* -- CCS_BOTTOM (default)
HWND Notify;
WORD numParts;
UINT height;
+ UINT minHeight; /* at least MIN_PANE_HEIGHT, can be increased by SB_SETMINHEIGHT */
BOOL simple;
HWND hwndToolTip;
HFONT hFont;
HFONT hDefaultFont;
COLORREF clrBk; /* background color */
- BOOL bUnicode; /* unicode flag */
- BOOL NtfUnicode; /* notify format */
+ BOOL bUnicode; /* notify format. TRUE if notifies in Unicode */
STATUSWINDOWPART part0; /* simple window */
INT horizontalBorder;
/* prototype */
static void
STATUSBAR_SetPartBounds (STATUS_INFO *infoPtr);
+static LRESULT
+STATUSBAR_NotifyFormat (STATUS_INFO *infoPtr, HWND from, INT cmd);
static inline LPCSTR debugstr_t(LPCWSTR text, BOOL isW)
return isW ? debugstr_w(text) : debugstr_a((LPCSTR)text);
+static UINT
+STATUSBAR_ComputeHeight(STATUS_INFO *infoPtr)
+ HTHEME theme;
+ UINT height;
+ int margin;
+ COMCTL32_GetFontMetrics(infoPtr->hFont ? infoPtr->hFont : infoPtr->hDefaultFont, &tm);
+ margin = (tm.tmInternalLeading ? tm.tmInternalLeading : 2);
+ height = max(tm.tmHeight + margin + 2*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER), infoPtr->minHeight) + infoPtr->verticalBorder;
+ if ((theme = GetWindowTheme(infoPtr->Self)))
+ {
+ /* Determine bar height from theme such that the content area is
+ * textHeight pixels large */
+ HDC hdc = GetDC(infoPtr->Self);
+ RECT r;
+ memset (&r, 0, sizeof (r));
+ r.bottom = max(infoPtr->minHeight, tm.tmHeight);
+ if (SUCCEEDED(GetThemeBackgroundExtent(theme, hdc, SP_PANE, 0, &r, &r)))
+ {
+ height = r.bottom - r.top;
+ }
+ ReleaseDC(infoPtr->Self, hdc);
+ }
+ TRACE(" textHeight=%d+%d, final height=%d\n", tm.tmHeight, tm.tmInternalLeading, height);
+ return height;
static void
STATUSBAR_DrawSizeGrip (HTHEME theme, HDC hdc, LPRECT lpRect)
INT i;
- TRACE("draw size grip %d,%d - %d,%d\n", lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom);
+ TRACE("draw size grip %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(lpRect));
if (theme)
RECT gripperRect;
pt.x = lpRect->right - 1;
pt.y = lpRect->bottom - 1;
- hPenFace = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_3DFACE ));
+ hPenFace = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, comctl32_color.clr3dFace);
hOldPen = SelectObject( hdc, hPenFace );
MoveToEx (hdc, pt.x - 12, pt.y, NULL);
LineTo (hdc, pt.x, pt.y);
- hPenShadow = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_3DSHADOW ));
+ hPenShadow = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, comctl32_color.clr3dShadow);
SelectObject( hdc, hPenShadow );
for (i = 1; i < 11; i += 4) {
MoveToEx (hdc, pt.x - i, pt.y, NULL);
LineTo (hdc, pt.x + 1, pt.y - i - 2);
- hPenHighlight = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, GetSysColor( COLOR_3DHIGHLIGHT ));
+ hPenHighlight = CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 1, comctl32_color.clr3dHilight);
SelectObject( hdc, hPenHighlight );
for (i = 3; i < 13; i += 4) {
MoveToEx (hdc, pt.x - i, pt.y, NULL);
HTHEME theme = GetWindowTheme (infoPtr->Self);
int themePart = SP_PANE;
- TRACE("part bound %d,%d - %d,%d\n", r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom);
+ TRACE("part bound %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(&r));
if (part->style & SBT_POPOUT)
