gdiplus: Add a software implementation of line gradient brushes.
[wine] / dlls / shlwapi /
2011-01-17  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi: Keep pointer to allocated block to free it...
2011-01-14  Greg Geldorpshlwapi/tests: Don't assume date/time are separated...
2011-01-13  Michael Stefaniucshlwapi/tests: Finish the COM cleanup in ordinal.c.
2011-01-13  Jacek Cabanshlwapi: Fixed handling A->W buffer in UrlCanonicalizeA...
2011-01-12  Alexandre Julliardshlwapi: Convert string table resources to po files.
2011-01-07  Michael Stefaniucshlwapi/tests: COM cleanup for thread.c.
2010-12-30  André Hentschelshlwapi/tests: Fix typo.
2010-12-30  André Hentschelshlwapi/tests: Don't test function directly when report...
2010-12-22  Yaron Shahrabanishlwapi: Added Hebrew translation.
2010-12-22  André Hentschelshlwapi/tests: Allow Win7 behaviour for SHFormatDateTimeW.
2010-12-14  Michael Stefaniucshlwapi/tests: Standardize the COM usage in ordinal.c.
2010-12-08  Michael Stefaniucshlwapi: The Italian translation uses UTF-8 encoding.
2010-12-05  Alexandre Julliardshlwapi: Don't use wide strings in button labels.
2010-11-30  Michael Stefaniucshlwapi: Use an iface instead of an vtbl pointer in...
2010-11-30  Michael Stefaniucshlwapi: Use an iface instead of an vtbl pointer in...
2010-11-30  Michael Stefaniucshlwapi: Use iface instead of vtbl pointers in ISHFileS...
2010-11-08  Piotr Cabanshlwapi: Improved UrlCombineW implementation.
2010-11-03  Paul Vriensshlwapi: Add the Serbian (Latin and Cyrillic) translation.
2010-10-27  David Hedbergshlwapi: Add room for null terminator in local SHGetShe...
2010-10-26  David Hedbergshlwapi: Fix UrlGetPart to also return unknown schemes.
2010-10-25  Alexandre Julliardshlwapi: Make more functions available by name.
2010-10-25  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi: Allow IUnknown_SetSite() to be requested by...
2010-10-13  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi/assoc: Fix arguments tracing.
2010-10-12  Piotr Cabanshlwapi/tests: Add more tests.
2010-10-12  Piotr Cabanshlwapi: Added SKSetValueW implementation.
2010-10-12  Piotr Cabanshlwapi: Added SKDeleteValueW implementation.
2010-10-12  Piotr Cabanshlwapi: Added SKAllocValueW implementation.
2010-10-12  Piotr Cabanshlwapi: Improved SHGetShellKey implementation.
2010-10-12  Andrew Eikumshlwapi: Handle URL_WININET_COMPATIBILITY flag in UrlCa...
2010-10-11  Jacek Cabanshlwapi: Skip more tests on too old shlwapi.dll.
2010-10-08  Andrew Eikumshlwapi/tests: Don't run tests on old shlwapi versions.
2010-10-01  Alexandre Julliardshlwapi/tests: Make some variables static.
2010-09-24  Lauri Kenttäshlwapi: Update Finnish translation.
2010-09-21  Luca Bennatishlwapi: Update Italian translation.
2010-09-19  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: Add a standard header for all makefiles...
2010-09-07  Piotr Cabanshlwapi: Improved UrlEscapeW implementation.
2010-09-07  Piotr Cabanshlwapi: Improved UrlCanonicalize implementation.
2010-09-01  Hwang YunSongshlwapi: Update Korean resource.
2010-08-31  Alexandre Julliardshlwapi: Use int64 in the spec file for 64-bit integers.
2010-08-30  Amine Khaldishlwapi: Fix translations.
2010-08-16  Detlef Riekenbergshlwapi/tests: Run more language dependent tests only...
2010-07-30  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi/tests: Fix some test failures on RTL enabled...
2010-07-29  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi: Implement SKGetValueW over SHGetShellKey.
2010-07-29  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi: Partially implement SHGetShellKey.
2010-07-29  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi/tests: Fix some test failures on Win2000.
2010-07-22  Paul Vriensshlwapi/tests: Load shell32 explicitly.
2010-07-22  Piotr Cabanshlwapi: Improved UrlCanonicalizeW implementation.
2010-07-22  Michael Stefaniucshlwapi: Remove the ignored common resource attributes.
2010-07-22  Andrew Eikumshlwapi: Implement SHSetIniStringW.
2010-07-22  Andrew Eikumshlwapi: Implement SHGetIniStringW.
2010-07-21  Alexandre Julliarddlls: Remove explicit imports of kernel32 and ntdll.
