po: Updated Korean translation.
[wine] / programs /
2011-09-08  Alexandre Julliardwineconsole: Avoid reentering WINECON_GrabChanges.
2011-09-08  Alexandre Julliardwineconsole: Make the traces in WINECON_GrabChanges...
2011-09-08  Francois Gougetattrib: Make ATTRIB_wprintf() static.
2011-09-08  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix IF operands parsing for '==' operator.
2011-09-08  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Add an output parameter to WCMD_parameter to point...
2011-09-08  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Clarify WCMD_if function.
2011-09-08  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Simplify WCMD_parameter function.
2011-09-08  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix misleading WCMD_parameter documentation.
2011-09-08  Francois Gougetservices: Issue a fixme when a service fails to start.
2011-09-07  Francois Gougetxcopy: Add full stops at the end of sentences in the...
2011-09-07  Francois Gougetwineconsole: Add full stops at the end of sentences...
2011-09-07  Francois Gougetnet: Add a full stop at the end of a sentence in the...
2011-09-07  Francois Gougetcmd: Fix the indentation of the IF usage message.
2011-09-07  Francois Gougetwinecfg: Specify a context for the drive letter setting.
2011-09-07  Francois Gougetcmd: Add a trailing full stops to a couple of usage...
2011-09-07  Hwang YunSongwinecfg: Updated Korean translation.
2011-09-07  Christian Costacmd: Launch the command with the /? option for external...
2011-09-07  Christian Costacmd: Remove attrib from builtins list.
2011-09-06  Christian Costaattrib: Move implementation from cmd.exe to the standal...
2011-09-06  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Get rid of obsolete autoexec.bat handling code.
2011-09-06  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Associate comments with their respective descripte...
2011-09-05  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add tests for IF '==' operator.
2011-09-05  Hans Leidekkerprograms: Add a stub implementation of regasm.exe.
2011-09-05  Francois Gougetwordpad: Specify a message context for 'cm', 'in' and...
2011-09-05  Francois Gougettaskmgr: Fix the name of a couple of process priority...
2011-09-01  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix echo's special ';' handling.
2011-09-01  Andrew Eikumwinecfg: Remove driver selection from Audio tab.
2011-08-31  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add pushd/popd tests.
2011-08-31  André Hentschelwinevdm: Use mangled short path names for DOSBox.
2011-08-30  Jay Yangexplorer: Try ShellExecute if the parameter isn't a...
2011-08-30  Octavian Voicucmd/tests: Test del /s recursion in subdirectories...
2011-08-30  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add ftype tests.
2011-08-30  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Add help for FTYPE command.
2011-08-30  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix invalid RegSetValueExW call in WCMD_assoc.
2011-08-30  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add assoc tests.
2011-08-30  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Ensure WCMD_assoc error messages are sent to stder...
2011-08-30  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Add WCMD_output_asis_stderr function.
2011-08-30  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Add help for ASSOC command.
2011-08-30  Francois Gougetnet: Remove an untranslatable string from the resources.
2011-08-30  Francois Gougetservices: If a service is not started, then say so...
2011-08-30  Francois Gougetservices: Refuse to start disabled services.
2011-08-30  Francois Gougetservices: Cleanup when a service fails to start so...
2011-08-29  Octavian Voicuwinefile: Don't parse colons as stream separators when...
2011-08-29  Octavian Voicucmd: Don't parse colons as stream separators when split...
2011-08-29  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add tests for mixed echo modes.
2011-08-29  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add tests for redirections within IF statements.
2011-08-29  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Avoid reading garbage when looking for redirection...
2011-08-29  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix redirection handle parsing.
2011-08-29  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add tests for redirections using non stdout...
2011-08-29  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Ignore trailing whitespace when using cd.
2011-08-29  José Manuel Ferrer... winecfg: Spanish translation update.
2011-08-29  Francois Gougetnet: Add support for enumerating the running services...
2011-08-29  Francois Gougetnet: Fix the parameter checking, /help handling and...
2011-08-29  Damjan Jovanovicwinemenubuilder: Do case-insensitive glob comparisons.
2011-08-26  Francois Gougetwinefile: The title format string cannot really be...
2011-08-26  Alexandre Julliardwinecfg: Fix deletion of registry keys for Wow64 mode.
2011-08-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add variable substitution tests.
2011-08-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Add @shortpath@ keyword, replaced by expanded...
2011-08-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Add @path@ keyword, replaced by regular non-expand...
2011-08-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Add @drive@ keyword, replaced by drive letter.
2011-08-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Add @drive@ keyword, replaced by drive letter.
2011-08-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Quiet a noisy 'FOR /F' fixme.
2011-08-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add tests for FOR /F 'skip' option.
2011-08-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add tests for FOR /F 'delims' option.
2011-08-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add tests for FOR /F 'eol' option.
2011-08-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add basic FOR /F tests.
2011-08-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add FOR tests for various quoted parameters.
2011-08-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Make some WCHAR arrays static.
2011-08-26  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Ensure ATTRIB tests pass on more Windows...
2011-08-25  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add attrib tests.
2011-08-25  Francois Gougetnotepad: Mark the page header as not needing translation.
2011-08-25  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add tests for variables substrings.
2011-08-25  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Test handling of strings starting with on...
2011-08-25  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Misc tab fixes.
2011-08-25  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix if/else tab handling.
2011-08-25  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix REM tab handling.
2011-08-25  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add REM tests.
2011-08-25  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Skip tabs as well as spaces in WCMD_skip_leading_s...
2011-08-25  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix FOR tab handling.
2011-08-25  Michał Ziętekwscript: Implemented Host_get_Application.
2011-08-25  Michał Ziętekwscript: Implemented Host_put_Interactive.
2011-08-25  Michał Ziętekwscript: Implemented Host_get_Interactive.
2011-08-25  Michał Ziętekwscript: Implemented Arguments2_get_length.
2011-08-25  Michał Ziętekwscript: Implemented Arguments2_Count.
2011-08-25  Michał Ziętekwscript: Implemented Arguments2_Item.
2011-08-25  Michał Ziętekwscript: Implemented Host_get_Arguments.
2011-08-24  Francois GougetAssorted spelling fixes.
2011-08-24  Francois Gougetprograms: Document the reason for the WriteConsole...
2011-08-24  Hans Leidekkerprograms: Add a stub FontCache3.0.0.0 service.
2011-08-24  Damjan Jovanovicwinemenubuilder: Use the command from the "open" verb.
2011-08-24  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix FOR tab handling.
2011-08-24  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix ECHO tab issues.
2011-08-23  Francois Gougetnotepad: Tweak an error message for consistency.
2011-08-23  Francois Gougetoleview: Replace the CLSCTX_XXX strings with proper...
2011-08-23  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add tests for tab handling.
2011-08-23  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add @tab@ keyword recognition.
2011-08-23  Frédéric Delanoycmd/tests: Add basic cd tests.
2011-08-23  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Constify some function parameters.
2011-08-23  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Rename WCMD_strtrim_leading_spaces to WCMD_skip_le...
2011-08-23  Frédéric Delanoycmd: Fix a FOR parsing bug when multiple spaces follow...