-This is release 0.9.50 of Wine, a free implementation of Windows on Unix.
+The Wine development release 1.1.31 is now available.
-What's new in this release:
- - Completed I/O completion.
- - Improved user credentials management, including Mac Keychain support.
- - More Valgrinding.
- - Lots of bug fixes.
+What's new in this release (see below for details):
+ - Vastly improved monthcal control.
+ - Performance improvements for DIB sections.
+ - Several sound driver fixes.
+ - Beginning of ActiveX support in JScript.
+ - More Direct3D 10 work.
+ - More 16-bit dlls split off to separate modules.
+ - Support for attachments in MAPI.
+ - Various bug fixes.
-Because of lags created by using mirrors, this message may reach you
-before the release is available at the public sites. The sources will
-be available from the following locations:
+The source is available from the following locations:
- http://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/system/emulators/wine/wine-0.9.50.tar.bz2
- http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine-0.9.50.tar.bz2
+ http://ibiblio.org/pub/linux/system/emulators/wine/wine-1.1.31.tar.bz2
+ http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine-1.1.31.tar.bz2
Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
-You will find documentation on
+You will find documentation on http://www.winehq.org/site/documentation
- http://www.winehq.org/site/documentation
-You can also get the current source directly from the git or CVS
-repositories. Check respectively http://www.winehq.org/site/git or
-http://www.winehq.org/site/cvs for details.
-If you fix something, please submit a patch; instructions on how to do
-this can be found at http://www.winehq.org/site/sending_patches
+You can also get the current source directly from the git
+repository. Check http://www.winehq.org/site/git for details.
Wine is available thanks to the work of many people. See the file
AUTHORS in the distribution for the complete list.
-Changes since 0.9.49:
-Alex Villacís Lasso (6):
- user32: Fix returned value of LB_DIR.
- user32: LB_DIR with standalone DDL_DRIVES implies DDL_EXCLUSIVE.
- user32: DlgDirSelect tacks on a period on filenames without ext.
- user32: Conformance tests for LB_DIR on listboxes.
- user32: DlgDirList converts path specification to uppercase.
- user32: Conformance tests for DlgDirList and DlgDirSelectEx.
-Alexander Nicolaysen Sørnes (5):
- wordpad: Refer to main menu using IDM_MAINMENU.
- wordpad: Fix print preview bar.
- wordpad: Move printing functions to a separate file.
- user32: Change to modern Windows colours.
- winecfg: Some fixes for Norwegian translation.
-Alexandre Julliard (19):
- oleaut32: Fixed asm proxys to support more than 128 methods.
- user32: Remove a few traces that only duplicate the relay information.
- include: Added definition for SEE_MASK_NOASYNC.
- shell32: Pass some of the ShellExecute flags through InvokeCommand.
- shell32: Don't wait for the command to terminate in ShellLink_InvokeCommand.
- winedbg: Print a backtrace in --auto mode.
- comctl32: Fixed handling of monochrome icons in image lists.
- wine.inf: Some dlls need to be registered before the others.
- wine.inf: Register inetcomm.dll.
- ntdll: Initialize the PEB LoaderLock pointer.
- ntdll: Send the exit code to the server on failed initialization.
- ntdll: Unblock signals in process init only after the dlls have been imported.
- libport: Work around Mac OS execve() breakage.
- kernel32/tests: Don't crash the test if GetThreadContext fails.
- winex11.drv: Make sure to erase the dragging frame before moving the window.
- wsock32: Forward AcceptEx and GetAcceptExSockaddrs to mswsock.
- server: When merging mouse messages ignore the window if it isn't set.
- wined3d: Add printf format checking to the shader_addline function and fix resulting warnings.
- libwine: Work around the Mac OS dynamic loader support for PE files.
-Alistair Leslie-Hughes (10):
- clusapi: Corrected value in GetNodeClusterState.
- msxml3: Return E_INVALIDARG on bad parameter.
- msxml3: Enable test for bad argument / fix memory leak.
- msxml: Allow insertBefore to have a NULL output parameter.
- msxml: Test for insertBefore with a NULL output parameter.
- msxml: Added test for get_text.
- msxml: Always return a string in get_text.
- msxml: Implement createTextNode.
- msxml: Tests for createTextNode.
- urlmon: The callback parameter can be null, check pointer before using.
-Anatoly Lyutin (1):
- msi: Fix invalid SQL query.
-Andrew Talbot (12):
- user32: Constify some variables.
- user32: Constify a variable.
- user32: Constify a variable.
- user32: Constify some variables.
- user32: Constify some variables.
- user32: Constify some variables.
- comctl32: Fix a typo.
- user32: Fix a typo.
- comdlg32: Use logical OR not bitwise OR.
- dinput: Use bitwise NOT not logical NOT.
- gdi32: Fix a typo.
- advapi32: Fix a typo.
-Andrey Turkin (5):
- ntdll: Add some I/O completion tests.
- server: Allow async i/o operations to send completion messages.
- ws2_32: Make certain winsock functions generate i/o completion messages.
- ntdll: Make async i/o functions generate completion messages.
- server: Pass Information field from async I/O APCs.
+Bugs fixed in 1.1.31:
+ 1660 Worms 2 demo crashes on startup
+ 3044 CSpy/Date and Time Picker: selection of commas or weekday
+ 3853 Freelancer: music hangs
+ 5055 Deleting files from a window in wine doesn't send them to the Trash
+ 5764 Running FFXI leaves blank screen after accepting user agreement.
+ 6967 CSpy/Month Calendar: Wrong date gets selected
+ 6969 CSpy/List View: Cannot select multiple items with mouse
+ 7768 server should set process affinity
+ 9989 Oracle OCI client: Hangs on updating LOB data
+ 9995 font/menu problems
+ 10050 oleaut32 and ITypeInfo::Invoke arguments
+ 11385 Everquest 2 patcher window has transparency/drawing regression
+ 11447 Solver addin in excel 2003 gives an "Out of Memory" error
+ 11542 Proteus Demo crashes/hangs early
+ 12349 DSOUND_MixInBuffer Assertion `dsb->buf_mixpos + len <= dsb->tmp_buffer_len' failed
+ 12816 Age of Conan crashes
+ 12859 HideThreadFromDebugger in NtSetInformationThread
+ 13024 Regressions in Trackmania Nations Forever
+ 13247 Emperor - Rise of the middle kingdom runs slowly w/o virtual desktop
+ 15322 Add smartcard functionality
+ 15812 3DS MAX 7.0: Any attempt to change viewport configuration results in a crash
+ 15828 Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE Redistributable setup - blank EULA
+ 15936 Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 : crashes when start up
+ 16525 Angels Online: Black screen in windowed mode.
+ 16658 Scratchiness of sound in aimp 2.5 and other audio players
+ 17096 Visual C++ 2005 Trial can't build project, complains when starting mspdbsrv
+ 17532 Satori Bulk Mailer - adding modules fails
+ 17581 Steam will not begin installation, segmentation fault, perhaps
+ 17674 wine recaching font metrics on every run
+ 18040 Mass Efffect crashes
+ 18364 utorrent with an https tracker url stops working
+ 18423 UPnP port mapping in uTorrent stopped working
+ 18500 ntdll.NtQueryInformationProcess: provide simple ProcessDebugObjectHandle info class handling, returning "no debugger"
+ 18660 .NET 3.0 WPF requires SystemParametersInfoW( SPI_GETDROPSHADOW) handled
+ 18716 .NET 3.0 WPF requires SystemParametersInfoW( SPI_GETMOUSEVANISH) handled
+ 18921 O(n) hash_table_add causes winedbg to take 20 minutes to dump stack when chromium crashes
+ 19270 Dragon NaturallySpeaking 10 Standard freezes after selecting alsa in winecfg
+ 19365 [Monkey Island Special Edition] Screen is cropped to a small part.
+ 19369 C&C3 and Kane's Wrath crash with DSOUND_BufPtrDiff assertion
+ 19380 SysDateTimePick32 - wDayOfWeek not generated automatically after DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME
+ 19559 Proteus: Component text is too big
+ 19578 Ares (Proteus 7.5) exits silently
+ 19620 CounterStrike Source: Cannot perform microphone test (or use mic)
+ 19851 interlocked* functions unimplemented for ARM
+ 19897 d3d10/dxgi: device.ok crashes on MacOS X (InitAdapters/glGetString)
+ 19901 Burg Schreckenstein: OSS HW emulation plays too slow and crashes
+ 19963 GetSystemTimeAdjustment() should return 10000000 / sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)
+ 19977 runasdate: buggy comctl32 behavior
+ 19994 Microsoft Security Essentials Setup crashes missing __uncaught_exception
+ 20094 messui.exe: instantly crashes
+ 20121 Cities XL Demo fails to run
+ 20153 AutoCAD 2008: Icons in popup menus too big
+ 20159 EVE Online crashes on Character selection screen
+ 20169 Jedi Knight: MotS freezes randomly after videos.
+ 20253 WWII Online: Battleground Europe crashes
+ 20258 Imperium Romanum crashes on startup
+ 20270 Open file dialog in Winamp not resizable
+ 20290 Crash when opening Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow or Chaos Theory's multiplayer mode
+Changes since 1.1.30:
+Alexander Scott-Johns (2):
+ user32: Add missing doc comment.
+ winecfg: In Load Theme dialog, add " (*.msstyles; *.theme)" to file type combobox.
