msvcr100: Added fread_s implementation.
[wine] / include / winnt.h
2012-12-11  Amine Khaldiinclude: Define CONTAINING_RECORD using the standard...
2012-12-11  Amine Khaldiinclude: Define FIELD_OFFSET to the standard offsetof.
2012-10-01  Francois Gougetinclude: Fix a typo in the declaration of PCUZZTSTR.
2012-09-24  Francois Gougetinclude: Add more string types.
2012-09-11  Marcus Meissnerkernel32: Add condition variables prototypes and tests.
2012-08-17  André Hentschelinclude: Rename IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMV7 to IMAGE_FILE_...
2012-07-31  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude/winnt.h: MSC compiler doesn't support __asm...
2012-07-31  Detlef Riekenberginclude: Add TOKEN_MANDATORY_LEVEL definitions.
2012-07-24  Nikolay Sivovkernel32: Some tests for blocking initialization with...
2012-07-23  Nikolay Sivovkernel32: Added InitOnceInitialize() implementation.
2012-06-18  Thomas Faberinclude: Make IMAGE_COR20_HEADER declaration compatible...
2012-06-13  Detlef Riekenbergkernel32/tests: Accept higher PRODUCT_* values.
2012-05-31  Detlef Riekenbergntdll: Implement RtlGetProductInfo.
2012-05-21  Detlef Riekenbergntdll: Implement NtGetCurrentProcessorNumber.
2012-05-14  Jacek Cabanwidl: Added support for nameless structs and unions.
2012-04-18  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude: Define MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS in a PSDK compatible...
2012-03-28  André Hentschelinclude: Add new ARM defines to winnt.h.
2012-03-27  André Hentschelkernel32: Handle LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT with tests.
2011-11-08  Francois Gougetinclude: Move the language and sort macros to winnt.rh.
2011-10-31  André Hentschelinclude: Add some new ARM defines.
2011-10-31  André Hentschelinclude: Clean up some comments.
2011-10-27  Michael Stefaniucinclude: Add a macro to paper over LP64/LLP64 differenc...
2011-10-27  Michael Stefaniucinclude: Drop the 'l' modifier from some numeric consta...
2011-09-16  Francois Gougetpdh: Add more Pdh macros and prototypes to the headers.
2011-08-29  Alexandre Goujoninclude: Add more GetVolumeInformation system flags.
2011-08-03  Nikolay Sivovinclude: Fix definition name.
2011-08-01  Jacek Cabanwinnt.h: Added LOCALE_CUSTOM_* declarations.
2011-07-06  Detlef Riekenberginclude: Add definitions and declarations for SRW lock.
2011-06-06  André Hentschelinclude: Add PF_XSAVE_ENABLED.
2011-05-23  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Undefine the nameless union/struct macros...
2011-04-25  Austin Englishkernel32: Add a stub for SetThreadPreferredUILanguages.
2011-01-13  Jacek Cabanwinnt.h: Use Common macro for __C89_NAMELESSUNION and...
2010-12-24  Jacek Cabaninclude: Added macros for unions and structs that shoul...
2010-12-21  André Hentschelinclude: Add new suite masks.
2010-12-05  André Hentschelinclude: Add more well known sid types.
2010-11-16  André Hentschelinclude: Add some relocation types.
2010-11-04  André Hentschelinclude: Define PROCESSOR_OPTIL (MSIL).
2010-11-01  André Hentschelinclude: Merge the ia64 ifdefs into one.
2010-11-01  André Hentschelinclude: Better detect MIPS architecture.
2010-10-27  André Hentschelinclude: Define PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA32_ON_WIN64.
2010-10-20  Alexandre Julliardinclude: The FLOATING_SAVE_AREA type is i386-specific.
2010-10-20  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Get rid of the non-standard CONTEXT86 type.
2010-09-20  André Hentschelwinedump: Add more subsystem descriptions.
2010-09-20  André Hentschelntdll: Add ARM support.
2010-09-13  Mariusz Plucińskiinclude: Add LOCALE_INVARIANT definition.
2010-08-24  Austin Englishntdll: Add Sparc processor support.
2010-08-23  Detlef Riekenberginclude: Add more TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS result struct.
2010-08-23  Austin Englishdbghelp: Add initial Sparc CPU support.
2010-07-26  Hans Leidekkerinclude: Add the TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE enumeration.
2010-07-20  Paul Chitescukernel32: Declare structures related to logical process...
2010-05-21  Austin Englishinclude: Rename structs to fix compile with recent...