else if (part->style & SBT_NOBORDERS)
STATUSBAR_RefreshPart (const STATUS_INFO *infoPtr, HDC hdc, const STATUSWINDOWPART *part, int itemID)
- HFONT hOldFont;
HTHEME theme;
TRACE("item %d\n", itemID);
- if (!IsWindowVisible (infoPtr->Self))
- return;
if (part->bound.right < part->bound.left) return;
+ if (!RectVisible(hdc, &part->bound))
+ return;
if ((theme = GetWindowTheme (infoPtr->Self)))
RECT cr;
DeleteObject (hbrBk);
- hOldFont = SelectObject (hdc, infoPtr->hFont ? infoPtr->hFont : infoPtr->hDefaultFont);
- STATUSBAR_DrawPart (infoPtr, hdc, part, itemID);
- SelectObject (hdc, hOldFont);
- if (GetWindowLongW (infoPtr->Self, GWL_STYLE) & SBARS_SIZEGRIP) {
- RECT rect;
- GetClientRect (infoPtr->Self, &rect);
- STATUSBAR_DrawSizeGrip (theme, hdc, &rect);
- }
+ STATUSBAR_DrawPart (infoPtr, hdc, part, itemID);
+static int
+STATUSBAR_InternalHitTest(const STATUS_INFO *infoPtr, const POINT *pt)
+ int i;
+ if (infoPtr->simple)
+ return 255;
+ for (i = 0; i < infoPtr->numParts; i++)
+ if (pt->x >= infoPtr->parts[i].bound.left && pt->x <= infoPtr->parts[i].bound.right)
+ return i;
+ return -2;
static void
STATUSBAR_SetPartBounds (STATUS_INFO *infoPtr)
/* get our window size */
GetClientRect (infoPtr->Self, &rect);
- TRACE("client wnd size is %d,%d - %d,%d\n", rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom);
+ TRACE("client wnd size is %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(&rect));
rect.left += infoPtr->horizontalBorder;
rect.top += infoPtr->verticalBorder;
static BOOL
STATUSBAR_SetMinHeight (STATUS_INFO *infoPtr, INT height)
- TRACE("(height=%d)\n", height);
- if (IsWindowVisible (infoPtr->Self)) {
- INT width, x, y;
- RECT parent_rect;
- HTHEME theme;
- GetClientRect (infoPtr->Notify, &parent_rect);
- infoPtr->height = height + infoPtr->verticalBorder;
- if ((theme = GetWindowTheme (infoPtr->Self)))
- {
- /* Determine bar height from theme such that the content area is
- * 'height' pixels large */
- HDC hdc = GetDC (infoPtr->Self);
- RECT r;
- memset (&r, 0, sizeof (r));
- r.bottom = height;
- if (SUCCEEDED(GetThemeBackgroundExtent (theme, hdc, SP_PANE, 0, &r, &r)))
- {
- infoPtr->height = r.bottom - r.top;
- }
- ReleaseDC (infoPtr->Self, hdc);
- }
- width = parent_rect.right - parent_rect.left;
- x = parent_rect.left;
- y = parent_rect.bottom - infoPtr->height;
- MoveWindow (infoPtr->Self, parent_rect.left,
- parent_rect.bottom - infoPtr->height,
- width, infoPtr->height, TRUE);
- STATUSBAR_SetPartBounds (infoPtr);
- }
+ DWORD ysize = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZE);
+ if (ysize & 1) ysize--;
+ infoPtr->minHeight = max(height, ysize);
+ infoPtr->height = STATUSBAR_ComputeHeight(infoPtr);
+ /* like native, don't resize the control */
return TRUE;
STATUSBAR_SetParts (STATUS_INFO *infoPtr, INT count, LPINT parts)
- int i, oldNumParts;
+ UINT i, oldNumParts;
TRACE("(%d,%p)\n", count, parts);
infoPtr->parts[i].x = parts[i];
if (infoPtr->hwndToolTip) {
- INT nTipCount, i;
+ UINT nTipCount;
ZeroMemory (&ti, sizeof(TTTOOLINFOW));
if (style & SBT_OWNERDRAW) {
if (!(oldStyle & SBT_OWNERDRAW))
Free (part->text);
- else if (part->text == text)
- return TRUE;
part->text = (LPWSTR)text;
} else {
LPWSTR ntext;
+ WCHAR *idx;