+Alexandre Julliard (94):
+ gdi32: BS_DIBPATTERN brushes use a 32-bit handle in 32-bit mode.
+ wineps.drv: BS_DIBPATTERN brushes use a 32-bit handle in 32-bit mode.
+ winex11.drv: BS_DIBPATTERN brushes use a 32-bit handle in 32-bit mode.
+ gdi32: Move remaining 16-bit metafile functions to metafile16.c
+ gdi32: Make wing.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ gdi32: Get rid of the 16-bit DC hook support.
+ gdi32: Move the 16-bit DIB pointer support to gdi16.c.
+ include: Avoid direct access to wine_ldt_copy outside of kernel.
+ libwine: Don't export wine_ldt_copy for the Windows build.
+ winedos: Always run the BIOS tick timer.
+ kernel32: Make system.drv into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ kernel32: Allocate the global arena array only once and store a pointer to it in THHOOK.
+ kernel32: Moved MemManInfo16 to toolhelp16.c.
+ kernel32: Moved ToolHelpHook16 to kernel16.c, it's not a toolhelp function.
+ kernel32: Moved GetThreadSelectorEntry to thread.c.
+ kernel32: Moved private function prototypes out of toolhelp.h.
+ kernel32: Make toolhelp.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ winetest: Use the registry path for COM dlls instead of GetModuleFileName.
+ winetest: Don't run tests on native dlls when running under Wine.
+ ws2_32: Split the async function callback by type of query.
+ ws2_32: Define a common header struct for async queries, and switch to 32-bit types.
+ ws2_32: Define a specific structure for each query type.
+ ws2_32: Use the standard winsock functions to implement the async versions.
+ ws2_32: Move the getXXXbyYYY critical section to socket.c.
+ ws2_32: Move the 16-bit async functions to socket16.c.
+ ws2_32: Remove remaining 16-bit code from async.c and simplify the code.
+ ws2_32: Make winsock.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ configure: Don't build wow32.dll when 16-bit support is disabled.
+ system.drv16: Add ntdll import.
+ toolhelp.dll16: Add ntdll import.
+ comdlg32: Fix icon drawing in the 3.1 file dialog.
+ ntdll/tests: Retrieve the number of processors through GetSystemInfo.
+ gdi32: Fall back to StretchBlt if the driver doesn't export PatBlt or BitBlt.
+ winex11: Move X11DRV_ClientSideDIBCopy to avoid forward declarations.
+ winex11: Move the DIB locking and the client-side optimizations into BITBLT_InternalStretchBlt.
+ winex11: Remove BITBLT_InternalStretchBlt now that it's identical to X11DRV_StretchBlt.
+ version: Abstract resource finding into a common function.
+ version: Use the find_resource function instead of the 16-bit entry points to load 16-bit resources.
+ version: Moved GetFileResourceSize16/GetFileResource16 to ver16.c.
+ version: Make ver.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ version: Simplify the resource loading since we always load the same type and id now.
+ wineps.drv: Make wineps16.drv into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ setupapi: Duplicate the string substitution code to implement GenFormStrWithoutPlaceHolders16.
+ setupapi: Make setupx.dll into a stand-alone 16-bit module.
+ configure: Add -Werror flag in maintainer mode.
+ winedump: Use consistent prototypes for option callbacks.
+ winetest: Use explicit prototypes for function pointers.
+ wnaspi32: Use explicit prototypes for function pointers.
+ winex11: Use explicit prototypes for function pointers.
+ opengl32/tests: Use explicit prototypes for function pointers.
+ odbc32: Define correct function prototypes for all libodbc entry points.
+ msvcrt: Add an MSVCRT prefix to _wenviron.
+ tools: Build all the tools with -D__WINESRC__.
+ loader: Build the loader with -D__WINESRC__.
+ msvideo: Pass the correct function address for 32->16 callbacks.
+ user32: Don't use a static dc for icon blitting.
+ kernel32: Use call_entry_point to call functions with variable number of arguments.
+ oleaut32: Use an assembly wrapper to implement DispCallFunc, and make it i386-only.
+ msvcrt: Use strict function prototypes.
+ include: Add support for building Wine with strict prototype checking.
+ kernel32: Fix empty function prototypes.
+ tests: Build all tests with strict prototypes.
+ wrc: Include unistd.h before the Windows headers.
+ advapi32: Retrieve the current user SID from the server in lookup_user_account_name.
+ Fix empty function prototypes.
+ advapi32: Use strict prototypes in the VTableProvStruc definition.
+ winhlp32: Use explicit prototypes for the dll callbacks.
+ winhlp32: Don't use FARPROC for functions that take variable number of arguments.
+ programs: Build all programs with -DWINE_STRICT_PROTOTYPES.
+ configure: Build with -Wstrict-prototypes if supported.
+ libport: Remove unnecessary function prototypes.
+ kernel32: Move the 16-bit string functions to kernel16.c.
+ kernel32: Move the 16-bit error functions to error16.c.
+ kernel32: Move the 16-bit synchronization functions to kernel16.c.
+ kernel32: Move the 16-bit debugger functions to kernel16.c.
+ kernel32: Move the 16-bit thread and process functions to kernel16.c.
+ kernel32: Move the 16-bit handle functions to kernel16.c.
+ kernel32: Move the 16-bit PE module functions to kernel16.c.
+ winedos: Don't import kernel 16-bit version functions.
+ kernel32: Move the 16-bit version functions to kernel16.c.
+ kernel32: Fix a couple of compiler warnings on 64-bit.
+ kernel32: Move Get/SetProcessDword to kernel16.c.
+ kernel32: Move the k32 kernel32->user32 helpers to thunk.c.
+ kernel32: Don't export the large integer functions on 64-bit.
+ winex11: Rename the XRENDERINFO type to make it clear it's a pointer.
+ kernel32: Fix handling of overflows in GetPrivateProfileSectionA.
+ kernel32: Reimplement GetPrivateProfileString16 on top of 32-bit functions and move it to file16.c.
+ kernel32: Move the DOS file handle functions to file16.c.
+ kernel32: Move some 16-bit definitions to kernel16_private.h.
+ kernel32: Moved the DeviceIoControl function to file.c.
+ setupapi/tests: Fix the SetupGetIntField test to load the correct key.
+ oleaut32/tests: Skip a test that may crash on Win64.
+ oleaut32: Avoid floating point for some VarCy conversions.
+ rpcrt4/tests: Remove tests for specific values of bit fields.
+Allan Tong (2):
+ d3d9: Don't release the parent device before destroying its children.
+ d3d8: Don't release the parent device before destroying its children.
+Andrew Eikum (5):
+ mshtml: Check for null pointers in IHTMLLocation_get*.
+ wininet: Always extract #fragments in InternetCrackUrl.
+ ole32/tests: Add tests for IStorage::CopyTo.
+ ole32: Use snbExclude in StorageImpl::CopyTo.
+ ole32/tests: Add tests for IStorage::CopyTo with SNB exlusions.
+Andrew Nguyen (6):
+ cmd: Fix copy option handling in batch mode.
+ ddraw/tests: Remove a superfluous return statement.
+ ddraw: Simplify and test DirectDrawEnumerateA.
+ ddraw: Implement and test DirectDrawEnumerateW.
+ ddraw: More fully implement and test DirectDrawEnumerateExA.
+ ddraw: Implement and test DirectDrawEnumerateExW.
+Andrey Turkin (8):
+ user32: Accept SPI_GET/SETDROPSHADOW parameters in SystemParametersInfo.
+ user32: Accept SPI_GET/SETMOUSEVANISH parameters in SystemParametersInfo.
+ ntdll: Accept ProcessDebugObjectHandle in QueryInformationProcess.
+ kernel32: Catch invalid memory accesses in resource enumeration handlers.
+ kernel32: Always use ANSI version of OutputDebugString.
+ kernel32: Send debug strings to system-wide monitor.
+ ntdll: Handle invalid pointers in NtQueryInformationProcess(ProcessDebugObjectHandle).
+ ntdll: Add stub for NtSetInformationThread(ThreadHideFromDebugger).
+André Hentschel (4):
+ jscript: Update German translation.
+ widl: Add ARM support.
+ jscript: Update German Translation.
+ libwine: Implemented the call_on_stack function for ARM.
Aric Stewart (3):
- winecoreaudio: Implement WIDM_GETPOS.
- winmm: Correct check for MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE in mixerGetLineControlsA.
- coreaudio: Verify valid lineId in MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE.
-Bang Jun-young (1):
- olecli32: Fix invalid syntax.
-Dan Kegel (2):
- advapi32: Fix buffer overrun in tests/registry.c:wine_debugstr_wn().
- user32: Implement return value for DdeClientTransaction for XTYP_EXECUTE.
-David Adam (27):
- d3dx8: Implement D3XMatrixInverse.
- d3dx8: Implement D3XMatrixMultiplyTranspose.
- d3dx8: Implement D3XMatrixVec3Project.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXVec3Unproject.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXMatrixAffine Transformation.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXPlaneNormalize.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXPlaneIntersectLine.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXMatrixShadow.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXMatrixReflect.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXPlaneFromPointNormal.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXPlaneFromPoints.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXPlaneTransform.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXColorAdjustSaturation.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXColorAdjustContrast.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXQuaternionMultiply.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXQuaternionInverse.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXQuaternionSlerp.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXQuaternionSquad.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXQuaternionBaryCentric.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXQuaternionToAxisAngle.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXQuaternionRotationAxis.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXQuaternionRotationMatrix.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXQuaternionLn.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXQuaternionExp.
