kernel32: Handle LOCALE_NAME_USER_DEFAULT with tests.
[wine] / include /
2009-07-23  Huw Daviesinclude: Add binres.idl.
2009-07-23  Huw Daviesinclude: Add sesprp.idl.
2009-07-23  Huw Daviesinclude: Add dbdsad.idl.
2009-07-23  Huw Daviesinclude: Add opnrst.idl.
2009-07-23  Huw Daviesinclude: Add dbcses.idl.
2009-07-23  Huw Daviesinclude: Add dbccmd.idl.
2009-07-17  Jacek Cabaninclude: Added ntddndis.h.
2009-07-16  Andrew Nguyent2embed: Implement TTLoadEmbeddedFont as a stub.
2009-07-16  Jacek Cabaninclude: Added netcon.idl.
2009-07-14  Hans Leidekkerinclude: Add IWbemStatusCodeText and IWbemLocator inter...
2009-07-13  David Adaminclude: Remove useless headers.
2009-06-29  Alexander Scott... rtutils: Add stub TraceRegisterExW and TraceRegisterExA.
2009-06-15  Louis Lendersgdi32: Add stub for GdiEntry13.
2009-06-08  Vincent Povirkinclude: Add wincodec.idl.
2009-05-22  Stefan Leichtertraffic: Stub for TcRegisterClient.
2009-04-22  Jeff Latimerinclude: Bring in6_addr into line with the MS definition.
2009-04-07  Rob Shearmaninclude: Add declaration of sockaddr_storage to ws2def.h.
2009-03-31  Rob Shearmaninclude: Move some declarations in ws2tcpip.h to where...
2009-02-26  Alistair Leslie... mshtml: Add idl for IPersistHistory interface.
2009-02-25  Henri Verbeetd3d10: Add the ID3D10EffectType interface.
2009-02-03  David Adamd3dx9_36: Implement D3DXIntersectTri.
2009-02-03  Aric Stewartinclude: Add beginning textstor.idl.
2009-01-28  Aric Stewartmsctf: Add definition of CLSID_TF_ThreadMgr.
2009-01-21  Nikolay Sivovaclui: Added stub dll.
2009-01-19  Henri Verbeetd3d10core: Implement device_parent_CreateSurface().
2009-01-15  Nikolay Sivovadvapi32: Added SaferCreateLevel stub.
2009-01-14  Andrey Turkininclude: Add ctxtcall.idl file with IContextCallback...
2009-01-13  Andrey Turkinhttpapi: Add HttpInitialize and HttpTerminate stubs.
2009-01-07  Andrey Turkinloadperf: Add UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings stubs.
2008-12-17  Hans Leidekkerinclude: Add IAutomaticUpdates, IUpdateSession, IUpdate...
2008-12-12  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Add the msvcrt/crtdefs.h header and include...
2008-12-09  Hans Leidekkerws2_32: Implement WSAIoctl(SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS).
2008-12-09  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Added the msvcrt memory.h header.
2008-11-25  Henri Verbeetwined3d: Use IDL to generate wined3d.h.
2008-11-03  Andrew Fennxinput: Added header file that defines a lot of the...
2008-10-21  Henri Verbeetd3d10: Add a debug function for D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE.
2008-10-20  Vijay Kiran Kamujuinclude: Add commctrl.rh.
2008-10-17  Andrey Turkininclude: Include winuser.rh from winresrc.h.
2008-10-07  Alexander Morozovinclude: Add usb.h, usb100.h, usb200.h and usbdlib.h.
2008-09-23  Rob Shearmaninclude: Add DShellFolderViewEvents to shldisp.idl.
2008-09-02  Paul Vriensinclude: Add a system restore header.
2008-08-25  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: Recurse into all directories for install...
2008-08-20  Vijay Kiran Kamujud3drm: Add minimal d3drmobj.h.
2008-07-28  Stefan Leichterrasapi32: Fix building the tests with MSVC (based on...
2008-07-23  Alexandre Julliardmake_makefiles: Explicitly list the Wine headers that...
2008-07-16  James Hawkinsfusion: Add the CorTokenType and use those constants...
2008-07-16  Luis Busquetsd3dx9: Implement D3DXGetShaderSize().
2008-07-11  Roy Sheainclude: Add header for mstask.
2008-07-11  Maarten Lankhorstincludes: Add video mixing renderer header.
2008-06-30  Juan Langcryptdlg: Add header.
