\"; for i in \$\$_list; do \$(RM) \$(bindir)/\$\$i;done\n";
- print FILEO "\t_list=\"\$(DLLS)\"; for i in \$\$_list; do \$(RM) \$(libdir)/\$\$i;done\n";
- }
+ print FILEO "\$(SUBDIRS): dummy\n";
+ print FILEO "\t\@cd \$\@ && \$(MAKE)\n";
+ print FILEO "\n";
+ print FILEO "# Implicit rules\n";
+ print FILEO "\n";
+ print FILEO ".SUFFIXES: .cpp .rc .res\n";
+ print FILEO "\n";
+ print FILEO ".c.o:\n";
+ print FILEO "\t\$(CC) -c \$(CFLAGS) \$(CEXTRA) \$(DEFINCL) -o \$\@ \$<\n";
+ print FILEO "\n";
+ print FILEO ".cpp.o:\n";
+ print FILEO "\t\$(CXX) -c \$(CXXFLAGS) \$(CXXEXTRA) \$(DEFINCL) -o \$\@ \$<\n";
+ print FILEO "\n";
+ print FILEO ".cxx.o:\n";
+ print FILEO "\t\$(CXX) -c \$(CXXFLAGS) \$(CXXEXTRA) \$(DEFINCL) -o \$\@ \$<\n";
+ print FILEO "\n";
+ print FILEO ".rc.res:\n";
+ print FILEO "\t\$(RC) \$(RCFLAGS) \$(RCEXTRA) \$(DEFINCL) -fo\$@ \$<\n";
+ print FILEO "\n";
+ print FILEO "# Rules for cleaning\n";
+ print FILEO "\n";
+ print FILEO "CLEAN_FILES = y.tab.c y.tab.h lex.yy.c core *.orig *.rej \\\n";
+ print FILEO " \\\\\\#*\\\\\\# *~ *% .\\\\\\#*\n";
+ print FILEO "\n";
+ print FILEO "clean:: \$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__) \$(EXTRASUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__)\n";
+ print FILEO "\t\$(RM) \$(CLEAN_FILES) \$(RC_SRCS:.rc=.res) \$(C_SRCS:.c=.o) \$(CXX_SRCS:.cpp=.o)\n";
+ print FILEO "\t\$(RM) \$(DLLS:%=%.so) \$(EXES) \$(EXES:%=%.so)\n";
+ print FILEO "\n";
+ print FILEO "\$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__): dummy\n";
+ print FILEO "\tcd `dirname \$\@` && \$(MAKE) clean\n";
+ print FILEO "\n";
+ print FILEO "\$(EXTRASUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__): dummy\n";
+ print FILEO "\t-cd `dirname \$\@` && \$(RM) \$(CLEAN_FILES)\n";
print FILEO "\n";
- print FILEO "clean::\n";
- print FILEO "\t\$(RM)";
- if (@$project[$P_PATH] eq "") {
- print FILEO " wineapploader";
- }
- if (@{@$project[$P_TARGETS]} > 0) {
- print FILEO " \$(EXES)";
- }
- print FILEO "\n\n";
if (@{@$project[$P_TARGETS]} > 0) {
- print FILEO "### Target specific build rules\n\n";
+ print FILEO "### Target specific build rules\n";
foreach my $target (@{@$project[$P_TARGETS]}) {
my $canon=canonize("@$target[$T_NAME]");
- my $mode;
$canon =~ s/_so$//;
- if (@$target[$T_TYPE] == $TT_GUIEXE) {
- $mode = '-m gui';
- } elsif (@$target[$T_TYPE] == $TT_CUIEXE) {
- $mode = '-m cui';
- } else {
- $mode = '';
- }
- print FILEO "\$(${canon}_SPEC_SRCS:.spec=.spec.c): \$(${canon}_SPEC_SRCS) \$(${canon}_OBJS) \$(${canon}_RC_SRCS:.rc=.res)\n";
- print FILEO "\t\$(LD_PATH) \$(WINEBUILD) -fPIC \$(${canon}_DLL_PATH) \$(WINE_DLL_PATH) \$(${canon}_DLLS:%=-l%) \$(${canon}_RC_SRCS:%.rc=-res %.res) $mode \$(${canon}_OBJS) -o \$\@ -spec \$(SRCDIR)/\$(${canon}_SPEC_SRCS)\n";
- print FILEO "\n";
- my $t_name=@$target[$T_NAME];
- if (@$target[$T_TYPE]!=$TT_DLL) {
- $t_name.=".exe.so";
+ if (@$target[$T_TYPE] == $TT_DLL && (@$project_settings[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_HASDEF)) {
+ print FILEO "\$(${canon}_MODULE).so: \$(${canon}_OBJS) \$(${canon}_MODULE:.dll=.def)\n";
+ } elsif (@$target[$T_TYPE] == $TT_DLL) {
+ print FILEO "\$(${canon}_MODULE).so: \$(${canon}_OBJS) \$(${canon}_MODULE:.dll=.spec)\n";
+ } else {
+ print FILEO "\$(${canon}_MODULE): \$(${canon}_OBJS)\n";
- print FILEO "$t_name: \$(${canon}_SPEC_SRCS:.spec=.spec.o) \$(${canon}_OBJS) \$(${canon}_DEPENDS) \n";
if (@{@$target[$T_SOURCES_CXX]} > 0 or @{@$project_settings[$T_SOURCES_CXX]} > 0) {
- print FILEO "\t\$(LDXXSHARED)";
+ print FILEO "\t\$(CXX)";
} else {
- print FILEO "\t\$(LDSHARED)";
- }
- print FILEO " \$(LDDLLFLAGS) -o \$\@ \$(${canon}_OBJS) \$(${canon}_SPEC_SRCS:.spec=.spec.o) \$(${canon}_LIBRARY_PATH) \$(${canon}_LIBRARIES:%=-l%) \$(DLL_LINK) \$(LIBS)\n";
- if (@$target[$T_TYPE] ne $TT_DLL) {
- print FILEO "\ttest -f @$target[$T_NAME] || \$(INSTALL_SCRIPT) wineapploader @$target[$T_NAME]\n";
+ print FILEO "\t\$(CC)";
+ print FILEO " \$(${canon}_LDFLAGS) -o \$\@ \$(${canon}_OBJS) \$(${canon}_LIBRARY_PATH) \$(DEFLIB) \$(${canon}_DLLS:%=-l%) \$(${canon}_LIBRARIES:%=-l%)\n";
print FILEO "\n\n";
- foreach my $target (@{@$project[$P_TARGETS]}) {