- d3dx8: Implement D3DXMatrixTransformation.
- include: Header files for d3dx9_xx.
-Detlef Riekenberg (2):
- shell32: Some undocumented defines and functions are now in the PSDK.
- comctl32: Fix a typo in a debug message.
-Divan Burger (3):
- user32: Fix colours to match exactly with Windows 2000.
- user32: Change the desktop colour and pattern to match win2k.
- user32, wine.inf: Enable title bar gradients and match colours with win2k.
-Dmitry Timoshkov (5):
- winex11.drv: Get rid of unused variables.
- server: Make timer id allocation algorithm conform to the Windows one.
- kernel32: Set last error to ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS if CreateFile succeeds and file existed before for CREATE_ALWAYS and OPEN_ALWAYS.
- kernel32: Mask out FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED to prevent a test failure under Windows.
- winex11.drv: Use display device guid managed by explorer.
-EA Durbin (4):
- kernel32: Add stub implementation of GetConsoleInputExeNameA.
- kernel32: Add stub implementation of GetConsoleInputExeNameW.
- kernel32: Add stub implementation of GetConsoleKeyboardLayoutNameA.
- kernel32: Add stub for GetConsoleKeyboardLayoutNameW.
-Francois Gouget (17):
- wined3d: Add trailing '\n's to two shader_addline() calls.
- ntoskrnl: Remove trailing spaces in Wine traces.
- acledit: Add wfext.h.
- d3dx8: Make d3dx8math.h C++ compatible.
- rpcrt4: Add an API documentation stub to make winapi_check happy.
- cfgmgr32: Flesh out cfgmgr32.h a bit more and fix the corresponding functions.
- ctapi32: Use quotes to include our headers. Fixes winapi_check warnings.
- user32/tests/msg: Don't mess up lParam as it is passed on to DefWindowProcA().
- advpack: Skip some tests if not in interactive mode because they pop up dialogs.
- rpcrt4: Add some missing prototypes and better match the PSDK types.
- kernel32/tests: Fix a signed/unsigned warning.
- winex11: Add the trailing '\n' to a Wine trace.
- d3d9/tests: Fix the trailing '\n' in an ok() call.
- user32/tests: Add the trailing '\n' to an ok() call.
- ntdll/tests: Fix compilation on systems that don't support nameless unions.
- crypt32/tests: Get the tests running on Windows 98.
- d3dx8/tests: Fix compilation on systems that don't support nameless unions.
-Gerald Pfeifer (21):
- ws2_32/tests: Fix error checking.
- comctl32: Remove check which never triggers.
- taskmgr: Move out-of-domain checking into PerfDataGetProcessorUsage() and PerfDataGetProcessorSystemUsage().
- winedbg: Fix type of loop variable in types_udt_find_element().
- rsaenh/tests: Fix const-ness of parameters to printBytes().
- configure: Fix typos in warning messages.
- advapi32: Remove untriggerable check.
- user32: Fix variable type in SCROLL_HandleScrollEvent(). Remove useless check in SCROLL_SetScrollInfo().
- oleaut32: Simplify two conditions based on the fact that unsigned variables cannot be negative.
- oleaut32: Simplify two conditions based on the fact that unsigned variables cannot be negative.
- ntdll: Simplify condition in RtlGetAce() based on variable (un)signedness.
- netapi32: Remove one tests and simplify another based on the limited range of unsigned.
- winedos: Use DWORD instead of long for return values of SetFilePointer.
- itss: Avoid checking an unsigned value for < 0.
- wined3d: Rewrite condition in vshader_program_add_param() to actually distinguish between two cases.
- inetcomm: Fix error check in InternetTransport_Connect().
- ntdll: Fix computation in enumerate_key().
- kernel32: Handle default case in Local32_FromHandle().
- winedbg: Warning fixes.
- user32: Reduce scope of variable in ICO_ExtractIconExW() and initialize it.
- gdi32: Fix the type of two loop variables.
-Hans Leidekker (8):
- pdh: Make two tests pass on Vista.
- snmpapi: Make a test pass on Vista.
- wininet: Fix two handle leaks in the test.
- kernel32: Loosen requirements on what QueryDosDevice returns.
- wininet: Fix a number of problems with InternetSetCookie.
- wininet: Fix a number of problems with InternetGetCookie.
- wininet: Initialize path buffer in InternetSetCookie.
- kernel32: Add stub implementations for FindFirstVolume{A, W}.
-Huw Davies (12):
- inetcomm: Register a couple more classes.
- inetcomm: Add a stub MimeBody implementation.
- inetcomm: Add a class factory for MimeBody.
- inetcomm: Add a test for MimeBody.
- msxml3: Don't leak an interface on failure.
- inetcomm: Copy RFC822 headers into a memory block for later parsing.
- inetcomm: Parse headers into a list.
- inetcomm: Unfold headers.
- inetcomm: Store a header's parameters as a list.
- inetcomm: Implement IMimeBody:IsContentType.
- inetcomm: Implement IMimeBody:[G|S]etCurrentEncoding.
- inetcomm: Implement IMimeBody:SetData.
-Jacek Caban (34):
- mshtml: Reset focus after loading the page in edit mode.
- mshtml: Remove nsIWebBrowserFocus_Activate useless call.
- hlink.idl: Added Hlink[Get|Set]SpecialReference declaration.
- shlwapi: Added SHPackDispParamsV implementation.
- shlwapi: Added SHPackDispParams implementation.
- shlwapi: Added SHPackDispParams test.
- shlwapi: Reimplement IUnknown_CPContainerInvokeParam on top of SHPackDispParams.
- shlwapi: Fixed SHPackDispParamsV spec declaration.
- hlink: Added HlinkGetSpecialReference implementation.
- include: Added isguids.h.
- shdocvw: Register CLSID_InternetShortcut.
- shdocvw: Set default home and search page.
- mshtml: Fixed handling channels without container and necko channel.
- shdocvw: Added WebBrowser::get_Application implementation.
- shdocvw: Return correct error from WebBrowser::Quit.
- mshtml: Move IOleInPlaceFrame::SetActiveObject call to separated function.
- mshtml: Use call_set_active_object in exec_editmode.
- mshtml: Always initialize output in exec_fontname.
- mshtml: Reload page in exec_editmode if available.
- mshtml: Added more loading tests.
- mshtml: Change FIXME that is usually invalid to TRACE.
- hlink: Added HlinkUpdateStackItem stub.
- hlink: Move common includes and function declarations to header file.
- hlink: Wrap heap functions.
- hlink: Added HlinkCreateExtensionServices implementation.
- hlink: Added HlinkCreateExtensionServices tests.
- urlmon: Wrap heap functions.
- mshtml: Store nsIDOMCSSStyleSheet in HTMLStyleSheet object if available.
- mshtml: Added IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection::item implementation.
- mshtml: Added IOleCommandTarget implementation to HTMLTxtRange.
- kernel32: Terminate child process in virtual tests.
- shdocvw: Silence common invalid QueryInterface FIXMEs.
- mshtml.idl: Added IHTMLTable declaration.
- mshtml: Added IHTMLTable interface stub implementation.
-James Hawkins (25):
- msi: Test the default tables added by MsiOpenDatabase.
- msi: Create the _Tables table when creating a database.
- msi: Return a remote interface to the database in a custom action.
- msi: Delete the uninstall key when the product is removed.
- msi: Test the Uninstall registry entries.
- msi: Implement the VolumeSelectCombo control.
- msi: Set the file to NULL when running the directory search.
- msi: Fix the condition for checking a drive.
- msi: Simplify ready_media.
- msi: Add tests for situations involving missing cabinets.
- msi: Only check the presence of the cabinet if the file is compressed.
- msi: Don't ignore the error returned by ready_media.
- msi: Don't check for a cabinet's existence if it's embedded in the package.
- msi: Check the cabinet's full path for existence, not just the cabinet name.
- msi: Add tests for MsiGetFileHash and clean up the existing tests.
- msi: Verify the szFilePath parameter of MsiGetFileHash.
- msi: Set the file contents of the file hash test file explicitly.
- msi: Check the destination file's hash and skip that file if the hash matches.
- msi: Only check the volume label if it's different than the first media's volume label.
- msi: Downgrade a FIXME to a WARN.
- msi: Downgrade an ERR to a WARN.
- msi: Fix the condition of a FIXME.
- msi: Downgrade an ERR to a WARN.
- msi: Make sure attr is valid before checking for the directory bit.
- msi: Don't check for the media or cabinet if the cabinet is internal.
-Jonathan Ernst (12):
- shell32: Updated French translation.
- cmd: Updated French translation.
- regedit: Updated French translation.
- credui: Updated French translation.
- localui: Updated French translation.
- net: Updated French translation.
- xcopy: Updated French translation.
- avifil32: Updated French translation.
- wine.desktop: Updated French translation.
- wordpad: Updated French translation.
- cmd: Updated French translation.
- credui: Updated French translation.
-José Manuel Ferrer Ortiz (1):
- winefile: Spanish resource file updated.
-Juan Lang (32):
- rsaenh: Check pad bytes for consistency when decrypting.
- iphlpapi: Default to a default gateway when choosing the best route.