2010-05-07  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Force inlining exported API functions to avoid...
2010-05-07  Yann Droneaudinclude: Rewrote some extern inline to static inline.
2009-12-30  Alexandre Julliardlibwine: Do not export any of the LDT support on non...
2009-12-14  Paul Vrienskernel32: Add a define for UNICODE_STRING_MAX_CHARS.
2009-12-04  Alexandre Julliardntdll: Add stubs for RtlAddFunctionTable and RtlDeleteF...
2009-12-04  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Move some 64-bit definitions to winnt.h to...
2009-11-21  Gerald Pfeiferinclude: Fix preprocessor use of _MSC_VER.
2009-11-12  Maarten Lankhorstinclude: Add DEFINE_ENUM_FLAG_OPERATORS to winnt.h.
2009-11-03  Paul Vriensadvapi32/tests: Add some ReadEventLogA tests.
2009-10-26  Alexander Nicolays... include: Add defines for GetProductInfo.
2009-05-13  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Fix the C_ASSERT macro for the latest gcc.
2009-03-09  Luke Bensteadwinnt.h: Completed TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS enum definition.
2009-02-04  Aric Stewartadvapi32: Add Security Label sids used by IE7.
2009-01-06  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Document offsets in the x86_64 context structure.
2009-01-04  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Fix data structures for processor affinity...
2008-12-15  Alexandre Julliardntdll: NtCurrentTeb is not exported on x86_64.
2008-12-15  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Allow 64-bit pointers to pass through LDT...
2008-12-09  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Fix a few compiler warnings for the Mingw64...
2008-12-08  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Added some definitions for x86_64 exception...
2008-12-04  Alexandre Julliardntdll: Implemented RtlCaptureContext.
2008-12-01  Maarten Lankhorstinclude: Add NtCurrentTeb assembly for win64.
2008-11-18  Alexandre Julliardntdll: Get rid of the Wine-specific MEM_SYSTEM flag.
2008-09-05  Marcus MeissnerAnnotate with allocation size attribute.
2008-09-04  Alexandre Julliardkernel32: Implemented the wrapper functions for job...
2008-09-03  James Hawkinsadvapi32: Fix the process access rights value for Vista.
2008-08-26  Paul Vrienskernel32/tests: Fix two failures on win9x.
2008-07-24  Mikołaj Zalewskiinclude: Add KEY_WOW64_* defines.
2008-07-23  Dan Hipschmaninclude: Add WT_TRANSFER_IMPERSONATION to winnt.h.
2008-06-23  Jon Griffithsntdll: Implement [Rtl]InitializeCriticalSectionEx.
2008-05-30  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Use WINE_NO_UNICODE_MACROS instead of __WINESR...
2008-05-23  Alam Ariasinclude: Modify UNREFERENCED macros to cast to void.
2008-03-22  Dan Hipschmanadvapi32: Add a stub for CreateRestrictedToken.
2008-03-04  Steven Edwardswinnt.h: Fix dllimport and visibility attributes on...
2008-02-29  Dmitry Timoshkovkernel32: Add stubs for fiber local storage APIs.
2008-02-16  Rob Shearmaninclude: Fix the C_ASSERT macro to not generate an...
2007-12-19  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude: Add CONTEXT86_EXTENDED_REGISTERS and CONTEXT86...
2007-12-03  Rob Shearmaninclude: Move Wine-specific EH_* defines from winnt...
2007-11-07  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Mark imported functions with hidden visibility.
2007-11-07  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Add NTSYSAPI to the exported ntdll functions.
2007-10-26  Mikolaj Zalewskiadvapi32: Add a well known sid.
2007-10-23  Rob Shearmaninclude: Remove duplicate ACL_REVISION1 and ACL_REVISIO...
2007-09-26  Mikolaj Zalewskiinclude: Fix the definition of VALID_INHERIT_FLAGS.
2007-09-21  Peter Oberndorferinclude: Add new processor feature constants.
2007-05-29  Francois GougetIn the PSDK HRESULT_FROM_WIN32() is now an inline funct...
2007-03-29  Jacek Cabanwinnt.h: Added activation context structures declarations.
2007-02-12  Francois Gougetntdll: Fix compilation on systems that don't support...
2007-02-12  Francois Gougetntdll: Add prototypes to winnt.h for the SList functions.
2007-02-09  Francois GougetMake winnt.h C++ compatible.
2007-02-08  Kevin Koltzauwinnt.h: Correct declaration of SLIST_HEADER and SLIST_...