- generate_spec_file(@$project[$P_PATH],$target,$project_settings);
- if (@$target[$T_FLAGS] & $TF_WRAPPER) {
- generate_wrapper_file(@$project[$P_PATH],$target);
- }
- }
-# Perform the replacements in the template configure files
-# Return 1 for success, 0 for failure
-sub generate_from_template($$;$)
- my $filename=$_[0];
- my $template=$_[1];
- my $substitutions=$_[2];
- if (!defined $templates{$template}) {
- print STDERR "winemaker: internal error: No template called '$template'\n";
- return 0;
- }
- if (!open(FILEO,">$filename")) {
- print STDERR "error: unable to open \"$filename\" for writing:\n";
- print STDERR " $!\n";
- return 0;
- }
- my $warned;
- foreach my $line (@{$templates{$template}}) {
- if ($line =~ /(\#\#WINEMAKER_[A-Z_]+\#\#)/) {
- if (defined $substitutions) {
- foreach my $pattern (@$substitutions) {
- $line =~ s%\#\#WINEMAKER_@$pattern[0]\#\#%@$pattern[1]%;
- }
- }
- if (!$warned and $line =~ /(\#\#WINEMAKER_[A-Z_]+\#\#)/) {
- print STDERR "warning: no value was provided for template $1 in \"$filename\"\n";
- $warned=1;
- }
- }
- print FILEO $line;
- }
- close(FILEO);
- return 1;
-# Generates the global files:
-# configure
-# configure.ac
-# Make.rules.in
-# wineapploader.in
-sub generate_global_files()
- my @include_path;
- foreach my $path (@{$global_settings[$T_INCLUDE_PATH]}) {
- if ($path !~ /^-L/ or is_absolute($')) {
- push @include_path, $path;
- } else {
- push @include_path, "-L\$(TOPSRCDIR)/$'";
- }
- }
- my @dll_path;
- foreach my $path (@{$global_settings[$T_DLL_PATH]}) {
- if ($path !~ /^-L/ or is_absolute($')) {
- push @dll_path, $path;
- } else {
- push @dll_path, "-L\$(TOPSRCDIR)/$'";
- }
- }
- my @library_path;
- foreach my $path (@{$global_settings[$T_LIBRARY_PATH]}) {
- if ($path !~ /^-L/ or is_absolute($')) {
- push @library_path, $path;
- } else {
- push @library_path, "-L\$(TOPSRCDIR)/$'";
- }
- }
- generate_from_template("Make.rules.in","Make.rules.in",[
- ["DEFINES", join(" ", @{$global_settings[$T_DEFINES]}) ],
- ["INCLUDE_PATH", join(" ", @include_path) ],
- ["DLL_PATH", join(" ", @dll_path) ],
- ["DLLS", join(" ", @{$global_settings[$T_DLLS]}) ],
- ["LIBRARY_PATH", join(" ", @library_path) ],
- ["LIBRARIES", join(" ", @{$global_settings[$T_LIBRARIES]}) ]]);
- generate_from_template("wineapploader.in","wineapploader.in");
- # Get the name of a source file for configure.ac
- my $a_source_file;
- search_a_file: foreach my $project (@projects) {
- foreach my $target (@{@$project[$P_TARGETS]}, @$project[$P_SETTINGS]) {
- $a_source_file=@{@$target[$T_SOURCES_C]}[0];
- if (!defined $a_source_file) {
- $a_source_file=@{@$target[$T_SOURCES_CXX]}[0];
- }
- if (!defined $a_source_file) {
- $a_source_file=@{@$target[$T_SOURCES_RC]}[0];
- }
- if (defined $a_source_file) {
- $a_source_file="@$project[$P_PATH]$a_source_file";
- last search_a_file;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!defined $a_source_file) {
- $a_source_file="Makefile.in";
- }
- generate_from_template("configure.ac","configure.ac",[
- ["PROJECTS",join("\n",map { "@$_[$P_PATH]Makefile" } @projects)],
- ["SOURCE","$a_source_file"],
- ["NEEDS_MFC","$needs_mfc"]]);
- system("autoconf");
- # Add execute permission to configure for whoever has the right to read it
- my @st=stat("configure");
- if (@st) {
- my $mode=$st[2];
- $mode|=($mode & 0444) >>2;
- chmod($mode,"configure");
- } else {
- print "warning: could not generate the configure script. You need to run autoconf\n";
- }
-sub generate_read_templates()
- my $file;
- while (<DATA>) {
- if (/^--- ((\w\.?)+) ---$/) {
- my $filename=$1;
- if (defined $templates{$filename}) {
- print STDERR "winemaker: internal error: There is more than one template for $filename\n";
- undef $file;
- } else {
- $file=[];
- $templates{$filename}=$file;
- }
- } elsif (defined $file) {
- push @$file, $_;
- }
- }
# This is where we finally generate files. In fact this method does not
sub generate()
print "Generating project files...\n";
- generate_read_templates();
- generate_global_files();
foreach my $project (@projects) {
my $path=@$project[$P_PATH];
-# $opt_work_dir=<undefined>
-# $opt_single_target=<undefined>
sub print_banner()