- iphlpapi: Don't override return value from getTcpTable.
- iphlpapi: Don't allocate gobs of memory when the TCP entry table is empty.
- iphlpapi: Don't allocate gobs of memory when the route table is empty.
- iphlpapi: Don't allocate gobs of memory when the ARP table is empty.
- iphlpapi: Don't allocate gobs of memory if the UDP table is empty.
- iphlpapi: Don't allocate gobs of memory if interface table is empty.
- iphlpapi: Don't allocate gobs of memory if the IP address table is empty.
- iphlpapi: Don't allocate gobs of memory if there are no non-loopback interfaces.
- iphlpapi: Avoid HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY where it isn't needed.
- iphlpapi: Correct copy/paste error in GetTcpTable.
- iphlpapi: Correct confusing indentation in GetTcpTable.
- shell32: Dynamically allocate buffer for command parameters.
- shell32: Use a helper function for executing a class.
- shell32: Use helper function to translate ID list.
- shell32: Dynamically allocate directory buffer.
- shell32: Use a helper function for executing a found executable.
- shell32: Dynamically allocate buffer for quoted command.
- shell32: Don't overwrite the caller's buffer when doing a dde connection.
- shell32: Constify some parameters.
- shell32: Dynamically allocate buffer for command.
- shell32: Use helper function to execute a URL.
- shell32: Dynamically allocate memory for executing an URL.
- shell32: Use more restricted registry rights when quering values.
- shell32: Remove a bad comment.
- crypt32: Implement finding an existing certificate in a store.
- crypt32: Add CERT_STORE_ADD_NEWER support to CertAddCertificateContextToStore.
- rsaenh: Empty container names are allowed for CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT contexts.
- wincrypt.h: Add values for KP_PADDING key param.
- crypt32: Support getting and setting the KP_PADDING key param.
- crypt32: Support setting the salt value through KP_SALT_EX.
-Kai Blin (1):
- ws2_32: Cope with buggy apps passing setsockopt optval as a value instead of a pointer.
-Kirill K. Smirnov (1):
- wineconsole: Do not show "Apply" button - it is not used anyway.
-Lauris Kaplinski (1):
- wined3d: Fixed potential reference of freed backBuffer array in IWineD3DDeviceImpl_SetFrontBackBuffers.
-Lei Zhang (4):
- shell32: rename My Video to My Videos.
- shell32: Don't crash if $HOME is not set.
- shell32: Perform copy in UnixFolder_ISFHelper_CopyItems.
- shell32: Only notify immediate parent.
-Lionel Debroux (4):
- msvcrt: Fix memory leak (found by Smatch).
- ntdll: Trace arena magics (may help debugging some heap corruptions).
- msvcrt: Fix _Aligned_offset_realloc (move correct block of memory); add a comment to explain why.
- msvcrt: Test more offsets for _aligned_offset_realloc (especially offset > alignment).
-Louis Lenders (1):
- advapi32: Add stub for CreateProcessWithLogonW.
+ advapi32: Fill the PLSA_REFERENCED_DOMAIN_LIST parameters for LsaLookupNames2 and LsaLookupSids.
+ comctl32: Implement LISTVIEW_ApproximateViewRect for icon.
+ comctl32/tests: LISTVIEW_ApproximateViewRect tests for LV_VIEW_ICON.
+Aurimas Fišeras (2):
+ jscript: Update Lithuanian translation.
+ jscript: Update Lithuanian translation.
+Austin English (6):
+ dwmapi: Add a stub for DwmGetTransportAttributes.
+ dwmapi: Add a stub for DwmGetGraphicsStreamClient.
+ comctl32: Add missing prototype.
+ jscript: Add missing prototype.
+ atl: Add missing prototypes.
+ ntdll: Add a stub for NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValue.
+Chris Robinson (1):
+ openal32: Watch for the generic device names, and map them to the default.
+Colin Fowler (1):
+ libport: Add generic interlocked instruction support fallback.
+Damjan Jovanovic (7):
+ sti: Test behavior of creation with the A/W functions versus STI_VERSION_FLAG_UNICODE.
+ sti.h: Define the IStilImageW interface.
+ sti.h: Add some missing defines.
+ wine.inf: Add the still image class key.
+ sti: Add stubs for the IStillImageW interface.
+ sti: Add aggregation tests for the IStillImageW interface.
+ sti: Allow CoCreateInstance aggregation and fix a broken test.
+Dan Kegel (1):
+ ntdll: Refactor test_NtQueryDirectoryFile to be table driven, check DIRECTORY attribute.
+Detlef Riekenberg (14):
+ urlmon/tests: Fix sec_mgr tests on win98 (IE 4).
+ localspl: Implement fpConfigurePort.
+ winspool: Use the backend for ConfigurePortW.
+ localspl: Implement fpDeletePort.
+ winspool: Use the backend for DeletePortW.
+ localspl: Unload only portmonitors in monitor_unloadall.
+ localspl: Fix type of a WCHAR buffer.
+ localspl: Implement fpAddPort.
+ winspool: Use the backend for AddPortW.
+ localui: Fix a memory leak.
+ include: Fix the fpAddPortEx prototype in struct PRINTPROVIDOR.
+ localspl: Implement fpAddPortEx.
+ winspool: Use the backend for AddPortExW.
+ fltlib: Add a stub dll.
+Dmitry Kislyuk (1):
+ kernel32/tests: Pass test on error code returned by Windows 7.
+Dmitry Timoshkov (1):
+ gdi32: Rework the test for too large width/height font ratio to pass with different font heights, make it pass under Wine.
+Dylan Smith (5):
+ richedit: Use ITextHost interface in ME_LinkNotify.
+ secur32: Remove redendant call to gnutls_certificate_get_peers.
+ secur32: Free schannel handle table.
+ richedit: Added test to show that handle to parent is cached.
+ richedit: Handle to parent window is cached.
+Eric Pouech (6):
+ msvcrt: Added __uncaught_exception support.
+ dbghelp: Enhance support for constant values in dwarf debug information.
+ winedbg: Properly manage Wine's dbghelp extensions for constant symbols which value is passed by ref.
+ winmm: Correctly fill the yield-data parameter in mciGetYieldProc.
+ winmm: Remove direct inclusion of winemm.h in winemm16.h.
+ winmm: Reduce in MMSystem the calls to WinMM's internals.
+Erik Inge Bolsø (1):
+ wininet: Add test for response without headers, avoid crash.
+Francois Gouget (7):
+ ntdll/tests: Add a trailing '\n' to an ok() call.
+ mshtml: Make HTMLDocumentNode_destructor() static.
+ ws2_32: Make wsaErrno() and wsaHerrno() static.
+ system.drv16: Remove the 32-bit timer callback support.
+ rpcrt4: A signed 1-bit bitfield doesn't make much sense; use unsigned.
+ comctl32/tests: Make test_ApproximateViewRect() static.
+ Assorted spelling fixes.
+Frédéric Delanoy (2):
+ jscript: Update French translation.
+ jscript: Update French translation.
+Ge van Geldorp (16):
+ setupapi/tests: Add acceptable error code for Win7.
+ shell32/tests: Fix shellpath test on Win7.
+ comctl32/tests: Fix toolbar test on comctl32 version 4.72.
+ shell32/tests: Fix shlexec on Vista and higher.
+ kernel32/tests: Fix atom tests on Win7.
+ ntdll/tests: Fix atom tests on Win7.
+ comctl32/tests: Fix misc test on Win7.
+ shlwapi/tests: Add acceptable error code for Win7 clist test.
+ kernel32/tests: Add acceptable error codes for Win7 process test.
+ secur32/tests: Add acceptable error code for Win7 ntlm test.
+ user32/tests: Fix sysparams test failure on Win7.
+ schannel/tests: Fix crash on Win7.
+ mapi32/tests: Skip tests if no default email client is installed.
+ ntdll/tests: Fix exception test failure on Win7.
+ kernel32/tests: Skip some resource tests on Win7.
+ kernel32/tests: Check last error before calling lstrcmpA() since it may reset GLE.
+Gerald Pfeifer (1):
+ winebuild: Add support for PLATFORM_FREEBSD.
+Hans Leidekker (6):
+ msi: Respect UI level in custom action type 19.
+ msi: Test the Installed property.
+ msi: Don't set the Installed property twice.
+ msi: Test installing over in-use files.
+ msi: Schedule a rename operation when the file to overwrite is in use.
+ secur32: Test passing null authentication data to AcquireCredentialsHandle.
+Henri Verbeet (51):
+ wined3d: Properly keep texture references in the stateblock.
+ wined3d: Keep vertex declaration references in the stateblock.
+ wined3d: Remove some redundant code in IWineD3DVertexDeclarationImpl_Release().
+ wined3d: Cleanup IWineD3DDeviceImpl_SetTexture() a bit.
+ wined3d: Just use the actual array size as argument to memcpy() in stateblock_copy().
+ wined3d: Fix a typo.
+ wined3d: Add a separate function for state block initialization.
+ wined3d: Clear the correct "activeLights" array in stateblock_copy().
+ wined3d: Pass IWineD3DStateBlockImpl pointers to stateblock_copy().
+ wined3d: Explicitly pass gl_info to stateblock_savedstates_copy().
+ wined3d: Explicitly pass gl_info to stateblock_savedstates_set().
+ wined3d: Make some internal stateblock function arguments const.