if (text && !isW) {
LPCSTR atxt = (LPCSTR)text;
strcpyW (ntext, text);
} else ntext = 0;
+ /* replace nonprintable characters with spaces */
+ if (ntext) {
+ idx = ntext;
+ while (*idx) {
+ if(!isprintW(*idx))
+ *idx = ' ';
+ idx++;
+ }
+ }
/* check if text is unchanged -> no need to redraw */
if (text) {
if (!changed && part->text && !lstrcmpW(ntext, part->text)) {
DWORD dwStyle;
RECT rect;
- int i, width, len, textHeight = 0;
- HDC hdc;
+ int len;
- infoPtr = (STATUS_INFO*)Alloc (sizeof(STATUS_INFO));
+ infoPtr = Alloc (sizeof(STATUS_INFO));
if (!infoPtr) goto create_fail;
SetWindowLongPtrW (hwnd, 0, (DWORD_PTR)infoPtr);
infoPtr->horizontalBorder = HORZ_BORDER;
infoPtr->verticalBorder = VERT_BORDER;
infoPtr->horizontalGap = HORZ_GAP;
+ infoPtr->minHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZE);
+ if (infoPtr->minHeight & 1) infoPtr->minHeight--;
- i = SendMessageW(infoPtr->Notify, WM_NOTIFYFORMAT, (WPARAM)hwnd, NF_QUERY);
- infoPtr->NtfUnicode = (i == NFR_UNICODE);
- GetClientRect (hwnd, &rect);
- InvalidateRect (hwnd, &rect, 0);
- UpdateWindow(hwnd);
+ STATUSBAR_NotifyFormat(infoPtr, infoPtr->Notify, NF_REQUERY);
ZeroMemory (&nclm, sizeof(nclm));
nclm.cbSize = sizeof(nclm);
SystemParametersInfoW (SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, nclm.cbSize, &nclm, 0);
infoPtr->hDefaultFont = CreateFontIndirectW (&nclm.lfStatusFont);
+ GetClientRect (hwnd, &rect);
/* initialize simple case */
infoPtr->part0.bound = rect;
infoPtr->part0.text = 0;
OpenThemeData (hwnd, themeClass);
- if (IsWindowUnicode (hwnd)) {
- infoPtr->bUnicode = TRUE;
- if (lpCreate->lpszName &&
- (len = strlenW ((LPCWSTR)lpCreate->lpszName))) {
- infoPtr->parts[0].text = Alloc ((len + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
- if (!infoPtr->parts[0].text) goto create_fail;
- strcpyW (infoPtr->parts[0].text, (LPCWSTR)lpCreate->lpszName);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (lpCreate->lpszName &&
- (len = strlen((LPCSTR)lpCreate->lpszName))) {
- DWORD lenW = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)lpCreate->lpszName, -1, NULL, 0 );
- infoPtr->parts[0].text = Alloc (lenW*sizeof(WCHAR));
- if (!infoPtr->parts[0].text) goto create_fail;
- MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, (LPCSTR)lpCreate->lpszName, -1,
- infoPtr->parts[0].text, lenW );
- }
+ if (lpCreate->lpszName && (len = strlenW ((LPCWSTR)lpCreate->lpszName)))
+ {
+ infoPtr->parts[0].text = Alloc ((len + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if (!infoPtr->parts[0].text) goto create_fail;
+ strcpyW (infoPtr->parts[0].text, (LPCWSTR)lpCreate->lpszName);
dwStyle = GetWindowLongW (hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
/* native seems to clear WS_BORDER, too */
dwStyle &= ~WS_BORDER;
- /* statusbars on managed windows should not have SIZEGRIP style */
- if ((dwStyle & SBARS_SIZEGRIP) && lpCreate->hwndParent &&
- GetPropA( lpCreate->hwndParent, "__wine_x11_managed" ))
- dwStyle &= ~SBARS_SIZEGRIP;
SetWindowLongW (hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle);
- if ((hdc = GetDC (hwnd))) {
- HFONT hOldFont;
- hOldFont = SelectObject (hdc, infoPtr->hDefaultFont);
- GetTextMetricsW (hdc, &tm);
- textHeight = tm.tmHeight;