2010-07-21  Andrew Eikumshlwapi: Be less strict on which type of IShellFolder...
2010-07-20  Hans Leidekkershlwapi: Don't trace the contents of output buffers.
2010-07-20  Andrew Nguyenshlwapi/tests: Correct the prototype of the StrRetToBST...
2010-07-20  Andrew Nguyenshlwapi/tests: Skip a StrCpyNW test that crashes on...
2010-07-20  Andrew Nguyenshlwapi/tests: Skip StrRStrI tests on older Win9x platf...
2010-07-20  Andrew Nguyenshlwapi/tests: Skip SHUnicodeToUnicode tests on Win98.
2010-07-20  Andrew Nguyenshlwapi/tests: Skip SHAnsiToAnsi tests on Win98.
2010-07-20  Andrew Nguyenshlwapi/tests: Rename a string variable for clarity.
2010-07-20  André Hentschelshlwapi/tests: Fix GLE for SHFormatDateTimeA.
2010-07-19  Andrew Nguyenshlwapi: Implement StrStrNIW.
2010-07-19  Andrew Nguyenshlwapi: Implement StrStrNW.
2010-07-19  Andrew Nguyenshlwapi/tests: Add tests for StrStrIW.
2010-07-19  Andrew Nguyenshlwapi/tests: Add tests for StrStrIA.
2010-07-19  Andrew Nguyenshlwapi: Fix handling of an empty search string in...
2010-07-19  Andrew Nguyenshlwapi/tests: Add tests for StrStrA.
2010-07-19  Andrew Nguyenshlwapi/tests: Fix Win98 SE test failures for StrFormat...
2010-07-08  Aric Stewartshlwapi: Correct slash/backslashs in UrlCanonicalize.
2010-07-02  Gustavo Henrique... shlwapi: Fix Portuguese (Brazilian) translation.
2010-06-29  Kovács Andrásshlwapi: Update Hungarian translation.
2010-06-23  Aric Stewartshlwapi: URL_FILE_USE_PATHURL flag only unescapes file...
2010-06-22  Francois Gougetshlwapi/tests: Make the XXX_Construct() functions static.
2010-06-08  Paul Vriensresources: Fix some copy-paste mistakes in resource...
2010-06-07  Marcus Meissnershlwapi: Handle NULL ptr return from allocation (Coverity).
2010-05-31  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi: Don't limit text size for message boxes from...
2010-05-31  Frédéric Delanoyshlwapi: Fix French translation.
2010-05-20  Michael Stefaniucshlwapi: Remove redundant "not NULL" checks of the...
2010-05-19  Vincent Povirkshlwapi: Implement SHRegEnumUSValue.
2010-05-10  Gerald Pfeifershlwapi: Remove variable retval which is not really...
2010-05-08  Piotr Cabanshlwapi: Added more UrlCanonicalizeA tests.
2010-05-08  Piotr Cabanshlwapi: Make UrlCanonicalizeA working with long urls...
2010-05-08  Piotr Cabanshlwapi: Make UrlCanonicalizeW working with long urls...
2010-04-20  Detlef Riekenbergshlwapi/tests: Add tests for SHCreateThreadRef.
2010-04-20  Detlef Riekenbergshlwapi: Implement SHCreateThreadRef.
2010-04-20  André Hentschelshlwapi: Fix comment typo.
2010-04-19  Detlef Riekenbergshlwapi: Fix broken NULL checks (with tests).
2010-04-19  Detlef Riekenbergshlwapi/tests: Add tests for SHSetThreadRef.
2010-04-19  Detlef Riekenbergshlwapi/tests: Add initial test for SHGetThreadRef.
2010-04-12  Andrew Eikumshlwapi: Check for NULL string in UrlIs.
2010-04-07  Alexandre Julliardwinapi: Generate the 64-bit variant of structure size...
2010-04-07  Alexandre Julliardshlwapi/tests: Fix some pointer conversion warnings...
2010-04-02  Alexandre Julliardshlwapi: Fix SHCreateWorkerWindowA for 64-bit.
2010-03-30  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi: Some SHCreateWorkerWindowA tests.
2010-03-29  Mikhail Maroukhineshlwapi: Fix compiler warnings with flag -Wcast-qual.
2010-03-29  Mikhail Maroukhineobjbase.h: CLSIDFromString: Add constness to the parame...
2010-03-29  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi: Fix SHCreateWorkerWindowW fallback to A-call...
2010-03-29  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi: More trace for menu related helpers.
2010-03-29  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi/tests: Use a single trace call variable for...
2010-03-29  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi: Use public define for QISearch table entry...
2010-03-29  Nikolay Sivovshlwapi: Complete IUnknown_SetOwner call.