advapi32: Correct test for NT4 prior to sp4.
[wine] /
2008-02-16  James Hawkinsitircl: Add a stub implementation of itircl.dll.
2008-01-25  Rob Shearmanntdsapi: Add tests for DsMakeSpnW.
2008-01-21  Hans Leidekkermsvcr71: Add an implementation that forwards to msvcrt.
2008-01-17  Marcus Meissnerwmi: Initial version of wmi.dll.
2008-01-16  Tony Wasserkad3dx9: Start implementation of d3dx9_36.
2008-01-16  James Hawkinspropsys: Add a stub implementation of propsys.dll.
2008-01-04  Alexandre Julliardmountmgr.sys: Added initial stub for the mount point...
2008-01-03  Michael Jungimm32: Added some unit test cases.
2007-12-10  Roy Sheaqmgrprxy: Queue manager proxy generated using an IDL...
2007-12-10  Rob Shearmanactxprxy: Add the start of actxprxy.dll.
2007-12-05  Roy Sheasvchost: Implementation of svchost.
2007-11-06  Huw Daviesinetcomm: Add a test for MimeOleCreateVirtualStream.
2007-11-02  Rob Shearmaninetcomm: Add stub implementation of inetcomm.dll.
2007-11-02  Christian Eggersctapi32: Added wrapper dll for ctapi (CardTerminal...
2007-10-29  Alexander Nicolays... mscat32: Add stub dll.
2007-10-25  Rob Shearmancredui: Add tests for CredUIPromptForCredentialsW and...
2007-10-23  Alex Villacís Lassoriched32: Skeleton of richedit 1.0 test plus WM_SETTEXT...
2007-10-19  Juan Langcryptnet: Add tests for CryptGetObjectUrl.
2007-10-16  David Adamd3dx8: Implement D3DX8Vec2Length with a test.
2007-10-15  Jacek Cabanmsimtf: Added msimtf.dll.
2007-10-11  Roy Sheaqmgr: Skeleton implementation of Background Intelligent...
2007-10-04  Detlef Riekenbergspoolss/tests: Add tests for SplInitializeWinSpoolDrv.
2007-09-28  Alexandre Julliardmsvcirt: Added stub implementation of msvcirt.dll.
2007-09-11  Stefan Leichterolethk32: Added stub implementation.
2007-08-08  Luis C. Busquets... dpnlobby: Add dpnlobby that forwards to dpnet.dll.
2007-08-08  Peter Dons Tychsenfaultrep: Add a stub dll.
2007-08-03  John Klehminkobj: Add stub implementation of inkobj dll.
2007-08-02  Mikołaj Zalewskiwrite.exe: Add a new program that calls wordpad.exe.
2007-08-02  Roderick Colenbranderwgl: GetPixelFormat fix for offscreen formats.
2007-07-31  Jacek Cabanwinhttp: Added winhttp.dll.
2007-07-30  Jacek Cabanmshtml: Added mshtml.tlb.
2007-07-11  Kovács Andrásd3d10: Add stub for d3d10.dll.
2007-07-09  Hans Leidekkerpdh: Add tests for opening and closing queries.
2007-06-21  Kovács AndrásAdd dwmapi.dll stub.
2007-06-21  Detlef Riekenbergntprint/tests: Add initial test.
2007-06-19  Detlef Riekenbergntprint: Add a stub for ntprint.dll.
2007-06-19  Jeff Latimerhnetcfg: Stub implementation of the dll.
2007-06-18  Detlef Riekenbergprintui: Add stub for printui.dll.
2007-06-12  Evan Stadegdiplus: First pen test.
2007-06-04  Andrey Turkinpdh: Stub implementation of pdh.dll.
2007-05-29  Evan Stadegdiplus: Added stub implementation of gdiplus.dll.
2007-05-23  Mounir IDRASSIwinscard: Small initial stub implementation.
2007-05-17  Alexandre Julliardwinedevice: Add a service process that loads and runs...
2007-05-14  Alexandre Julliardhal: Added an initial stub.
2007-05-14  Alexandre Julliardntoskrnl.exe: Initial stub version with forwards to...
2007-05-03  Tim Schwartznet.exe: Initial stub.
2007-04-27  Yuval Fledelschannel: Tests for SpLsaModeInitialize, SpUserModeInit...
2007-04-23  David Adamd3drm: Implement D3DRMVectorAdd.
2007-04-23  EA Durbinsxs: Add new dll stub.
2007-04-16  Eric Pouechacledit: Stubbed out acledit DLL, needed by SysInternal...