+ wined3d: Add a separate function for copying stateblock values.
+ wined3d: Get rid of stateblock_copy().
+ wined3d: Add a separate function for initializing the "contained_*" fields from the "changed" field.
+ wined3d: Get rid of stateblock_savedstates_copy().
+ wined3d: Simplify stateblock_savedstates_set().
+ wined3d: Use stateblock_init_contained_states() for WINED3DSBT_ALL stateblocks.
+ wined3d: Add a separate function to initialize the saved states for WINED3DSBT_PIXELSTATE.
+ wined3d: Use stateblock_init_contained_states() for WINED3DSBT_PIXELSTATE stateblocks.
+ wined3d: Add a separate function to initialize the saved states for WINED3DSBT_VERTEXSTATE.
+ wined3d: Use stateblock_init_contained_states() for WINED3DSBT_VERTEXSTATE stateblocks.
+ wined3d: Move the pixel/vertex states arrays to stateblock.c.
+ wined3d: Use the actual array sizes to determine the number of the various pixel/vertex states.
+ d3d9: Remove D3D9_RENDER_STATES from the stateblock tests.
+ d3d9: Remove useless typedefs from the stateblock tests.
+ d3d9: Always pass "struct event_data" to "event_fn" in the stateblock tests.
+ d3d8: Always pass "struct event_data" to "event_fn" in the stateblock tests.
+ d3d8: Make the individual stateblock tests responsible for checking data.
+ d3d9: Make the individual stateblock tests responsible for checking data.
+ wined3d: Keep references to the textures initially captured by CreateStateBlock() as well.
+ wined3d: Keep a reference to the vertex declaration initially captured by CreateStateBlock() as well.
+ wined3d: Move the SM1 opcode enum to shader_sm1.c.
+ wined3d: Remove some unused code.
+ d3d8: Get rid of the unused "return_data_buffer" in the stateblock tests.
+ d3d9: Get rid of the unused "return_data_buffer" in the stateblock tests.
+ d3d8: Use separate fields for data to check/apply in the stateblock tests.
+ d3d9: Use separate fields for data to check/apply in the stateblock tests.
+ d3d8: Rename abort_stateblock() to delete_stateblock() in the stateblock tests.
+ d3d8: Rename abort_stateblock() to release_stateblock() in the stateblock tests.
+ d3d8: Don't test D3DRS_DEBUGMONITORTOKEN in the stateblock tests.
+ d3d9: Don't test D3DRS_DEBUGMONITORTOKEN in the stateblock tests.
+ d3d8: Add some tests for CreateStateBlock().
+ d3d9: Add some tests for CreateStateBlock().
+ wined3d: Clear resources that we aren't recording in stateblock_init().
+ wined3d: Capture some more renderstates in vertex and pixel stateblocks.
+ d3d8: Add tests for D3DSBT_VERTEXSTATE stateblocks.
+ d3d9: Add tests for D3DSBT_VERTEXSTATE stateblocks.
+ d3d8: Add tests for D3DSBT_PIXELSTATE stateblocks.
+ d3d9: Add tests for D3DSBT_PIXELSTATE stateblocks.
+Huw Davies (1):
+ oledb32: Implement conversions to DBTYPE_BYREF | DBTYPE_WSTR.
+Jacek Caban (51):
+ jscript: Use host global object as default 'this' if available and global object otherwise.
+ mshtml: Added IHTMLDocument3::attachEvent implementation.
+ urlmon.idl: Added IInternetHostSecurityManager and CONFIRMSAFETY declarations.
+ jscript: Added ActiveXObject constructor stub implementation.
+ mshtml: Added ScriptHost IServiceProvider stub implementation.
+ mshtml: Added IInternetHostSecurityManager stub implementation.
+ jscript: Added ActiveXObject constructor implementation.
+ jscript: Added ActiveXObject tests.
+ msxml3: Store pointer to node object in domtext.
+ msxml3: Store xmlnode pointer in domattr.
+ msxml3: Store xmlnode pointer in domcdata.
+ msxml3: Store xmlnode pointer in domcomment.
+ msxml3: Store xmlnode pointer in domfrag.
+ msxml3: Store xmlnode pointer in entityref.
+ msxml3: Store xmlnode pointer in dom_pi.
+ msxml3: Get rid of node internal IUnknown.
+ mshtml: Return HTMLDocumentNode object in ScriptHost::QueryService for SID_SInternetHostSecurityManager.
+ urlmon: Correctly handle pPolicy and pContext arguments in ProcessUrlAction.
+ mshtml: Added IInternetHostSecurity::ProcessUrlAction implementation.
+ urlmon: Improve QueryCustomPolicy stub.
+ mshtml: Added QueryCustomPolicy implementation.
+ mshtml.idl: Added DispHTMLAnchorElement declaration.
+ mshtml: Moved init_dispex call to HTMLElement_Init.
+ mshtml: Added HTMLAnchorElement dispex data.
+ mshtml: Use dispinterface DISPID_VALUE implementation if available.
+ mshtml: Get rid of no longer needed HTMLLocation_value.
+ mshtml: Added IHTMLAnchorElement::get_href implementation.
+ mshtml: Added IHTMLAnchorElement::get_href tests.
+ mshtml: Use document.defaultView to get iframe contentWindow.
+ mshtml: Added IHTMLDOMNode::cloneNode implementation.
+ jscript: Added FIXME about IClassFactoryEx.
+ mshtml.idl: Moved IHTMLElement dispinterface declaration to macro.
+ mshtml.idl: Moved IHTMLElement2 dispinterface declaration to macro.
+ mshtml.idl: Moved IHTMLElement3 dispinterface declaration to macro.
+ mshtml.idl: Moved IHTMLElement3 dispinterface declaration to macro.
+ mshtml.idl: Moved IHTMLUniqueName dispinterface declaration to macro.
+ mshtml.idl: Moved IHTMLDOMNode dispinterface declaration to macro.
+ mshtml.idl: Moved IHTMLDOMNode2 dispinterface declaration to macro.
+ mshtml.idl: Moved IHTMLDatabinding dispinterface declaration to macro.
+ mshtml.idl: Group common sets of disinterfaces in macros.
+ mshtml.idl: Moved IHTMLElement5 dispinterface declaration to macro and add it to all element types.
+ mshtml.idl: Moved IElementSelector dispinterface declaration to macro and added it to all element types with data.
+ mshtml.idl: Moved IHTMLDOMConstructor dispinterface declaration to macro and add it to all element types.
+ mshtml: Added IHTMLElement2::clientTop implementation.
+ mshtml: Added IHTMLElement2::clientLeft implementation.
+ mshtml: Added IHTMLElement2::client[Top|Left] tests.
+ mshtml: Fixed typo in IHTMLElement2::get_scrollHeight.
+ jscript: Query created ActiveXObject for IObjectWithSite interface.
+ jscript: Call SetSite on created ActiveX object.
+ urlmon: Fixed tests for systems with stored cookie for winehq.org.
+Jeff Zaroyko (2):
+ imm32/tests: Add another combination which should fail.
+ imm32: dwIndex flags are mutually exclusive.
+Joel Holdsworth (5):
+ gdi32: Added tests for StretchBlt.
+ gdi32: Added tests for StretchDIBits.
+ comdlg32: Replaced file dialog house icon with the shell icon for desktop.
+ user32: Fixed CURSORICON_CreateIconFromBMI to preserve the alpha channel.
+ comctl32/tests: Added tests for ImageList_DrawIndirect.
+Juan Lang (17):
+ ntdll/tests: Add tests for process and thread affinity.
+ ntdll: Don't allow setting a zero process affinity.
+ ntdll: Don't allow setting a zero thread affinity.
+ server: Setting a process's affinity sets all of its threads' affinities too.
+ server: Use kernel support for thread affinity when available.
+ kernel32: Set time between interrupts in GetSystemTimeAdjustment.
+ server: A thread's affinity is restricted to the process affinity.
+ wininet: Move initialization of SSL_CTX to library initialization time.
+ wininet: Protect OpenSSL initialization with critical section.
+ wininet: Unload OpenSSL when unloading wininet.
+ wininet: Set callbacks needed by OpenSSL for multithreaded use.
+ wininet: Correct user agent handling.
+ wininet: Quiet a fixme.
+ winhttp: Move initialization of SSL_CTX to library initialization time.
+ winhttp: Protect OpenSSL initialization with critical section.
+ winhttp: Unload OpenSSL when unloading winhttp.
+ winhttp: Set callbacks needed by OpenSSL for multithreaded use.
+Jörg Höhle (9):
+ ole32/tests: Guard ReleaseStgMedium with SUCCEEDED.
+ winmm: Require at least 16 bytes in the WAVE fmt header for PlaySound.
+ wineoss: Fix the buffer size check for more than 2 channels.
+ winecoreaudio: Accept up to 8 channels.
+ dsound: Get rid of redundant NULL check.
+ winmm/tests: Correct (IMA)ADPCM test.
+ dsound: Enforce invariant about BlockAlign and nAvgBytesPerSec.
+ dsound: Correct deallocations when DuplicateSoundBuffer fails.
+ mcicda: Fix an early return statement in Open.
Maarten Lankhorst (4):
- dsound: Implement AngleBetweenVectorsDeg as a call to AngleBetweenVectorsRad.
- dsound: Make AngleBetweenVectorsRad when vectors have no magnitude.