print "Winemaker $version\n";
- print "Copyright 2000 Francois Gouget <fgouget\@codeweavers.com> for CodeWeavers\n";
+ print "Copyright 2000-2004 Francois Gouget <fgouget\@codeweavers.com> for CodeWeavers\n";
+ print "Copyright 2004 Dimitrie O. Paun\n";
+ print "Copyright 2009-2011 André Hentschel\n";
sub usage()
print STDERR "Usage: winemaker [--nobanner] [--backup|--nobackup] [--nosource-fix]\n";
print STDERR " [--lower-none|--lower-all|--lower-uppercase]\n";
- print STDERR " [--lower-include|--nolower-include]\n";
- print STDERR " [--guiexe|--windows|--cuiexe|--console|--dll|--nodlls]\n";
- print STDERR " [--wrap|--nowrap] [--mfc|--nomfc]\n";
+ print STDERR " [--lower-include|--nolower-include] [--mfc|--nomfc]\n";
+ print STDERR " [--guiexe|--windows|--cuiexe|--console|--dll]\n";
print STDERR " [-Dmacro[=defn]] [-Idir] [-Pdir] [-idll] [-Ldir] [-llibrary]\n";
- print STDERR " [--interactive] [--single-target name]\n";
- print STDERR " [--generated-files|--nogenerated-files] [--nogenerated-specs]\n";
- print STDERR " work_directory\n";
+ print STDERR " [--nodlls] [--nomsvcrt] [--interactive] [--single-target name]\n";
+ print STDERR " [--generated-files|--nogenerated-files]\n";
+ print STDERR " [--wine32]\n";
+ print STDERR " work_directory|project_file|workspace_file\n";
print STDERR "\nWinemaker is designed to recursively convert all the Windows sources found in\n";
- print STDERR "the specified directory so that they can be compiled with Winelib. During this\n";
- print STDERR "process it will modify and rename some of the files in that directory.\n";
+ print STDERR "the specified directory or project-file, so that they can be compiled with Winelib.\n";
+ print STDERR "During this process it will modify and rename some of the corresponding files.\n";
print STDERR "\tPlease read the manual page before use.\n";
exit (2);
while (@ARGV>0) {
my $arg=shift @ARGV;
# General options
} elsif ($arg eq "--nogenerated-files") {
- } elsif ($arg eq "--nogenerated-specs") {
- $opt_no_generated_specs=1;
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--wine32") {
+ $opt_arch=$OPT_ARCH_32;
} elsif ($arg =~ /^-D/) {
push @{$global_settings[$T_DEFINES]},$arg;
} elsif ($arg =~ /^-I/) {
} elsif ($arg =~ /^-L/) {
push @{$global_settings[$T_LIBRARY_PATH]},$arg;
} elsif ($arg =~ /^-l/) {
- push @{$global_settings[$T_LIBRARIES]},$';
+ push @{$global_settings[$T_LIBRARIES]},$arg;
# 'Source'-based method options
} elsif ($arg eq "--dll") {
- } elsif ($arg eq "--wrap") {
- $opt_flags|=$TF_WRAP;
- } elsif ($arg eq "--nowrap") {
- $opt_flags&=~$TF_WRAP;
} elsif ($arg eq "--mfc") {
- $needs_mfc=1;
} elsif ($arg eq "--nomfc") {
- $needs_mfc=0;
} elsif ($arg eq "--nodlls") {
+ } elsif ($arg eq "--nomsvcrt") {
+ $opt_flags|=$TF_NOMSVCRT;
# Catch errors
} else {
if ($arg ne "--help" and $arg ne "-h" and $arg ne "-?") {
- if (!defined $opt_work_dir) {
- $opt_work_dir=$arg;
- } else {
- print STDERR "error: the work directory, \"$arg\", has already been specified (was \"$opt_work_dir\")\n";
- usage();
- }
+ if (!defined $opt_work_dir and !defined $opt_work_file) {
+ if (-f $arg) {
+ $opt_work_file=$arg;
+ }
+ else {
+ $opt_work_dir=$arg;
+ }
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "error: the work directory, \"$arg\", has already been specified (was \"$opt_work_dir\")\n";
+ usage();
+ }
} else {
- usage();
+ usage();
- if ($opt_flags & $TF_MFC && $opt_target_type != $TT_DLL) {
- print STDERR "info: option --mfc requires --wrap\n";
- $opt_flags |= $TF_WRAP;
- };
-if (!defined $opt_work_dir) {
- print STDERR "error: you must specify the directory containing the sources to be converted\n";
+if (!defined $opt_work_dir and !defined $opt_work_file) {
+ print STDERR "error: you must specify the directory or project file containing the sources to be converted\n";
-} elsif (!chdir $opt_work_dir) {
+} elsif (defined $opt_work_dir and !chdir $opt_work_dir) {
print STDERR "error: could not chdir to the work directory\n";
print STDERR " $!\n";
+project_init(\@main_project, "", \@global_settings);
# Fix the file and directory names
# Scan the sources to identify the projects and targets
-# Create targets for wrappers, etc.
