gameux: COM cleanup for the IClassFactory iface.
[wine] / dlls / comctl32 /
2011-07-21  Jeff Latimercomctl32: Improve the stub of TaskDialogIndirect to...
2011-07-21  Piotr Cabancomctl32: Don't invalidate item in LISTVIEW_SetItemT...
2011-07-20  Bellengé Maximecomctl32: Don't reset trackbar thumb on a WM_SIZE message.
2011-07-20  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/listview: Don't invalidate list on LVM_SETBKCOLOR.
2011-07-20  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/listview: Don't invalidate list on LVM_SETTEXT...
2011-07-20  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/listview: Don't invalidate list on LVM_SETTEXT...
2011-07-20  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tests: Test that edit box is not multiline.
2011-07-19  Michael Stefaniuccomctl32/tests: Don't cast NULL to an int.
2011-07-06  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tests: Simplify a workaround for old module...
2011-07-04  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tests: Test more return values in tests (Clang).
2011-07-04  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/monthcal: Remove unused variable (Clang).
2011-07-04  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/treeview: Remove redundant initializer (Clang).
2011-07-04  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tab: Make WM_RBUTTONUP reach default window...
2011-06-29  Piotr Cabancomctl32: Fixed tab elements recognition.
2011-06-28  Marcus Meissnercomctl32: Fixed strncpy (Coverity).
2011-06-28  Piotr Cabancomctl32: Make iterator_remove_common_items working...
2011-06-27  Piotr Cabancomctl32: Prevent double theme closing when WM_DESTROY...
2011-06-27  Piotr Cabancomctl32: Make themed button hot when mouse is over it.
2011-06-27  Piotr Cabancomctl32: Improved setting button state.
2011-06-27  Piotr Cabancomctl32: Use vssym32.h instead of tmschema.h.
2011-06-24  Jay Yangcomctl32: Make ComboBoxEx send CBEN_ENDEDIT when select...
2011-06-20  Piotr Cabancomctl32: Don't redraw whole listview in double bufferi...
2011-06-20  Piotr Cabancomctl32: Refresh listview after sorting.
2011-06-20  Piotr Cabancomctl32: Fix area invalidated by LISTVIEW_SetItemT.
2011-06-20  Igor Paliychukcomctl32: Convert Ukrainian resources into utf-8.
2011-06-07  Piotr Cabancomctl32: Fix ListView_Scroll implementation.
2011-06-07  Piotr Cabancomctl32: Fix listview horizontal scrolling.
2011-06-07  Piotr Cabancomctl32: Improve LISTVIEW_MarqueeHighlight performance.
2011-06-06  Marko Nikoliccomctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in...
2011-06-06  Marko Nikoliccomctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in...
2011-06-06  Marko Nikoliccomctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in...
2011-06-06  Marko Nikoliccomctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in...
2011-06-03  Marko Nikoliccomctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in...
2011-06-02  Marko Nikoliccomctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in...
2011-06-02  Marko Nikoliccomctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in...
2011-06-01  Alasdair Sinclaircomctl32/tab: Fully initialize itemData to fix x64...
2011-06-01  Marko Nikoliccomctl32/tests: Removed sign comparison warning in...
2011-06-01  Marko Nikoliccomctl32/tests: Use unsigned constants to remove sign...
2011-05-30  Marko Nikoliccomctl32/tests: Fixed variable type, removed sign compa...
2011-05-25  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/treeview: TVM_EXPAND with TVE_TOGGLE action...
2011-05-23  Gerald Pfeifercomctl32/tests: Add casts to avoid comparison of differ...
2011-05-23  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/treeview: Correctly draw cut items.
2011-05-23  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/treeview: Item text should be vertically aligned.
2011-05-23  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/treeview: Always draw a '+' for TVIS_EXPANDPAR...
2011-05-20  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tests: Some tests for TVM_GETNEXTITEM and...
2011-05-16  Marcus Meissnercomctl32: Mark internal symbols as hidden visibility.
2011-05-16  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/treeview: Get rid of wine prefixed names.