2008-06-30  Juan Langcryptui: Add header.
2008-06-26  Rob Shearmanrpcss: Implement endpoint-mapper server using DCE/RPC.
2008-06-21  Maarten Lankhorstinclude: Add definitions for VMR-9 interface.
2008-04-17  Tony Wasserkad3dx9: Add d3dx9tex.h.
2008-04-14  Maarten Lankhorstinclude: Add dvdmedia stub header.
2008-04-10  Lei Zhanggdiplus: Add a stub for GdipSetImageAttributesOutputCha...
2008-04-01  Jacek Cabaninclude: Added activedbg.idl.
2008-03-31  James Hawkinsinclude: Add corerror.h.
2008-03-29  Mikołaj Zalewskiservices: Start a local RPC server.
2008-03-24  James Hawkinsfusion: Add initial fusion.idl.
2008-03-20  Dan Hipschmanqmgr: Add a stub implementation of IBackgroundCopyJob2.
2008-03-11  Jacek Cabaninclude: Added activaut.idl.
2008-03-06  Francois Gougetddk: Add a stub ntddk.h header.
2008-02-27  James Hawkinspropsys: Add an initial implementation of PropVariantCh...
2008-02-22  Alistair Leslie... slc: Added stub for SLGetWindowsInformationDWORD.
2008-02-19  Lei Zhanginclude: Generate qedit.h, add ISampleGrabberCB interface.
2008-02-05  Francois Gougetd3dx8: Add the d3dx8mesh.h header and move the relevant...
2008-01-09  Tony Wasserkainclude: Add d3dx9core.h.
2007-12-20  Alexandre Julliardinclude: Added the mountmgr.h header.
2007-12-18  Francois Gougetrpcrt4: Add an rpcasync.h header stub and fix the RpcEr...
2007-12-06  Roy Sheainclude: Added IDL file for BITS.
2007-12-06  Roy Sheainclude: Added bitsmsg.h header.
2007-12-05  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude: Add an initial version of oleacc.idl.
2007-11-27  David Adaminclude: Header files for d3dx9_xx.
2007-11-19  Jacek Cabaninclude: Added isguids.h.
2007-11-13  Francois Gougetacledit: Add wfext.h.
2007-11-05  Rob Shearmaninclude: Add a new header file: midles.h.
2007-11-05  Rob Shearmaninclude: Add mimeole.idl.
2007-11-05  Rob Shearmaninclude: Add imnact.idl and imnxport.idl.
2007-11-02  Marcel Partapinclude: Add winddiui.h header.
2007-10-16  David Adamd3dx8: Implement D3DX8Vec2Length with a test.
2007-10-15  Jacek Cabaninclude: Added dimm.idl.
2007-10-10  David Adaminclude: Skeleton header for D3DX8.
2007-09-12  Francois Gougetcrypt32: Fix the I_Crypt*Asn1*() prototypes. Add the...
2007-09-11  Mikolaj Zalewskiinclude: Add errorrep.h header.
2007-09-10  Francois Gougeturl: Fix the InetIsOffline() prototype.
2007-08-31  Francois Gougetbcrypt: Add a skeleton bcrypt.h header and use it.
2007-08-30  Francois Gougetwinhttp: Add a skeleton winhttp.h and use it.
2007-08-10  Francois Gougetuserenv: Add a skeleton userenv.h header and use it.
2007-08-09  Francois Gougetwininet: Add a skeleton winineti.h header with fixed...
2007-08-07  Dmitry Timoshkovinclude: winres.h no longer exists in PSDK, fix winresr...
2007-08-06  Francois Gougetnetapi32: Add lmuseflg.h and include it from lmuse.h.
2007-08-06  Francois Gougetmscoree: Add cor.h and mscoree.idl and fix some semi...
2007-08-06  Francois Gougetdwmapi: Add dwmapi.h and update win32.api to fix the...
2007-08-06  Francois Gougetmapi32: Add a skeleton mapiform.h header with a proper...
2007-08-03  John Klehminkobj: Add stub header for inkobj dll.
2007-08-01  Evan Stadegdiplus: Added GdipSetImageAttributesColorKeys stub.
2007-08-01  Evan Stadegdiplus: Added partial implementation of GdipSaveImageT...
2007-07-30  Tim Schwartzlmuse.h: Add structures needed by NetUseAdd().
2007-07-25  Evan Stadegdiplus: Added GdipCreateMetafileFromWmf stub.