# Fix the source files
if (! $opt_no_source_fix) {
if (! $opt_no_generated_files) {
---- configure.ac ---
-dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
-dnl Author: Michael Patra <micky@marie.physik.tu-berlin.de>
-dnl <patra@itp1.physik.tu-berlin.de>
-dnl Francois Gouget <fgouget@codeweavers.com> for CodeWeavers
-AC_REVISION([configure.ac 1.00])
-dnl **** Command-line arguments ****
-dnl **** Check for some programs ****
-dnl **** Check for some libraries ****
-dnl Check for -lm for BeOS
-dnl Check for -lw for Solaris
-dnl Check for -lnsl for Solaris
-AC_CHECK_FUNCS(gethostbyname,, AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl, gethostbyname, X_EXTRA_LIBS="$X_EXTRA_LIBS -lnsl", AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, gethostbyname, X_EXTRA_LIBS="$X_EXTRA_LIBS -lnsl", , -lnsl), -lsocket))
-dnl Check for -lsocket for Solaris
-dnl **** Check for gcc strength-reduce bug ****
-if test "x${GCC}" = "xyes"
- AC_CACHE_CHECK( "for gcc strength-reduce bug", ac_cv_c_gcc_strength_bug,
-int main(void) {
- static int Array[[3]];
- unsigned int B = 3;
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<B; i++) Array[[i]] = i - 3;
- exit( Array[[1]] != -2 );
- ac_cv_c_gcc_strength_bug="no",
- ac_cv_c_gcc_strength_bug="yes",
- ac_cv_c_gcc_strength_bug="yes") )
- if test "$ac_cv_c_gcc_strength_bug" = "yes"
- then
- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fno-strength-reduce"
- fi
-dnl **** Check for underscore on external symbols ****
-AC_CACHE_CHECK("whether external symbols need an underscore prefix",
- ac_cv_c_extern_prefix,
-LIBS="conftest_asm.s $LIBS"
-cat > conftest_asm.s <<EOF
- .globl _ac_test
- .long 0
-AC_TRY_LINK([extern int ac_test;],[if (ac_test) return 1],
- ac_cv_c_extern_prefix="yes",ac_cv_c_extern_prefix="no")
-if test "$ac_cv_c_extern_prefix" = "yes"
-dnl **** Check for working dll ****
-AC_CACHE_CHECK("whether we can build a Linux dll",
- ac_cv_c_dll_linux,
-CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fPIC -shared -Wl,-soname,conftest.so.1.0,-Bsymbolic"
-AC_TRY_LINK(,[return 1],ac_cv_c_dll_linux="yes",ac_cv_c_dll_linux="no")
-if test "$ac_cv_c_dll_linux" = "yes"
- LDSHARED="\$(CC) -shared"
- LDXXSHARED="\$(CXX) -shared"
- LDDLLFLAGS="-Wl,-Bsymbolic"
- AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether we can build a UnixWare (Solaris) dll,
- ac_cv_c_dll_unixware,
- [saved_cflags=$CFLAGS
- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fPIC -Wl,-G,-h,conftest.so.1.0,-B,symbolic"
- AC_TRY_LINK(,[return 1],ac_cv_c_dll_unixware="yes",ac_cv_c_dll_unixware="no")
- CFLAGS=$saved_cflags
- ])
- if test "$ac_cv_c_dll_unixware" = "yes"
- then
- LDSHARED="\$(CC) -Wl,-G"
- LDDLLFLAGS="-Wl,-B,symbolic"
- else
- AC_CACHE_CHECK("whether we can build a NetBSD dll",
- ac_cv_c_dll_netbsd,
- [saved_cflags=$CFLAGS
- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fPIC -Wl,-Bshareable,-Bforcearchive"
- AC_TRY_LINK(,[return 1],ac_cv_c_dll_netbsd="yes",ac_cv_c_dll_netbsd="no")
- CFLAGS=$saved_cflags
- ])
- if test "$ac_cv_c_dll_netbsd" = "yes"
- then
- LDSHARED="\$(CC) -Wl,-Bshareable,-Bforcearchive"
- LDXXSHARED="\$(CXX) -Wl,-Bshareable,-Bforcearchive"
- fi
- fi
-if test "$ac_cv_c_dll_linux" = "no" -a "$ac_cv_c_dll_unixware" = "no" -a "$ac_cv_c_dll_netbsd" = "no"
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find how to build a dynamically linked library])
-dnl *** check for the need to define __i386__
-AC_CACHE_CHECK("whether we need to define __i386__",ac_cv_cpp_def_i386,
- AC_EGREP_CPP(yes,[#if (defined(i386) || defined(__i386)) && !defined(__i386__)
- ac_cv_cpp_def_i386="yes", ac_cv_cpp_def_i386="no"))
-if test "$ac_cv_cpp_def_i386" = "yes"
- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D__i386__"
-dnl *** check for the need to define __sparc__
-AC_CACHE_CHECK("whether we need to define __sparc__",ac_cv_cpp_def_sparc,
- AC_EGREP_CPP(yes,[#if (defined(sparc) || defined(__sparc)) && !defined(__sparc__)
- ac_cv_cpp_def_sparc="yes", ac_cv_cpp_def_sparc="no"))
-if test "$ac_cv_cpp_def_sparc" = "yes"
- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D__sparc__"
- CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -D__sparc__"
-dnl *** check for the need to define __sun__
-AC_CACHE_CHECK("whether we need to define __sun__",ac_cv_cpp_def_sun,
- AC_EGREP_CPP(yes,[#if (defined(sun) || defined(__sun)) && !defined(__sun__)