2011-05-16  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/treeview: Properly update image state index...
2011-05-16  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/treeview: Store item state supplied from TVN_G...
2011-05-16  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/treeview: Always return state from TVM_GETITEM...
2011-05-13  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tests: Initialize subitem index.
2011-05-13  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tests: Test return values in uniform way.
2011-05-13  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/listview: Fix parameter validation for LVM_SET...
2011-05-13  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tab: Send NM_RCLICK on WM_RBUTTONUP.
2011-05-12  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tests: Make functions from test macros.
2011-05-11  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/listview: Don't forward HDN_ITEMCHANGING/HDN_I...
2011-05-09  Francois GougetAssorted spelling and case fixes.
2011-05-09  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/listview: Make edit box handle available from...
2011-05-06  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/listview: Don't refuse to set subitem data...
2011-05-06  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tests: Test message result for equality.
2011-05-02  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32: Ignore size field when creating with -W calls.
2011-05-02  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tests: Add more MRU tests.
2011-05-02  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32: Adjust field names and some defines to match...
2011-05-02  Nicolas Le Camcomctl32/tests: Remove a set but unused variable.
2011-04-27  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/syslink: Call default procedure directly when...
2011-04-27  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tests: Remove practically unused parameters...
2011-04-26  Henri Verbeetcomctl32: Return if there's no current selection in...
2011-04-25  Amine Khaldicomctl32: Don't draw text when the number of text lines...
2011-04-25  Frédéric Delanoypo: Add message contexts (and French translations)...
2011-04-13  Austin Englishcomctl32: Remove extraneous parentheses (LLVM/Clang).
2011-04-12  Henri Verbeetcomctl32: Allocate the correct amount of memory for...
2011-04-11  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tab: Use dpa to store item data.
2011-04-11  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/tab: Fix invalid read of item data.
2011-04-04  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/monthcal: Some tests for MCM_SIZERECTTOMIN.
2011-04-04  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/monthcal: Get rid of empty slots in cached...
2011-04-04  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/monthcal: Cache pens, fix line colour.
2011-04-04  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/monthcal: Fix today label position and text...
2011-04-04  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/monthcal: Week numbers use title colour.
2011-04-01  Gerald Pfeifercomctl32: Simplify MONTHCAL_PaintLeadTrailMonths.
2011-03-31  Vincent Povirkcomctl32: Validate the day of month when scrolling...
2011-03-31  Vincent Povirkcomctl32: When entering a month or year, keep the day...
2011-03-31  Vincent Povirkcomctl32: Use current month and year when checking...
2011-03-28  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/listview: Fix edit box text limit.
2011-03-28  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/listview: Adjust dispinfo text buffer length.
2011-03-28  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/monthcal: Clean day painting function.
2011-03-28  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/monthcal: Selection and abbreviations should...
2011-03-28  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/monthcal: Cache brush handles.
2011-03-28  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/monthcal: Fix hit test for previous month.
2011-03-28  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/monthcal: Move partially visible months painti...
2011-03-28  Nikolay Sivovcomctl32/monthcal: Remove outdated comment.
2011-03-28  Marcus Meissnercomctl32: Added missing break (Coverity).
2011-03-16  Francois Gougetcomctl32/tests: Make init_tbsize_result() and tbsize_ad...
2011-03-15  Marcus Meissnercomctl32: Removed array NULL check (Coverity).
2011-03-10  Vincent Povirkcomctl32: Validate text entered in a datetime by the...
2011-03-07  Francois Gougetcomctl32: Add a trailing '\n' to an ERR() call.
2011-03-07  Francois Gougetcomctl32/tests: Add a '\n' to a pair of ok() calls.
2011-03-02  Dmitry Timoshkovcomctl32: 'clip' rect is unused in the WM_ERASEBKGND...
2011-03-01  Peter Urbaneccomctl32: Add a check for setting number of parts in...
2011-02-28  Peter Urbaneccomctl32/tests: Enable statusbar tooltip tests.
2011-02-28  Peter Urbaneccomctl32: Use signed indices, so that the number of...