msxml3: Initial implementation of transform() method.
[wine] / dlls / msvidc32 /
2011-01-06  Alexandre Julliardmsvidc32: Convert translations to po files.
2010-12-28  Hwang YunSongmsvidc32: Update Korean resource.
2010-11-03  Paul Vriensmsvidc32: Add the Serbian (Latin and Cyrillic) translation.
2010-09-19  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: Add a standard header for all makefiles...
2010-07-28  Jörg Höhlemsvidc: ICDecompressQuery returns ICERR_BADFORMAT on...
2010-07-22  Michael Stefaniucmsvidc32: Remove the ignored common resource attributes.
2010-07-21  Alexandre Julliarddlls: Remove explicit imports of kernel32 and ntdll.
2010-07-05  Ken Sharpmsvidc32: Add Welsh resource.
2010-06-08  Jose Rostagnomsvidc32: Add Spanish translation.
2010-05-31  Luca Bennatimsvidc32: Add Italian translation.
2010-05-21  André Hentschelmsvidc32: Be less picky with formats.
2010-04-26  Gerald Pfeifermsvidc32: Remove variable bit_per_pixel which is not...
2010-04-13  Jörg Höhlemsvidc: Fix 16bit VIDEO-1/CRAM decompression.
2010-04-06  Jörg Höhlemsvidc32: Fix "Unknown message: 400e".
2010-03-16  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: Remove the no longer needed explicit separat...
2010-02-01  Igor Paliychukmsvidc32: Add Ukrainian translations.
2010-01-11  Paul Vriensmsvidc32: Fix size parameter for memset (Coccinelle).
2009-11-21  Gerald Pfeifermsvidc32: Guard old code by #ifdef instead of plain...
2009-08-03  Vladimir Pankratovmsvidc32: Convert the Russian resources to UTF-8.
2009-07-16  Michael StefaniucSet the encoding of the Romanian resources to UTF-8.
2009-07-15  Michael StefaniucSet the encoding of the remaining German resources...
2009-07-15  Aric Stewartmsvidc32: Add Japanese resource.
2009-07-10  Frédéric Delanoymsvidc32: Convert French resources to UTF-8.
2009-07-02  Michael Stefaniucmsvidc32: Build language resource files separately.
2009-06-22  Aurimas Fišerasmsvidc32: Add Lithuanian translation.
2009-04-08  Jörg HöhlePerform case-insensitive FOURCC comparison of built...
2008-12-11  ByeongSik Jeon*Ko.rc: Update Korean resource.
2008-11-13  Ricardo Filipemsvidc32: Added Portuguese translation.
2008-05-19  Mikołaj ZalewskiMake Swedish use SUBLANG_NEUTRAL.
2008-05-07  Jens Albretsenmsvidc32: Danish translation.
2008-04-08  Rok Mandeljcmsvidc32: Added Slovenian translation.
2008-04-07  Vitaliy Margolenmsvidc32: Add Russian translation.
2008-03-19  Michael Stefaniucmsvidc32: Add the Romanian translation.
2008-02-18  Frans Koolmsvidc32: Created Dutch translations.
2007-10-16  Daniel Nylandermsvidc32: Add Swedish translation.
2007-06-19  Andrew Talbotmsvidc32: Constify some variables.
2006-10-24  Mikołaj Zalewskiresources: Change German sublanguage code to SUBLANG_NE...
2006-10-20  Byeong-Sik JeonKorean: Use SUBLANG_NEUTRAL in Korean resources.
2006-10-19  Jonathan ErnstUse SUBLANG_NEUTRAL in French resources.
2006-10-06  Michael Stefaniucmsvidc32: Win64 printf format warning fixes.
2006-09-29  Michael StefaniucAdd a WINE_NO_LONG_INT define to many makefiles to...
2006-09-27  Mikołaj Zalewskivideo codecs: add Polish translation.
2006-09-14  Alexandre Julliardmakefiles: Generate the dependencies line to avoid...
2006-07-10  Alexandre Julliard.gitignore: Added wildcards to ignore generated resourc...
2006-07-10  Alexandre JulliardTake advantage of the recursive nature of .gitignore...
2006-06-09  Peter Beutnermsvidc: Change short description to MS-CRAM.
2006-05-23  Jonathan ErnstUpdate the address of the Free Software Foundation.
2006-04-17  Jonathan Ernstmsvidc: French localization.
2006-03-15  András Kovácsmsvidc32: Added Hungarian translation.
2006-02-11  Dmitry TimoshkovHandle ICM_CONFIGURE request in ICCVID and MSVIDC32...
2006-02-07  Dmitry TimoshkovClearly indicate that ICCVID and MSVIDC32 do not suppor...
2006-02-06  Fatih Aşıcımsvidc32: Turkish translation.
2006-02-03  Dmitry TimoshkovAdd a check for icinfo->fccType in DRV_OPEN message...
2005-12-12  Eric Pouechvidc: Return error codes when a message isn't supported.
2005-12-05  Francois Gougetmsvidc32: Add a comment for DllMain() to stop winapi_ch...
2005-12-05  Alexander N. SørnesUpdate Norwegian Bokmaal resources.
2005-11-29  YunSong HwangAdd Korean translations.
2005-11-28  Dmitry TimoshkovFix all drivers DriverProc to conform to the DRIVERPROC...
2005-11-28  Henning GerhardtAdd German resources.
2005-11-28  Dmitry TimoshkovSet both dwVersionICM and dwVersion to ICVERSION in...
2005-11-28  Alexandre JulliardIgnore generated rsrc.res.
2005-11-28  Dmitry TimoshkovAdd support for ICM_GETINFO in msvidc32 codec (based...
2005-11-26  Alexandre JulliardRenamed all .cvsignore files to .gitignore.
2005-09-29  Alexandre JulliardWe are no longer generating .dbg.c files.
2005-08-17  Alexandre JulliardRemoved a few more unnecessary import libraries.
2005-08-17  Alexandre JulliardMake all the DriverProc entry points private.
2005-07-05  Stefan HuehnerFix -Wmissing-declarations warnings.
2005-05-09  Alexandre JulliardAdded rules for building import libraries in the indivi...
2005-05-07  Alexandre JulliardAdded rules to build import libraries in the individual...
2004-03-24  Alexandre Julliard.spec.c files are no longer used for 32-bit dlls.
2004-02-20  Patrik StridvallFixed some issues found by winapi_check.
2004-02-16  Dmitry TimoshkovTake palette into account while responding on
2004-02-09  Francois GougetAssorted spelling and case fixes.
2004-01-23  Mike McCormackMerged ffmpeg's MS Video 1 decoder by Mike Melanson.