- ac_cv_cpp_def_sun="yes", ac_cv_cpp_def_sun="no"))
-if test "$ac_cv_cpp_def_sun" = "yes"
- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D__sun__"
-dnl $GCC is set by autoconf
-if test "$GCC" = "yes"
- GCC_NO_BUILTIN="-fno-builtin"
-dnl **** Test Winelib-related features of the C++ compiler
-if test "x${GCC}" = "xyes"
- CXXFLAGS="-fpermissive";
- AC_CACHE_CHECK("for g++ -fpermissive option", has_gxx_permissive,
- for (int i=0;i<2;i++);
- i=0;
- ],
- [has_gxx_permissive="yes"],
- [has_gxx_permissive="no"])
- )
- CXXFLAGS="-fno-for-scope";
- AC_CACHE_CHECK("for g++ -fno-for-scope option", has_gxx_no_for_scope,
- for (int i=0;i<2;i++);
- i=0;
- ],
- [has_gxx_no_for_scope="yes"],
- [has_gxx_no_for_scope="no"])
- )
- if test "$has_gxx_permissive" = "yes"
- then
- CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fpermissive"
- fi
- if test "$has_gxx_no_for_scope" = "yes"
- then
- CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-for-scope"
- fi
-dnl **** Test Winelib-related features of the C compiler
-dnl none for now
-dnl **** Macros for finding a headers/libraries in a collection of places
-dnl AC_PATH_FILE(variable,file,action-if-not-found,default-locations)
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $2])
- ac_found=
- ac_dummy="ifelse([$4], , , [$4])"
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":"
- for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
- if test -z "$ac_dir"
- then
- ac_file="$2"
- else
- ac_file="$ac_dir/$2"
- fi
- if test -f "$ac_file"
- then
- ac_found=1
- ac_cv_pfile_$1="$ac_dir"
- break
- fi
- done
- ifelse([$3],,,[if test -z "$ac_found"
- then
- $3
- fi
- ])
-if test -n "$ac_found" -o -n "[$]$1"
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$]$1)
-dnl AC_PATH_HEADER(variable,header,action-if-not-found,default-locations)
-dnl Note that the above may set variable to an empty value if the header is
-dnl already in the include path
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $2 header])
- ac_found=
- ac_dummy="ifelse([$4], , :/usr/local/include, [$4])"
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":"
- for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
- if test -z "$ac_dir"
- then
- else
- CPPFLAGS="-I$ac_dir $save_CPPFLAGS"
- fi
- AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <$2>],,ac_found=1;ac_cv_pheader_$1="$ac_dir";break)
- done
- ifelse([$3],,,[if test -z "$ac_found"
- then
- $3
- fi
- ])
-if test -n "$ac_found" -o -n "[$]$1"
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$]$1)
-dnl AC_PATH_LIBRARY(variable,libraries,extra libs,action-if-not-found,default-locations)
-AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $2])
- ac_found=
- ac_dummy="ifelse([$5], , :/usr/local/lib, [$5])"
- save_LIBS="$LIBS"
- IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=":"
- for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do
- IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
- if test -z "$ac_dir"
- then
- LIBS="$2 $3 $save_LIBS"
- else
- LIBS="-L$ac_dir $2 $3 $save_LIBS"
- fi
- AC_TRY_LINK(,,ac_found=1;ac_cv_plibrary_$1="$ac_dir";break)
- done
- LIBS="$save_LIBS"
- ifelse([$4],,,[if test -z "$ac_found"
- then
- $4
- fi
- ])
-if test -n "$ac_found" -o -n "[$]$1"
- AC_MSG_RESULT([$]$1)
-dnl **** Try to find where winelib is located ****
-[ --with-wine=DIR the Wine package (or sources) is in DIR],
-[if test "$withval" != "no"; then
- WINE_ROOT="$withval";
-if test -n "$WINE_ROOT"
- WINE_INCLUDE_ROOT="$WINE_ROOT/include:$WINE_ROOT/include/wine"
- WINE_TOOL_PATH="$WINE_ROOT:$WINE_ROOT/bin:$WINE_ROOT/tools/wrc:$WINE_ROOT/tools/winebuild"
-[ --with-wine-includes=DIR the Wine includes are in DIR],
-[if test "$withval" != "no"; then
- WINE_INCLUDES="$withval";
-if test -n "$WINE_INCLUDES"
-[ --with-wine-libraries=DIR the Wine libraries are in DIR],
-[if test "$withval" != "no"; then
- WINE_LIBRARIES="$withval";
-if test -n "$WINE_LIBRARIES"
-[ --with-wine-dlls=DIR the Wine dlls are in DIR],
-[if test "$withval" != "no"; then
- WINE_DLLS="$withval";
-if test -n "$WINE_DLLS"
-[ --with-wine-tools=DIR the Wine tools are in DIR],
-[if test "$withval" != "no"; then
- WINE_TOOLS="$withval";
-if test -n "$WINE_TOOLS"
- WINE_TOOL_PATH="$WINE_TOOLS:$WINE_TOOLS/tools/wrc:$WINE_TOOLS/tools/winebuild"
-if test -z "$WINE_INCLUDE_ROOT"