2007-04-09  Detlef Riekenberglocalui/tests: Add initial test.
2007-04-09  Detlef Riekenberglocalui: Add localui.dll with stubs.
2007-04-04  Maarten Lankhorstwinearts.drv: Kill off winearts.
2007-03-30  Alexandre JulliardMakefile: Try to force the makefile to be rebuilt with...
2007-03-27  Alexandre JulliardMakefile: More portable invocation of ctags/etags.
2007-03-20  Jacek Cabanspoolsv: Added spoolsv.exe.
2007-03-19  Jason EdmeadesBasic implementation of xcopy.
2007-03-07  Luis Carlos Busque... dpnaddr: Added dll that just forwards to dpnet.
2007-03-01  Rob Shearmanschannel: Add new schannel dll that mostly forwards...
2007-03-01  Alessandro Pignottidplay: Directplay should initialize session Guid, with...
2007-02-23  Detlef Riekenbergserialui/tests: Add initial tests.
2007-02-23  Dmitry Timoshkovdlls: Add wing32 dll.
2007-02-06  Mikołaj Zalewskibrowseui: Implement and test ACLMulti.
2007-02-06  Mikołaj Zalewskibrowseui: Add the browseui DLL.
2007-01-26  Alexandre Julliardmakefile: Use git-ls-files if possible to build tags...
2007-01-23  Rob Shearmancredui: Add stubbed out credui DLL.
2007-01-23  Hans Leidekkersnmpapi: Add a bunch of tests.
2007-01-17  Detlef Riekenbergsfc_os: Add stub for sfc_os.dll.
2007-01-10  Alexandre Julliardwineoss: Renamed the dlls/winmm/wineoss directory to...
2007-01-10  Alexandre Julliardwinenas: Renamed the dlls/winmm/winenas directory to...
2007-01-10  Alexandre Julliardwinejack: Renamed the dlls/winmm/winejack directory...
2007-01-10  Alexandre Julliardwineesd: Renamed the dlls/winmm/wineesd directory to...
2007-01-10  Alexandre Julliardwinecoreaudio: Renamed the dlls/winmm/winecoreaudio...
2007-01-10  Alexandre Julliardwineaudioio: Renamed the dlls/winmm/wineaudioio directo...
2007-01-10  Alexandre Julliardwinearts: Renamed the dlls/winmm/winearts directory...
2007-01-10  Alexandre Julliardwinealsa: Renamed the dlls/winmm/winealsa directory...
2007-01-10  Bill Medlandodbccp32: Add tests structure.
2006-12-29  Alexandre Julliardjoystick.drv: Renamed the dlls/winmm/joystick directory...
2006-12-27  Alexandre Julliardmake_makefiles: Generate the top-level .gitignore file.
2006-12-26  Jacek Cabanitss: Added test of protocol.
2006-12-14  Ulrich CzekallaAdd ddrawex dll.
2006-12-04  Roderick ColenbranderRemove glut32.
2006-11-16  Alexandre Julliarduser32: Renamed the user/ directory to user32.
2006-11-13  Jacek Cabanshdoclc: Added shdoclc.dll.
2006-10-27  Pierre d'Herbemontquartzdrv: Add the quartz (Mac OS X) video driver to...
2006-10-20  Alexandre Julliardgdi32: Renamed the gdi directory to gdi32.
2006-10-06  Paul Chitescumscoree: Initial stub implementation.
2006-10-03  Alexandre JulliardMakefile: Avoid trailing slash in find, it breaks tags...
2006-10-02  Benjamin Arairesutils: Implements stub dll for resutils.dll.
2006-09-28  Detlef Riekenberglocalspl/tests: Add initial test.
2006-09-28  Benjamin Araiclusapi: Implement stub dll for clusapi.
2006-09-22  Alexandre JulliardMakefile: Automatically update config.h if configure...
2006-09-21  Benjamin Arainddeapi: Implement stub dll for nddeapi.
2006-09-20  Alexandre JulliardMakefile: Fixed rule for building makedep when cross...
2006-09-14  Alexandre Julliardmakefile: Automatically re-run configure if it has...
2006-09-14  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: Automatically rebuild makefiles when their...
2006-09-14  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: Attempt to automatically run make depend...
2006-09-14  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: Remove the dependencies comment in files...
2006-09-11  Alexandre JulliardMakefile: Don't build all the tools before make depend...
2006-09-10  Alexandre Julliardmakedep: For generated headers, parse the source idl...