winemac: For SetCursorPos(), reset positions of pending mouse button and scroll events.
[wine] / dlls / winemac.drv / cocoa_event.m
2013-04-26  Ken Thomaseswinemac: For SetCursorPos(), reset positions of pending...
2013-04-22  Ken Thomaseswinemac: Implement an IME that uses the OS X input...
2013-04-16  Ken Thomaseswinemac: Refactor WineApplication class to separate...
2013-04-04  Ken Thomaseswinemac: Add a delivery limit to events.
2013-04-04  Ken Thomaseswinemac: Make macdrv_event structs heap-allocated and...
2013-04-04  Ken Thomaseswinemac: Drain the autorelease pool within loop in...
2013-03-14  Ken Thomaseswinemac: Implement support for drag-and-drop.
2013-03-14  Ken Thomaseswinemac: Allow for processing Cocoa events while waitin...
2013-03-11  Ken Thomaseswinemac: Add support for delay-rendered (a.k.a. promise...
2013-03-11  Ken Thomaseswinemac: Add support for "query" events which wait...
2013-02-07  Ken Thomaseswinemac: Implement MOUSE_MOVED(_ABSOLUTE) events.
2013-02-05  Ken Thomaseswinemac: Rebuild key map when Mac keyboard layout changes.
2013-01-28  Ken Thomaseswinemac: Implement a WINDOW_GOT_FOCUS event for when...
2013-01-21  Ken Thomaseswinemac: Add WineEventQueue class for conveying events...