- WINE_INCLUDE_ROOT=":/usr/include/wine:/usr/local/include/wine:/opt/wine/include:/opt/wine/include/wine";
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find the Wine headers (windef.h)])
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not include the Wine headers (windef.h)])
-if test -n "$WINE_INCLUDE_ROOT"
-if test -z "$WINE_LIBRARY_ROOT"
- WINE_LIBRARY_ROOT=":/usr/lib/wine:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib/wine:/opt/wine/lib"
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find the Wine libraries (libwine.so)])
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not link with the Wine libraries (libwine.so)])
-if test -n "$WINE_LIBRARY_ROOT"
-if test -z "$WINE_UNICODE_ROOT"
- WINE_UNICODE_ROOT=":/usr/lib/wine:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib/wine:/opt/wine/lib"
- AC_PATH_FILE(WINE_UNICODE_ROOT,[libwine_unicode.so],[
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find the Wine libraries (libwine_unicode.so)])
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not link with the Wine libraries (libwine_unicode.so)])
-if test -z "$WINE_UUID_ROOT"
- WINE_UUID_ROOT=":/usr/lib/wine:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib/wine:/opt/wine/lib"
- AC_PATH_FILE(WINE_UUID_ROOT,[libwine_uuid.a],[
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find the Wine libraries (libwine_uuid.a)])
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not link with the Wine libraries (libwine_uuid.a)])
-if test -z "$WINE_DLL_ROOT"
- if test -n "$WINE_LIBRARY_ROOT"
- then
- else
- WINE_DLL_ROOT="/lib:/lib/wine:/usr/lib:/usr/lib/wine:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib/wine"
- fi
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find the Wine dlls (libntdll.dll.so)])
-AC_PATH_LIBRARY(WINE_DLL_ROOT,[-lntdll.dll],[$WINE_LIBRARY_PATH -lwine -lwine_unicode],[
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not link with the Wine dlls (libntdll.dll.so)])
-if test -n "$LD_PATH"
-if test -z "$WINE_TOOL_PATH"
- WINE_TOOL_PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/opt/wine/bin"
-if test -z "$WINE"
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find Wine's wine tool])
-if test -z "$WINEBUILD"
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find Wine's winebuild tool])
-if test -z "$WRC"
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find Wine's wrc tool])
-dnl **** Try to find where the MFC are located ****
-if test "x$NEEDS_MFC" = "x1"
- AC_ARG_WITH(mfc,
- [ --with-mfc=DIR the MFC package (or sources) is in DIR],
- [if test "$withval" != "no"; then
- MFC_ROOT="$withval";
- else
- MFC_ROOT="";
- fi])
- if test -n "$MFC_ROOT"
- then
- fi
- AC_ARG_WITH(atl-includes,
- [ --with-atl-includes=DIR the ATL includes are in DIR],
- [if test "$withval" != "no"; then
- ATL_INCLUDES="$withval";
- else
- fi])
- if test -n "$ATL_INCLUDES"
- then
- fi
- AC_ARG_WITH(mfc-includes,
- [ --with-mfc-includes=DIR the MFC includes are in DIR],
- [if test "$withval" != "no"; then
- MFC_INCLUDES="$withval";
- else
- fi])
- if test -n "$MFC_INCLUDES"
- then
- fi
- AC_ARG_WITH(mfc-libraries,
- [ --with-mfc-libraries=DIR the MFC libraries are in DIR],
- [if test "$withval" != "no"; then
- MFC_LIBRARIES="$withval";
- else
- fi])
- if test -n "$MFC_LIBRARIES"
- then
- fi
- dnl FIXME: We should not have defines in any of the include paths
- if test -z "$ATL_INCLUDE_ROOT"
- then
- ATL_INCLUDE_ROOT=":$WINE_INCLUDE_ROOT/atl:/usr/include/atl:/usr/local/include/atl:/opt/mfc/include/atl:/opt/atl/include"
- else
- fi
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find the ATL includes])
- if test -n "$ATL_INCLUDE_ROOT"
- then
- fi
- if test -z "$MFC_INCLUDE_ROOT"
- then
- MFC_INCLUDE_ROOT=":$WINE_INCLUDE_ROOT/mfc:/usr/include/mfc:/usr/local/include/mfc:/opt/mfc/include/mfc:/opt/mfc/include"
- else
- fi
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find the MFC includes])
- then
- fi
- if test -z "$MFC_LIBRARY_ROOT"
- then
- MFC_LIBRARY_ROOT=":$WINE_LIBRARY_ROOT:/usr/lib/mfc:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib/mfc:/opt/mfc/lib";
- else
- fi
- AC_PATH_LIBRARY(MFC_LIBRARY_ROOT,[-lmfc],[$WINE_LIBRARY_PATH -lwine -lwine_unicode],[
- AC_MSG_ERROR([Could not find the MFC library])
- then
- else
- fi
-dnl **** Generate output files ****
- ])
-echo "Configure finished. Do 'make' to build the project."
