ntdll: Avoid shadowing "de" variable.
[wine] / programs /
2011-10-20  Alex Henriewinecfg: Add Catalan translation.
2011-10-19  Ken Sharpwinecfg: Update English resource.
2011-10-19  Jacek Cabanwscript: Added tests using vbscript.
2011-10-19  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Rename WCMD_opt_s_strip_quotes function.
2011-10-18  Francois Gougetxcopy: Use FormatMessage() for better internationalizat...
2011-10-18  Francois Gougetxcopy: Reorder the functions to avoid forward declarations.
2011-10-17  Ken Sharpntdll: Update Win2k8 to SP2.
2011-10-17  Luca Bennatiwinecfg: Update Italian translation.
2011-10-17  Łukasz Wojniłowiczwinecfg: Update Polish translation.
2011-10-17  Marcus Meissnerwinecfg: Added missing break (Coverity).
2011-10-14  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Make RENAME work for read-only files.
2011-10-14  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Show that read-only files are RENAMEable.
2011-10-14  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add tests for directories RENAMEs.
2011-10-13  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Make MOVE work for read-only files.
2011-10-13  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Show that read-only files are MOVEable.
2011-10-11  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add MOVE tests.
2011-10-10  Aurimas Fišeraswinecfg: Update Lithuanian translation.
2011-10-10  Charles Daviswinemenubuilder: Don't define crc16() on Mac OS.
2011-10-08  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Make PAUSE accept any keypress instead of a full...
2011-10-08  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Consistently use infinitive forms in commands...
2011-10-06  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Avoid reading char by char from files.
2011-10-06  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Infer handle type from handle value in WCMD_fgets...
2011-10-06  Hwang YunSongwinecfg: Updated Korean translation.
2011-10-05  Eric Pouechwinedbg: Don't assert() on unsupported v-packets, but...
2011-10-05  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Rename a parameter in WCMD_fgets.
2011-10-05  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Improve handle type recognition in WCMD_ReadFile.
2011-10-05  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Avoid dead assignments (Clang).
2011-10-05  Andrew Eikumwinecfg: Allow user to select default audio devices.
2011-10-05  Andrew Eikumwinecfg: Reload winmm for each sound test.
2011-10-03  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Handle truncation for console reads.
2011-10-03  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Improve WCMD_fgets documentation.
2011-10-03  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Output error messages to stderr instead of stdout...
2011-10-03  André Hentschelwinevdm: Don't give up if we can't shorten the current...
2011-10-03  Michael Stefaniucwordpad: Don't compare with TRUE.
2011-09-28  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Don't convert lines with DOS endings in...
2011-09-28  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Get rid of unused parameter in WCMD_ReadFile.
2011-09-28  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Avoid checking whether we're in console mode for...
2011-09-28  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Avoid reading char by char from console.
2011-09-28  Aurimas Fišeraswinecfg: Update Lithuanian translation.
2011-09-27  Andrew Eikumwinecfg: Replace DirectSound settings with Driver Diagn...
2011-09-27  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix comments in WCMD_color.
2011-09-27  Hans Leidekkerexplorer: Add a version resource.
2011-09-27  Francois GougetAssorted spelling fixes & co.
2011-09-26  Alexandre Julliardwinecfg: Set the background color for the web link.
2011-09-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix WCMD_fgets documentation.
2011-09-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Output error messages to stderr where appropriate.
2011-09-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Add WCMD_output_stderr function to output error...
2011-09-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Use helper function to return file io buffer.
2011-09-26  Francois Gougetwordpad: Use a lowercase extension in a file filter.
2011-09-26  Francois Gougetwinecfg: Separate the file filters with a semi-colon...
2011-09-26  Francois Gougetoleview: Separate the file filters with a space.
2011-09-23  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Improve WCMD_volume documentation.
2011-09-23  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Standardize BOOL type usage in directory.c.
2011-09-16  Frédéric Delanoycmd: verify_mode has BOOL type instead of int.
2011-09-16  Frédéric Delanoycmd: echo_mode has BOOL type instead of int.
2011-09-16  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Remove unused declarations of echo_mode.
2011-09-15  Francois Gougetwinetest: Also log the current thread and default user...
2011-09-15  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add RENAME tests.
2011-09-14  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add tests for SHIFT builtin.
2011-09-14  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Make some variables static.
2011-09-14  Francois Gougetwineconsole: Use a more standard syntax for multi-line...
2011-09-13  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Segment mkdir tests for an easier read.
2011-09-13  Francois Gougetattrib: Escape the start-of-line spaces to fix the...
2011-09-12  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add tests for combined CALLs/GOTOs.
2011-09-12  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Allow a batch file to delete itself.
2011-09-12  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Show that windows doesn't lock/prevent access...
2011-09-12  Christian Costacmd: Move externals list at the same place as the built...
2011-09-12  Francois Gougetwinefile: Always use the same name for the Wine File...
2011-09-12  Francois Gougetwinhlp32: Add parentheses to clarify the precedence...
2011-09-12  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Segment CALL tests for an easier read.
2011-09-12  Frédéric Delanoycmd: GOTO is a no-op and doesn't output anything in...
2011-09-09  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Backup echo mode before running external batch...
2011-09-09  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Use correct type instead of void* for prev_context...
2011-09-09  Bruno Jesuswinecfg: Write the ProductName registry key based on...
2011-09-09  Christian Costacmd: Add help info for xcopy.
2011-09-08  Alexandre Julliardwineconsole: Avoid reentering WINECON_GrabChanges.
2011-09-08  Alexandre Julliardwineconsole: Make the traces in WINECON_GrabChanges...
2011-09-08  Francois Gougetattrib: Make ATTRIB_wprintf() static.
2011-09-08  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix IF operands parsing for '==' operator.
2011-09-08  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Add an output parameter to WCMD_parameter to point...
2011-09-08  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Clarify WCMD_if function.
2011-09-08  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Simplify WCMD_parameter function.
2011-09-08  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix misleading WCMD_parameter documentation.
2011-09-08  Francois Gougetservices: Issue a fixme when a service fails to start.
2011-09-07  Francois Gougetxcopy: Add full stops at the end of sentences in the...
2011-09-07  Francois Gougetwineconsole: Add full stops at the end of sentences...
2011-09-07  Francois Gougetnet: Add a full stop at the end of a sentence in the...
2011-09-07  Francois Gougetcmd: Fix the indentation of the IF usage message.
2011-09-07  Francois Gougetwinecfg: Specify a context for the drive letter setting.
2011-09-07  Francois Gougetcmd: Add a trailing full stops to a couple of usage...
2011-09-07  Hwang YunSongwinecfg: Updated Korean translation.
2011-09-07  Christian Costacmd: Launch the command with the /? option for external...
2011-09-07  Christian Costacmd: Remove attrib from builtins list.
2011-09-06  Christian Costaattrib: Move implementation from cmd.exe to the standal...
2011-09-06  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Get rid of obsolete autoexec.bat handling code.
2011-09-06  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Associate comments with their respective descripte...
2011-09-05  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add tests for IF '==' operator.
2011-09-05  Hans Leidekkerprograms: Add a stub implementation of regasm.exe.
2011-09-05  Francois Gougetwordpad: Specify a message context for 'cm', 'in' and...
2011-09-05  Francois Gougettaskmgr: Fix the name of a couple of process priority...