- SelectObject (hdc, hOldFont);
- ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);
- }
- TRACE(" textHeight=%d\n", textHeight);
+ infoPtr->height = STATUSBAR_ComputeHeight(infoPtr);
if (dwStyle & SBT_TOOLTIPS) {
infoPtr->hwndToolTip =
nmttc.hdr.code = NM_TOOLTIPSCREATED;
nmttc.hwndToolTips = infoPtr->hwndToolTip;
- SendMessageW (lpCreate->hwndParent, WM_NOTIFY,
- (WPARAM)nmttc.hdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmttc);
+ SendMessageW (lpCreate->hwndParent, WM_NOTIFY, nmttc.hdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmttc);
- if (!(dwStyle & CCS_NORESIZE)) { /* don't resize wnd if it doesn't want it ! */
- HTHEME theme;
- GetClientRect (infoPtr->Notify, &rect);
- width = rect.right - rect.left;
- infoPtr->height = textHeight + 4 + infoPtr->verticalBorder;
- if ((theme = GetWindowTheme (hwnd)))
- {
- /* Determine bar height from theme such that the content area is
- * textHeight pixels large */
- HDC hdc = GetDC (hwnd);
- RECT r;
- memset (&r, 0, sizeof (r));
- r.bottom = textHeight;
- if (SUCCEEDED(GetThemeBackgroundExtent (theme, hdc, SP_PANE, 0, &r, &r)))
- {
- infoPtr->height = r.bottom - r.top;
- }
- ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);
- }
- SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, lpCreate->x, lpCreate->y - 1,
- width, infoPtr->height, SWP_NOZORDER);
- STATUSBAR_SetPartBounds (infoPtr);
- }
return 0;
if (!(infoPtr->parts[0].text))
return 0;
- if (infoPtr->bUnicode)
- len = strlenW (infoPtr->parts[0].text);
- else
- len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, infoPtr->parts[0].text, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL )-1;
+ len = strlenW (infoPtr->parts[0].text);
if (size > len) {
- if (infoPtr->bUnicode)
- strcpyW (buf, infoPtr->parts[0].text);
- else
- WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, infoPtr->parts[0].text, -1,
- (LPSTR)buf, len+1, NULL, NULL );
+ strcpyW (buf, infoPtr->parts[0].text);
return len;
infoPtr->hFont = font;
TRACE("%p\n", infoPtr->hFont);
+ infoPtr->height = STATUSBAR_ComputeHeight(infoPtr);
+ SendMessageW(infoPtr->Self, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); /* update size */
if (redraw)
InvalidateRect(infoPtr->Self, NULL, FALSE);
/* duplicate string */
Free (part->text);
part->text = 0;
- if (infoPtr->bUnicode) {
- if (text && (len = strlenW((LPCWSTR)text))) {
- part->text = Alloc ((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
- if (!part->text) return FALSE;
- strcpyW (part->text, (LPCWSTR)text);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (text && (len = lstrlenA(text))) {
- DWORD lenW = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, text, -1, NULL, 0 );
- part->text = Alloc (lenW*sizeof(WCHAR));
- if (!part->text) return FALSE;
- MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, text, -1, part->text, lenW );
- }
+ if (text && (len = strlenW((LPCWSTR)text))) {
+ part->text = Alloc ((len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR));
+ if (!part->text) return FALSE;
+ strcpyW (part->text, (LPCWSTR)text);
InvalidateRect(infoPtr->Self, &part->bound, FALSE);
if (GetWindowLongW(infoPtr->Self, GWL_STYLE) & CCS_NORESIZE) return FALSE;
/* width and height don't apply */
