wined3d: Make the device parameter to wined3d_device_present() const.
[wine] / dlls / sane.ds / sane_Da.rc
2011-01-14  Alexandre Julliardsane.ds: Convert string tables resources to po files.
2010-12-21  Michael Stefaniucsane.ds: The Da, En, Fi, Fr, Nl, Pt resources are using...
2010-12-20  AndrĂ© Hentschelsane.ds: Fix translation of microsecond.
2010-07-22  Michael Stefaniucsane.ds: Remove the ignored common resource attributes.
2009-07-02  Michael Stefaniucsane.ds: Build language resource files separately.
2008-06-12  Francois Gougetsane.ds: Remove spaces before '...'.
2008-05-07  Jens Albretsensane.ds: Danish translation.