- dsound: Reassign pointers back to null when destroying structure.
- dsound: Return primary_done when no mixing needs to be done instead of 0.
-Marco Schuster (1):
- wined3d: Added a card ID for a 8600 Mobile GT.
-Marcus Meissner (1):
- shell32: GetModuleFileNameW gets number of WCHARs not bytes.
-Michael Stefaniuc (17):
- msvcrt/tests: Remove redundant NULL check before free(). Found by Smatch.
- netapi32: Remove redundant NULL check before HeapFree(). Found by Smatch.
- localspl/tests: Use ANSI function declarations.
- shell32: Fix a mem leak on an error path. Found by Smatch.
- qcap: Fix a mem leak on an error path. Found by Smatch.
- quartz: Fix memory leaks on error paths. Found by Smatch.
- comdlg32: Remove duplicate includes.
- ntdll: Remove duplicate includes.
- kernel32: Remove duplicate includes.
- setupapi: Remove duplicate includes.
- dlls: Remove duplicate includes.
- tools: Remove duplicate includes.
- wininet/tests: Do not compare the return value of socket() with 0. Use INVALID_SOCKET instead.
- rpcrt4: socket() returns -1 on error so check the return value against that.
- shdocvw: Rename the wrappers around HeapAlloc() &Co to use the new standard naming.
- dnsapi: Rename the wrappers around HeapAlloc() &Co to use the new standard naming.
- urlmon: Rename the wrappers around HeapAlloc() &Co to use the new standard naming.
-Misha Koshelev (6):
- urlmon: Release IInternetProtocolSink and BindInfo on request handle closure, not on first handle closure.
- urlmon: Fix PROTOCOLDATA message passing in IInternetProtocolSink interface of Binding.
- msi: automation: Fix automation object reference counts when objects are created.
- msi/tests: Close opened service handles.
- msi/tests: automation: Add missing VariantClear.
- msi: automation: Fix ITypeInfo leak.
-Patrick Moran (1):
- msiexec: Fix atou() return value mistake.
-Paul Millar (1):
- libwine: Fix naked getuid() to allow compilation under MinGW.
-Paul Vriens (3):
- dsound/tests: Fix tests after addition of 24/32 bits buffer tests.
- dsound/tests: Fix test failures on WinXP.
- dsound/tests: Better check to see if class is not available.
-Peter Beutner (2):
- ntdll: Don't try to handle kill(SIGTRAP).
- ntdll: Better trap exception handling.
-Rob Shearman (85):
- ole32: Add a missing IStream_Release to test_CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream.
- ole32: Add a missing IStream_Release to test_same_apartment_unmarshal_failure.
- ole32: Fix memory leak in ItemMonikerImpl_Save.
- ole32: Add a missing IMoniker_Release to test_MkParseDisplayName.
- ole32: Store the InterfaceList object in the IEnumMoniker object.
- ole32: Fix a memory leak in get_moniker_comparison_data.
- ole32: Fix a leak of the IBindCtx object in FileMonikerImpl_IsEqual.
- ole32: Fix a memory leak of moniker in RunningObjectTableImpl_Register.
- ole32: Fix a memory leak in DataCacheEntry_Save.
- ole32: Fix a leak of a moniker object in test_default_handler.
- ole32: Initialise data_cf in DataCacheEntry's to zero to indicate no data present on creation.
- ole32: Free the memory associated with the open DLL list on unloading of ole32.
- shell32: Fix the length calculation of the pidl in ILSaveToStream by using the helper function ILGetSize.
- shell32: Fix a memory leak in Stream_WriteLocationInfo.
- ole32: Disconnect the IRemUnknown stub buffer before destroying it to release the reference on the IRemUnknown object.
- oleaut32: Handle non-byref safe arrays in VARIANT_UserFree.
- server: In set_user_object_info len is in bytes, not WCHARs.
- ntdll: Initialise the part of the buffer to be written to a file in the file test.
- kernel32: Implement GetThreadId.
- ole32: Fail before constructing an object in CreateStreamOnHGlobal to avoid a memory leak.
- ole32: Release the stream in COM_RevokeRegisteredClassObject.
- ole32: Fix a memory leak in the HGLOBAL stream tests by telling CreateStreamOnHGlobal to free the memory it allocates, as we don't free it ourselves in this test.
- ole32: Fix the condition in HMETAFILEPICT_UserFree to match that in METAFILEPICT_UserMarshal.
- ole32: Use asynchronous I/O for the named pipe server for local servers.
- ole32: Wait forever on the ready_event in the local server tests.
- rpcrt4: Implement RpcCancelThread for the ncacn_ip_tcp protocol sequence.
- ole32: Validate the parameters to DataCache_Cache.
- ole32: Release the correct pointer in test_MkParseDisplayName.
- rpcrt4: Fix a copy and paste mistake in declaring threaddata_cs_debug.
- msxml3: Fix some memory leaks of name in test_xmldoc.
- msxml3: Don't leak node in xmldoc_createElement in the wrong type was specified.
- ole32: Intialise some out parameters in ProxyCliSec_QueryBlanket.
- mapi32: Add a stub for DllGetClassObject.
- include: Add definitions used for AllowSetForegroundWindow and LockSetForegroundWindow.
- credui: Add support for saving the credentials input using CredUIPromptForCredentials by calling CredWriteW.
- credui: Split CredDialogProc out into separate functions.
- credui: Increase the dropped-down size of the username combo box.
- credui: Enumerate saved credentials and use these to populate the combo box.
- credui: Check for and don't add duplicates when filling the username combo box.
- credui: Ensure that the foreground window doesn't get changed while the user is typing in their password.
- credui: Make sure not to leave the password in memory when no longer in use.
- shell32: Add a stub for LinkWindow_RegisterClass.
- shell32: Add a stub for LinkWindow_UnregisterClass.
- rpcrt4: Hold the thread-data's critical section while cancelling a call.
- credui: Override the default banner if the caller specifies one to CredUIPromptForCredentialsW.
- comctl32: Unify the implementation of TOOLTIPS_Show and TOOLTIPS_TrackShow to give tracked tooltips balloon support.
- comctl32: Fix the tooltips behaviour when TTF_ABSOLUTE isn't specified.
- comctl32: Forward the WM_GETTEXTLENGTH message from ComboEx controls to its edit control.
- explorer: Add a fixme to show when applications are trying to show a balloon tip in the taskbar notification area.
- urlmon: Fix a reference count leak in RegisterBindStatusCallback.
- credui: Show a balloon tip in the credential dialog if CREDUI_FLAGS_INCORRECT_PASSWORD was specified.
- credui: Display a warning balloon if the user has Caps Lock on.
- server: Change the get_dll_info server request to allow retrieving the image file name of a process.
- server: Fix a typo in the enumeration of the ACE's in sd_to_mode.
- server: Fix incorrect translation of the World SID to and from Unix file permissions.
- rpcrt4: Raise an exception if a NULL ref-pointer is passed in to PointerMarshall or PointerBufferSize.
- ole32: Fix a race in find_proxy_manager.
- comctl32: Update the version in the created version to the highest current version present on XP.
- ntdll: Shared manifests should have a less-strict version check performed when loading them as dependencies.
- kernel32: Change the shared manifest test to depend on a build number that isn't currently published on at least XP, showing that assemblies with higher build numbers can be used.
- advapi32: Move credential registry reading code to separate functions.
- advapi32: Fix a typo in CredEnumerateW.
- ole32: Store the dispatch parameters in the message state structure to allow them to be initialised earlier in the sequence of IRpcChannelBuffer calls.
- ole32: Clean up properly in ClientRpcChannelBuffer_SendReceive in the case where PostMessageW fails.
- ole32: Add tests for WdtpInterfacePointer_* functions.
- advapi32: Add support for using the Mac Keychain services as a backend for the credential functions instead of the registry.
- credui: Fix a test failure on Windows XP.
- rpcrt4: Fix the tests for up_enum16.
- wininet: Don't clear the auth data for Basic authentication in HTTP_InsertAuthorizationForHeader.
- oleaut32: Free the correct custom data inside ITypeInfo_fnRelease.
- oleaut32: Introduce a new helper function, TLB_FreeCustData, for freeing custom data.
- oleaut32: Handle integer overflow of len in SysReAllocStringLen and SysAllocStringByteLen.
- advapi32: Use the open_for_write parameter to open_cred_mgr_key and fix get_cred_mgr_encryption_key to not need KEY_WRITE access to the key passed in.
- advapi32: Make the credential registry key stay around if a persist value longer than session is specified.
- rpcrt4: Check for integer overflows when increasing the buffer length.
- rpcrt4: Check there is enough space in the buffer and that the size doesn't cause an overflow when copying data to it.
- rpcrt4: Fix some more potential buffer overflows.
- rpcrt4: Fix an integer overflow in NdrConformantStructMarshall and NdrConformantStructUnmarshall.
- ole32: Fix description of what is being test in ok calls in the WdtpInterfacePointer tests.
- ole32: Fix a test in the WdtpInterfacePointer tests.
- rpcrt4: Errors in sending or receiving packets should result in RPC_S_CALL_FAILED being returned, not RPC_S_PROTOCOL_ERROR.
- rpcrt4: EmbeddedPointerUnmarshall doesn't need to change the address of the allocated memory, so reduce the level of indirection of the memory parameter by one.
- rpcrt4: Move forcing of fMustAlloc to NULL to the callers of EmbeddedPointerUnmarshall.
