wined3d: Remove COM from the stateblock.
[wine] / include / dplay8.h
2006-05-23  Jonathan ErnstUpdate the address of the Free Software Foundation.
2005-12-08  Raphael Junqueiradplay: dx8/dx9 support (missing includes).
2005-09-30  Robert ReifAdded missing error code.
2005-07-26  Alexandre JulliardUncomment the typedef in the DECLARE_INTERFACE macro...
2004-10-05  Alexandre JulliardGet rid of the non-standard Ixxx_METHODS macro definiti...
2004-10-04  Francois GougetFix incorrect usage of COBJMACROS.
2004-08-12  Alexandre JulliardGet rid of the non-standard ICOM_DEFINE macro.
2004-04-07  Raphael JunqueiraCorrect dplay8 headers for future use.
2003-08-28  Dimitrie O. PaunUse angle brackets (<>) rather than quotes ("") for...
2003-06-30  Raphael JunqueiraAdded DirectPlay8 headers.