-dnl Local Variables:
-dnl comment-start: "dnl "
-dnl comment-end: ""
-dnl comment-start-skip: "\\bdnl\\b\\s *"
-dnl compile-command: "autoconf"
-dnl End:
---- Make.rules.in ---
-# Copyright 2000 Francois Gouget for CodeWeavers
-# fgouget@codeweavers.com
-# Global rules shared by all makefiles -*-Makefile-*-
-# Each individual makefile must define the following variables:
-# TOPOBJDIR : top-level object directory
-# SRCDIR : source directory for this module
-# Each individual makefile may define the following additional variables:
-# SUBDIRS : subdirectories that contain a Makefile
-# DLLS : WineLib libraries to be built
-# EXES : WineLib executables to be built
-# CEXTRA : extra c flags (e.g. '-Wall')
-# CXXEXTRA : extra c++ flags (e.g. '-Wall')
-# WRCEXTRA : extra wrc flags (e.g. '-p _SysRes')
-# DEFINES : defines (e.g. -DSTRICT)
-# INCLUDE_PATH : additional include path
-# LIBRARY_PATH : additional library path
-# LIBRARIES : additional Unix libraries to link with
-# C_SRCS : C sources for the module
-# CXX_SRCS : C++ sources for the module
-# RC_SRCS : resource source files
-# SPEC_SRCS : interface definition files
-# Where is Wine
-# Where are the MFC
-# Global definitions and options
-# First some useful definitions
-SHELL = /bin/sh
-CC = @CC@
-CPP = @CPP@
-CXX = @CXX@
-WRC = @WRC@
-DLL_LINK = $(LIBRARY_PATH) $(LIBRARIES:%=-l%) $(WINE_LIBRARY_PATH) $(GLOBAL_LIBRARY_PATH) -lwine -lwine_unicode -lwine_uuid $(GLOBAL_LIBRARIES:%=-l%)
-LDCOMBINE = ld -r
-STRIP = strip
-STRIPFLAGS= --strip-unneeded
-LN_S = @LN_S@
-RM = rm -f
-MV = mv
-MKDIR = mkdir -p
-# Installation infos
-INSTALL = install
-prefix = @prefix@
-exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
-bindir = @bindir@
-libdir = @libdir@
-infodir = @infodir@
-mandir = @mandir@
-prog_manext = 1
-conf_manext = 5
-OBJS = $(C_SRCS:.c=.o) $(CXX_SRCS:.cpp=.o) \
- $(SPEC_SRCS:.spec=.spec.o)
-CLEAN_FILES = *.spec.c y.tab.c y.tab.h lex.yy.c \
- core *.orig *.rej \
- \\\#*\\\# *~ *% .\\\#*
-# Implicit rules
-.SUFFIXES: .cpp .rc .res .spec .spec.c .spec.o
- $(CC) -c $(ALLCFLAGS) -o $@ $<
- $(CXX) -c $(ALLCXXFLAGS) -o $@ $<
- $(CXX) -c $(ALLCXXFLAGS) -o $@ $<
- $(LD_PATH) $(WRC) $(ALLWRCFLAGS) -o $@ $<
-.PHONY: all install uninstall clean distclean depend dummy
-# 'all' target first in case the enclosing Makefile didn't define any target
-all: Makefile
-# Rules for makefile
-Makefile: Makefile.in $(TOPSRCDIR)/configure
- @echo $@ is older than $?, please rerun $(TOPSRCDIR)/configure
- @exit 1
-# Rules for cleaning
-$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__): dummy
- cd `dirname $@` && $(MAKE) clean
-$(EXTRASUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__): dummy
- -cd `dirname $@` && $(RM) $(CLEAN_FILES)
-clean:: $(SUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__) $(EXTRASUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__)
- $(RM) $(CLEAN_FILES) $(RC_SRCS:.rc=.res) $(OBJS) $(EXES) $(EXES:%=%.so) $(DLLS)
-# Rules for installing
-$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__install__): dummy
- cd `dirname $@` && $(MAKE) install
-$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__uninstall__): dummy
- cd `dirname $@` && $(MAKE) uninstall
-# Misc. rules
-$(SUBDIRS): dummy
- @cd $@ && $(MAKE)
-# End of global rules
---- wineapploader.in ---
-# Wrapper script to start a Winelib application once it is installed
-# Copyright (C) 2002 Alexandre Julliard
-# determine the app Winelib library name
-appname=`basename "$0" .exe`.exe
-#allow Wine to load Winelib application from the current directory
-export WINEDLLPATH=$WINEDLLPATH:@winelibdir@
-# first try explicit WINELOADER
-if [ -x "$WINELOADER" ]; then exec "$WINELOADER" "$appname" "$@"; fi
-# then default bin directory
-if [ -x "@bindir@/wine" ]; then exec "@bindir@/wine" "$appname" "$@"; fi
-# now try the directory containing $0
-case "$0" in
- */*)
- # $0 contains a path, use it
- appdir=`dirname "$0"`
- ;;
- *)
- # no directory in $0, search in PATH
- saved_ifs=$IFS
- IFS=:
- for d in $PATH
- do
- IFS=$saved_ifs
- if [ -x "$d/$0" ]; then appdir="$d"; break; fi
- done
- ;;
-if [ -x "$appdir/wine" ]; then exec "$appdir/wine" "$appname" "$@"; fi
-# finally look in PATH
-exec wine "$appname" "$@"
---- wrapper.c ---
- * Copyright 2000 Francois Gouget <fgouget@codeweavers.com> for CodeWeavers
- */
-#ifndef STRICT
-#define STRICT
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-#include <windows.h>
- * Describe the wrapped application
- */
- * This is either CUIEXE for a console based application or
- * GUIEXE for a regular windows application.