- rpcrt4: Improve PointerUnmarshall to cope with keeping the non-NULL source pointer of a client unmarshall.
- rpcrt4: Fix NdrSimpleStructUnmarshall to cope with [in, out] embedded pointers.
-Roderick Colenbrander (3):
- wined3d: Flush GL calls after drawing to the drawable. This fixes apps that use multiple GL contexts.
- wined3d: Prevent unneeded context switches.
- wgl: Add wglCopyContext support.
-Stefan Dösinger (51):
- wined3d: Align the gl function table.
- wined3d: Load extension functions after finding the supported extensions.
- wined3d: Extend the gl extension function loading table with ext info.
- wined3d: Load GL functions from core if needed.
- wined3d: Mark extensions supported which are included in the gl core.
- wined3d: Load GL_EXT_texture3D from gl 1.2 if the extension is not there.
- wined3d: Hardcode local constants into the shader if possible.
- wined3d: Get rid of a few Nvidiaisms in glsl shaders.
- wined3d: Partially revert "Get rid of the conditionals in shader_glsl".
- wined3d: Depth stencil fixes.
- wined3d: Read the framebuffer size from the surface, not the window.
- wined3d: Apply matrices when switching from transformed vertices to shaders.
- wined3d: Non power of two texture fixes.
- wined3d: Fix ATI video memory detection typo.
- wined3d: Do not call PreLoad in surface_download_data.
- wined3d: Remove a hack that slipped in.
- wined3d: Destroy GL contexts before changing the screen resolution.
- msvcrt: Implement strcpy_s.
- msvcrt: Implement strcat_s.
- msvcrt: Implement _mbsnbcpy_s.
- d3d8: Release the vertex declarations array when destroying the device.
- wined3d: Move IUnknown functions to IWineD3DBaseShader.
- wined3d: Free the shader function when freeing the shader.
- wined3d: Use standard wine lists for the resource list.
- d3d8: Destroy the window after the visual test.
- d3d9: Free the converted declaration data after creating the declaration.
- wined3d: Do not cap fragment samplers to 8.
- wined3d: Move destroying the glsl vshader into a separate function.
- wined3d: Move glsl shader destruction to the glsl shader backend.
- wined3d: Track vertex declaration changes on vertex shaders.
- wined3d: Bool constants aren't vectors.
- d3d9: Add a test for vertex shader input matching.
- wined3d: Make SRGB write correction working with 1.x shaders in arb.
- wined3d: Fog is applied after sRGB correction.
- wined3d: Downgrade an ERR to a WARN.
- wined3d: Correctly handle the y offset with offscreen rendering.
- wined3d: Inform the texture about filtering changes.
- wined3d: Work around nvidia beta driver bug.
- wined3d: Add some missing checkGLcall calls.
- wined3d: Do not try to disable unsupported texture units.
- wined3d: Report some more geforce 7 cards as geforce 7.
- wined3d: Allow using a different internal format for fbos.
- wined3d: Fix a sign mistake in the code creating the sorted attrib.
- wined3d: Disable GL_TEXTURE_2D in the standard blit setup.
- wined3d: Avoid hardcoding GL_TEXTURE_2D.
- wined3d: Add GL_ARB_texture_rectangles to our opengl extensions.
- wined3d: Make the code aware of GL_ARB_texture_rectangle.
- wined3d: Refuse to create a mipmapped conditional np2 texture.
- wined3d: Activate GL_ARB_texture_rectangle.
- wined3d: Remove the X channel fixup in render target unlocking.
- user32: Destroying the current cursor results in an error.
-Stefan Leichter (2):
- d3dx8: Add WINAPI to the prototypes of D3DXMatrixTransformation.
- kernel32: Added stub for FindVolumeClose.
-Sven Paschukat (1):
- ctapi32: Added null terminator to library name.
-Thomas Weidenmueller (1):
- comctl32: Fix handling of CB_RESETCONTENT in ComboBoxEx.
-Tony Wasserka (7):
- d3dx8: Implement the C++ stuff of the D3DXVECTOR2 structure.
- d3dx8: Implement the C++ stuff of the D3DXVECTOR3 structure.
- d3dx8: Implement the C++ stuff of the D3DXVECTOR4 structure.
- d3dx8: Implement the C++ stuff of the D3DXMATRIX structure.
- d3dx8: Implement the C++ stuff of the D3DXQUATERNION structure.
- d3dx8: Implement the C++ stuff of the D3DXPLANE structure.
- d3dx8: Implement the C++ stuff of the D3DXCOLOR structure.
-Vijay Kiran Kamuju (4):
- rsaenh: Add a few more tests which check the decryption strings.
- rsaenh: Add tests for RSA_AES provider.
- rsaenh: Add implementation of Enhanced RSA AES Provider.
- include: Add missing definitions for DSS in wincrypt.h.
-Vitaliy Margolen (1):
- dinput: Fix dead zone handling.
+ winealsa.drv: Small capture fixes.
+ winealsa.drv: Add non-mmap support to dscapture.
+ winealsa.drv: Remove test for mmap in waveinit.
+ winealsa.drv: Fix dsoutput to work better with pulseaudio.
+Marcus Meissner (3):
+ jscript: Initialize val_str (Coverity).
+ mapi32: Fixed uninitialized variable (Coverity).
+ wpp: Fixed resource leakages (Coverity).
+Markus Stockhausen (2):
+ ole32/storage32: Fix for reference counters in nested storage.
+ ddraw: Set dwBackBufferCount=0 in CreateSurface for backbuffer.
+Matteo Bruni (7):
+ wpp: Remove the assumption ppy_error calls exit().
+ wpp: Manage malloc failure in pp_xstrdup.
+ wpp: Handle memory allocation failures in tokens management code.
+ wpp: Handle remaining memory allocation failures in ppl.l and ppy.y.
+ wpp: Handle remaining memory allocation failures.
+ wpp: get_string() now can return NULL, handle it.
+ wpp: Add error management callbacks.
+Michael Stefaniuc (14):
+ dxdiagn: Remove duplicate include.
+ windowscodecs: Remove trailing '\'.
+ msi/tests: Remove trailing '\'.
+ server: A signed 1-bit bitfield doesn't make much sense; use unsigned.
+ winhttp: 'http1_1' is already defined in the private header.
+ mapi32: Use 0 instead of (wrongly) casting NULL to an integer.
+ comctl32/tests: Silence some Win64 compile warnings.
+ user32/tests: Use LONG instead of long.
+ oleaut32/tests: Use LONG instead of long.
+ kernel32/tests: Use better types than long.
+ ws2_32/tests: Use LONG instead of long.
+ dlls/msacm32: Avoid a sizeof()+cast in an ok() call.
+ user32: Fix a memory leak on a error patch (Smatch).
+ msvcrt/tests: Use LONG instead of long.
+Mike Kaplinskiy (1):
+ ws2_32/tests: fix failure on win98/me.
+Nikolay Sivov (64):
+ comctl32/monthcal: Copy SYSTEMTIME with a simple assignment.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Make tests not depend on each other.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Store full date info for selection at creation time.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Fix some bugs with date range.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Make year edit box readonly, cleanup LButton handler to be more readable.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Gather currently selected year and month into a single structure.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Store full date info to current date on todaylink with LButton.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Properly handle Goto Today popup menu (on RButton).
+ comctl32/monthcal: Fix memory leak on MCN_GETDAYSTATE notification.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Move MCN_GETDAYSTATE notification to a helper.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Prevent configured range exceeding with prev/next buttons.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Fix timestamp storing on MCM_SETRANGE/MCM_SETSELRANGE.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Add parameter validation to MCM_HITTEST handler.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Right button should trigger a popup menu on release.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Months popup menu should be placed at current pointer position.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Use a single calendar for hittesting tests, make point calculation at runtime.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Minimal rectangle should be zero based.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Control elements should be centered in client area, and left/top aligned if they don't.
+ comctl32/updown: Fix some test failures on Win95 (comctl32 4.0).
+ comctl32/monthcal: Fix locale dependent test failure.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Fix hittesting for MCHT_CALENDARDATEPREV/MCHT_CALENDARDATENEXT cases.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Make prev/next month day a current selection on LButton release.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Move selection logic to LButton release handler, fix notifications order.
+ comctl32/datetime: If we already have a 4 digit year reset it on first char typed.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Respect locale abbreviated day names when calculating control dimensions.
+ comctl32/datetime: Separate tests from each other.
+ comctl32/datetime: Some DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME tests.
+ comctl32/datetime: Always store a recalculated day of week instead of a value passed in (DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME).
+ comctl32/datetime: Use SDK defined class name instead of another local constant.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Don't request locale data when it isn't needed.
+ comctl32/monthcal: No need to redraw if month didn't change after popup menu.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Move MCN_SELCHANGE/MCN_SELECT notifications to helpers.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Changing MCS_MULTISELECT isn't allowed after creation, set default value properly.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Fix parameter validation in MCM_SETMAXSELCOUNT handler.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Drop exstyle parameter, it isn't used.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Implement MCM_GETMONTHRANGE for GMR_VISIBLE flag, single calendar control only.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Handle mouse pointer followed focus rectangle more accurately.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Use true date comparison on multiselection, not only the day is valuable.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Check range limits in MCM_SETCURSEL.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Parameter fixes for MCM_SETSELRANGE handler: swap selection bounds, store day of week.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Check configured selection range max width in MCM_SETSELRANGE handler.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Simplify WM_MOUSEMOVE handler.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Remove today rectangle and focus drawing code from loops.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Check date limits on prev/next month buttons and year UpDown control.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Fix parameter validation in MCM_SETCURSEL handler.
