wined3d: Get rid of the invymat.
[wine] / documentation / PACKAGING
2006-09-07  Dan Kegelprograms/wcmd: Rename to programs/cmd.
2006-05-09  Marcus MeissnerSome documentation changes for twain split.
2006-04-10  Hans Leidekkerdnsapi: Tell Wine developers and packagers about dnsapi...
2006-03-01  Marcus MeissnerPACKAGING: Mention more libraries / tools in the needed...
2006-01-06  Hans Leidekkerdocumentation: Suggest installing OpenLDAP development...
2005-09-07  Marcus MeissnerRemove ETCDIR mention.
2005-08-25  Tom WicklineRemoved remaining config references.
2005-08-23  Tom WicklineRemove reference to config file.
2005-06-30  Francois GougetAssorted spelling fixes.
2005-01-04  Marcus MeissnerRemoved whitespace at end of lines, updated a bit.
2004-12-02  Jon GriffithsSpelling/grammar fixes.
2004-11-28  Marcus MeissnerUpdated PACKAGING howto.
2004-09-27  Hans LeidekkerSuggest installing LittleCMS to Wine packagers.
2004-09-01  Alexandre Julliardwineclipsrv is no longer used, remove it.
2004-07-21  Ivan Leo PuotiRemove references to debugmsg and winedefault.reg.
2004-05-05  Steven EdwardsMinor documentation updates.
2004-04-01  Dimitrie O. PaunRemove the rest of the Tweak look hack.
2003-11-26  Dimitrie O. PaunMake the domain the official one.
2003-09-18  Dimitrie O. PaunAdd blurb about soft/hard dependencies to the Packaging...
2003-09-02  Vincent BéronBring documentation in sync regarding expansion of...
2003-07-30  Francois Gouget'grep -q' is not portable -> don't use it.
2003-06-18  Francois GougetTypos/spelling fixes.
2003-04-14  Dimitrie O. PaunTransform the Packaging Guide into a nice ASCII file.