- */
-#define GUIEXE 0
-#define CUIEXE 1
- * This is the application library's base name, i.e. 'hello' if the
- * library is called 'libhello.so'.
- */
-static char* appName = ##WINEMAKER_APP_NAME##;
- * This is the name of the application's Windows module. If left NULL
- * then appName is used.
- */
-static char* appModule = NULL;
- * This is the application's entry point. This is usually "WinMain" for a
- * GUIEXE and 'main' for a CUIEXE application.
- */
-static char* appInit = ##WINEMAKER_APP_INIT##;
- * This is either non-NULL for MFC-based applications and is the name of the
- * MFC's module. This is the module in which we will take the 'WinMain'
- * function.
- */
-static char* mfcModule = ##WINEMAKER_APP_MFC##;
- * Implement the main.
- */
-typedef int WINAPI (*WinMainFunc)(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
- PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow);
-typedef int WINAPI (*MainFunc)(int argc, char** argv, char** envp);
-int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
- PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow)
-int WINAPI main(int argc, char** argv, char** envp)
- void* appLibrary;
- HINSTANCE hApp = 0, hMFC = 0, hMain = 0;
- void* appMain;
- char* libName;
- int retcode;
- /* Load the application's library */
- libName=(char*)malloc(strlen(appName)+5+3+1);
- /* FIXME: we should get the wrapper's path and use that as the base for
- * the library
- */
- sprintf(libName,"./lib%s.so",appName);
- appLibrary=dlopen(libName,RTLD_NOW);
- if (appLibrary==NULL) {
- sprintf(libName,"lib%s.so",appName);
- appLibrary=dlopen(libName,RTLD_NOW);
- }
- if (appLibrary==NULL) {
- char format[]="Could not load the %s library:\r\n%s";
- char* error;
- char* msg;
- error=dlerror();
- msg=(char*)malloc(strlen(format)+strlen(libName)+strlen(error));
- sprintf(msg,format,libName,error);
- MessageBox(NULL,msg,"dlopen error",MB_OK);
- free(msg);
- return 1;
- }
- /* Then if this application is MFC based, load the MFC module */
- /* FIXME: I'm not sure this is really necessary */
- if (mfcModule!=NULL) {
- hMFC=LoadLibrary(mfcModule);
- if (hMFC==NULL) {
- char format[]="Could not load the MFC module %s (%d)";
- char* msg;
- msg=(char*)malloc(strlen(format)+strlen(mfcModule)+11);
- sprintf(msg,format,mfcModule,GetLastError());
- MessageBox(NULL,msg,"LoadLibrary error",MB_OK);
- free(msg);
- return 1;
- }
- /* MFC is a special case: the WinMain is in the MFC library,
- * instead of the application's library.
- */
- hMain=hMFC;
- } else {
- }
- /* Load the application's module */
- if (appModule==NULL) {
- appModule=appName;
- }
- hApp=LoadLibrary(appModule);
- if (hApp==NULL) {
- char format[]="Could not load the application's module %s (%d)";
- char* msg;
- msg=(char*)malloc(strlen(format)+strlen(appModule)+11);
- sprintf(msg,format,appModule,GetLastError());
- MessageBox(NULL,msg,"LoadLibrary error",MB_OK);
- free(msg);
- return 1;
- } else if (hMain==NULL) {
- hMain=hApp;
- }
- /* Get the address of the application's entry point */
- appMain=GetProcAddress(hMain, appInit);
- if (appMain==NULL) {
- char format[]="Could not get the address of %s (%d)";
- char* msg;
- msg=(char*)malloc(strlen(format)+strlen(appInit)+11);
- sprintf(msg,format,appInit,GetLastError());
- MessageBox(NULL,msg,"GetProcAddress error",MB_OK);
- free(msg);
- return 1;
- }
- /* And finally invoke the application's entry point */
- retcode=(*((WinMainFunc)appMain))(hApp,hPrevInstance,szCmdLine,iCmdShow);
- retcode=(*((MainFunc)appMain))(argc,argv,envp);
- /* Cleanup and done */
- FreeLibrary(hApp);
- if (hMFC!=NULL) {
- FreeLibrary(hMFC);
- }
- dlclose(appLibrary);
- free(libName);
- return retcode;