+ ole32: Check source pointer in StringFromGUID2.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Fix '&->&&' typo in focused day helper.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Use a single timer for auto month scroll with prev/next buttons.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Use a timer to auto update today date memory.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Fix a nice typo in test message.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Optimize WM_LBUTTONUP handler.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Update day of week properly while iterating with prev/next buttons and hit testing.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Recalculate control layout on MCS_WEEKNUMBERS style change.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Invalidate unconditonally on MCM_SETFIRSTDAYOFWEEK.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Cleanup top drawing helper namespace, reduce parameter count in prev/next draw helpers.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Fix the way a first day of week is handled.
+ comctl32: Use user32 control names from public header constants instead of defining over and over again.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Implement MCM_GETMONTHRANGE for GMR_DAYSTATE flag and a single calendar control.
+ comctl32/datetime: Block WM_SETTEXT message.
+ comctl32/datetime: Properly handle hit on separators and empty control area.
+ comctl32/datetime: Fix selections painting - use text rectangle, not whole field.
+ comctl32/monthcal: Really use locale data for all days.
+ comctl32/datetime: Use locale data to compute field widths for day and month.
+ comctl32/datetime: Draw field text horizontally centered.
+Owen Rudge (13):
+ mapi32: Pass DllGetClassObject through to Extended MAPI provider.
+ comctl32: Implement highlighting (marquee) selection support in listview.
+ mapi32: Add stub of Extended MAPI wrapper for MAPISendMail.
+ include: Add MAPI_USE_DEFAULT and MDB_NO_DIALOG definitions to mapidefs.h.
+ mapi32: Log on via Extended MAPI and get the default message store.
+ include: Add IMsgStore definition.
+ include: Add definitions for IMAPIContainer, IMAPIFolder, IMessage.
+ mapi32: Open the Drafts folder in preparation for creating a message.
+ mapi32: Create new message and show editor window.
+ include: Add IAttach interface to mapidefs.h.
+ mapi32: Add attachment support to sendmail_extended_mapi.
+ comctl32: Capture the mouse when performing a listview marquee selection.
+ comctl32: Ensure coordinates are valid during listview marquee selection.
+Paul Vriens (25):
+ gdiplus/tests: Fix some test failures on older gdiplus versions.
+ jscript: Add some Dutch translations.
+ kernel32/tests: Fix some test failures on WinMe.
+ include: Add an error code.
+ user32/tests: Don't crash on Win9x/WinMe/NT4.
+ comctl32/tests: Fix some test failures.
+ msi/tests: Skip some tests on Win9x/WinMe.
+ setupapi/tests: Don't crash on WinMe.
+ secur32/tests: Skip some tests on WinMe to avoid a crash.
+ fltlib: Add a stub for FilterConnectCommunicationPort.
+ comctl32/tests: Fix some test failures on older comctl32 versions.
+ comctl32/tests: Fix some test failures (MCM_SETRANGE and MCM_GETRANGE).
+ comctl32/tests: Fix some test failures (MCM_SETCURSEL and MCM_GETCURSEL).
+ comctl32/tests: Fix some test failures (MCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT and MCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT).
+ comctl32/tests: Fix some test failures (MCM_GETSELRANGE).
+ user32/tests: Fix some test failures with 9x/Me on VMware.
+ kernel32/tests: Don't crash on WinMe.
+ setupapi/tests: Cleanup after SetupCopyOEMInf() tests.
+ comctl32/tests: Fix some test failures on older comctl32 versions.
+ ddraw/tests: Fix some test failures on WinME/VMware.
+ user32/tests: Skip some tests on Win9x/WinMe.
+ shell32/tests: Fix some test failures on WinMe (FO_COPY).
+ shell32/tests: Fix some test failures on WinMe (SHPathPrepareForWrite).
+ shell32/tests: Fix remaining failures on WinMe.
+ setupapi/tests: Fix some test failures on Win98.
+Peter Dons Tychsen (2):
+ user32: Add exception handling for timer callbacks.
+ cmd: Fix handling of quotes when line includes redirections and/or pipes.
+Peter Oberndorfer (9):
+ shlwapi: Fix spec file for some unicode functions.
+ shlwapi: Fix prototype of SHCreateMemStream.
+ shlwapi: Implement IStream::Stat for registry/memory streams.
+ shlwapi: Fix logic of SHCreateMemStream in combination with NULL pointers.
+ shlwapi: Fix IStream::Read for reg/mem stream.
+ shlwapi: Implement IStream::Write, Seek and SetSize.
+ shlwapi: Remove pointer check in IStream::Clone, it also crashes on Windows.
+ shlwapi: Allow SHOpenRegStream2 A/W to work with not existing values.
+ shlwapi: Write back data to registry when closing reg stream.
+Piotr Caban (5):
+ jscript: Added Global.escape() implementation.
+ jscript: Added some missing functions stubs.
+ jscript: Added Date.toGMTString implementation.
+ jscript: Fix implementation of Global.escape.
+ jscript: Fixed escaped characters processing.
+Rein Klazes (1):
+ comdlg32: Make explorer type file dialogs without custom template or hook proc resizable.
+Rico Schüller (18):
+ d3d10: Rename ConstantBuffer's variable to member.
+ d3d10: Add the D3D10_CBUFFER_TYPE enum.
+ d3d10: Parse constant buffer type.
+ d3d10: Make the constant buffer a variable.
+ d3d10: Forward ID3D10EffectVariable functions from ID3D10EffectConstantBuffer to ID3D10EffectVariable.
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberName().
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberSemantic().
+ d3d10: Improve ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberName().
+ d3d10: Add null_type.
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberTypeByIndex().
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberTypeByName().
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10EffectType::GetMemberTypeBySemantic().
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10EffectVariable::GetMemberByIndex().
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10EffectVariable::GetMemberByName().
+ d3d10: Implement ID3D10EffectVariable::GetMemberBySemantic().
+ d3d10: Remove double declared variable in parse_fx10_variable().
+ d3d10/tests: Add constant buffer type test.
+ d3d10/tests: Add variable type test.
+Roderick Colenbrander (2):
+ winex11: Add support for 16-bit/32-bit DIB sections.
+ winex11: Move XRENDERINFO allocation in a separate function.
+Stefan Dösinger (13):
+ wined3d: Don't use GL_NV_texture_shader on OSX.
+ wined3d: Test if result.clip[] works correctly.
+ wined3d: Fix an error string.
+ wined3d: Fix a contradicting comment.
+ wined3d: Fix vs_2_0 sgn.
+ d3d9: Test viewports that are bigger than the surface.
+ wined3d: SetRenderTarget doesn't change the viewport in d3d7.
+ wined3d: SetRenderTarget bypasses stateblock recording.
+ wined3d: SetRenderTarget resets the scissor rect.
+ d3d9: Reduce the YUV test precision.
+ wined3d: Don't write to result.color in arb_add_sRGB_correction.
+ wined3d: Split the clip_parameters[2] array.
+ wined3d: Don't reserve clipping constants needlessly.
+Stefan Leichter (1):
+ kernel32: Check parameter of CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent with tests.
+Vincent Povirk (25):
+ user32: Invert y in DrawTextEx in GM_COMPATIBLE mode if y increases up.
+ ole32: We do need to implement Commit/Revert for non-root storage.
+ ole32/tests: Test substorages of transacted storage objects.
+ ole32/tests: Add test for IStorage::Revert.
+ ole32/tests: Add test for non-root transacted storage objects.
+ ole32: Remove useless comments.
+ include: Add gdiplus hatch brush functions to headers.
+ gdiplus: Use gdi texture brushes to draw hatch brushes.
+ gdiplus: Add some hatch brushes not present in gdi.
+ windowscodecs: Implement GetResolution for the PNG decoder.
+ windowscodecs: Support more formats in the BMP encoder.
+ windowscodecs: Add test for BMP encoder.
+ windowscodecs: Add stub PNG encoder.
+ windowscodecs: Implement Initialize for the PNG encoder.
+ windowscodecs: Implement CreateNewFrame for the PNG encoder.
+ windowscodecs: Implement Initialize for the PNG frame encoder.
+ windowscodecs: Implement SetPixelFormat for the PNG encoder.
+ windowscodecs: Implement SetSize for the PNG encoder.
+ windowscodecs: Implement SetResolution for the PNG encoder.
+ windowscodecs: Implement WritePixels for the PNG encoder.
+ windowscodecs: Implement WriteSource for the PNG encoder.
+ windowscodecs: Implement Commit for the PNG frame encoder.
+ windowscodecs: Implement Commit for the PNG encoder.
+ windowscodecs: Add test for PNG encoder.
+ gdiplus: Enable encoding of PNG images.
+Vladimir Pankratov (1):
+ jscript: Update Russian translation.
+Wilfried Pasquazzo (2):
+ user32/tests: DrawState: New test case for correct drawing of icons.
+ user32: DrawState always uses real icon size for drawing.
+Wim Lewis (2):
+ winex11: Font metric cache file cleanups.
+ winex11: Fix font metric cache filename generation.
Alexandre Julliard