- GetClientRect (infoPtr->Notify, &parent_rect);
+ if (!GetClientRect (infoPtr->Notify, &parent_rect))
+ return FALSE;
width = parent_rect.right - parent_rect.left;
x = parent_rect.left;
y = parent_rect.bottom - infoPtr->height;
- MoveWindow (infoPtr->Self, parent_rect.left,
- parent_rect.bottom - infoPtr->height,
- width, infoPtr->height, TRUE);
+ MoveWindow (infoPtr->Self, x, y, width, infoPtr->height, TRUE);
STATUSBAR_SetPartBounds (infoPtr);
return TRUE;
if (cmd == NF_REQUERY) {
INT i = SendMessageW(from, WM_NOTIFYFORMAT, (WPARAM)infoPtr->Self, NF_QUERY);
- infoPtr->NtfUnicode = (i == NFR_UNICODE);
+ infoPtr->bUnicode = (i == NFR_UNICODE);
- return infoPtr->NtfUnicode ? NFR_UNICODE : NFR_ANSI;
+ return infoPtr->bUnicode ? NFR_UNICODE : NFR_ANSI;
static LRESULT
-STATUSBAR_SendNotify (const STATUS_INFO *infoPtr, UINT code)
+STATUSBAR_SendMouseNotify(const STATUS_INFO *infoPtr, UINT code, LPARAM lParam)
- NMHDR nmhdr;
- TRACE("code %04x\n", code);
- nmhdr.hwndFrom = infoPtr->Self;
- nmhdr.idFrom = GetWindowLongPtrW (infoPtr->Self, GWLP_ID);
- nmhdr.code = code;
- SendMessageW (infoPtr->Notify, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+ TRACE("code %04x, lParam=%lx\n", code, lParam);
+ nm.hdr.hwndFrom = infoPtr->Self;
+ nm.hdr.idFrom = GetWindowLongPtrW(infoPtr->Self, GWLP_ID);
+ nm.hdr.code = code;
+ nm.pt.x = (short)LOWORD(lParam);
+ nm.pt.y = (short)HIWORD(lParam);
+ nm.dwItemSpec = STATUSBAR_InternalHitTest(infoPtr, &nm.pt);
+ nm.dwItemData = 0;
+ nm.dwHitInfo = 0x30000; /* seems constant */
+ SendMessageW(infoPtr->Notify, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nm);
return 0;
INT nPart = ((INT) wParam) & 0x00ff;
- TRACE("hwnd=%p msg=%x wparam=%x lparam=%lx\n", hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
+ TRACE("hwnd=%p msg=%x wparam=%lx lparam=%lx\n", hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
if (!infoPtr && msg != WM_CREATE)
return DefWindowProcW (hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
return STATUSBAR_GetTextLength (infoPtr, 0);
- return STATUSBAR_SendNotify (infoPtr, NM_DBLCLK);
+ return STATUSBAR_SendMouseNotify(infoPtr, NM_DBLCLK, lParam);
- return STATUSBAR_SendNotify (infoPtr, NM_CLICK);
+ return STATUSBAR_SendMouseNotify(infoPtr, NM_CLICK, lParam);
return STATUSBAR_Relay2Tip (infoPtr, msg, wParam, lParam);
return STATUSBAR_WMPaint (infoPtr, (HDC)wParam);
- return STATUSBAR_SendNotify (infoPtr, NM_RDBLCLK);
+ return STATUSBAR_SendMouseNotify(infoPtr, NM_RDBLCLK, lParam);
- return STATUSBAR_SendNotify (infoPtr, NM_RCLICK);
+ return STATUSBAR_SendMouseNotify(infoPtr, NM_RCLICK, lParam);
return STATUSBAR_WMSetFont (infoPtr, (HFONT)wParam, LOWORD(lParam));
if (STATUSBAR_WMSize (infoPtr, (WORD)wParam)) return 0;
return DefWindowProcW (hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
+ COMCTL32_RefreshSysColors();
+ return 0;
return theme_changed (infoPtr);
- if ((msg >= WM_USER) && (msg < WM_APP))
- ERR("unknown msg %04x wp=%04x lp=%08lx\n",
+ if ((msg >= WM_USER) && (msg < WM_APP) && !COMCTL32_IsReflectedMessage(msg))
+ ERR("unknown msg %04x wp=%04lx lp=%08lx\n",
msg, wParam, lParam);
return DefWindowProcW (hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);